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0001 #include <cmath>
0002 #include <algorithm>
0003 #include <unordered_map>
0005 #include "Acts/ActsVersion.hpp"
0006 #include "Acts/Definitions/Units.hpp"
0007 #include "Acts/Definitions/Common.hpp"
0008 #include "Acts/Geometry/TrackingGeometry.hpp"
0010 #include "Acts/Seeding/BinFinder.hpp"
0011 #include "Acts/Seeding/BinnedSPGroup.hpp"
0012 #include "Acts/Seeding/SeedfinderConfig.hpp"
0013 #include "Acts/Seeding/SpacePointGrid.hpp"
0014 #include "Acts/Seeding/SeedFilter.hpp"
0015 #include "Acts/Seeding/Seedfinder.hpp"
0016 #include "Acts/Seeding/EstimateTrackParamsFromSeed.hpp"
0017 #include "Acts/Surfaces/PerigeeSurface.hpp"
0019 // Gaudi
0020 #include "GaudiAlg/GaudiAlgorithm.h"
0021 #include "GaudiKernel/ToolHandle.h"
0022 #include "GaudiAlg/Transformer.h"
0023 #include "GaudiAlg/GaudiTool.h"
0024 #include "GaudiKernel/RndmGenerators.h"
0025 #include "Gaudi/Property.h"
0027 #include "JugBase/DataHandle.h"
0028 #include "JugBase/IGeoSvc.h"
0029 #include "JugBase/BField/DD4hepBField.h"
0030 #include "JugTrack/IndexSourceLink.hpp"
0031 #include "JugTrack/Measurement.hpp"
0032 #include "JugTrack/Track.hpp"
0034 #include "edm4eic/TrackerHitCollection.h"
0036 #include "Math/Vector3D.h"
0039   ///// (Reconstructed) track parameters e.g. close to the vertex.
0040   //using TrackParameters = Acts::CurvilinearTrackParameters;
0042   ///// Container of reconstructed track states for multiple tracks.
0043   //using TrackParametersContainer = std::vector<TrackParameters>;
0045   ///// MultiTrajectory definition
0046   //using Trajectory = Acts::MultiTrajectory<SourceLink>;
0048   ///// Container for the truth fitting/finding track(s)
0049   //using TrajectoryContainer = std::vector<SimMultiTrajectory>;
0051 namespace Jug::Reco {
0053     /** Initial Track parameters from MC truth.
0054      *
0055      *  TrackParmetersContainer
0056      *  \ingroup tracking
0057      */
0058     class TrackParamACTSSeeding : public GaudiAlgorithm {
0059     public:
0060         DataHandle<IndexSourceLinkContainer>
0061         m_inputSourceLinks { "inputSourceLinks",
0062             Gaudi::DataHandle::Reader, this };
0063         DataHandle<MeasurementContainer>
0064         m_inputMeasurements { "inputMeasurements",
0065             Gaudi::DataHandle::Reader, this};
0066         DataHandle<edm4eic::TrackerHitCollection>
0067         m_inputHitCollection { "inputHitCollection",
0068             Gaudi::DataHandle::Reader, this };
0069         DataHandle<TrackParametersContainer>
0070         m_outputInitialTrackParameters {
0071             "outputInitialTrackParameters",
0072             Gaudi::DataHandle::Writer, this };
0074         SmartIF<IGeoSvc> m_geoSvc;
0075         Acts::GeometryContext m_geoContext;
0076         std::shared_ptr<const Jug::BField::DD4hepBField> m_BField =
0077             nullptr;
0078         Acts::MagneticFieldContext m_fieldContext;
0080         /// Index type to reference elements in a container.
0081         ///
0082         /// We do not expect to have more than 2^32 elements in any
0083         /// given container so a fixed sized integer type is
0084         /// sufficient.
0085         //using Index = eic::Index;
0087         /// Space point representation of eic::TrackerHitData suitable
0088         /// for ACTS track seeding.
