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0001 ---
0002 title: "Open Tasks"
0003 layout: base
0004 name: tasks
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0007 <h1> Open Tasks</h1>
0009 ---
0011 * TOC
0012 {:toc}
0014 ---
0016 ## CAD import
0018 * MOU with INFN as we plan to use their converter (Makoto, Andrea, Markus)
0019 * Verify that we can import the latest CAD files from the EIC project
0020 * Make the latest GDML files available as part of the east-geometry repository with Git LFS support
0021 * Document the CAD import (Wouter, Makoto, Maxim)
0022 * Test the silicon tracker CAD model by James Fast (not for now)
0024 ## Fast Simulations
0026 * Create an example calorimeter geometry in eAST
0027   * 12/01/21 kk: Done, can get (components of) ECCE and ATHENA, see [Examples](examples).
0028   * Periodically make ECCE and ATHENA gdml files available in eAST Git LFS repository (Kolja)
0029 * Give an example for fast simulations in eAST, perhaps for one region (Kolja, Maxim, Makoto)
0031 ## Full Simulations
0033 * Afterburner (Markus will discuss with Jin, Makoto)
0034   * Including option to turn off pre-assigned decay procedure
0035 * Time structure (Makoto)
0036   * For streaming readout study
0037 * Implementation of detector components
0038   * Separate file (either C++ or GDML) for each component
0039   * Associated sensitive detector is preferred but not mandatory
0040   * Define detector regions
0041 * Import detector components from ATHENA or ECCE in eAST, including sensitive detectors if available
0042 * Physics List
0043   * Migration to Geant4 version 11.0 (Makoto)
0044   * Validation with CLAS12 simulations (Maurizio)
0045   * Add options (e.g. NeutronHP, Optical photon) (Makoto)
0046 * Validation
0047   * Ask for test-beam data (Markus, Torre)
0048   * Can we work with the test setup from the CUA calorimeter tests? 
0049     -- Ask them if they can make GDML file (Markus)
0051 ## Documentation
0053 * Document key eAST features on the website (Makoto, Maxim, Kolja, Wouter, etc)
0054 * Document how to reuse existing detector simulation in eAST
0055 * Prepare an online tutorial
0057 ## Promotion
0059 * Select proper graphics including event display snapshots to demonstrate eAST capabilities