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0001 import os
0002 import inspect
0003 from setuptools import setup
0004 from pyjano.version import version as pyjano_version
0006 # The directory containing this file
0007 this_script_dir = os.path.dirname(inspect.stack()[0][1])
0009 # The text of the README file
0010 with open(os.path.join(this_script_dir, ""), 'r') as readme_file:
0011     readme =
0013 # This call to setup() does all the work
0014 setup(
0015     name="pyjano",
0016     version=pyjano_version,
0017     description="JANA2 python control tool",
0018     long_description=readme,
0019     long_description_content_type="text/markdown",
0020     url="",
0021     author="Dmitry Romanov",
0022     author_email="",
0023     license="MIT",
0024     classifiers=[
0025         # How mature is this project? Common values are
0026         #   3 - Alpha
0027         #   4 - Beta
0028         #   5 - Production/Stable
0029         'Development Status :: 3 - Alpha',
0031         "License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License",
0032         "Programming Language :: Python :: 3",
0033         "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6",
0034     ],
0035     packages=["pyjano", "escrun"],
0036     package_data={'pyjano': ['pyjano/server/templates/*.html',
0037                              'pyjano/server/static/*.*'
0038                        ]},
0039     include_package_data=True,
0040 #    setup_requires=["click", "appdirs"],
0041 #    install_requires=["click", "appdirs"],
0042 #    entry_points={
0043 #        "console_scripts": [
0044 #            "janapy=janapy:ejpm_cli",
0045 #        ]
0046 #    },
0047 )