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Warning, /tutorial-analysis/_extras/ is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 ---
0002 title: "Exercise Scripts"
0003 ---
0005 Included below is a selection of scripts for the exercises in part 3 of this tutorial. Shortly after the tutorial, I will also include "complete" examples for future reference.
0007 You should be able to copy the code text directly into a new file. The name of the file is included as the title of each script section and in the accompanying descriptive text.
0009 ## ROOT TTreeReader Scripts
0011 ### EfficiencyAnalysis.C
0013 Create a file called `EfficiencyAnalysis.C` and copy in the code below to get started on the efficiency analysis exercise. Note that you will need to correctly specifiy your input file path in the first line.
0015 ```c++
0016 void EfficiencyAnalysis(TString infile="PATH_TO_INPUT_FILE"){
0017   // Set output file for the histograms
0018   TFile *ofile = TFile::Open("EfficiencyAnalysis_Out.root","RECREATE");
0020   // Set up input file chain
0021   TChain *mychain = new TChain("events");
0022   mychain->Add(infile);
0024   // Initialize reader
0025   TTreeReader tree_reader(mychain);
0027   // Get Particle Information
0028   TTreeReaderArray<int> partGenStat(tree_reader, "MCParticles.generatorStatus");
0029   TTreeReaderArray<float> partMomX(tree_reader, "MCParticles.momentum.x");
0030   TTreeReaderArray<float> partMomY(tree_reader, "MCParticles.momentum.y");
0031   TTreeReaderArray<float> partMomZ(tree_reader, "MCParticles.momentum.z");
0032   TTreeReaderArray<int> partPdg(tree_reader, "MCParticles.PDG");
0034   // Get Reconstructed Track Information
0035   TTreeReaderArray<float> trackMomX(tree_reader, "ReconstructedChargedParticles.momentum.x");
0036   TTreeReaderArray<float> trackMomY(tree_reader, "ReconstructedChargedParticles.momentum.y");
0037   TTreeReaderArray<float> trackMomZ(tree_reader, "ReconstructedChargedParticles.momentum.z");
0039   // Get Associations Between MCParticles and ReconstructedChargedParticles
0040   TTreeReaderArray<unsigned int> recoAssoc(tree_reader, "ReconstructedChargedParticleAssociations.recID");
0041   TTreeReaderArray<unsigned int> simuAssoc(tree_reader, "ReconstructedChargedParticleAssociations.simID");
0043   // Define Histograms
0044   TH1D *partEta = new TH1D("partEta","Eta of Thrown Charged Particles;Eta",100,-5.,5.);
0045   TH1D *matchedPartEta = new TH1D("matchedPartEta","Eta of Thrown Charged Particles That Have Matching Track",100,-5.,5.);
0046   TH1D *matchedPartTrackDeltaR = new TH1D("matchedPartTrackDeltaR","Delta R Between Matching Thrown and Reconstructed Charged Particle",5000,0.,5.);
0048   while(tree_reader.Next()) { // Loop over events
0049     for(unsigned int i=0; i<partGenStat.GetSize(); i++){ // Loop over thrown particles
0050         if(partGenStat[i] == 1){ // Select stable thrown particles
0051             int pdg = TMath::Abs(partPdg[i]);
0052             if(pdg == 11 || pdg == 13 || pdg == 211 || pdg == 321 || pdg == 2212){ // Look at charged particles (electrons, muons, pions, kaons, protons)
0053                 TVector3 trueMom(partMomX[i],partMomY[i],partMomZ[i]);
0055                 float trueEta = trueMom.PseudoRapidity();
0056                 float truePhi = trueMom.Phi();
0058                 partEta->Fill(trueEta);
0060                 for(unsigned int j=0; j<simuAssoc.GetSize(); j++){ // Loop over associations to find matching ReconstructedChargedParticle
0061                     if(simuAssoc[j] == i){ // Find association index matching the index of the thrown particle we are looking at
0062                         TVector3 recMom(trackMomX[recoAssoc[j]],trackMomY[recoAssoc[j]],trackMomZ[recoAssoc[j]]); // recoAssoc[j] is the index of the matched ReconstructedChargedParticle
0064                         // Check the distance between the thrown and reconstructed particle
0065                         float deltaEta = trueEta - recMom.PseudoRapidity();
0066                         float deltaPhi = TVector2::Phi_mpi_pi(truePhi - recMom.Phi());
0067                         float deltaR = TMath::Sqrt(deltaEta*deltaEta + deltaPhi*deltaPhi);
0069                         matchedPartTrackDeltaR->Fill(deltaR);
0071                         matchedPartEta->Fill(trueEta); // Plot the thrown eta if a matched ReconstructedChargedParticle was found
0072                     }
0073                 } // End loop over associations 
0074             } // End PDG check          
0075         } // End stable particles condition  
0076     } // End loop over thrown particles
0077   } // End loop over events 
0078   ofile->Write(); // Write histograms to file
0079   ofile->Close(); // Close output file
0080 }
0081 ```
0082 <!--
0083 A "solution" version of the script for the exercise is included below -
0085 ```c++
0086 void EfficiencyAnalysis_Exercise(TString infile="PATH_TO_FILE"){
0088   // Set output file for the histograms
0089   TFile *ofile = TFile::Open("EfficiencyAnalysis_Exercise_Out.root","RECREATE");
0091   // Analysis code will go here
0092   // Set up input file chain
0093   TChain *mychain = new TChain("events");
0094   mychain->Add(infile);
0096   // Initialize reader
0097   TTreeReader tree_reader(mychain);
0099   // Get Particle Information
0100   TTreeReaderArray<int> partGenStat(tree_reader, "MCParticles.generatorStatus");
0101   TTreeReaderArray<float> partMomX(tree_reader, "MCParticles.momentum.x");
0102   TTreeReaderArray<float> partMomY(tree_reader, "MCParticles.momentum.y");
0103   TTreeReaderArray<float> partMomZ(tree_reader, "MCParticles.momentum.z");
0104   TTreeReaderArray<int> partPdg(tree_reader, "MCParticles.PDG");
0106   // Get Reconstructed Track Information
0107   TTreeReaderArray<float> trackMomX(tree_reader, "ReconstructedChargedParticles.momentum.x");
0108   TTreeReaderArray<float> trackMomY(tree_reader, "ReconstructedChargedParticles.momentum.y");
0109   TTreeReaderArray<float> trackMomZ(tree_reader, "ReconstructedChargedParticles.momentum.z");
0111   // Get Associations Between MCParticles and ReconstructedChargedParticles
0112   TTreeReaderArray<unsigned int> recoAssoc(tree_reader, "ReconstructedChargedParticleAssociations.recID");
0113   TTreeReaderArray<unsigned int> simuAssoc(tree_reader, "ReconstructedChargedParticleAssociations.simID");
0115   // Define Histograms
0116   TH1D *partEta = new TH1D("partEta","#eta of Thrown Charged Particles; #eta", 120, -6, 6);
0117   TH1D *matchedPartEta = new TH1D("matchedPartEta","#eta of Thrown Charged Particles That Have Matching Track; #eta", 120, -6, 6);
0118   TH1D* partMom = new TH1D("partMom", "Momentum of Thrown Charged Particles (truth); P(GeV/c)", 150, 0, 150);
0119   TH1D* matchedPartMom = new TH1D("matchedPartMom", "Momentum of Thrown Charged Particles (truth), with matching track; P(GeV/c)", 150, 0, 150);
0120   TH1D* partPhi = new TH1D("partPhi", "#phi of Thrown Charged Particles (truth); #phi(rad)", 320, -3.2, 3.2);
0121   TH1D* matchedPartPhi = new TH1D("matchedPartPhi", "#phi of Thrown Charged Particles (truth), with matching track; #phi(rad)", 320, -3.2, 3.2);
0123   TH2D* partPEta = new TH2D("partPEta", "P vs #eta of Thrown Charged Particles; P(GeV/c); #eta", 150, 0, 150, 120, -6, 6);
0124   TH2D* matchedPartPEta = new TH2D("matchedPartPEta", "P vs #eta of Thrown Charged Particles, with matching track; P(GeV/c); #eta", 150, 0, 150, 120, -6, 6);
0125   TH2D* partPhiEta = new TH2D("partPhiEta", "#phi vs #eta of Thrown Charged Particles; #phi(rad); #eta", 160, -3.2, 3.2, 120, -6, 6);
0126   TH2D* matchedPartPhiEta = new TH2D("matchedPartPhiEta", "#phi vs #eta of Thrown Charged Particles; #phi(rad); #eta", 160, -3.2, 3.2, 120, -6, 6);
0128   TH1D *matchedPartTrackDeltaEta = new TH1D("matchedPartTrackDeltaEta","#Delta#eta Between Matching Thrown and Reconstructed Charged Particle; #Delta#eta", 100, -0.25, 0.25);
0129   TH1D *matchedPartTrackDeltaPhi = new TH1D("matchedPartTrackDeltaPhi","#Detla #phi Between Matching Thrown and Reconstructed Charged Particle; #Delta#phi", 200, -0.2, 0.2);
0130   TH1D *matchedPartTrackDeltaR = new TH1D("matchedPartTrackDeltaR","#Delta R Between Matching Thrown and Reconstructed Charged Particle; #Delta R", 300, 0, 0.3);
0131   TH1D *matchedPartTrackDeltaMom = new TH1D("matchedPartTrackDeltaMom","#Delta P Between Matching Thrown and Reconstructed Charged Particle; #Delta P", 200, -10, 10);
0133   // Define some histograms for our efficiencies
0134   TH1D *TrackEff_Eta = new TH1D("TrackEff_Eta", "Tracking efficiency as fn of #eta; #eta; Eff(%)", 120, -6, 6); 
0135   TH1D *TrackEff_Mom = new TH1D("TrackEff_Mom", "Tracking efficiency as fn of P; P(GeV/c); Eff(%)", 150, 0, 150); 
0136   TH1D *TrackEff_Phi = new TH1D("TrackEff_Phi", "Tracking efficiency as fn of #phi; #phi(rad); Eff(%)", 320, -3.2, 3.2);
0138   // 2D Efficiencies
0139   TH2D* TrackEff_PEta = new TH2D("TrackEff_PEta", "Tracking efficiency as fn of P and #eta; P(GeV/c); #eta", 150, 0, 150, 120, -6, 6);
0140   TH2D* TrackEff_PhiEta = new TH2D("TrackEff_PhiEta", "Tracking efficiency as fn of #phi and #eta; #phi(rad); #eta", 160, -3.2, 3.2, 120, -6, 6);
0142   // All charged particle histos
0143   TH1D *ChargedEta = new TH1D("ChargedEta", "#eta of all charged particles; #eta", 120, -6, 6);
