File indexing completed on 2025-02-22 11:03:05
0001 {% include base_path.html %}
0003 {% comment %}
0004 Display syllabus in tabular form.
0005 Days are displayed if at least one episode has 'start = true'.
0006 {% endcomment %}
0008 {% include manual_episode_order.html %}
0010 <div class="syllabus">
0011 <h2 id="schedule">Schedule</h2>
0013 {% assign lesson_number = 0 %}
0014 {% assign day = 0 %}
0015 {% assign multiday = false %}
0016 {% for lesson_episode in lesson_episodes %}
0017 {% if site.episode_order %}
0018 {% assign episode = site.episodes | where: "slug", lesson_episode | first %}
0019 {% else %}
0020 {% assign episode = lesson_episode %}
0021 {% endif %}
0022 {% if episode.start %}{% assign multiday = true %}{% break %}{% endif %}
0023 {% endfor %}
0024 {% assign current = site.start_time %}
0026 <table class="table table-striped">
0027 <tr>
0028 {% if multiday %}<td class="col-md-1"></td>{% endif %}
0029 <td class="{% if multiday %}col-md-1{% else %}col-md-2{% endif %}"></td>
0030 <td class="col-md-3"><a href="{{ relative_root_path }}{% link %}">Setup</a></td>
0031 <td class="col-md-7">Download files required for the lesson</td>
0032 </tr>
0033 {% if site.instructor_training %}
0034 <tr>
0035 {% if multiday %}<td class="col-md-1"></td>{% endif %}
0036 <td class="{% if multiday %}col-md-1{% else %}col-md-2{% endif %}"></td>
0037 <td class="col-md-3"><a href="{{ site.instructor_pre_survey }}{{ site.github.project_title }}">Pre-training survey</a></td>
0038 <td class="col-md-7">Please fill out our pre-training survey before the start of the course.</td>
0039 </tr>
0040 {% endif %}
0041 {% for lesson_episode in lesson_episodes %}
0042 {% if site.episode_order %}
0043 {% assign episode = site.episodes | where: "slug", lesson_episode | first %}
0044 {% else %}
0045 {% assign episode = lesson_episode %}
0046 {% endif %}
0047 {% if episode.start %} {% comment %} Starting a new day? {% endcomment %}
0048 {% assign day = day | plus: 1 %}
0049 {% if day > 1 %} {% comment %} If about to start day 2 or later, show finishing time for previous day {% endcomment %}
0050 {% assign hours = current | divided_by: 60 %}
0051 {% assign minutes = current | modulo: 60 %}
0052 <tr>
0053 {% if multiday %}<td class="col-md-1"></td>{% endif %}
0054 <td class="{% if multiday %}col-md-1{% else %}col-md-2{% endif %}">{% if hours < 10 %}0{% endif %}{{ hours }}:{% if minutes < 10 %}0{% endif %}{{ minutes }}</td>
0055 <td class="col-md-3">Finish</td>
0056 <td class="col-md-7"></td>
0057 </tr>
0058 {% endif %}
0059 {% assign current = site.start_time %} {% comment %}Re-set start time of this episode to general daily start time {% endcomment %}
0060 {% endif %}
0061 {% assign hours = current | divided_by: 60 %}
0062 {% assign minutes = current | modulo: 60 %}
0063 <tr>
0064 {% if multiday %}<td class="col-md-1">{% if episode.start %}Day {{ day }}{% endif %}</td>{% endif %}
0065 <td class="{% if multiday %}col-md-1{% else %}col-md-2{% endif %}">{% if hours < 10 %}0{% endif %}{{ hours }}:{% if minutes < 10 %}0{% endif %}{{ minutes }}</td>
0066 <td class="col-md-3">
0067 {% assign lesson_number = lesson_number | plus: 1 %}
0068 {{ lesson_number }}. <a href="{{ relative_root_path }}{{ episode.url }}">{{ episode.title }}</a>
0069 </td>
0070 <td class="col-md-7">
0071 {% if episode.break %}
0072 Break
0073 {% else %}
0074 {% if episode.questions %}
0075 {% for question in episode.questions %}
0076 {{question|markdownify|strip_html}}
0077 {% unless forloop.last %}
0078 <br/>
0079 {% endunless %}
0080 {% endfor %}
0081 {% endif %}
0082 {% endif %}
0083 </td>
0084 </tr>
0085 {% assign current = current | plus: episode.teaching | plus: episode.exercises | plus: episode.break %}
0086 {% endfor %}
0087 {% assign hours = current | divided_by: 60 %}
0088 {% assign minutes = current | modulo: 60 %}
0089 {% if site.instructor_training %}
0090 <tr>
0091 {% if multiday %}<td class="col-md-1"></td>{% endif %}
0092 <td class="{% if multiday %}col-md-1{% else %}col-md-2{% endif %}">{% if hours < 10 %}0{% endif %}{{ hours }}:{% if minutes < 10 %}0{% endif +++ %}{{ minutes }}</td>
0093 <td class="col-md-3"><a href="{{ site.instructor_post_survey }}{{ site.github.project_title }}">Post-training survey</a></td>
0094 <td class="col-md-7">Please fill out our post-training survey after the course.</td>
0095 </tr>
0096 {% assign current = current | plus: 15 %}
0097 {% assign hours = current | divided_by: 60 %}
0098 {% assign minutes = current | modulo: 60 %}
0099 {% endif %}
0100 <tr>
0101 {% if multiday %}<td class="col-md-1"></td>{% endif %}
0102 <td class="{% if multiday %}col-md-1{% else %}col-md-2{% endif %}">{% if hours < 10 %}0{% endif %}{{ hours }}:{% if minutes < 10 %}0{% endif %}{{ minutes }}</td>
0103 <td class="col-md-3">Finish</td>
0104 <td class="col-md-7"></td>
0105 </tr>
0106 </table>
0108 <p>
0109 The actual schedule may vary slightly depending on the topics and exercises chosen by the instructor.
0110 </p>
0112 </div>