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Warning, /tutorial-developing-benchmarks/ is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 ---
0002 title: Setup
0003 ---
0005 Tutorial participants will need 
0006 - a working [eic-shell installation](
0007 - if you'll be following along on a remote cluster through ssh, you may also need to [set up ssh-keys]( This will allow you to perform GitHub operations while using ssh.
0009 This tutorial shows analyzers how to turn their analysis script into a benchmark. To do this, we will start with a ready-made bare-bones analysis. This is modeled after the u-channel rho benchmark, but is stripped down to just a few crucial parts.
0011 To start, download the following 
0012 - this analysis script: [`uchannelrho.cxx`](
0013 - this plotting macro: [`plot_rho_physics_benchmark.C`](
0014 - this style header: [`RiceStyle.h`](
0016 We will also start by running over a file from the simulation campaign. Download it to your workspace:
0017 ```bash
0018 xrdcp root:// ./
0019 ```
0022 {% include %}