0144   TH1D *ChargedPhi = new TH1D("ChargedPhi", "#phi of all charged particles; #phi (rad)", 120, -3.2, 3.2);
0145   TH1D *ChargedP = new TH1D("ChargedP", "P of all charged particles; P(GeV/c)", 150, 0, 150);
0147   while(tree_reader.Next()) { // Loop over events
0149     for(unsigned int i=0; i<partGenStat.GetSize(); i++) // Loop over thrown particles
0150       {
0151         if(partGenStat[i] == 1) // Select stable thrown particles
0152           {
0153             int pdg = TMath::Abs(partPdg[i]);
0155             if(pdg == 11 || pdg == 13 || pdg == 211 || pdg == 321 || pdg == 2212) // Look at charged particles (electrons, muons, pions, kaons, protons)
0156               {
0157                 TVector3 trueMom(partMomX[i],partMomY[i],partMomZ[i]);
0159                 float trueEta = trueMom.PseudoRapidity();
0160                 float truePhi = trueMom.Phi();
0162                 partEta->Fill(trueEta);
0163                 partPhi->Fill(truePhi);
0164                 partMom->Fill(trueMom.Mag());
0165                 partPEta->Fill(trueMom.Mag(), trueEta);
0166                 partPhiEta->Fill(truePhi, trueEta);
0168                 // Loop over associations to find matching ReconstructedChargedParticle
0169                 for(unsigned int j=0; j<simuAssoc.GetSize(); j++)
0170                   {
0171                     if(simuAssoc[j] == i) // Find association index matching the index of the thrown particle we are looking at
0172                       {
0173                         TVector3 recMom(trackMomX[recoAssoc[j]],trackMomY[recoAssoc[j]],trackMomZ[recoAssoc[j]]); // recoAssoc[j] is the index of the matched ReconstructedChargedParticle
0175                         // Check the distance between the thrown and reconstructed particle
0176                         float deltaEta = trueEta - recMom.PseudoRapidity();
0177                         float deltaPhi = TVector2::Phi_mpi_pi(truePhi - recMom.Phi());
0178                         float deltaR = TMath::Sqrt(deltaEta*deltaEta + deltaPhi*deltaPhi);
0179                         float deltaMom = ((trueMom.Mag()) - (recMom.Mag()));
0181                         matchedPartTrackDeltaEta->Fill(deltaEta);
0182                         matchedPartTrackDeltaPhi->Fill(deltaPhi);
0183                         matchedPartTrackDeltaR->Fill(deltaR);
0184                         matchedPartTrackDeltaMom->Fill(deltaMom);
0186                         matchedPartEta->Fill(trueEta); // Plot the thrown eta if a matched ReconstructedChargedParticle was found
0187                         matchedPartPhi->Fill(truePhi);
0188                         matchedPartMom->Fill(trueMom.Mag());
0190                         matchedPartPEta->Fill(trueMom.Mag(), trueEta);
0191                         matchedPartPhiEta->Fill(truePhi, trueEta);
0193                       }
0194                   }// End loop over associations
0195               } // End PDG check
0196           } // End stable particles condition
0197       } // End loop over thrown particles
0198     // Loop over all charged particles and fill some histograms of kinematics quantities
0199     for(unsigned int k=0; k<trackMomX.GetSize(); k++){ // Loop over all charged particles, thrown or not
0201       TVector3 CPartMom(trackMomX[k], trackMomY[k], trackMomZ[k]);
0203       float CPartEta = CPartMom.PseudoRapidity();
0204       float CPartPhi = CPartMom.Phi();
0206       ChargedEta->Fill(CPartEta);
0207       ChargedPhi->Fill(CPartPhi);
0208       ChargedP->Fill(CPartMom.Mag());
0210     } // End loop over all charged particles
0211   } // End loop over events
0213   // Take the ratio of the histograms above to get our efficiency plots
0214   TrackEff_Eta->Divide(matchedPartEta, partEta, 1, 1, "b");
0215   TrackEff_Mom->Divide(matchedPartMom, partMom, 1, 1, "b");
0216   TrackEff_Phi->Divide(matchedPartPhi, partPhi, 1, 1, "b");
0217   TrackEff_PEta->Divide(matchedPartPEta, partPEta, 1, 1, "b");
0218   TrackEff_PhiEta->Divide(matchedPartPhiEta, partPhiEta, 1, 1, "b");
0220   ofile->Write(); // Write histograms to file
0221   ofile->Close(); // Close output file
0222 }
0223 ```
0224 Insert your input file path and execute as the example code above.
0225 -->
0227 ### ResolutionAnalysis.C
0229 Create a file called `ResolutionAnalysis.C` and copy in the code below to get started on the resolution analysis exercise. Note that you will need to correctly specifiy your input file path in the first line.
0231 ```c++
0232 void ResolutionAnalysis(TString infile="PATH_TO_INPUT_FILE"){
0233   // Set output file for the histograms
0234   TFile *ofile = TFile::Open("ResolutionAnalysis_Out.root","RECREATE");
0236   // Analysis code will go here
0237   // Set up input file chain
0238   TChain *mychain = new TChain("events");
0239   mychain->Add(infile);
0241   // Initialize reader
0242   TTreeReader tree_reader(mychain);
0244   // Get Particle Information
0245   TTreeReaderArray<int> partGenStat(tree_reader, "MCParticles.generatorStatus");
0246   TTreeReaderArray<float> partMomX(tree_reader, "MCParticles.momentum.x");
0247   TTreeReaderArray<float> partMomY(tree_reader, "MCParticles.momentum.y");
0248   TTreeReaderArray<float> partMomZ(tree_reader, "MCParticles.momentum.z");
0249   TTreeReaderArray<int> partPdg(tree_reader, "MCParticles.PDG");
0251   // Get Reconstructed Track Information
0252   TTreeReaderArray<float> trackMomX(tree_reader, "ReconstructedChargedParticles.momentum.x");
0253   TTreeReaderArray<float> trackMomY(tree_reader, "ReconstructedChargedParticles.momentum.y");
0254   TTreeReaderArray<float> trackMomZ(tree_reader, "ReconstructedChargedParticles.momentum.z");
0256   // Get Associations Between MCParticles and ReconstructedChargedParticles
0257   TTreeReaderArray<unsigned int> recoAssoc(tree_reader, "ReconstructedChargedParticleAssociations.recID");
0258   TTreeReaderArray<unsigned int> simuAssoc(tree_reader, "ReconstructedChargedParticleAssociations.simID");
0260   // Define Histograms
0261   TH1D *trackMomentumRes = new TH1D("trackMomentumRes","Track Momentum Resolution", 400, -2, 2);
0263   TH1D *matchedPartTrackDeltaEta = new TH1D("matchedPartTrackDeltaEta","#Delta#eta Between Matching Thrown and Reconstructed Charged Particle; #Delta#eta", 100, -0.25, 0.25);
0264   TH1D *matchedPartTrackDeltaPhi = new TH1D("matchedPartTrackDeltaPhi","#Detla #phi Between Matching Thrown and Reconstructed Charged Particle; #Delta#phi", 200, -0.2, 0.2);
0265   TH1D *matchedPartTrackDeltaR = new TH1D("matchedPartTrackDeltaR","#Delta R Between Matching Thrown and Reconstructed Charged Particle; #Delta R", 300, 0, 0.3);
0266   TH1D *matchedPartTrackDeltaMom = new TH1D("matchedPartTrackDeltaMom","#Delta P Between Matching Thrown and Reconstructed Charged Particle; #Delta P", 200, -10, 10);
0267   while(tree_reader.Next()) { // Loop over events
0268     for(unsigned int i=0; i<partGenStat.GetSize(); i++){ // Loop over thrown particles
0269         if(partGenStat[i] == 1){ // Select stable thrown particles
0270             int pdg = TMath::Abs(partPdg[i]);
0271             if(pdg == 11 || pdg == 13 || pdg == 211 || pdg == 321 || pdg == 2212){ // Look at charged particles (electrons, muons, pions, kaons, protons)
0272                 TVector3 trueMom(partMomX[i],partMomY[i],partMomZ[i]);
0274                 float trueEta = trueMom.PseudoRapidity();
0275                 float truePhi = trueMom.Phi();
0277                 for(unsigned int j=0; j<simuAssoc.GetSize(); j++){ // Loop over associations to find matching ReconstructedChargedParticle
0278                     if(simuAssoc[j] == i){ // Find association index matching the index of the thrown particle we are looking at
0279                         TVector3 recMom(trackMomX[recoAssoc[j]],trackMomY[recoAssoc[j]],trackMomZ[recoAssoc[j]]); // recoAssoc[j] is the index of the matched ReconstructedChargedParticle
0281                         // Check the distance between the thrown and reconstructed particle
0282                         float deltaEta = trueEta - recMom.PseudoRapidity();
0283                         float deltaPhi = TVector2::Phi_mpi_pi(truePhi - recMom.Phi());
0284                         float deltaR = TMath::Sqrt(deltaEta*deltaEta + deltaPhi*deltaPhi);
0285                         float deltaMom = ((trueMom.Mag()) - (recMom.Mag()));
0286                         double momRes = (recMom.Mag()- trueMom.Mag())/trueMom.Mag();
0288                         trackMomentumRes->Fill(momRes);
0290                         matchedPartTrackDeltaEta->Fill(deltaEta);
0291                         matchedPartTrackDeltaPhi->Fill(deltaPhi);
0292                         matchedPartTrackDeltaR->Fill(deltaR);
0293                         matchedPartTrackDeltaMom->Fill(deltaMom);
0294                     }
0295                 } // End loop over associations 
0296             } // End PDG check          
0297         } // End stable particles condition  
0298     } // End loop over thrown particles
0299   } // End loop over events 
0300   ofile->Write(); // Write histograms to file
0301   ofile->Close(); // Close output file
0302 }
0303 ```
0304 <!--
0305 A "solution" version of the script for the exercise is included below -
0307 ```c++
0308 void ResolutionAnalysis_Exercise(TString infile="PATH_TO_FILE"){
0309   // Set output file for the histograms
0310   TFile *ofile = TFile::Open("ResolutionAnalysis_Exercise_Out.root","RECREATE");
