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0001 /*
0002     tests/test_copy_move_policies.cpp -- 'copy' and 'move' return value policies
0003                                          and related tests
0005     Copyright (c) 2016 Ben North <>
0007     All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
0008     BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
0009 */
0011 #include <pybind11/stl.h>
0013 #include "constructor_stats.h"
0014 #include "pybind11_tests.h"
0016 template <typename derived>
0017 struct empty {
0018     static const derived &get_one() { return instance_; }
0019     static derived instance_;
0020 };
0022 struct lacking_copy_ctor : public empty<lacking_copy_ctor> {
0023     lacking_copy_ctor() = default;
0024     lacking_copy_ctor(const lacking_copy_ctor &other) = delete;
0025 };
0027 template <>
0028 lacking_copy_ctor empty<lacking_copy_ctor>::instance_ = {};
0030 struct lacking_move_ctor : public empty<lacking_move_ctor> {
0031     lacking_move_ctor() = default;
0032     lacking_move_ctor(const lacking_move_ctor &other) = delete;
0033     lacking_move_ctor(lacking_move_ctor &&other) = delete;
0034 };
0036 template <>
0037 lacking_move_ctor empty<lacking_move_ctor>::instance_ = {};
0039 /* Custom type caster move/copy test classes */
0040 class MoveOnlyInt {
0041 public:
0042     MoveOnlyInt() { print_default_created(this); }
0043     explicit MoveOnlyInt(int v) : value{v} { print_created(this, value); }
0044     MoveOnlyInt(MoveOnlyInt &&m) noexcept {
0045         print_move_created(this, m.value);
0046         std::swap(value, m.value);
0047     }
0048     MoveOnlyInt &operator=(MoveOnlyInt &&m) noexcept {
0049         print_move_assigned(this, m.value);
0050         std::swap(value, m.value);
0051         return *this;
0052     }
0053     MoveOnlyInt(const MoveOnlyInt &) = delete;
0054     MoveOnlyInt &operator=(const MoveOnlyInt &) = delete;
0055     ~MoveOnlyInt() { print_destroyed(this); }
0057     int value;
0058 };
0059 class MoveOrCopyInt {
0060 public:
0061     MoveOrCopyInt() { print_default_created(this); }
0062     explicit MoveOrCopyInt(int v) : value{v} { print_created(this, value); }
0063     MoveOrCopyInt(MoveOrCopyInt &&m) noexcept {
0064         print_move_created(this, m.value);
0065         std::swap(value, m.value);
0066     }
0067     MoveOrCopyInt &operator=(MoveOrCopyInt &&m) noexcept {
0068         print_move_assigned(this, m.value);
0069         std::swap(value, m.value);
0070         return *this;
0071     }
0072     MoveOrCopyInt(const MoveOrCopyInt &c) {
0073         print_copy_created(this, c.value);
0074         // NOLINTNEXTLINE(cppcoreguidelines-prefer-member-initializer)
0075         value = c.value;
0076     }
0077     MoveOrCopyInt &operator=(const MoveOrCopyInt &c) {
0078         print_copy_assigned(this, c.value);
0079         value = c.value;
0080         return *this;
0081     }
0082     ~MoveOrCopyInt() { print_destroyed(this); }
0084     int value;
0085 };
0086 class CopyOnlyInt {
0087 public:
0088     CopyOnlyInt() { print_default_created(this); }
0089     explicit CopyOnlyInt(int v) : value{v} { print_created(this, value); }
0090     CopyOnlyInt(const CopyOnlyInt &c) {
0091         print_copy_created(this, c.value);
0092         // NOLINTNEXTLINE(cppcoreguidelines-prefer-member-initializer)
0093         value = c.value;
0094     }
0095     CopyOnlyInt &operator=(const CopyOnlyInt &c) {
0096         print_copy_assigned(this, c.value);
0097         value = c.value;
0098         return *this;
0099     }
0100     ~CopyOnlyInt() { print_destroyed(this); }
0102     int value;
0103 };
0106 template <>
0107 struct type_caster<MoveOnlyInt> {
0108     PYBIND11_TYPE_CASTER(MoveOnlyInt, const_name("MoveOnlyInt"));
0109     bool load(handle src, bool) {
0110         value = MoveOnlyInt(src.cast<int>());
0111         return true;
0112     }
0113     static handle cast(const MoveOnlyInt &m, return_value_policy r, handle p) {
0114         return pybind11::cast(m.value, r, p);
0115     }
0116 };
0118 template <>
0119 struct type_caster<MoveOrCopyInt> {
0120     PYBIND11_TYPE_CASTER(MoveOrCopyInt, const_name("MoveOrCopyInt"));
0121     bool load(handle src, bool) {
0122         value = MoveOrCopyInt(src.cast<int>());
0123         return true;
0124     }
0125     static handle cast(const MoveOrCopyInt &m, return_value_policy r, handle p) {
0126         return pybind11::cast(m.value, r, p);
0127     }
0128 };
0130 template <>
0131 struct type_caster<CopyOnlyInt> {
0132 protected:
0133     CopyOnlyInt value;
0135 public:
0136     static constexpr auto name = const_name("CopyOnlyInt");
0137     bool load(handle src, bool) {
0138         value = CopyOnlyInt(src.cast<int>());
0139         return true;
0140     }
0141     static handle cast(const CopyOnlyInt &m, return_value_policy r, handle p) {
0142         return pybind11::cast(m.value, r, p);
0143     }
0144     static handle cast(const CopyOnlyInt *src, return_value_policy policy, handle parent) {
