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0001 # EIC Analysis Bootcamp
0003 Running on Github
0004 -----------------
0005 [![Open in GitHub Codespaces](](
0007 Running on Binder
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0009 [![Binder](](
0011 Running on Google Colab
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0013 [![Open In Colab](](
0015 Contents
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0017 EIC Analysis Bootcamp Notebooks to run on Binder or Google Colab. 
0019 - [![Binder](]( [![Open In Colab](]( Getting Started
0020 - [![Binder](]( [![Open In Colab](]( Accessing Truth Information
0021 - [![Binder](]( [![Open In Colab](]( Determining x and Q<sup>2</sup> from the scattered electron.ipynb
0022 - [![Binder](]( [![Open In Colab](]( Comparing measured and true x and Q<sup>2</sup>.ipynb
0024 Note: Google Colab does not automatically install the necessary packages. See environment.yml for details about the prerequisites you will need to install in the session.