0312   // Analysis code will go here
0313   // Set up input file chain
0314   TChain *mychain = new TChain("events");
0315   mychain->Add(infile);
0317   // Initialize reader
0318   TTreeReader tree_reader(mychain);
0320   // Get Particle Information
0321   TTreeReaderArray<int> partGenStat(tree_reader, "MCParticles.generatorStatus");
0322   TTreeReaderArray<float> partMomX(tree_reader, "MCParticles.momentum.x");
0323   TTreeReaderArray<float> partMomY(tree_reader, "MCParticles.momentum.y");
0324   TTreeReaderArray<float> partMomZ(tree_reader, "MCParticles.momentum.z");
0325   TTreeReaderArray<int> partPdg(tree_reader, "MCParticles.PDG");
0327   // Get Reconstructed Track Information
0328   TTreeReaderArray<float> trackMomX(tree_reader, "ReconstructedChargedParticles.momentum.x");
0329   TTreeReaderArray<float> trackMomY(tree_reader, "ReconstructedChargedParticles.momentum.y");
0330   TTreeReaderArray<float> trackMomZ(tree_reader, "ReconstructedChargedParticles.momentum.z");
0332   // Get Associations Between MCParticles and ReconstructedChargedParticles
0333   TTreeReaderArray<unsigned int> recoAssoc(tree_reader, "ReconstructedChargedParticleAssociations.recID");
0334   TTreeReaderArray<unsigned int> simuAssoc(tree_reader, "ReconstructedChargedParticleAssociations.simID");
0336   // Define Histograms
0337   TH1D *trackMomentumRes = new TH1D("trackMomentumRes","Track Momentum Resolution; (P_{rec} - P_{MC})/P_{MC}", 400, -2, 2);
0338   TH2D* trackMomResP = new TH2D("trackMomResP", "Track Momentum Resolution vs P; (P_{rec} - P_{MC})/P_{MC}; P_{MC}(GeV/c)", 400, -2, 2, 150, 0, 150);
0339   TH2D* trackMomResEta = new TH2D("trackMomResEta", "Track Momentum Resolution vs #eta; (P_{rec} - P_{MC})/P_{MC}; #eta_{MC}", 400, -2, 2, 120, -6, 6);
0341   TH1D *trackMomentumRes_e = new TH1D("trackMomentumRes_e","e^{#pm} Track Momentum Resolution; (P_{rec} - P_{MC})/P_{MC}", 400, -2, 2);
0342   TH2D* trackMomResP_e = new TH2D("trackMomResP_e", "e^{#pm} Track Momentum Resolution vs P; (P_{rec} - P_{MC})/P_{MC}; P_{MC}(GeV/c)", 400, -2, 2, 150, 0, 25);
0343   TH2D* trackMomResEta_e = new TH2D("trackMomResEta_e", "e^{#pm} Track Momentum Resolution vs #eta; (P_{rec} - P_{MC})/P_{MC}; #eta_{MC}", 400, -2, 2, 120, -6, 6);
0345   TH1D *trackMomentumRes_mu = new TH1D("trackMomentumRes_mu","#mu^{#pm} Track Momentum Resolution; (P_{rec} - P_{MC})/P_{MC}", 400, -2, 2);
0346   TH2D* trackMomResP_mu = new TH2D("trackMomResP_mu", "#mu^{#pm} Track Momentum Resolution vs P; (P_{rec} - P_{MC})/P_{MC}; P_{MC}(GeV/c)", 400, -2, 2, 150, 0, 25);
0347   TH2D* trackMomResEta_mu = new TH2D("trackMomResEta_mu", "#mu^{#pm} Track Momentum Resolution vs #eta; (P_{rec} - P_{MC})/P_{MC}; #eta_{MC}", 400, -2, 2, 120, -6, 6);
0349   TH1D *trackMomentumRes_pi = new TH1D("trackMomentumRes_pi","#pi^{#pm} Track Momentum Resolution; (P_{rec} - P_{MC})/P_{MC}", 400, -2, 2);
0350   TH2D* trackMomResP_pi = new TH2D("trackMomResP_pi", "#pi^{#pm} Track Momentum Resolution vs P; (P_{rec} - P_{MC})/P_{MC}; P_{MC}(GeV/c)", 400, -2, 2, 150, 0, 150);
0351   TH2D* trackMomResEta_pi = new TH2D("trackMomResEta_pi", "#pi^{#pm} Track Momentum Resolution vs #eta; (P_{rec} - P_{MC})/P_{MC}; #eta_{MC}", 400, -2, 2, 120, -6, 6);
0353   TH1D *trackMomentumRes_K = new TH1D("trackMomentumRes_K","K^{#pm} Track Momentum Resolution; (P_{rec} - P_{MC})/P_{MC}", 400, -2, 2);
0354   TH2D* trackMomResP_K = new TH2D("trackMomResP_K", "K^{#pm} Track Momentum Resolution vs P; (P_{rec} - P_{MC})/P_{MC}; P_{MC}(GeV/c)", 400, -2, 2, 150, 0, 150);
0355   TH2D* trackMomResEta_K = new TH2D("trackMomResEta_K", "K^{#pm} Track Momentum Resolution vs #eta; (P_{rec} - P_{MC})/P_{MC}; #eta_{MC}", 400, -2, 2, 120, -6, 6);
0357   TH1D *trackMomentumRes_p = new TH1D("trackMomentumRes_p","p Track Momentum Resolution; (P_{rec} - P_{MC})/P_{MC}", 400, -2, 2);
0358   TH2D* trackMomResP_p = new TH2D("trackMomResP_p", "p Track Momentum Resolution vs P; (P_{rec} - P_{MC})/P_{MC}; P_{MC}(GeV/c)", 400, -2, 2, 150, 0, 150);
0359   TH2D* trackMomResEta_p = new TH2D("trackMomResEta_p", "p Track Momentum Resolution vs #eta; (P_{rec} - P_{MC})/P_{MC}; #eta_{MC}", 400, -2, 2, 120, -6, 6);
0361   TH1D *matchedPartTrackDeltaEta = new TH1D("matchedPartTrackDeltaEta","#Delta#eta Between Matching Thrown and Reconstructed Charged Particle; #Delta#eta", 100, -0.25, 0.25);
0362   TH1D *matchedPartTrackDeltaPhi = new TH1D("matchedPartTrackDeltaPhi","#Detla #phi Between Matching Thrown and Reconstructed Charged Particle; #Delta#phi", 200, -0.2, 0.2);
0363   TH1D *matchedPartTrackDeltaR = new TH1D("matchedPartTrackDeltaR","#Delta R Between Matching Thrown and Reconstructed Charged Particle; #Delta R", 300, 0, 0.3);
0364   TH1D *matchedPartTrackDeltaMom = new TH1D("matchedPartTrackDeltaMom","#Delta P Between Matching Thrown and Reconstructed Charged Particle; #Delta P", 200, -10, 10);
0366   while(tree_reader.Next()) { // Loop over events
0368     for(unsigned int i=0; i<partGenStat.GetSize(); i++) // Loop over thrown particles
0369       {
0370         if(partGenStat[i] == 1) // Select stable thrown particles
0371           {
0372             int pdg = TMath::Abs(partPdg[i]);
0374             if(pdg == 11 || pdg == 13 || pdg == 211 || pdg == 321 || pdg == 2212) // Look at charged particles (electrons, muons, pions, kaons, protons)
0375               {
0376                 TVector3 trueMom(partMomX[i],partMomY[i],partMomZ[i]);
0378                 float trueEta = trueMom.PseudoRapidity();
0379                 float truePhi = trueMom.Phi();
0381                 // Loop over associations to find matching ReconstructedChargedParticle
0382                 for(unsigned int j=0; j<simuAssoc.GetSize(); j++)
0383                   {
0384                     if(simuAssoc[j] == i) // Find association index matching the index of the thrown particle we are looking at
0385                       {
0386                         TVector3 recMom(trackMomX[recoAssoc[j]],trackMomY[recoAssoc[j]],trackMomZ[recoAssoc[j]]); // recoAssoc[j] is the index of the matched ReconstructedChargedParticle
0388                         // Check the distance between the thrown and reconstructed particle
0389                         float deltaEta = trueEta - recMom.PseudoRapidity();
0390                         float deltaPhi = TVector2::Phi_mpi_pi(truePhi - recMom.Phi());
0391                         float deltaR = TMath::Sqrt(deltaEta*deltaEta + deltaPhi*deltaPhi);
0392                         float deltaMom = ((trueMom.Mag()) - (recMom.Mag()));
0394                         double momRes = (recMom.Mag() - trueMom.Mag())/trueMom.Mag();
0396                         trackMomentumRes->Fill(momRes); // Could also multiply by 100 and express as a percentage instead
0397                         trackMomResP->Fill(momRes, trueMom.Mag());
0398                         trackMomResEta->Fill(momRes, trueEta);
0400                         if( pdg == 11){
0401                           trackMomentumRes_e->Fill(momRes);
0402                           trackMomResP_e->Fill(momRes, trueMom.Mag());
0403                           trackMomResEta_e->Fill(momRes, trueEta);
0404                         }
0405                         else if( pdg == 13){
0406                           trackMomentumRes_mu->Fill(momRes);
0407                           trackMomResP_mu->Fill(momRes, trueMom.Mag());
0408                           trackMomResEta_mu->Fill(momRes, trueEta);
0409                         }
0410                         else if( pdg == 211){
0411                           trackMomentumRes_pi->Fill(momRes);
0412                           trackMomResP_pi->Fill(momRes, trueMom.Mag());
0413                           trackMomResEta_pi->Fill(momRes, trueEta);
0414                         }
0415                         else if( pdg == 321){
0416                           trackMomentumRes_K->Fill(momRes);
0417                           trackMomResP_K->Fill(momRes, trueMom.Mag());
0418                           trackMomResEta_K->Fill(momRes, trueEta);
0419                         }
0420                         else if( pdg == 2212){
0421                           trackMomentumRes_p->Fill(momRes);
0422                           trackMomResP_p->Fill(momRes, trueMom.Mag());
0423                           trackMomResEta_p->Fill(momRes, trueEta);
0424                         }
0426                         matchedPartTrackDeltaEta->Fill(deltaEta);
0427                         matchedPartTrackDeltaPhi->Fill(deltaPhi);
0428                         matchedPartTrackDeltaR->Fill(deltaR);
0429                         matchedPartTrackDeltaMom->Fill(deltaMom);
0431                       }
0432                   }// End loop over associations
0433               } // End PDG check
0434           } // End stable particles condition
0435       } // End loop over thrown particles
0436   } // End loop over events
0438   ofile->Write(); // Write histograms to file
0439   ofile->Close(); // Close output file
0440 }
0441 ```
0443 Insert your input file path and execute as the example code above.
0444 -->
0446 ### Compiled ROOT Scripts 
0448 As brought up in the tutorial, you may wish to compile your ROOT based scripts for faster processing. Included below are some scripts and a short example of a compiled ROOT macro provided by Kolja Kauder.
