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Last indexation completed on 2024-09-27 07:04:07 UTC

  Name Size Date (UTC) Last indexed Description
  Name Size Date (UTC) Last indexed Description
folder Parent directory - 2024-09-27 07:00:19  
CalorimeterHitReco.cpp 9677 bytes 2024-09-27 07:00:19 2024-09-27 07:03:50  
CalorimeterHitsEtaPhiProjector.cpp 5114 bytes 2024-09-27 07:00:19 2024-09-27 07:03:50  
CalorimeterHitsMerger.cpp 6916 bytes 2024-09-27 07:00:19 2024-09-27 07:03:50

An algorithm to group readout hits from a calorimeter Energy is summed Author: Chao Peng (ANL),

CalorimeterIslandCluster.cpp 16960 bytes 2024-09-27 07:00:19 2024-09-27 07:03:50

Island Clustering Algorithm for Calorimeter Blocks 1.

ClusterRecoCoG.cpp 583 bytes 2024-09-27 07:00:19 2024-09-27 07:03:50

Reconstruct the cluster with Center of Gravity method Logarithmic weighting is used for mimicing energy deposit in transverse direction Author: Sylvester Joosten, Chao Peng (ANL),

EnergyPositionClusterMerger.cpp 5930 bytes 2024-09-27 07:00:19 2024-09-27 07:03:50  
FarForwardParticles.cpp 10550 bytes 2024-09-27 07:00:19 2024-09-27 07:03:50  
FarForwardParticlesOMD.cpp 6707 bytes 2024-09-27 07:00:19 2024-09-27 07:03:50  
ImagingClusterReco.cpp 12826 bytes 2024-09-27 07:00:19 2024-09-27 07:03:50

Reconstruct the cluster/layer info for imaging calorimeter Logarithmic weighting is used to describe energy deposit in transverse direction Author: Chao Peng (ANL),

ImagingPixelDataCombiner.cpp 5557 bytes 2024-09-27 07:00:19 2024-09-27 07:03:50

A hits-level data combiner to combine two datasets into one for machine learning Author: Chao Peng (ANL),

ImagingPixelDataSorter.cpp 3883 bytes 2024-09-27 07:00:19 2024-09-27 07:03:51

A hits-level data sorter to prepare dataset for machine learning Author: Chao Peng (ANL),

ImagingPixelMerger.cpp 5793 bytes 2024-09-27 07:00:19 2024-09-27 07:03:51  
ImagingPixelReco.cpp 6687 bytes 2024-09-27 07:00:19 2024-09-27 07:03:51  
ImagingTopoCluster.cpp 9439 bytes 2024-09-27 07:00:19 2024-09-27 07:03:51

Topological Cell Clustering Algorithm for Imaging Calorimetry 1. group all the adjacent pixels Author: Chao Peng (ANL), References:

InclusiveKinematicsDA.cpp 8590 bytes 2024-09-27 07:00:19 2024-09-27 07:03:51  
InclusiveKinematicsElectron.cpp 8329 bytes 2024-09-27 07:00:19 2024-09-27 07:03:51  
InclusiveKinematicseSigma.cpp 8729 bytes 2024-09-27 07:00:19 2024-09-27 07:03:51  
InclusiveKinematicsJB.cpp 8146 bytes 2024-09-27 07:00:19 2024-09-27 07:03:51  
InclusiveKinematicsSigma.cpp 8409 bytes 2024-09-27 07:00:19 2024-09-27 07:03:51  
ParticleCollector.cpp 2462 bytes 2024-09-27 07:00:19 2024-09-27 07:03:51  
PhotoMultiplierReco.cpp 4146 bytes 2024-09-27 07:00:19 2024-09-27 07:03:51

General PhotoMultiplier Reconstruction Estimate the number of photo-electrons and convert getTimeStamp to time Collect cell information Author: Chao Peng (ANL) Date:

SimpleClustering.cpp 6528 bytes 2024-09-27 07:00:19 2024-09-27 07:03:51  
TrackerHitReconstruction.cpp 5259 bytes 2024-09-27 07:00:19 2024-09-27 07:03:51  
TrackingHitsCollector2.cpp 2751 bytes 2024-09-27 07:00:19 2024-09-27 07:03:51