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Warning, /estarlight/production/accel_x_secs/LHeC_eA/EP/x_section_rho.txt is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 >>> printCompilerInfo(): Info: this executable was compiled in '/Users/michaellomnitz/Documents/install_test/eSTARlight/trunk' on May 15 2018 09:44:44 by compiler 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 8.1.0 (clang-802.0.42)
0002 >>> printSvnVersion(): Info: subversion repository revision is 'Unversioned directory'
0003 >>> inputParameters::configureFromFile(): Info: successfully read input parameters from ''
0004 Rapidity beam 1: 12.3686, rapidity beam 2: -8.7055, rapidity CMS system: 1.83156, beam gamma in CMS: 18843.2
0005 Rapidity beam 1 in beam 2 frame: 21.0741, beam 1 gamma in beam 2 frame: 7.10135e+08
0006 >>> inputParameters::init(): Info: using the following starlight parameters:
0007     base file name  ...................... 'slight'
0008     beam 1 atomic number ................... 1
0009     beam 1 atomic mass number .............. 0
0010     beam 2 atomic number ................... 82
0011     beam 2 atomic mass number .............. 208
0012     Lorentz gamma of beams in CM frame ..... 18843.2
0013     mass W of produced hadronic system ..... 0.27914 < W < 1.5275 GeV/c^2
0014     # of W bins ............................ 50
0015     maximum absolute value for rapidity .... 9
0016     # of rapidity bins ..................... 200
0017     # of Egamma bins ....................... 400
0018     cut in pT............................... no
0019     cut in eta.............................. no
0020     production mode ........................ 12
0021     number of events to generate ........... 0
0022     PDG ID of produced particle ............ 113
0023     seed for random generator .............. 5574531
0024     breakup mode for beam particles ........ 5
0025     interference enabled ................... no
0026     coherent scattering off nucleus ........ yes
0027     fixed photon Q2 range .................. 1 < Q2 < 100 GeV/c^2 
0028  Q2_BINS400
0029     Quantum Glauber parameter...............  1
0030     Impulse VM parameter....................  0
0032 #########################################
0033  Initialising Starlight version: trunk...
0034 #########################################
0036 >>> e_starlight::luminosityTableIsValid(): Info: using random seed = 5574531
0037 >>> e_starlight::init(): Info: creating luminosity table for coherent photon-Pomeron channel
0038 Creating Luminosity Tables.
0039 Luminosity Tables created.
0040 Reading in luminosity tables. e_Gammaanarrowvm()
0041 Done reading wylumi file
0042 Creating and calculating crosssection. e_Gammaanarrowvm()
0043  Using Narrow Resonance ...
0044  gamma+nucleon threshold (CMS): 2.876716e-05 GeV 
0045  gamma+nucleon threshold (Target): 7.690000e-01 GeV 
0047  Using fixed Q2 range 1.000 < Q2 < 100.000
0048  Total cross section: 2.024 microb.
0049 >>> e_starlightStandalone::run(): Info: generating events:
0050 Total time 0.000 s (nan ms/ev)