0450 Each file is uploaded invidually, but your directory should be structured as follows -
0452 - helloroot
0453     -
0454     - CMakeLists.txt
0455     - include
0456       - helloroot
0457         - helloroot.hh
0458     - src
0459         - helloexec.cxx
0460         - helloroot.cxx
0462 Note that any entry in the above without a file extension is a directory.
0464 The contents of are -
0466 ```
0467 To build using cmake, create a build directory, navigate to it and run cmake. e.g.:
0469 \```
0470 mkdir build
0471 cd build
0472 cmake .. 
0473 make 
0474 \```
0475 You can specify a number of parallel build threads with the -j flag, e.g.
0476 \```
0477 make -j4
0478 \```
0480 You can specify an install directory to cmake with
0482 then, after building, 
0483 \```
0484 make install
0485 \```
0486 to install the headers and libraries under that location.
0487 There is no "make uninstall" but (on Unix-like systems)
0488 you can do
0489 xargs rm < install_manifest.txt
0490 from the cmake build directory.
0491 ```
0493 Note that you should delete the \ characters in this block.
0495 The contents of CMakeLists.txt are -
0497 ```c++
0498 # CMakeLists.txt for helloroot.
0499 # More complicated than needed but demonstrates making and linking your own libraries
0500 # cf.
0501 #
0503 cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10)
0504 project(helloroot VERSION 1.0 LANGUAGES CXX ) # not needed
0506  # Find ROOT. Use at least 6.20 for smoother cmake support
0507  find_package(ROOT 6.20 REQUIRED )
0509  message ( " ROOT Libraries = " ${ROOT_LIBRARIES} )
0511  ##############################################################################################################
0513 # Main target is the libhelloroot library
0514 add_library(
0515   # You can use wildcards but it's cleaner to list the files explicitly
0516    helloroot
0517    SHARED
0518    src/helloroot.cxx
0519    )
0520 ## The particular syntax here is a bit annoying because you have to list all the sub-modules you need
0521 ## but it picks up automatically all the compile options needed for root, e.g. the c++ std version
0522 ## Find all available ROOT modules with `root-config --libs`
0523 target_link_libraries(helloroot PUBLIC ROOT::Core ROOT::RIO ROOT::Rint ROOT::Tree ROOT::EG ROOT::Physics )
0525 ## The above _should_ be true, and it is on most systems. If it's not, uncoment one of the following lines
0526 # target_compile_features(helloroot PUBLIC cxx_std_17)
0527 # target_compile_features(helloroot PUBLIC cxx_std_20)
0529 # include directories - this is also overkill but useful if you want to create dictionaries
0530 # Contact for that - it's too much for this example
0531 target_include_directories(helloroot 
0532 PUBLIC 
0533 $<INSTALL_INTERFACE:include>
0535  )
0537 # Can add addtional options here
0538 target_compile_options(helloroot PRIVATE -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -g)  
0540 ##############################################################################################################
0542 ## Build executables
0543 add_executable(helloexec src/helloexec.cxx)
0544 # target_compile_options(helloexec PRIVATE -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -g)
0545 target_link_libraries(helloexec helloroot )
0546 target_include_directories(helloexec
0547   PRIVATE
0549   )
0551 install(TARGETS helloexec DESTINATION bin)
0554 ##############################################################################################################
0556 ## Install library
0557 # Could also use include(GNUInstallDirs)
0558 # and then destinations of the form ${CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR}
0559 install(TARGETS helloroot
0560   EXPORT helloroot-export
0563   )
0565 ## Install headers
0566 install (DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/include/helloroot
0567   DESTINATION  include/helloroot
0568   )
0570 ## Generate configuration file - this allows you to use cmake in another project 
0571 ## to find and link the installed helloroot library
0572 install(EXPORT helloroot-export
0573   FILE
0574   hellorootConfig.cmake
0576     helloroot::
0578   cmake
0579   )
0581 ## Final message
0582 message( " Done!")
0583 ```
0585 The contents of helloroot.hh are -
0587 ```c++
0588 #ifndef HELLO_ROOT_H
0589 #define HELLO_ROOT_H
0591 void HelloRoot();
0593 #endif // HELLO_ROOT_H
0594 ```
0596 The contents of helloexec.cxx are -
0598 ```c++
0599 #include<helloroot/helloroot.hh>
0601 #include<iostream>
0602 #include<string>
0604 int main()
0605 {
0606     std::cout << "Hello from main " << std::endl;
0607     HelloRoot(); 
0609     return 0;
0610 }
0611 ```
0613 And finally, the contents of helloroot.cxx are -
0615 ```c++
0616 #include<helloroot/helloroot.hh>
0618 #include<iostream>
0619 #include<string>
0621 #include<TH1D.h>
0622 #include<TPad.h>
0624 void HelloRoot()
0625 {
0626   std::cout << "Hello from HelloRoot" << std::endl;
0628   // do something with root
0629   TH1D h("h", "h", 100, -5, 5);
0630   h.FillRandom("gaus", 1000);
0631   h.Draw();
0632   gPad->SaveAs("hello.png");
0634   return;
0635 }
0636 ```
0637 Please consult the README and script comments for further instructions.
0639 ## Python Uproot Scripts
0641 ###
0643 Create a file called `` and copy in the code below to get started on the resolution analysis exercise. Note that you will need to correctly specifiy your input file path in the variable `infile`.
0645 ```python
0646 #! /usr/bin/python
0648 #Import relevant packages
0649 import ROOT, math, array
0650 from ROOT import TH1F, TH2F, TMath, TTree, TVector3, TVector2
0651 import uproot as up
0653 #Define and open files
0654 infile="PATH_TO_INPUT_FILE"
0655 ofile=ROOT.TFile.Open("EfficiencyAnalysis_OutPy.root", "RECREATE")
0657 # Open input file and define branches we want to look at with uproot
0658 events_tree =["events"]
0660 # Get particle information
0661 partGenStat = events_tree["MCParticles.generatorStatus"].array()
0662 partMomX = events_tree["MCParticles.momentum.x"].array()
0663 partMomY = events_tree["MCParticles.momentum.y"].array()
0664 partMomZ = events_tree["MCParticles.momentum.z"].array()
0665 partPdg = events_tree["MCParticles.PDG"].array()
0667 # Get reconstructed track information
0668 trackMomX = events_tree["ReconstructedChargedParticles.momentum.x"].array()
0669 trackMomY = events_tree["ReconstructedChargedParticles.momentum.y"].array()
0670 trackMomZ = events_tree["ReconstructedChargedParticles.momentum.z"].array()
0672 # Get assocations between MCParticles and ReconstructedChargedParticles
0673 recoAssoc = events_tree["ReconstructedChargedParticleAssociations.recID"].array()
0674 simuAssoc = events_tree["ReconstructedChargedParticleAssociations.simID"].array()
0676 # Define histograms below
0677 partEta = ROOT.TH1D("partEta","Eta of Thrown Charged Particles;Eta",100, -5 ,5 )
0678 matchedPartEta = ROOT.TH1D("matchedPartEta","Eta of Thrown Charged Particles That Have Matching Track", 100, -5 ,5);
0679 matchedPartTrackDeltaR = ROOT.TH1D("matchedPartTrackDeltaR","Delta R Between Matching Thrown and Reconstructed Charge Particle", 5000, 0, 5);
0681 # Add main analysis loop(s) below
0682 for i in range(0, len(events_tree)): # Loop over all events
0683     for j in range(0, len(partGenStat[i])): # Loop over all thrown particles
0684         if partGenStat[i][j] == 1: # Select stable particles
0685             pdg = abs(partPdg[i][j]) # Get PDG for each stable particle
0686             if(pdg == 11 or pdg == 13 or pdg == 211 or pdg == 321 or pdg == 2212):
0687                 trueMom = ROOT.TVector3(partMomX[i][j], partMomY[i][j], partMomZ[i][j])
0688                 trueEta = trueMom.PseudoRapidity()
0689                 truePhi = trueMom.Phi()
0691                 partEta.Fill(trueEta)
0692                 for k in range(0,len(simuAssoc[i])): # Loop over associations to find matching ReconstructedChargedParticle
0693                     if (simuAssoc[i][k] == j):
0694                         recMom = ROOT.TVector3(trackMomX[i][recoAssoc[i][k]], trackMomY[i][recoAssoc[i][k]], trackMomZ[i][recoAssoc[i][k]])
0695                         deltaEta = trueEta - recMom.PseudoRapidity()
0696                         deltaPhi = TVector2. Phi_mpi_pi(truePhi - recMom.Phi())
0697                         deltaR = math.sqrt((deltaEta*deltaEta) + (deltaPhi*deltaPhi))
0699                         matchedPartEta.Fill(trueEta)
0700                         matchedPartTrackDeltaR.Fill(deltaR)