0089         class SpacePoint : edm4eic::TrackerHitData {
0090         public:
0091             int32_t _measurementIndex;
0092             // Constructor to circumvent the fact that eic::TrackerHit
0093             // and associated classes are all non-polymorphic
0094             SpacePoint(const edm4eic::TrackerHit h,
0095                        const int32_t measurementIndex)
0096                 : _measurementIndex(measurementIndex)
0097             {
0098                 position = h.getPosition();
0099                 positionError = h.getPositionError();
0100             }
0101             constexpr float x() const { return position.x; }
0102             constexpr float y() const { return position.y; }
0103             constexpr float z() const { return position.z; }
0104             float r() const { return std::hypot(x(), y()); }
0105             float varianceR() const
0106             {
0107                 return (std::pow(x(), 2) * positionError.xx +
0108                         std::pow(y(), 2) * positionError.yy) /
0109                     (std::pow(x(), 2) + std::pow(y(), 2));
0110             }
0111             constexpr float varianceZ() const { return positionError.zz; }
0112             constexpr uint32_t measurementIndex() const {
0113                 return _measurementIndex; }
0114         };
0116         static bool spCompare(SpacePoint r, SpacePoint s)
0117         {
0118             return
0119                 std::hypot(r.x(), r.y(), r.z()) <
0120                 std::hypot(s.x(), s.y(), s.z());
0121         }
0123         /// Container of sim seed
0124         using SeedContainer = std::vector<Acts::Seed<SpacePoint>>;
0126         /// A proto track is a collection of hits identified by their
0127         /// indices.
0128         using ProtoTrack = std::vector<Index>;
0129         /// Container of proto tracks. Each proto track is identified by
0130         /// its index.
0131         using ProtoTrackContainer = std::vector<ProtoTrack>;
0133         using SpacePointContainer = std::vector<SpacePoint>;
0135         struct Config {
0136             /// Input space point collections.
0137             ///
0138             /// We allow multiple space point collections to allow
0139             /// different parts of the detector to use different
0140             /// algorithms for space point construction, e.g.
0141             /// single-hit space points for pixel-like detectors or
0142             /// double-hit space points for strip-like detectors.
0143             std::vector<std::string> inputSpacePoints;
0144             /// Output track seed collection.
0145             std::string outputSeeds;
0146             /// Output proto track collection.
0147             std::string outputProtoTracks;
0149             float bFieldInZ = 3 * Acts::UnitConstants::T;
0150             float minPt = 500 * Acts::UnitConstants::MeV;
0151             float rMax = 440 * Acts::UnitConstants::mm;
0152             float zMin = -1500 * Acts::UnitConstants::mm;
0153             float zMax = 1700 * Acts::UnitConstants::mm;
0154             float deltaRMin = 1 * Acts::UnitConstants::mm;
0155             float deltaRMax = 600 * Acts::UnitConstants::mm;
0156             float cotThetaMax = sinh(4.01);
0157             //
0158             float collisionRegionMin = -250 * Acts::UnitConstants::mm;
0159             float collisionRegionMax = 250 * Acts::UnitConstants::mm;
0160             float maxSeedsPerSpM = 6;
0161             float sigmaScattering = 5;
0162             float radLengthPerSeed = 0.1;
0163             float beamPosX = 0 * Acts::UnitConstants::mm;
0164             float beamPosY = 0 * Acts::UnitConstants::mm;
0165             float impactMax = 3 * Acts::UnitConstants::mm;
0167             /// The minimum magnetic field to trigger the track
0168             /// parameters estimation
0169             double bFieldMin = 0.1 * Acts::UnitConstants::T;
0171             /// Constant term of the loc0 resolution.
0172             double sigmaLoc0 = 25 * Acts::UnitConstants::um;
0173             /// Constant term of the loc1 resolution.
0174             double sigmaLoc1 = 100 * Acts::UnitConstants::um;
0175             /// Phi angular resolution.
0176             double sigmaPhi = 0.02 * Acts::UnitConstants::degree;
0177             /// Theta angular resolution.
0178             double sigmaTheta = 0.02 * Acts::UnitConstants::degree;
0179             /// q/p resolution.
0180             double sigmaQOverP = 0.1 / Acts::UnitConstants::GeV;
0181             /// Time resolution.
