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EIC code displayed by LXR



Warning, /epic/compact/far_backward/lumi/collimator.xml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <!-- SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later -->
0002 <!-- Copyright (C) 2022 Justin Chan -->
0004 <lccdd>
0006   <comment>
0007   Collimater outer dimensions chosen to match the ZEUS design for the Luminosity monitor.
0008   Inner dimensions chosen to be 5*sigma for photon beam evaluated at far Z-end of collimator location, calculated using the max angular divergencies of the electron beam.
0009   Outer dimensions are full lengths.  Inner ones are half lengths.
0010   </comment>
0012   <detectors>
0013     <detector
0014       name="LumiCollimator"
0015       type="LumiCollimator"
0016       vis="Shape1_vis">
0017       <dimensions_outer x="13/2.*cm" y="13/2.*cm" z="LumiColl_DZ/2."/>
0018       <dimensions_inner
0019         x="LumiBeamDiv_pref * (fabs(LumiColl_Z) + LumiColl_DZ/2.)"
0020         y="LumiBeamDiv_pref * (fabs(LumiColl_Z) + LumiColl_DZ/2.)"
0021         z="LumiColl_DZ/2."/>
0022       <position   x="LumiColl_X" y="LumiColl_Y" z="LumiColl_Z"/>
0023       <rotation   x="0*rad" y="0*rad" z="0*rad"/>
0024     </detector>
0025   </detectors>
0027 </lccdd>