0702 # Write output histograms to file below
0703 partEta.Write()
0704 matchedPartEta.Write()
0705 matchedPartTrackDeltaR.Write()
0707 # Close files
0708 ofile.Close()
0709 ```
0710 <!--
0712 A "solution" version of the script for the exercise is included below -
0714 ```python
0715 #! /usr/bin/python
0717 #Import relevant packages
0718 import ROOT, math, array
0719 from ROOT import TCanvas, TColor, TGaxis, TH1F, TH2F, TPad, TStyle, gStyle, gPad, TGaxis, TLine, TMath, TPaveText, TTree, TVector3, TVector2
0720 import uproot as up
0722 #Define and open files
0723 infile="PATH_TO_FILE"
0724 ofile=ROOT.TFile.Open("EfficiencyAnalysis_Exercise_OutPy.root", "RECREATE")
0726 # Open input file and define branches we want to look at with uproot
0727 events_tree =["events"]
0729 # Get particle information
0730 partGenStat = events_tree["MCParticles.generatorStatus"].array()
0731 partMomX = events_tree["MCParticles.momentum.x"].array()
0732 partMomY = events_tree["MCParticles.momentum.y"].array()
0733 partMomZ = events_tree["MCParticles.momentum.z"].array()
0734 partPdg = events_tree["MCParticles.PDG"].array()
0736 # Get reconstructed track information
0737 trackMomX = events_tree["ReconstructedChargedParticles.momentum.x"].array()
0738 trackMomY = events_tree["ReconstructedChargedParticles.momentum.y"].array()
0739 trackMomZ = events_tree["ReconstructedChargedParticles.momentum.z"].array()
0741 # Get assocations between MCParticles and ReconstructedChargedParticles
0742 recoAssoc = events_tree["ReconstructedChargedParticleAssociations.recID"].array()
0743 simuAssoc = events_tree["ReconstructedChargedParticleAssociations.simID"].array()
0745 # Define histograms below
0746 partEta = ROOT.TH1D("partEta","#eta of Thrown Charged Particles; #eta", 120, -6, 6)
0747 matchedPartEta = ROOT.TH1D("matchedPartEta","#eta of Thrown Charged Particles That Have Matching Track; #eta", 120, -6, 6)
0748 partMom = ROOT.TH1D("partMom", "Momentum of Thrown Charged Particles (truth); P(GeV/c)", 150, 0, 150)
0749 matchedPartMom = ROOT.TH1D("matchedPartMom", "Momentum of Thrown Charged Particles (truth), with matching track; P(GeV/c)", 150, 0, 150)
0750 partPhi = ROOT.TH1D("partPhi", "#phi of Thrown Charged Particles (truth); #phi(rad)", 320, -3.2, 3.2)
0751 matchedPartPhi = ROOT.TH1D("matchedPartPhi", "#phi of Thrown Charged Particles (truth), with matching track; #phi(rad)", 320, -3.2, 3.2)
0753 partPEta = ROOT.TH2D("partPEta", "P vs #eta of Thrown Charged Particles; P(GeV/c); #eta", 150, 0, 150, 120, -6, 6)
0754 matchedPartPEta = ROOT.TH2D("matchedPartPEta", "P vs #eta of Thrown Charged Particles, with matching track; P(GeV/C); #eta", 150, 0, 150, 120, -6, 6)
0755 partPhiEta = ROOT.TH2D("partPhiEta", "#phi vs #eta of Thrown Charged Particles; #phi(rad); #eta", 160, -3.2, 3.2, 120, -6, 6)
0756 matchedPartPhiEta = ROOT.TH2D("matchedPartPhiEta", "#phi vs #eta of Thrown Charged Particles; #phi(rad); #eta", 160, -3.2, 3.2, 120, -6, 6)
0758 matchedPartTrackDeltaEta = ROOT.TH1D("matchedPartTrackDeltaEta","#Delta#eta Between Matching Thrown and Reconstructe Charged Particle; #Delta#eta", 100, -0.25, 0.25)
0759 matchedPartTrackDeltaPhi = ROOT.TH1D("matchedPartTrackDeltaPhi","#Detla #phi Between Matching Thrown and Reconstructed Charged Particle; #Delta#phi", 200, -0.2, 0.2)
0760 matchedPartTrackDeltaR = ROOT.TH1D("matchedPartTrackDeltaR","#Delta R Between Matching Thrown and Reconstructed Charged Particle; #Delta R", 300, 0, 0.3)
0761 matchedPartTrackDeltaMom = ROOT.TH1D("matchedPartTrackDeltaMom","#Delta P Between Matching Thrown and Reconstructed Charged Particle; #Delta P", 200, -10, 10)
0763 # Define some histograms for our efficiencies
0764 TrackEff_Eta = ROOT.TH1D("TrackEff_Eta", "Tracking efficiency as fn of #eta; #eta; Eff(%)", 120, -6, 6)
0765 TrackEffMom = ROOT.TH1D("TrackEff_Mom", "Tracking efficiency as fn of P; P(GeV/c); Eff(%)", 150, 0, 150)
0766 TrackEffPhi = ROOT.TH1D("TrackEff_Phi", "Tracking efficiency as fn of #phi; #phi(rad); Eff(%)", 320, -3.2, 3.2)
0768 # 2D Efficiencies
0769 TrackEff_PEta = ROOT.TH2D("TrackEff_PEta", "Tracking efficiency as fn of P and #eta; P(GeV/c); #eta", 150, 0, 150, 120, -6, 6)
0770 TrackEff_PhiEta = ROOT.TH2D("TrackEff_PhiEta", "Tracking efficiency as fn of #phi and #eta; #phi(rad); #eta", 160, -3.2, 3.2, 120, -6, 6)
0772 # All charged particle histos
0773 ChargedEta = ROOT.TH1D("ChargedEta", "#eta of all charged particles; #eta", 120, -6, 6)
0774 ChargedPhi = ROOT.TH1D("ChargedPhi", "#phi of all charged particles; #phi (rad)", 120, -3.2, 3.2)
0775 ChargedP = ROOT.TH1D("ChargedP", "P of all charged particles; P(GeV/c)", 150, 0, 150)
0777 # Add main analysis loop(s) below
0778 for i in range(0, len(events_tree)): # Loop over all events
0779     for j in range(0, len(partGenStat[i])): # Loop over all thrown particles
0780         if partGenStat[i][j] == 1: # Select stable particles
0781             pdg = abs(partPdg[i][j]) # Get PDG for each stable particle
0782             if(pdg == 11 or pdg == 13 or pdg == 211 or pdg == 321 or pdg == 2212):
0783                 trueMom = ROOT.TVector3(partMomX[i][j], partMomY[i][j], partMomZ[i][j])
0784                 trueEta = trueMom.PseudoRapidity()
0785                 truePhi = trueMom.Phi()
0787                 partEta.Fill(trueEta)
0788                 partPhi.Fill(truePhi)
0789                 partMom.Fill(trueMom.Mag())
0790                 partPEta.Fill(trueMom.Mag(), trueEta)
0791                 partPhiEta.Fill(truePhi, trueEta)
0792                 for k in range(0,len(simuAssoc[i])): # Loop over associations to find matching ReconstructedChargedParticle
0793                     if (simuAssoc[i][k] == j):
0794                         recMom = ROOT.TVector3(trackMomX[i][recoAssoc[i][k]], trackMomY[i][recoAssoc[i][k]], trackMomZ[i][recoAssoc[i][k]])
0795                         deltaEta = trueEta - recMom.PseudoRapidity()
0796                         deltaPhi = TVector2. Phi_mpi_pi(truePhi - recMom.Phi())
0797                         deltaR = math.sqrt((deltaEta*deltaEta) + (deltaPhi*deltaPhi))
0798                         deltaMom = ((trueMom.Mag()) - (recMom.Mag()))
0800                         matchedPartTrackDeltaEta.Fill(deltaEta)
0801                         matchedPartTrackDeltaPhi.Fill(deltaPhi)
0802                         matchedPartTrackDeltaR.Fill(deltaR)
0803                         matchedPartTrackDeltaMom.Fill(deltaMom)
0805                         matchedPartEta.Fill(trueEta)
0806                         matchedPartPhi.Fill(truePhi)
0807                         matchedPartMom.Fill(trueMom.Mag())
0808                         matchedPartPEta.Fill(trueMom.Mag(), trueEta)
0809                         matchedPartPhiEta.Fill(truePhi, trueEta)
0810     for x in range (0, len(trackMomX[i])): # Loop over all charged particles, thrown or not
0811         CPartMom = ROOT.TVector3(trackMomX[i][x], trackMomY[i][x], trackMomZ[i][x])
0812         CPartEta = CPartMom.PseudoRapidity()
0813         CPartPhi = CPartMom.Phi()
0815         ChargedEta.Fill(CPartEta)
0816         ChargedPhi.Fill(CPartPhi)
0817         ChargedP.Fill(CPartMom.Mag())
0819 # Write output histograms to file below
0820 partEta.Write()
0821 matchedPartEta.Write()
0822 partMom.Write()
0823 matchedPartMom.Write()
0824 partPhi.Write()
0825 matchedPartPhi.Write()
0826 partPEta.Write()
0827 matchedPartPEta.Write()
0828 partPhiEta.Write()
0829 matchedPartPhiEta.Write()
0830 matchedPartTrackDeltaEta.Write()
0831 matchedPartTrackDeltaPhi.Write()
0832 matchedPartTrackDeltaR.Write()
0833 matchedPartTrackDeltaMom.Write()
0834 ChargedEta.Write()
0835 ChargedPhi.Write()
0836 ChargedP.Write()
0838 TrackEff_Eta.Divide(matchedPartEta, partEta, 1, 1, "b")
0839 TrackEffMom.Divide(matchedPartMom, partMom, 1, 1, "b")
0840 TrackEffPhi.Divide(matchedPartPhi, partPhi, 1, 1, "b")
0841 TrackEff_PEta.Divide(matchedPartPEta, partPEta, 1, 1, "b")
0842 TrackEff_PhiEta.Divide(matchedPartPhiEta, partPhiEta, 1, 1, "b")
0844 TrackEff_Eta.Write()
0845 TrackEffMom.Write()
0846 TrackEffPhi.Write()
0847 TrackEff_PEta.Write()
0848 TrackEff_PhiEta.Write()
0850 # Close files
0851 ofile.Close()
0852 ```
0853 Insert your input file path and execute as the example code above.
0854 -->
0855 ###
0857 Create a file called `` and copy in the code below to get started on the resolution analysis exercise. Note that you will need to correctly specifiy your input file path in the variable `infile`.