0182             double sigmaT0 = 1400 * Acts::UnitConstants::s;
0184         int numPhiNeighbors = 1;
0186             // vector containing the map of z bins in the top and bottom layers
0187             std::vector<std::pair<int, int> > zBinNeighborsTop;
0188             std::vector<std::pair<int, int> > zBinNeighborsBottom;
0189         } m_cfg;
0190         Acts::SpacePointGridConfig m_gridCfg;
0191         Acts::SeedfinderConfig<SpacePoint> m_finderCfg;
0192         /// The track parameters covariance (assumed to be the same
0193         /// for all estimated track parameters for the moment)
0194         Acts::BoundSymMatrix m_covariance =
0195             Acts::BoundSymMatrix::Zero();
0197     public:
0198         TrackParamACTSSeeding(const std::string &name,
0199                               ISvcLocator* svcLoc)
0200             : GaudiAlgorithm(name, svcLoc) {
0201             declareProperty("inputSourceLinks",
0202                             m_inputSourceLinks, "");
0203             declareProperty("inputMeasurements",
0204                             m_inputMeasurements, "");
0205             declareProperty("inputHitCollection",
0206                             m_inputHitCollection, "");
0207             declareProperty("outputInitialTrackParameters",
0208                             m_outputInitialTrackParameters, "");
0209         }
0211         StatusCode initialize() override;
0213         void
0214         findSeed(SeedContainer &seeds,
0215                  const edm4eic::TrackerHitCollection *hits,
0216                  const IndexSourceLinkContainer *sourceLinks,
0217                  const MeasurementContainer *measurements,
0218                  Acts::Seedfinder<SpacePoint>::State &state);
0220         StatusCode execute() override;
0221     };
0224     StatusCode TrackParamACTSSeeding::initialize()
0225     {
0226         if (GaudiAlgorithm::initialize().isFailure()) {
0227             return StatusCode::FAILURE;
0228         }
0230         m_geoSvc = service("GeoSvc");
0231         if (m_geoSvc == nullptr) {
0232             error() << "Unable to locate Geometry Service. " << endmsg;
0233             return StatusCode::FAILURE;
0234         }
0236         m_BField = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<
0237             const Jug::BField::DD4hepBField>(
0238                 m_geoSvc->getFieldProvider());
0239         m_fieldContext = Jug::BField::BFieldVariant(m_BField);
0241         m_gridCfg.bFieldInZ = m_cfg.bFieldInZ;
0242         m_gridCfg.minPt = m_cfg.minPt;
0243         m_gridCfg.rMax = m_cfg.rMax;
0244         m_gridCfg.zMax = m_cfg.zMax;
0245         m_gridCfg.zMin = m_cfg.zMin;
0246         m_gridCfg.cotThetaMax = m_cfg.cotThetaMax;
0248         m_gridCfg.deltaRMax = m_cfg.deltaRMax;
0250         // Construct seed filter
0251         Acts::SeedFilterConfig filterCfg;
0252         filterCfg.maxSeedsPerSpM = m_cfg.maxSeedsPerSpM;
0253         m_finderCfg.seedFilter =
0254             std::make_unique<Acts::SeedFilter<SpacePoint>>(
0255                 Acts::SeedFilter<SpacePoint>(filterCfg));
0257         m_finderCfg.rMax = m_cfg.rMax;
0258         m_finderCfg.deltaRMin = m_cfg.deltaRMin;
0259         m_finderCfg.deltaRMax = m_cfg.deltaRMax;
0260         m_finderCfg.collisionRegionMin = m_cfg.collisionRegionMin;
0261         m_finderCfg.collisionRegionMax = m_cfg.collisionRegionMax;
0262         m_finderCfg.zMin = m_cfg.zMin;
0263         m_finderCfg.zMax = m_cfg.zMax;
0264         m_finderCfg.maxSeedsPerSpM = m_cfg.maxSeedsPerSpM;
0265         m_finderCfg.cotThetaMax = m_cfg.cotThetaMax;
0266         m_finderCfg.sigmaScattering = m_cfg.sigmaScattering;
0267         m_finderCfg.radLengthPerSeed = m_cfg.radLengthPerSeed;
0268         m_finderCfg.minPt = m_cfg.minPt;
0269         m_finderCfg.bFieldInZ = m_cfg.bFieldInZ;
0270         m_finderCfg.beamPos =
0271             Acts::Vector2(m_cfg.beamPosX, m_cfg.beamPosY);
0272         m_finderCfg.impactMax = m_cfg.impactMax;
0274         // Set up the track parameters covariance (the same for all
0275         // tracks)
0276         m_covariance(Acts::eBoundLoc0, Acts::eBoundLoc0) =
0277             std::pow(m_cfg.sigmaLoc0, 2);
0278         m_covariance(Acts::eBoundLoc1, Acts::eBoundLoc1) =
0279             std::pow(m_cfg.sigmaLoc1, 2);
0280         m_covariance(Acts::eBoundPhi, Acts::eBoundPhi) =
0281             std::pow(m_cfg.sigmaPhi, 2);
