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0001 # eSTARlight
0003 eSTARlight is a Monte Carlo that simulates coherent vector meson photo- and electro-production in electron-ion collisions. It can produce a variety of final states at different center of mass energies for different collision systems at arbitrary values for the photon virtuality.
0006 ## Papers and presentations
0007 * [Exclusive vector meson production at an electron-ion collider]( M. Lomnitz & S. Klein, Physical Review C99, 015203 (2019); also available as arXiv:1803.06420.
0008 * [Coherent vector meson production at an EIC]( M. Lomnitz and S. Klein, Presented at the Workshop for Deep Inelastic Scattering, Kobe Japan, 2018.
0010 ## Authors
0011 * Michael Lomnitz<sup>1</sup>
0012 * Spencer Klein<sup>1</sup>
0014 <sup>1</sup>: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Relativistic Nuclear Collisions Program, Nuclear Science Division.
0016 All rights reserved.
0018 ## Declaration
0019 Portions of this package were originally inherited/based on the [STARlight Monte Carlo]( generator. We would like to acknowledge the authors J. Nystrand, J. Seger and Y. Gorbunov for their contributions to STARlight. This work was funded by the U.S. Department of Energy under contract number DE-AC-76SF00098.
0021 ## Instructions for use
0022 The following instructions illustrate the procedure to install and run eSTARlight in a *nix based environment:
0024 * Download the code package from Github and move to the desired location, i.e.
0025 ```
0026 ~/the_path/estarlight
0027 ```
0028 * Change to the installation directory of your choice
0029 ```
0030 mkdir ~/my/installation/dir
0031 cd ~/my/installation/dir
0032 ```
0033 * Set up the installation using cmake:
0034 ```
0035 cmake ~/the_path/estarlight
0036 ```
0037 * Compile the code using (g)make:
0038 ```
0039 (g)make
0040 ```
0041 * The compilation will produce an executable in your build directory.
0042 If you want the  code to be globally accessible on the computer, run
0043 `CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX` (defaults to `/usr/local`) and then make install.  This will probably
0044 not be possible on large installations like Perlmutter. Alternately,
0045 you can run the executable in your build directory.
0046 ```
0047 (g)make install
0048 ```
0050 * Set up the desired running conditions in the input file:
0051 ```
0052 cp ~/the_path/estarlight/ .
0053 vim
0054 ```
0055   * Note: The electron beam energy is set by:
0056 ```
0057 ELECTRON_BEAM_GAMMA = (Electron Energy)/(0.000511 GeV)
0058 ```
0059   * For example:
0060 ```
0061 ELECTRON_BEAM_GAMMA = 9785 # 5GeV electrons from eRHIC
0062 ELECTRON_BEAM_GAMMA = 19569 #10GeV electrons from eRHIC
0063 ELECTRON_BEAM_GAMMA = 35225 #18GeV electrons from eRHIC
0064 ```
0065   * Note: The constraints on the center-of-mass energy of the vitrual photon and ion is set by:
0066 ```
0067 W_GP_MAX = Max value of W_gp that user can set and wants to use (GeV)
0068 W_GP_MIN = Min value of W_gp that user can set and wants to use (GeV)
0069 ```
0070  * For example:
0071  ```
0072  W_GP_MAX = 30 # W_gp will have a maximum value of 30 GeV.
0073  W_GP_MIN = 2 # W_gp will start to sample from the minimum value of 2 GeV. W_GP_MIN should not be greater than the center-of-mass energy of the electron and ion beams.
0074 ```
0075   * For exclusive backward (u-channel) production, use:
0076 ```
0078 ```
0079 * Run the simulation:
0080 ```
0081 ./e_starlight > output.txt
0082 ```
0083   * output.txt will contain the program log and calculated cross-section for the simulation sample.
0084   * The event catalogue will be emptied into the file slight.out
0085 * Interpret the result. We have provided a macro to convert the output into a ROOT TTree:
0086   ```
0087   root -b -q -l ~/the_path/estarlight/utils/eTTreeMaker.C
0088   ```
0090    * TTree is output to ntuple_slight.root
0092 ## Documentation
0093 A more detailed version of the [README](../blob/master/README.pdf) is included as part of the software package, located in:
0094 ```
0095 ~/the_path/estarlight/Readme.pdf
0096 ~/the_path/estarlight/Readme.docx
0097 ```
0099 Finally, the full documentation with class description and dependencies is also available
0100 as part of the EIC-related software documentation, e.g. [here]( We have included a config file to generate a fresh version of the doxygen documentation. The following steps can be used to generate the documentation:
0102 * Download and install [Doxygen](
0103 * Move into the source directory:
0104 ```
0105 cd ~/the_path/estarlight/
0106 ```
0107 If necessary, delete previous documentation to avoid any conflicts:
0108 ```
0109 rm ~/the_path/estarlight/doxygen/html/*
0110 ```
0111 Generate the documentation:
0112 ```
0113 doxygen estarlightDoxyfile.conf
0114 ```
0115 The documentation should be generated and available in the previous location.
0118 To view the documentation:
0119 - Open the file ~/the_path/estarlight/doxygen/html/index.html
0121 ## Using with HepMC3 output
0122 HepMC3 can be found at The README should be referred to for installation. For quick installation, the following can be used.
0123 ```
0124 mkdir hepmc3
0125 cd hepmc3
0126 git clone
0127 mkdir hepmc3-build
0128 cd hepmc3-build
0130 ```
0131 Running tests at this point will result in errors so first compile the test directory:
0132 ```
0133 cd test
0134 make
0135 cd ..
0136 make test
0137 ```
0138 You should get the output: `100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 23`.
0139 Now install:
0140 ```
0141 make install
0142 ```
0143 To compile eSTARlight with HepMC3 output enabled, use:
0144 ```
0145 cmake /pathto/estarlight -DENABLE_HEPMC3=ON -DHepMC3_DIR=/pathto/hepmc3/hepmc3-install
0146 ```
0147 NOTE: running `make install` on your eSTARlight build when using HepMC3 may result in errors on some systems. If this is the case, it is recommended to not install eSTARlight when using HepMC3 and simply run the code from the build directory.