0859 ```python
0860 #! /usr/bin/python
0862 #Import relevant packages
0863 import ROOT, math, array
0864 from ROOT import TH1F, TH2F, TMath, TTree, TVector3, TVector2
0865 import uproot as up
0867 #Define and open files
0868 infile="PATH_TO_INPUT_FILE"
0869 ofile=ROOT.TFile.Open("ResolutionAnalysis_OutPy.root", "RECREATE")
0871 # Open input file and define branches we want to look at with uproot
0872 events_tree =["events"]
0874 # Get particle information
0875 partGenStat = events_tree["MCParticles.generatorStatus"].array()
0876 partMomX = events_tree["MCParticles.momentum.x"].array()
0877 partMomY = events_tree["MCParticles.momentum.y"].array()
0878 partMomZ = events_tree["MCParticles.momentum.z"].array()
0879 partPdg = events_tree["MCParticles.PDG"].array()
0881 # Get reconstructed track information
0882 trackMomX = events_tree["ReconstructedChargedParticles.momentum.x"].array()
0883 trackMomY = events_tree["ReconstructedChargedParticles.momentum.y"].array()
0884 trackMomZ = events_tree["ReconstructedChargedParticles.momentum.z"].array()
0886 # Get assocations between MCParticles and ReconstructedChargedParticles
0887 recoAssoc = events_tree["ReconstructedChargedParticleAssociations.recID"].array()
0888 simuAssoc = events_tree["ReconstructedChargedParticleAssociations.simID"].array()
0890 # Define histograms below
0891 trackMomentumRes = ROOT.TH1D("trackMomentumRes","Track Momentum Resolution", 400, -2, 2)
0893 matchedPartTrackDeltaEta = ROOT.TH1D("matchedPartTrackDeltaEta","#Delta#eta Between Matching Thrown and Reconstructe Charged Particle; #Delta#eta", 100, -0.25, 0.25)
0894 matchedPartTrackDeltaPhi = ROOT.TH1D("matchedPartTrackDeltaPhi","#Detla #phi Between Matching Thrown and Reconstructed Charged Particle; #Delta#phi", 200, -0.2, 0.2)
0895 matchedPartTrackDeltaR = ROOT.TH1D("matchedPartTrackDeltaR","#Delta R Between Matching Thrown and Reconstructed Charged Particle; #Delta R", 300, 0, 0.3)
0896 matchedPartTrackDeltaMom = ROOT.TH1D("matchedPartTrackDeltaMom","#Delta P Between Matching Thrown and Reconstructed Charged Particle; #Delta P", 200, -10, 10)
0898 # Add main analysis loop(s) below
0899 for i in range(0, len(events_tree)): # Loop over all events
0900     for j in range(0, len(partGenStat[i])): # Loop over all thrown particles
0901         if partGenStat[i][j] == 1: # Select stable particles
0902             pdg = abs(partPdg[i][j]) # Get PDG for each stable particle
0903             if(pdg == 11 or pdg == 13 or pdg == 211 or pdg == 321 or pdg == 2212):
0904                 trueMom = ROOT.TVector3(partMomX[i][j], partMomY[i][j], partMomZ[i][j])
0905                 trueEta = trueMom.PseudoRapidity()
0906                 truePhi = trueMom.Phi()
0908                 for k in range(0,len(simuAssoc[i])): # Loop over associations to find matching ReconstructedChargedParticle
0909                     if (simuAssoc[i][k] == j):
0910                         recMom = ROOT.TVector3(trackMomX[i][recoAssoc[i][k]], trackMomY[i][recoAssoc[i][k]], trackMomZ[i][recoAssoc[i][k]])
0911                         deltaEta = trueEta - recMom.PseudoRapidity()
0912                         deltaPhi = TVector2. Phi_mpi_pi(truePhi - recMom.Phi())
0913                         deltaR = math.sqrt((deltaEta*deltaEta) + (deltaPhi*deltaPhi))
0914                         deltaMom = ((trueMom.Mag()) - (recMom.Mag()))
0916                         momRes = (recMom.Mag() - trueMom.Mag())/trueMom.Mag()
0918                         matchedPartTrackDeltaEta.Fill(deltaEta)
0919                         matchedPartTrackDeltaPhi.Fill(deltaPhi)
0920                         matchedPartTrackDeltaR.Fill(deltaR)
0921                         matchedPartTrackDeltaMom.Fill(deltaMom)                        
0923                         trackMomentumRes.Fill(momRes)
0925 # Write output histograms to file below
0926 trackMomentumRes.Write()
0927 matchedPartTrackDeltaEta.Write()
0928 matchedPartTrackDeltaPhi.Write()
0929 matchedPartTrackDeltaR.Write()
0930 matchedPartTrackDeltaMom.Write()
0932 # Close files
0933 ofile.Close()
0934 ```
0935 <!--
0937 A "solution" version of the script for the exercise is included below -
0939 ```python
0940 #! /usr/bin/python
0942 #Import relevant packages
0943 import ROOT, math, array
0944 from ROOT import TCanvas, TColor, TGaxis, TH1F, TH2F, TPad, TStyle, gStyle, gPad, TGaxis, TLine, TMath, TPaveText, TTree, TVector3, TVector2
0945 import uproot as up
0947 #Define and open files
0948 infile="PATH_TO_FILE"
0949 ofile=ROOT.TFile.Open("ResolutionAnalysis_Exercise_OutPy.root", "RECREATE")
0951 # Open input file and define branches we want to look at with uproot
0952 events_tree =["events"]
0954 # Get particle information
0955 partGenStat = events_tree["MCParticles.generatorStatus"].array()
0956 partMomX = events_tree["MCParticles.momentum.x"].array()
0957 partMomY = events_tree["MCParticles.momentum.y"].array()
0958 partMomZ = events_tree["MCParticles.momentum.z"].array()
0959 partPdg = events_tree["MCParticles.PDG"].array()
0961 # Get reconstructed track information
0962 trackMomX = events_tree["ReconstructedChargedParticles.momentum.x"].array()
0963 trackMomY = events_tree["ReconstructedChargedParticles.momentum.y"].array()
0964 trackMomZ = events_tree["ReconstructedChargedParticles.momentum.z"].array()
0966 # Get assocations between MCParticles and ReconstructedChargedParticles
0967 recoAssoc = events_tree["ReconstructedChargedParticleAssociations.recID"].array()
0968 simuAssoc = events_tree.["ReconstructedChargedParticleAssociations.simID"].array()
0970 # Define histograms below
0971 trackMomentumRes = ROOT.TH1D("trackMomentumRes","Track Momentum Resolution", 400, -2, 2)
0972 trackMomResP = ROOT.TH2D("trackMomResP", "Track Momentum Resolution vs P; (P_{rec} - P_{MC})/P_{MC}; P_{MC}(GeV/c)", 400, -2, 2, 150, 0, 150);
0973 trackMomResEta = ROOT.TH2D("trackMomResEta", "Track Momentum Resolution vs #eta; (P_{rec} - P_{MC})/P_{MC}; #eta_{MC}", 400, -2, 2, 120, -6, 6);
0975 trackMomentumRes_e = ROOT.TH1D("trackMomentumRes_e","e^{#pm} Track Momentum Resolution; (P_{rec} - P_{MC})/P_{MC}", 400, -2, 2);
0976 trackMomResP_e = ROOT.TH2D("trackMomResP_e", "e^{#pm} Track Momentum Resolution vs P; (P_{rec} - P_{MC})/P_{MC}; P_{MC}(GeV/c)", 400, -2, 2, 150, 0, 25);
0977 trackMomResEta_e = ROOT.TH2D("trackMomResEta_e", "e^{#pm} Track Momentum Resolution vs #eta; (P_{rec} - P_{MC})/P_{MC}; #eta_{MC}", 400, -2, 2, 120, -6, 6);
0979 trackMomentumRes_mu = ROOT.TH1D("trackMomentumRes_mu","#mu^{#pm} Track Momentum Resolution; (P_{rec} - P_{MC})/P_{MC}", 400, -2, 2);
0980 trackMomResP_mu = ROOT.TH2D("trackMomResP_mu", "#mu^{#pm} Track Momentum Resolution vs P; (P_{rec} - P_{MC})/P_{MC}; P_{MC}(GeV/c)", 400, -2, 2, 150, 0, 25);
0981 trackMomResEta_mu = ROOT.TH2D("trackMomResEta_mu", "#mu^{#pm} Track Momentum Resolution vs #eta; (P_{rec} - P_{MC})/P_{MC}; #eta_{MC}", 400, -2, 2, 120, -6, 6);
0983 trackMomentumRes_pi = ROOT.TH1D("trackMomentumRes_pi","#pi^{#pm} Track Momentum Resolution; (P_{rec} - P_{MC})/P_{MC}", 400, -2, 2);
0984 trackMomResP_pi = ROOT.TH2D("trackMomResP_pi", "#pi^{#pm} Track Momentum Resolution vs P; (P_{rec} - P_{MC})/P_{MC}; P_{MC}(GeV/c)", 400, -2, 2, 150, 0, 150);
0985 trackMomResEta_pi = ROOT.TH2D("trackMomResEta_pi", "#pi^{#pm} Track Momentum Resolution vs #eta; (P_{rec} - P_{MC})/P_{MC}; #eta_{MC}", 400, -2, 2, 120, -6, 6);
0987 trackMomentumRes_K = ROOT.TH1D("trackMomentumRes_K","K^{#pm} Track Momentum Resolution; (P_{rec} - P_{MC})/P_{MC}", 400, -2, 2);
0988 trackMomResP_K = ROOT.TH2D("trackMomResP_K", "K^{#pm} Track Momentum Resolution vs P; (P_{rec} - P_{MC})/P_{MC}; P_{MC}(GeV/c)", 400, -2, 2, 150, 0, 150);
0989 trackMomResEta_K = ROOT.TH2D("trackMomResEta_K", "K^{#pm} Track Momentum Resolution vs #eta; (P_{rec} - P_{MC})/P_{MC}; #eta_{MC}", 400, -2, 2, 120, -6, 6);
0991 trackMomentumRes_p = ROOT.TH1D("trackMomentumRes_p","p Track Momentum Resolution; (P_{rec} - P_{MC})/P_{MC}", 400, -2, 2);
0992 trackMomResP_p = ROOT.TH2D("trackMomResP_p", "p Track Momentum Resolution vs P; (P_{rec} - P_{MC})/P_{MC}; P_{MC}(GeV/c)", 400, -2, 2, 150, 0, 150);
0993 trackMomResEta_p = ROOT.TH2D("trackMomResEta_p", "p Track Momentum Resolution vs #eta; (P_{rec} - P_{MC})/P_{MC}; #eta_{MC}", 400, -2, 2, 120, -6, 6);
0995 matchedPartTrackDeltaEta = ROOT.TH1D("matchedPartTrackDeltaEta","#Delta#eta Between Matching Thrown and Reconstructe Charged Particle; #Delta#eta", 100, -0.25, 0.25)
0996 matchedPartTrackDeltaPhi = ROOT.TH1D("matchedPartTrackDeltaPhi","#Detla #phi Between Matching Thrown and Reconstructed Charged Particle; #Delta#phi", 200, -0.2, 0.2)
0997 matchedPartTrackDeltaR = ROOT.TH1D("matchedPartTrackDeltaR","#Delta R Between Matching Thrown and Reconstructed Charged Particle; #Delta R", 300, 0, 0.3)
0998 matchedPartTrackDeltaMom = ROOT.TH1D("matchedPartTrackDeltaMom","#Delta P Between Matching Thrown and Reconstructed Charged Particle; #Delta P", 200, -10, 10)
1000 # Add main analysis loop(s) below