0282         m_covariance(Acts::eBoundTheta, Acts::eBoundTheta) =
0283             std::pow(m_cfg.sigmaTheta, 2);
0284         m_covariance(Acts::eBoundQOverP, Acts::eBoundQOverP) =
0285             std::pow(m_cfg.sigmaQOverP, 2);
0286         m_covariance(Acts::eBoundTime, Acts::eBoundTime) =
0287             std::pow(m_cfg.sigmaT0, 2);
0289         return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
0290     }
0292     void TrackParamACTSSeeding::
0293     findSeed(SeedContainer &seeds,
0294              const edm4eic::TrackerHitCollection *hits,
0295              const IndexSourceLinkContainer *sourceLinks,
0296              const MeasurementContainer *measurements,
0297              Acts::Seedfinder<SpacePoint>::State &state)
0298     {
0299         // Sadly, eic::TrackerHit and eic::TrackerHitData are
0300     // non-polymorphic
0301         std::vector<SpacePoint> spacePoint;
0302         std::vector<const SpacePoint *> spacePointPtrs;
0303         // extent used to store r range for middle spacepoint
0304         Acts::Extent rRangeSPExtent;
0306         std::shared_ptr<const Acts::TrackingGeometry>
0307             trackingGeometry = m_geoSvc->trackingGeometry();
0309         if (msgLevel(MSG::DEBUG)) {
0310             debug() << __FILE__ << ':' << __LINE__ << ": "
0311                     << sourceLinks->size() << ' '
0312                     << measurements->size() << ' '
0313                     << hits->size() << endmsg;
0314         }
0315         auto its = sourceLinks->begin();
0316         auto itm = measurements->begin();
0317         for (; its != sourceLinks->end() &&
0318                  itm != measurements->end();
0319              its++, itm++) {
0320             const Acts::Surface *surface = trackingGeometry->findSurface(its->get().geometryId());
0321             if (surface != nullptr) {
0322                 Acts::Vector3 v = surface->localToGlobal(m_geoContext, {std::get<Acts::Measurement<Acts::BoundIndices, 2>>(*itm).parameters()[0], std::get<Acts::Measurement<Acts::BoundIndices, 2>>(*itm).parameters()[1]}, {0, 0, 0});
0323                 if (msgLevel(MSG::DEBUG)) {
0324                     debug() << __FILE__ << ':' << __LINE__ << ": "
0325                             << its - sourceLinks->begin() << ' '
0326                         // << itm - measurements->begin() << ' '
0327                             << v[0] << ' ' << v[1] << ' ' << v[2]
0328                             << endmsg;
0329                 }
0330 #ifdef USE_LOCAL_COORD
0331                 spacePoint.push_back(
0332                     SpacePoint(
0333                         edm4eic::TrackerHit(
0334                             static_cast<uint64_t>(spacePoint.size()),
0335                             {v[0], v[1], v[2]},
0336                             {25.0e-6 / 3.0,
0337                              25.0e-6 / 3.0, 0.0},
0338                             0.0, 10.0, 0.05, 0.0),
0339                         static_cast<int32_t>(spacePoint.size())));
0340                 spacePointPtrs.push_back(&spacePoint.back());
0341                 rRangeSPExtent.check({ spacePoint.back().x(),
0342                                        spacePoint.back().y(),
0343                                        spacePoint.back().z() });
0344 #endif // USE_LOCAL_COORD
0345             }
0346         }
0348         for(const auto &h : *hits) {
0349             if (msgLevel(MSG::DEBUG)) {
0350                 debug() << __FILE__ << ':' << __LINE__ << ": "
0351                         << ' ' << h.getPosition().x
0352                         << ' ' << h.getPosition().y
0353                         << ' ' << h.getPosition().z
0354                         << ' ' << h.getPositionError().xx
0355                         << ' ' << h.getPositionError().yy
0356                         << ' ' << h.getPositionError().zz
0357                         << ' ' << h.getTime()
0358                         << ' ' << h.getTimeError()
0359                         << ' ' << h.getEdep()
0360                         << ' ' << h.getEdepError()
0361                         << endmsg;
0362             }
0363 #ifndef USE_LOCAL_COORD
0364             spacePoint.push_back(SpacePoint(h, static_cast<int32_t>(spacePoint.size())));
0365             spacePointPtrs.push_back(&spacePoint.back());
0366             rRangeSPExtent.check({ spacePoint.back().x(),
0367                                    spacePoint.back().y(),
