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Warning, /snippets/PID/hpDIRC/time_imaging_reco/ is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 ## Time imaging reconstruction
0002 The following can be done either within or outside ```eic-shell```.
0003 For time imaging reconstruction we need an input file with the same number of events for two different particle types. Let's consider the case of pi+ and K+. 
0004 - Use ```npsim``` to generate 25000 events separately for each of the two cases ("pi+" and "kaon+" for ```--gun.particle```). Rename the ```sim.edm4hep.root``` file to match the particle type.
0005 - Run ```eicrecon``` with the two plugins ```hpDIRCsimHits``` and ```hpDIRCrawHits``` over each of the simulated file. Rename the ```eicrecon.root``` file to match the particle type.
0006 - Merge the two ```eicrecon``` root files. For example,
0007   ```bash
0008   hadd eicrecon_30_theta_mix_pik_50000_events.root EICReconOut_pi+_25000evts_theta_30deg.root EICReconOut_kaon+_25000evts_theta_30deg.root
0009   ```
0010 - To create PDFs(Probability Density Functions) run the macro ```createPdf_epic.cpp``` on the input file (merged ```eicrecon``` file). This will create a ROOT file with extension ```.pdf.root``` and will contain PDFs for time imaging reconstruction.
0011   ```
0012   root -q -b 'createPdf_epic.cpp("eicrecon_30_theta_mix_pik_50000_events.root")'
0013   ```
0014 - For time imaging reconstruction use the input file and the PDF file as arguments and run the macro ```recoPdf_epic.cpp```. 
0015 ```
0016 root -q -b 'recoPdf_epic.cpp("eicrecon_30_theta_mix_pik_50000_events.root","eicrecon_30_theta_mix_pik_50000_events.pdf.root")'
0017 ```
0018 - This will create a ROOT file with extension ```.root_r.root```. This file contains a TTree called ```reco``` in which the photon yield (```nph```) and separation power (```sep```) are saved and can be used to evaluate the hpDIRC performance.
0019 - To plot the hit pattern run the macro ```draw_hp.C``` with the input file as the argument.
0020 ```
0021 root -q -b 'draw_hp.C("eicrecon_30_theta_mix_pik_50000_events.root")'
0022 ```