1001 for i in range(0, len(events_tree)): # Loop over all events
1002     for j in range(0, len(partGenStat[i])): # Loop over all thrown particles
1003         if partGenStat[i][j] == 1: # Select stable particles
1004             pdg = abs(partPdg[i][j]) # Get PDG for each stable particle
1005             if(pdg == 11 or pdg == 13 or pdg == 211 or pdg == 321 or pdg == 2212):
1006                 trueMom = ROOT.TVector3(partMomX[i][j], partMomY[i][j], partMomZ[i][j])
1007                 trueEta = trueMom.PseudoRapidity()
1008                 truePhi = trueMom.Phi()
1010                 for k in range(0,len(simuAssoc[i])): # Loop over associations to find matching ReconstructedChargedParticle
1011                     if (simuAssoc[i][k] == j):
1012                         recMom = ROOT.TVector3(trackMomX[i][recoAssoc[i][k]], trackMomY[i][recoAssoc[i][k]], trackMomZ[i][recoAssoc[i][k]])
1013                         deltaEta = trueEta - recMom.PseudoRapidity()
1014                         deltaPhi = TVector2. Phi_mpi_pi(truePhi - recMom.Phi())
1015                         deltaR = math.sqrt((deltaEta*deltaEta) + (deltaPhi*deltaPhi))
1016                         deltaMom = ((trueMom.Mag()) - (recMom.Mag()))
1018                         momRes = (recMom.Mag() - trueMom.Mag())/trueMom.Mag()
1020                         trackMomentumRes.Fill(momRes)
1021                         trackMomResP.Fill(momRes, trueMom.Mag())
1022                         trackMomResEta.Fill(momRes, trueEta)
1024                         if( pdg == 11):
1025                             trackMomentumRes_e.Fill(momRes)
1026                             trackMomResP_e.Fill(momRes, trueMom.Mag())
1027                             trackMomResEta_e.Fill(momRes, trueEta)
1028                         elif( pdg == 13):
1029                             trackMomentumRes_mu.Fill(momRes)
1030                             trackMomResP_mu.Fill(momRes, trueMom.Mag())
1031                             trackMomResEta_mu.Fill(momRes, trueEta)
1032                         elif( pdg == 211):
1033                             trackMomentumRes_pi.Fill(momRes)
1034                             trackMomResP_pi.Fill(momRes, trueMom.Mag())
1035                             trackMomResEta_pi.Fill(momRes, trueEta)
1036                         elif( pdg == 321):
1037                             trackMomentumRes_K.Fill(momRes)
1038                             trackMomResP_K.Fill(momRes, trueMom.Mag())
1039                             trackMomResEta_K.Fill(momRes, trueEta)
1040                         elif( pdg == 2212):
1041                             trackMomentumRes_p.Fill(momRes)
1042                             trackMomResP_p.Fill(momRes, trueMom.Mag())
1043                             trackMomResEta_p.Fill(momRes, trueEta)
1045                         matchedPartTrackDeltaEta.Fill(deltaEta)
1046                         matchedPartTrackDeltaPhi.Fill(deltaPhi)
1047                         matchedPartTrackDeltaR.Fill(deltaR)
1048                         matchedPartTrackDeltaMom.Fill(deltaMom)
1050 # Write output histograms to file below
1051 trackMomentumRes.Write()
1052 trackMomResP.Write()
1053 trackMomResEta.Write()
1054 trackMomentumRes_e.Write()
1055 trackMomResP_e.Write()
1056 trackMomResEta_e.Write()
1057 trackMomentumRes_mu.Write()
1058 trackMomResP_mu.Write()
1059 trackMomResEta_mu.Write()
1060 trackMomentumRes_pi.Write()
1061 trackMomResP_pi.Write()
1062 trackMomResEta_pi.Write()
1063 trackMomentumRes_K.Write()
1064 trackMomResP_K.Write()
1065 trackMomResEta_K.Write()
1066 trackMomentumRes_p.Write()
1067 trackMomResP_p.Write()
1068 trackMomResEta_p.Write()
1070 matchedPartTrackDeltaEta.Write()
1071 matchedPartTrackDeltaPhi.Write()
1072 matchedPartTrackDeltaR.Write()
1073 matchedPartTrackDeltaMom.Write()
1075 # Close files
1076 ofile.Close()
1077 ```
1078 Insert your input file path and execute as the example code above.
1079 -->
1080 ## RDataFrames Example
1082 Note that only the initial stage of the efficiency example is presented here in RDF format. This example was kindly created by [Simon](
1084 ### EfficiencyAnalysisRDF.C
1086 Create a file called `EfficiencyAnalysisRDF.C` and paste the code below in. Remember to change the file path. 
1088 Execute this script via - `root -l -q EfficiencyAnalysisRDF.C++`. Do this within eic-shell or somewhere else with the correct EDM4hep/EDM4eic libraries installed.
1090 ```c++
1091 #include <edm4hep/utils/vector_utils.h>
1092 #include <edm4hep/MCParticle.h>
1093 #include <edm4eic/ReconstructedParticle.h>
1094 #include <ROOT/RDataFrame.hxx>
1095 #include <ROOT/RVec.hxx>
1096 #include <TFile.h>
1098 // Define aliases for the data types 
1099 using MCP = edm4hep::MCParticleData;
1100 using RecoP = edm4eic::ReconstructedParticleData;
1102 // Define function to vectorize the edm4hep::utils methods
1103 template <typename T>
1104 auto getEta = [](ROOT::VecOps::RVec<T> momenta) {
1105   return ROOT::VecOps::Map(momenta, [](const T& p) { return edm4hep::utils::eta(p.momentum); });
1106 };
1108 template <typename T>
1109 auto getPhi = [](ROOT::VecOps::RVec<T> momenta) {
1110   return ROOT::VecOps::Map(momenta, [](const T& p) { return edm4hep::utils::angleAzimuthal(p.momentum); });
1111 };
1113 // Define the function to perform the efficiency analysis
1114 void EfficiencyAnalysisRDF(TString infile="PATH_TO_FILE"){
1116   // Set up input file 
1117   ROOT::RDataFrame df("events", infile);
1119   // Define new dataframe node with additional columns
1120   auto df1 =  df.Define("statusFilter",  "MCParticles.generatorStatus == 1"    )
1121                 .Define("absPDG",        "abs(MCParticles.PDG)"                )
1122                 .Define("pdgFilter",     "absPDG == 11 || absPDG == 13 || absPDG == 211 || absPDG == 321 || absPDG == 2212")
1123                 .Define("particleFilter","statusFilter && pdgFilter"           )
1124                 .Define("filtMCParts",   "MCParticles[particleFilter]"         )
1125                 .Define("assoFilter",    "Take(particleFilter,ReconstructedChargedParticleAssociations.simID)") // Incase any of the associated particles happen to not be charged
1126                 .Define("assoMCParts",   "Take(MCParticles,ReconstructedChargedParticleAssociations.simID)[assoFilter]")
1127                 .Define("assoRecParts",  "Take(ReconstructedChargedParticles,ReconstructedChargedParticleAssociations.recID)[assoFilter]")
1128                 .Define("filtMCEta",     getEta<MCP>   , {"filtMCParts"} )
1129                 .Define("filtMCPhi",     getPhi<MCP>   , {"filtMCParts"} )
1130                 .Define("accoMCEta",     getEta<MCP>   , {"assoMCParts"} )
1131                 .Define("accoMCPhi",     getPhi<MCP>   , {"assoMCParts"} )
1132                 .Define("assoRecEta",    getEta<RecoP> , {"assoRecParts"})
1133                 .Define("assoRecPhi",    getPhi<RecoP> , {"assoRecParts"})
1134                 .Define("deltaR",        "ROOT::VecOps::DeltaR(assoRecEta, accoMCEta, assoRecPhi, accoMCPhi)");
1136   // Define histograms
1137   auto partEta                = df1.Histo1D({"partEta","Eta of Thrown Charged Particles;Eta",100,-5.,5.},"filtMCEta");
1138   auto matchedPartEta         = df1.Histo1D({"matchedPartEta","Eta of Thrown Charged Particles That Have Matching Track",100,-5.,5.},"accoMCEta");
1139   auto matchedPartTrackDeltaR = df1.Histo1D({"matchedPartTrackDeltaR","Delta R Between Matching Thrown and Reconstructed Charged Particle",5000,0.,5.},"deltaR");
1141   // Write histograms to file
1142   TFile *ofile = TFile::Open("EfficiencyAnalysis_Out_RDF.root","RECREATE");
1144   // Booked Define and Histo1D lazy actions are only performed here
1145   partEta->Write();
1146   matchedPartEta->Write();
1147   matchedPartTrackDeltaR->Write();
1149   ofile->Close(); // Close output file
1150 }
1151 ```
1152 <!--
1154 A "solution" using RDataFrames is included below, please see the notes following this script for some of my thoughts on RDataFrames -
1156 ```c++
1157 #include <edm4hep/utils/vector_utils.h>
1158 #include <edm4hep/MCParticle.h>
1159 #include <edm4eic/ReconstructedParticle.h>
1160 #include <ROOT/RDataFrame.hxx>
1161 #include <ROOT/RVec.hxx>
1162 #include <TFile.h>
1164 // Define aliases for the data types 
1165 using MCP = edm4hep::MCParticleData;
1166 using RecoP = edm4eic::ReconstructedParticleData;
1168 // Define function to vectorize the edm4hep::utils methods
1169 template <typename T>
1170 auto getEta = [](ROOT::VecOps::RVec<T> momenta) {
1171   return ROOT::VecOps::Map(momenta, [](const T& p) { return edm4hep::utils::eta(p.momentum); });
1172 };
1174 template <typename T>
1175 auto getPhi = [](ROOT::VecOps::RVec<T> momenta) {
1176   return ROOT::VecOps::Map(momenta, [](const T& p) { return edm4hep::utils::angleAzimuthal(p.momentum); });
1177 };
1179 template <typename T>
1180 auto getP = [](ROOT::VecOps::RVec<T> momenta) {
1181   //return ROOT::VecOps::Map(momenta, [](const T& p) { return (p.momentum); }); // This is a vector3f
