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0001 //
0002 // Created by xmei on 9/7/22.
0003 //
0005 #pragma once
0007 #include <JANA/JApplication.h>
0008 #include <map>
0009 #include <string>
0010 #include <vector>
0012 #ifdef alignas
0013 // FIXME may be removed when minimum version in CMakeLists.txt includes the PR below
0014 #error JANA defines alignas macro; for patch see
0015 #endif
0017 namespace jana {
0019     enum Flag {
0020         Unknown,
0021         ShowUsage,
0022         ShowVersion,
0023         ShowJANAVersion,
0024         ShowDefaultPlugins,
0025         ShowAvailablePlugins,
0026         ShowConfigs,
0027         LoadConfigs,
0028         DumpConfigs,
0029         Benchmark,
0030         ListFactories
0031     };
0033     struct UserOptions {
0034         /// Code representation of all user options.
0035         /// This lets us cleanly separate args parsing from execution.
0037         std::map<Flag, bool> flags;
0038         std::map<std::string, std::string> params;
0039         std::vector<std::string> eventSources;
0040         std::string load_config_file;
0041         std::string dump_config_file;
0042     };
0044     /// Read the user options from the command line and initialize @param options.
0045     /// If there are certain flags, mark them as true.
0046     /// Push the event source strings to @param options.eventSources.
0047     /// Push the parameter strings to @param options.params as key-value pairs.
0048     /// If the user option is to load or dump a config file, initialize @param options.load/dump_config_file
0049     UserOptions GetCliOptions(int nargs, char *argv[], bool expect_extra=true);
0051     /// If the user option contains print only flags, print the info ann return true; otherwise return false.
0052     /// The print only flags include: "-v", "-h", "-L", "--list_default_plugins", "--list_available_plugins".
0053     /// When the info is shown, the application will exit immediately.
0054     bool HasPrintOnlyCliOptions(UserOptions& options, std::vector<std::string> const& default_plugins);
0056     void PrintUsage();
0057     void PrintVersion();
0059     /// List the @param default_plugins in a table.
0060     /// @param default_plugins is given at the top of the
0061     void PrintDefaultPlugins(std::vector<std::string> const& default_plugins);
0063     /// List all the available plugins at @env_var $JANA_PLUGIN_PATH and @env_var $EICrecon_MY/plugins.
0064     /// @note Does not guarantee the effectiveness of the plugins.
0065     /// @note The plugins can be override if they use the same name under different locations.
0066     void PrintAvailablePlugins(std::vector<std::string> const& default_plugins);
0068     /// Add the default plugins and the plugins at $EICrecon_MY/plugins to @param options.params.
0069     /// It comes before creating the @class JApplication.
0070     void AddAvailablePluginsToOptionParams(UserOptions& options, std::vector<std::string> const& default_plugins);
0072     void AddDefaultPluginsToJApplication(JApplication* app, std::vector<std::string> const& default_plugins);
0074     void PrintFactories(JApplication* app);
0075     void PrintPodioCollections(JApplication* app);
0077     /// Copy the @param options params (from the cli or the config file) to a JParameterManager @var para_mgr.
0078     /// Create an empty JApplication @var app.
0079     /// Add the event sources got from the cli input to @var app, and then return.
0080     /// @note The cli -Pkey=value pairs are not processed when the function returns. They are processed,
0081     /// or, added to @var app at calling JApplication::Initialize().
0082     JApplication* CreateJApplication(UserOptions& options);
0083     int Execute(JApplication* app, UserOptions& options);
0085 }