0368                                    spacePoint.back().z() });
0369 #endif // USE_LOCAL_COORD
0370         }
0371         if (msgLevel(MSG::DEBUG)) {
0372             debug() << __FILE__ << ':' << __LINE__ << ": " << endmsg;
0373         }
0375         auto extractGlobalQuantities =
0376             [=](const SpacePoint& sp, float, float, float) ->
0377             std::pair<Acts::Vector3, Acts::Vector2> {
0378                 Acts::Vector3 position { sp.x(), sp.y(), sp.z() };
0379                 Acts::Vector2 covariance {
0380                     sp.varianceR(), sp.varianceZ() };
0381                 return std::make_pair(position, covariance);
0382         };
0383         if (msgLevel(MSG::DEBUG)) {
0384             debug() << __FILE__ << ':' << __LINE__ << ": " << endmsg;
0385         }
0387         auto bottomBinFinder =
0388             std::make_shared<Acts::BinFinder<SpacePoint>>(
0389                 Acts::BinFinder<SpacePoint>(m_cfg.zBinNeighborsBottom,
0390                                             m_cfg.numPhiNeighbors));
0391         if (msgLevel(MSG::DEBUG)) {
0392             debug() << __FILE__ << ':' << __LINE__ << ": " << endmsg;
0393         }
0394         auto topBinFinder =
0395             std::make_shared<Acts::BinFinder<SpacePoint>>(
0396                 Acts::BinFinder<SpacePoint>(m_cfg.zBinNeighborsTop,
0397                                             m_cfg.numPhiNeighbors));
0398         if (msgLevel(MSG::DEBUG)) {
0399             debug() << __FILE__ << ':' << __LINE__ << ": " << endmsg;
0400         }
0402         auto grid =
0403             Acts::SpacePointGridCreator::createGrid<SpacePoint>(
0404                 m_gridCfg);
0405         if (msgLevel(MSG::DEBUG)) {
0406             debug() << __FILE__ << ':' << __LINE__ << ": " << endmsg;
0407         }
0409         auto spacePointsGrouping =
0410             Acts::BinnedSPGroup<SpacePoint>(
0411                 spacePointPtrs.begin(), spacePointPtrs.end(),
0412                 extractGlobalQuantities, bottomBinFinder,
0413                 topBinFinder, std::move(grid), m_finderCfg);
0414         auto finder = Acts::Seedfinder<SpacePoint>(m_finderCfg);
0416         if (msgLevel(MSG::DEBUG)) {
0417             debug() << __FILE__ << ':' << __LINE__
0418                     << ": spacePointsGrouping.size() = "
0419                     << spacePointsGrouping.size() << endmsg;
0420         }
0421 #if 0
0422         topBinFinder.get();
0423         bottomBinFinder.get();
0424 #endif
0425         // Run the seeding
0426         seeds.clear();
0428         auto group = spacePointsGrouping.begin();
0429         auto groupEnd = spacePointsGrouping.end();
0430 #if 1
0431         for (; !(group == groupEnd); ++group) {
0432             finder.createSeedsForGroup(
0433                 state, std::back_inserter(seeds),
0434                 group.bottom(), group.middle(),,
0435                 rRangeSPExtent);
0436         }
0437 #endif
0439         if (msgLevel(MSG::DEBUG)) {
0440             debug() << "seeds.size() = " << seeds.size() << endmsg;
0441         }
0442     }
0444     StatusCode TrackParamACTSSeeding::execute()
0445     {
0446         const edm4eic::TrackerHitCollection *hits =
0447             m_inputHitCollection.get();
0448         const IndexSourceLinkContainer *sourceLinks =
0449             m_inputSourceLinks.get();
0450         const MeasurementContainer *measurements =
0451             m_inputMeasurements.get();
0452         // Create output collections
0453         auto initTrackParameters =
0454             m_outputInitialTrackParameters.createAndPut();
0456         static thread_local SeedContainer seeds;
0457         static thread_local Acts::Seedfinder<SpacePoint>::State state;
0459         findSeed(seeds, hits, sourceLinks, measurements, state);
0461         TrackParametersContainer trackParameters;
0462         ProtoTrackContainer tracks;
0463         trackParameters.reserve(seeds.size());
0464         tracks.reserve(seeds.size());
0466         std::shared_ptr<const Acts::TrackingGeometry>
0467             trackingGeometry = m_geoSvc->trackingGeometry();
0468         std::shared_ptr<const Acts::MagneticFieldProvider>
0469             magneticField = m_geoSvc->getFieldProvider();
0471         if (msgLevel(MSG::DEBUG)) { debug() << __FILE__ << ':' << __LINE__ << ": " << endmsg; }
0472         auto bCache = magneticField->makeCache(m_fieldContext);
