File indexing completed on 2025-02-21 10:21:18
0001 {% comment %}
0002 This file enables manual episode ordering until
0003 GitHub Pages switches to Jekyll that supports it
0004 without any major hackery. Note, some logic will
0005 be required even when this transition happens
0006 but it will not be as involved as what we have to do
0007 in this file.
0009 To order lesson episodes or extras manually
0010 (instead of the default alpha-numerical order),
0011 create array variables 'episode_order' and
0012 'extras_order' in `_config.yml` like so:
0014 episode_order:
0015 - episodeA
0016 - episodeB
0018 extras_order:
0019 - extraA
0020 - extraB
0022 Note that "Reference" page is currently always
0023 added to "Extras" as the first item.
0025 The main outcomes of the code in this file are:
0026 - 'lesson_episodes' variable that replaces
0027 'site.episodes' variable when manual episode
0028 order is defined.
0029 - 'lesson_extras' variable that replaces
0030 'site.extras' variable when manual ordering of
0031 files in '_extras' is used
0032 - 'previous_episode' and 'next_episode' objects
0033 that replace 'page.previous' and '' variables,
0034 correspondingly, and that have such properties
0035 as 'url' and 'title' and that are used in
0036 'episode_navbar.html'.
0038 When episode order is specified manually, the 'lesson_episodes'
0039 variable contains a list of episode names ("slugs", to be precise;
0040 "slug" is the episode name without '.md'). Therefore, when we
0041 iterate over 'lesson_episodes' (in syllabus.html and navbar.html) ,
0042 we have to check whether we use manual episode ordering and, if so,
0043 find the corresponding episode object. This is what we do with the
0044 following code in every loop over 'lesson_episodes':
0046 {% if site.episode_order %}
0047 {% assign episode = site.episodes | where: "slug", lesson_episode | first %}
0048 {% else %}
0049 {% assign episode = lesson_episode %}
0050 {% endif %}
0051 {% endcomment %}
0053 {% comment %}
0054 Manual ordering of Episodes begins here
0055 {% endcomment %}
0057 {% if site.episode_order %}
0058 {% assign lesson_episodes = site.episode_order %}
0059 {% else %}
0060 {% assign lesson_episodes = site.episodes %}
0061 {% endif %}
0064 {% comment %}
0065 If 'episode_order' is defined, we need to determine
0066 - previous episode object ('previous_episode')
0067 - and next episode object ('next_episode')
0068 {% endcomment %}
0071 {% if site.episode_order %}
0072 {% for lesson_episode in lesson_episodes %}
0074 {% comment %}
0075 We iterate over the specified lesson episodes using
0076 a 'for' loop because we can use
0077 'forloop.first', 'forloop.last', and 'forloop.index0'.
0078 {% endcomment %}
0080 {% unless lesson_episode == page.slug %} {% continue %} {% endunless %}
0082 {% if forloop.first %}
0083 {% assign previous_episode = nil %}
0084 {% else %}
0085 {% assign p_idx = forloop.index0 | minus: 1 %}
0086 {% assign p_name = lesson_episodes[p_idx] %}
0087 {% assign previous_episode = site.episodes | where: "slug", p_name | first %}
0088 {% endif %}
0090 {% if forloop.last == true %}
0091 {% assign next_episode = nil %}
0092 {% else %}
0093 {% assign n_idx = forloop.index0 | plus: 1 %}
0094 {% assign n_name = lesson_episodes[n_idx] %}
0095 {% assign next_episode = site.episodes | where: "slug", n_name | first %}
0096 {% endif %}
0097 {% endfor %}
0098 {% else %}
0099 {% assign previous_episode = page.previous %}
0100 {% assign next_episode = %}
0101 {% endif %}
0104 {% comment %}
0105 Manual ordering of Extras begins here
0106 {% endcomment %}
0108 {% if site.extras_order %}
0109 {% assign lesson_extras = site.extras_order %}
0110 {% else %}
0111 {% assign lesson_extras = site.extras %}
0112 {% endif %}
0114 {% comment %}
0115 We do not need to determine "previous" or "next" extra.
0116 {% endcomment %}