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0001 // SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
0002 // Copyright (C) 2022 Sylvester Joosten
0004 #include <string>
0006 #include <GaudiKernel/Service.h>
0007 #include <JugAlgo/IAlgoServiceSvc.h>
0008 #include <k4Interface/IGeoSvc.h>
0010 #include <algorithms/geo.h>
0011 #include <algorithms/logger.h>
0012 #include <algorithms/random.h>
0013 #include <algorithms/service.h>
0015 // too many services? :P
0016 class AlgoServiceSvc : public extends<Service, IAlgoServiceSvc> {
0017 public:
0018   AlgoServiceSvc(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* svc) : base_class(name, svc) {}
0019   virtual ~AlgoServiceSvc() = default;
0021   virtual StatusCode initialize() final;
0022   virtual StatusCode finalize() final { return StatusCode::SUCCESS; }
0024 private:
0025   SmartIF<IGeoSvc> m_geoSvc;
0026   Gaudi::Property<size_t> m_randomSeed{this, "randomSeed", 1};
0027 };
0029 DECLARE_COMPONENT(AlgoServiceSvc)
0031 // Implementation
0033 StatusCode AlgoServiceSvc::initialize() {
0034   StatusCode sc = Service::initialize();
0035   if (!sc.isSuccess()) {
0036     fatal() << "Error initializing AlgoServiceSvc" << endmsg;
0037     return sc;
0038   }
0040   try {
0041     auto& serviceSvc = algorithms::ServiceSvc::instance();
0042     info() << "ServiceSvc declared " << << " services" << endmsg;
0043     // Now register custom initializers
0044     // Starting with the logger
0045     const algorithms::LogLevel level{
0046         static_cast<algorithms::LogLevel>(msgLevel() > 0 ? msgLevel() - 1 : 0)};
0047     info() << "Setting up algorithms::LogSvc with default level " << algorithms::logLevelName(level)
0048            << endmsg;
0049     serviceSvc.setInit<algorithms::LogSvc>([this,level](auto&& logger) {
0050       this->info() << "Initializing the algorithms::LogSvc using the Gaudi logger" << endmsg;
0051       logger.defaultLevel(level);
0052       logger.init(
0053           [this](const algorithms::LogLevel l, std::string_view caller, std::string_view msg) {
0054             const std::string text = fmt::format("[{}] {}", caller, msg);
0055             if (l == algorithms::LogLevel::kCritical) {
0056               this->fatal() << text << endmsg;
0057             } else if (l == algorithms::LogLevel::kError) {
0058               this->error() << text << endmsg;
0059             } else if (l == algorithms::LogLevel::kWarning) {
0060               this->warning() << text << endmsg;
0061             } else if (l == algorithms::LogLevel::kInfo) {
0062               this->info() << text << endmsg;
0063             } else if (l == algorithms::LogLevel::kDebug) {
0064               this->debug() << text << endmsg;
0065             } else if (l == algorithms::LogLevel::kTrace) {
0066               this->verbose() << text << endmsg;
0067             }
0068           });
0069     });
0070     // geo Service
0071     info() << "Setting up algorithms::GeoSvc" << endmsg;
0072     m_geoSvc = service("GeoSvc");
0073     if (!m_geoSvc) {
0074       error() << "Unable to locate Geometry Service. "
0075               << "Make sure you have GeoSvc in the right order in the configuration." << endmsg;
0076       return StatusCode::FAILURE;
0077     }
0078     serviceSvc.setInit<algorithms::GeoSvc>([this](auto&& g) {
0079       this->info() << "Initializing algorithms::RandomSvc with the Juggler GeoSvc" << endmsg;
0080       g.init(m_geoSvc->getDetector());
0081     });
0082     // setup random service
0083     info() << "Setting up algorithms::RandomSvc\n"
0084            << "  --> using internal STL 64-bit MT engine\n"
0085            << "  --> seed set to" << m_randomSeed << endmsg;
0086     serviceSvc.setInit<algorithms::RandomSvc>([this](auto&& r) {
0087       this->info() << "Initializing the algorithms::RandomSvc" << endmsg;
0088       r.setProperty("seed", m_randomSeed);
0089       r.init();
0090     });
0091     info() << "Initializing services" << endmsg;
0093     // first set own log level to verbose so we actually display everything that is requested
0094     // (this overrides what was initally set through the OutputLevel property)
0095     updateMsgStreamOutputLevel(MSG::VERBOSE);
0097     // Validate our service setup (this will throw if we encounter issues)
0098     serviceSvc.init();
0100   } catch (const std::exception& e) {
0101     fatal() << e.what() << endmsg;
0102     return StatusCode::FAILURE;
0103   }
0105   info() << "AlgoServiceSvc initialized successfully" << endmsg;
0106   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
0107 }