0474         std::unordered_map<size_t, bool> spTaken;
0476         for (size_t iseed = 0; iseed < seeds.size(); iseed++) {
0477             const auto &seed = seeds[iseed];
0478             // Get the bottom space point and its reference surface
0479             const auto bottomSP = seed.sp().front();
0480             auto hitIdx = bottomSP->measurementIndex();
0481             // if (msgLevel(MSG::DEBUG)) {
0482             //     // debug() << __FILE__ << ':' << __LINE__ << ": iseed = " << iseed << ", seed.sp().size() = " << seed.sp().size() << ", hitIdx = " << hitIdx << endmsg;
0483             //     for (auto i : seed.sp()) {
0484             //         // debug() << __FILE__ << ':' << __LINE__ << ": " << i->measurementIndex() << ", " << i->x() << ", " << i->y() << ", " << i->z() << endmsg;
0485             //     }
0486             // }
0487             // Guard against any memory access issues
0488             hitIdx = std::min(hitIdx, static_cast<uint32_t>(
0489                 sourceLinks->size() - 1));
0490             const Acts::Surface *surface = nullptr;
0491             for (auto &s : *sourceLinks) {
0492                 surface = trackingGeometry->findSurface(s.get().geometryId());
0493                 if (surface != nullptr &&
0494                     surface->isOnSurface(
0495                         m_geoContext,
0496                         {bottomSP->x(), bottomSP->y(), bottomSP->z()},
0497                         {0, 0, 0})) {
0498                     break;
0499                 }
0500             }
0501             if (surface == nullptr && msgLevel(MSG::DEBUG)) {
0502                 debug() << "hit " << hitIdx
0503                         << " is not found in the tracking gemetry"
0504                         << endmsg;
0505                 continue;
0506             }
0508             if (msgLevel(MSG::DEBUG)) {
0509                 debug() << __FILE__ << ':' << __LINE__
0510                         << ": iseed = " << iseed << ", "
0511                         << surface->type() << ", "
0512                         << surface->center(m_geoContext).x() << ", "
0513                         << surface->center(m_geoContext).y() << ", "
0514                         << surface->center(m_geoContext).z()
0515                         << endmsg;
0516             }
0518             // Get the magnetic field at the bottom space point
0519             auto fieldRes = magneticField->getField(
0520                 {bottomSP->x(), bottomSP->y(), bottomSP->z()},
0521                 bCache);
0522             if (msgLevel(MSG::DEBUG)) { debug() << __FILE__ << ':' << __LINE__ << ": " << endmsg; }
0523             // Estimate the track parameters from seed
0524             auto optParams = Acts::estimateTrackParamsFromSeed(
0525                 m_geoContext, seed.sp().begin(), seed.sp().end(),
0526                 *surface, *fieldRes, m_cfg.bFieldMin);
0527             if (msgLevel(MSG::DEBUG)) { debug() << __FILE__ << ':' << __LINE__ << ": " << endmsg; }
0528             if (not optParams.has_value()) {
0529                 debug() << "Estimation of track parameters for seed "
0530                         << iseed << " failed." << endmsg;
0531                 continue;
0532             }
0533             else if (!(spTaken[seed.sp()[0]->measurementIndex()] ||
0534                        spTaken[seed.sp()[1]->measurementIndex()] ||
0535                        spTaken[seed.sp()[2]->measurementIndex()])) {
0536                 const auto& params = optParams.value();
0537                 const double charge =
0538                     std::copysign(1, params[Acts::eBoundQOverP]);
0539                 initTrackParameters->emplace_back(
0540                     surface->getSharedPtr(), params, charge,
0541                     m_covariance);
0542                 // Activate/deactivate for unique seed filtering
0543 #if 0
0544                 spTaken[seed.sp()[0]->measurementIndex()] = true;
0545                 spTaken[seed.sp()[1]->measurementIndex()] = true;
0546                 spTaken[seed.sp()[2]->measurementIndex()] = true;
0547 #endif
0548             }
0549             if (msgLevel(MSG::DEBUG)) { debug() << __FILE__ << ':' << __LINE__ << ": " << endmsg; }
0550         }
0552         return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
0553     }
0555     DECLARE_COMPONENT(TrackParamACTSSeeding)
0556 } // namespace Jug::reco