1182   return ROOT::VecOps::Map(momenta, [](const T& p) { return edm4hep::utils::magnitude(p.momentum); }); // This is a the magnitude of that vector3f
1183 };
1185 // Define the function to perform the efficiency analysis
1186 void EfficiencyAnalysisRDF_Exercise(TString infile="PATH_TO_INPUT_FILE"){
1188   // Set up input file 
1189   ROOT::RDataFrame df("events", infile);
1191   // Define new dataframe node with additional columns
1192   auto df1 =  df.Define("statusFilter",  "MCParticles.generatorStatus == 1"    )
1193     .Define("absPDG",        "abs(MCParticles.PDG)"                )
1194     .Define("pdgFilter",     "absPDG == 11 || absPDG == 13 || absPDG == 211 || absPDG == 321 || absPDG == 2212")
1195     .Define("particleFilter","statusFilter && pdgFilter"           )
1196     .Define("filtMCParts",   "MCParticles[particleFilter]"         )
1197     .Define("assoFilter",    "Take(particleFilter,ReconstructedChargedParticleAssociations.simID)") // Incase any of the associated particles happen to not be charged
1198     .Define("assoMCParts",   "Take(MCParticles,ReconstructedChargedParticleAssociations.simID)[assoFilter]")
1199     .Define("assoRecParts",  "Take(ReconstructedChargedParticles,ReconstructedChargedParticleAssociations.recID)[assoFilter]")
1200     .Define("filtMCEta",     getEta<MCP>   , {"filtMCParts"} )
1201     .Define("filtMCPhi",     getPhi<MCP>   , {"filtMCParts"} )
1202     .Define("filtMCp",       getP<MCP>     , {"filtMCParts"} )
1203     .Define("assoMCEta",     getEta<MCP>   , {"assoMCParts"} )
1204     .Define("assoMCPhi",     getPhi<MCP>   , {"assoMCParts"} )
1205     .Define("assoMCp",       getP<MCP>     , {"assoMCParts"} )
1206     .Define("assoRecEta",    getEta<RecoP> , {"assoRecParts"})
1207     .Define("assoRecPhi",    getPhi<RecoP> , {"assoRecParts"})
1208     .Define("assoRecp",      getP<RecoP>   , {"assoRecParts"})
1209     .Define("deltaEta",      "assoMCEta - assoRecEta"        )
1210     .Define("deltaPhi",      "ROOT::VecOps::DeltaPhi(assoRecPhi, assoMCPhi)")
1211     .Define("deltaR",        "ROOT::VecOps::DeltaR(assoRecEta, assoMCEta, assoRecPhi, assoMCPhi)")
1212     .Define("deltaMom",      "assoMCp - assoRecp")
1213     .Define("recoEta",       getEta<RecoP>,  {"ReconstructedChargedParticles"})
1214     .Define("recoPhi",       getPhi<RecoP>,  {"ReconstructedChargedParticles"})
1215     .Define("recoP",         getP<RecoP>,    {"ReconstructedChargedParticles"});
1217   // Define histograms. We create a histogram with the usual naming/titles/bins/range etc, then specify how to fill the histogram based upon things we have defined for our dataframe
1218   auto partEta                = df1.Histo1D({"partEta","#eta of Thrown Charged Particles;#eta",120,-6.,6.},"filtMCEta");
1219   auto matchedPartEta         = df1.Histo1D({"matchedPartEta","#eta of Thrown Charged Particles That Have Matching Track;#eta",120,-6.,6.},"assoMCEta");
1220   auto partMom = df1.Histo1D({"partMom", "Momentum of Thrown Charged Particles (truth); P(GeV/c)", 150, 0, 150}, "filtMCp");
1221   auto matchedPartMom = df1.Histo1D({"matchedPartMom", "Momentum of Thrown Charged Particles (truth), with matching track; P(GeV/c)", 150, 0, 150}, "assoMCp");
1222   auto partPhi = df1.Histo1D({"partPhi", "#phi of Thrown Charged Particles (truth); #phi(rad)", 320, -3.2, 3.2},"filtMCPhi");
1223   auto matchedPartPhi = df1.Histo1D({"matchedPartPhi", "#phi of Thrown Charged Particles (truth), with matching track; #phi(rad)", 320, -3.2, 3.2}, "assoMCPhi");
1225   auto partPEta = df1.Histo2D({"partPEta", "P vs #eta of Thrown Charged Particles; P(GeV/c); #eta", 150, 0, 150, 120, -6, 6}, "filtMCp", "filtMCEta");
1226   auto matchedPartPEta = df1.Histo2D({"matchedPartPEta", "P vs #eta of Thrown Charged Particles, with matching track; P(GeV/c); #eta", 150, 0, 150, 120, -6, 6}, "assoMCp", "assoMCEta");
1227   auto partPhiEta = df1.Histo2D({"partPhiEta", "#phi vs #eta of Thrown Charged Particles; #phi(rad); #eta", 160, -3.2, 3.2, 120, -6, 6}, "filtMCPhi", "filtMCEta");
1228   auto matchedPartPhiEta = df1.Histo2D({"matchedPartPhiEta", "#phi vs #eta of Thrown Charged Particles; #phi(rad); #eta", 160, -3.2, 3.2, 120, -6, 6}, "assoMCPhi", "assoMCEta");
1230   auto matchedPartTrackDeltaEta = df1.Histo1D({"matchedPartTrackDeltaEta","#Delta#eta Between Matching Thrown and Reconstructed Charged Particle; #Delta#eta", 100, -0.25, 0.25}, "deltaEta");
1231   auto matchedPartTrackDeltaPhi = df1.Histo1D({"matchedPartTrackDeltaPhi","#Detla #phi Between Matching Thrown and Reconstructed Charged Particle; #Delta#phi", 200, -0.2, 0.2}, "deltaPhi");
1232   auto matchedPartTrackDeltaR = df1.Histo1D({"matchedPartTrackDeltaR","#Delta R Between Matching Thrown and Reconstructed Charged Particle;#Delta R",300,0.,0.3}, "deltaR");
1233   auto matchedPartTrackDeltaMom = df1.Histo1D({"matchedPartTrackDeltaMom","#Delta P Between Matching Thrown and Reconstructed Charged Particle; #Delta P", 200, -10, 10}, "deltaMom");
1235   // Define some histograms for our efficiencies - Done "old school" root style - Maybe the division can be done direct from a DF?
1236   TH1D *TrackEff_Eta = new TH1D("TrackEff_Eta", "Tracking efficiency as fn of #eta; #eta; Eff(%)", 120, -6, 6); 
1237   TH1D *TrackEff_Mom = new TH1D("TrackEff_Mom", "Tracking efficiency as fn of P; P(GeV/c); Eff(%)", 150, 0, 150); 
1238   TH1D *TrackEff_Phi = new TH1D("TrackEff_Phi", "Tracking efficiency as fn of #phi; #phi(rad); Eff(%)", 320, -3.2, 3.2);
1239   // 2D Efficiencies
1240   TH2D* TrackEff_PEta = new TH2D("TrackEff_PEta", "Tracking efficiency as fn of P and #eta; P(GeV/c); #eta", 150, 0, 150, 120, -6, 6);
1241   TH2D* TrackEff_PhiEta = new TH2D("TrackEff_PhiEta", "Tracking efficiency as fn of #phi and #eta; #phi(rad); #eta", 160, -3.2, 3.2, 120, -6, 6);
1243   auto ChargedEta = df1.Histo1D({"ChargedEta", "#eta of all charged particles; #eta", 120, -6, 6}, "recoEta");
1244   auto ChargedPhi = df1.Histo1D({"ChargedPhi", "#phi of all charged particles; #phi (rad)", 120, -3.2, 3.2}, "recoPhi");
1245   auto ChargedP = df1.Histo1D({"ChargedP", "P of all charged particles; P(GeV/c)", 150, 0, 150}, "recoP");
1247   // Write histograms to file
1248   TFile *ofile = TFile::Open("EfficiencyAnalysis_Exercise_Out_RDF.root","RECREATE");
1250   // Booked Define and Histo1D lazy actions are only performed here
1251   partEta->Write();
1252   matchedPartEta->Write();
1253   partPhi->Write();
1254   matchedPartPhi->Write();
1255   partMom->Write();
1256   matchedPartMom->Write();
1257   partPEta->Write();
1258   matchedPartPEta->Write();
1259   partPhiEta->Write();
1260   matchedPartPhiEta->Write();
1261   matchedPartTrackDeltaEta->Write();
1262   matchedPartTrackDeltaPhi->Write();
1263   matchedPartTrackDeltaR->Write();
1264   matchedPartTrackDeltaMom->Write();
1266   // Create efficiency histograms by dividing appropriately. Note we must actually get the pointer explicitly.
1267   TrackEff_Eta->Divide(matchedPartEta.GetPtr(), partEta.GetPtr(), 1, 1, "b");
1268   TrackEff_Mom->Divide(matchedPartMom.GetPtr(), partMom.GetPtr(), 1, 1, "b");  
1269   TrackEff_Phi->Divide(matchedPartPhi.GetPtr(), partPhi.GetPtr(), 1, 1, "b");
1270   TrackEff_PEta->Divide(matchedPartPEta.GetPtr(), partPEta.GetPtr(), 1, 1, "b");
1271   TrackEff_PhiEta->Divide(matchedPartPhiEta.GetPtr(), partPhiEta.GetPtr(), 1, 1, "b");
1273   TrackEff_Eta->Write();
1274   TrackEff_Mom->Write();
1275   TrackEff_Phi->Write();
1276   TrackEff_PEta->Write();
1277   TrackEff_PhiEta->Write();
1279   ChargedEta->Write();
1280   ChargedPhi->Write();
1281   ChargedP->Write();
1283   ofile->Close(); // Close output file
1284 }
1285 ```
1286 Insert your input file path and execute as the example code above.
1288 > Note:
1289 > - Before writing this example and solution, I have never used RDataFrames before. Some thoughts below.
1290 >   - I find them very difficult to work with. The processes that are "actually" going on are very obscured with RDataFrames.
1291 >   - Finding resources and examples online is much more difficult due to how new RDataFrames are.
1292 >     - This further complicates writing and working with them. 
1293 >   - Getting this example working and producing the same result as the python and ROOT examples took me as much time as preparing the rest of the tutorial.
1294 >   - The script itself seems to be very slow when running.
1295 >   - I don't think they're a good starting point for someone new to ROOT/Nuclear Physics data analysis. Too much is going on behind the scenes.
1296 >  - In summary, I personally would *not* recommend using RDataFrames for your analysis (at this point in time).
1297 >  - Note that this just my (SKay) thoughts and opinions though.
1298 {: .callout}
1300 Note that due to how much "fun" I had making the efficiency analysis exercise with RDataFrames, I won't be creating a solution for the resolution analysis exercises.
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