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0001 # GitHub Action: eic/run-cvmfs-osg-eic-shell
0002 ![linux](
0004 This GitHub Action executes user payload code inside a EIC shell environment, specified by the user.
0006 ## Instructions
0008 ### Prerequisites
0009 This action depends on the user to call the companion action `uses: cvmfs-contrib/github-action-cvmfs@v4` before using `uses: eic/run-cvmfs-osg-eic-shell@v1`, which will install CVMFS on the node. GitHub Actions currently do not support calling the action `github-action-cvmfs` from within `run-cvmfs-osg-eic-shell`, this needs to be done explicitly by the user.
0011 ### Example
0013 You can use this GitHub Action in a workflow in your own repository with `uses: eic/run-cvmfs-osg-eic-shell@v1`.
0015 A minimal job example for GitHub-hosted runners of type `ubuntu-latest`:
0016 ```yaml
0017 jobs:
0018   run-eic-shell:
0019     runs-on: ubuntu-latest
0020     steps:
0021     - uses: actions/checkout@v4
0022     - uses: cvmfs-contrib/github-action-cvmfs@v4
0023     - uses: eic/run-cvmfs-osg-eic-shell@v1
0024       with:
0025         platform-release: "eic_xl:nightly"
0026         run: |
0027           gcc --version
0028           which gcc
0029           eic-info
0030 ```
0031 In this case the action will automatically resolve the correct container image (in this case `eic_xl:nightly`) and spawn an instance with Singularity from `/cvmfs/`.
0033 The action mounts the checkout directory into the mentioned container and wraps the variable `run` in the script:
0035 ```sh
0036 #!/usr/bin/env bash
0037 export LC_ALL=C
0038 set -Euo pipefail
0039 trap 's=$?; echo "$0: Error on line "$LINENO": $BASH_COMMAND"; exit $s' ERR
0040 IFS=$'\n\t'
0041 set -e
0043 source ${SETUP}
0045 ${RUN} # the multi-line variable specified in the action under run: |
0046 ```
0048 which is executed in the container and thus giving the user an easy and direct access to run arbitrary code on top of an EIC shell.
0051 ### Parameters
0052 The following parameters are supported:
0053  - `platform`: EIC shell platform you are targeting (e.g. `eic_xl`)
0054  - `release`: EIC shell release you are targeting (e.g. `3.0-stable`)
0055  - `platform-release`: EIC shell platform release string you are targeting (e.g. `eic_xl:3.0-stable`)
0056  - `run`: They payload code you want to execute on top of the view
0057  - `setup`: Initialization/Setup script for a view that sets the environment (e.g. `/opt/detector/epic-main/bin/`)
0058  - `sandbox-path`: Path where the setup script for the custom view is location. By specifying this variable the auto-resolving of the view based on `release` and `platform` is disabled.
0059  - `network_types`: Network types to setup inside container. Defaults to `bridge` networking, but can be `none` to disable networking.
0060  - `apptainer_version`: Apptainer version to use. Defaults to `latest`, but can be any version such as `v1.1.3`.
0062 Please be aware that you must use the combination of parameters `release` and `platform` together or use just the variable `platform-release` alone. These two options are given to enable more flexibility for the user to form their workflow with matrix expressions.
0064 ### Minimal Example
0066 There are minimal examples, which are also workflows in this repository in the subfolder [.github/workflows/](
0068 ## Limitations
0070 The action will always resolve the correct image to execute your code on top the requested view, therefore you must always set the top level GitHub Action variable `runs-on: ubuntu-latest`.