0145         if (!src) {
0146             return none().release();
0147         }
0148         return cast(*src, policy, parent);
0149     }
0150     explicit operator CopyOnlyInt *() { return &value; }
0151     explicit operator CopyOnlyInt &() { return value; }
0152     template <typename T>
0153     using cast_op_type = pybind11::detail::cast_op_type<T>;
0154 };
0156 PYBIND11_NAMESPACE_END(pybind11)
0158 TEST_SUBMODULE(copy_move_policies, m) {
0159     // test_lacking_copy_ctor
0160     py::class_<lacking_copy_ctor>(m, "lacking_copy_ctor")
0161         .def_static("get_one", &lacking_copy_ctor::get_one, py::return_value_policy::copy);
0162     // test_lacking_move_ctor
0163     py::class_<lacking_move_ctor>(m, "lacking_move_ctor")
0164         .def_static("get_one", &lacking_move_ctor::get_one, py::return_value_policy::move);
0166     // test_move_and_copy_casts
0167     // NOLINTNEXTLINE(performance-unnecessary-value-param)
0168     m.def("move_and_copy_casts", [](const py::object &o) {
0169         int r = 0;
0170         r += py::cast<MoveOrCopyInt>(o).value; /* moves */
0171         r += py::cast<MoveOnlyInt>(o).value;   /* moves */
0172         r += py::cast<CopyOnlyInt>(o).value;   /* copies */
0173         auto m1(py::cast<MoveOrCopyInt>(o));   /* moves */
0174         auto m2(py::cast<MoveOnlyInt>(o));     /* moves */
0175         auto m3(py::cast<CopyOnlyInt>(o));     /* copies */
0176         r += m1.value + m2.value + m3.value;
0178         return r;
0179     });
0181     // test_move_and_copy_loads
0182     m.def("move_only", [](MoveOnlyInt m) { return m.value; });
0183     // Changing this breaks the existing test: needs careful review.
0184     // NOLINTNEXTLINE(performance-unnecessary-value-param)
0185     m.def("move_or_copy", [](MoveOrCopyInt m) { return m.value; });
0186     // Changing this breaks the existing test: needs careful review.
0187     // NOLINTNEXTLINE(performance-unnecessary-value-param)
0188     m.def("copy_only", [](CopyOnlyInt m) { return m.value; });
0189     m.def("move_pair",
0190           [](std::pair<MoveOnlyInt, MoveOrCopyInt> p) { return p.first.value + p.second.value; });
0191     m.def("move_tuple", [](std::tuple<MoveOnlyInt, MoveOrCopyInt, MoveOnlyInt> t) {
0192         return std::get<0>(t).value + std::get<1>(t).value + std::get<2>(t).value;
0193     });
0194     m.def("copy_tuple", [](std::tuple<CopyOnlyInt, CopyOnlyInt> t) {
0195         return std::get<0>(t).value + std::get<1>(t).value;
0196     });
0197     m.def("move_copy_nested",
0198           [](std::pair<MoveOnlyInt,
0199                        std::pair<std::tuple<MoveOrCopyInt, CopyOnlyInt, std::tuple<MoveOnlyInt>>,
0200                                  MoveOrCopyInt>> x) {
0201               return x.first.value + std::get<0>(x.second.first).value
0202                      + std::get<1>(x.second.first).value
0203                      + std::get<0>(std::get<2>(x.second.first)).value + x.second.second.value;
0204           });
0205     m.def("move_and_copy_cstats", []() {
0206         ConstructorStats::gc();
0207         // Reset counts to 0 so that previous tests don't affect later ones:
0208         auto &mc = ConstructorStats::get<MoveOrCopyInt>();
0209         mc.move_assignments = mc.move_constructions = mc.copy_assignments = mc.copy_constructions
0210             = 0;
0211         auto &mo = ConstructorStats::get<MoveOnlyInt>();
0212         mo.move_assignments = mo.move_constructions = mo.copy_assignments = mo.copy_constructions
0213             = 0;
0214         auto &co = ConstructorStats::get<CopyOnlyInt>();
0215         co.move_assignments = co.move_constructions = co.copy_assignments = co.copy_constructions
0216             = 0;
0217         py::dict d;
0218         d["MoveOrCopyInt"] = py::cast(mc, py::return_value_policy::reference);
0219         d["MoveOnlyInt"] = py::cast(mo, py::return_value_policy::reference);
0220         d["CopyOnlyInt"] = py::cast(co, py::return_value_policy::reference);
0221         return d;
0222     });
0224     // test_move_and_copy_load_optional
0225     m.attr("has_optional") = true;
0226     m.def("move_optional", [](std::optional<MoveOnlyInt> o) { return o->value; });
0227     m.def("move_or_copy_optional", [](std::optional<MoveOrCopyInt> o) { return o->value; });
0228     m.def("copy_optional", [](std::optional<CopyOnlyInt> o) { return o->value; });
0229     m.def("move_optional_tuple",
0230           [](std::optional<std::tuple<MoveOrCopyInt, MoveOnlyInt, CopyOnlyInt>> x) {
0231               return std::get<0>(*x).value + std::get<1>(*x).value + std::get<2>(*x).value;
0232           });
0233 #else
0234     m.attr("has_optional") = false;
0235 #endif
0237     // #70 compilation issue if operator new is not public - simple body added
0238     // but not needed on most compilers; MSVC and nvcc don't like a local
0239     // struct not having a method defined when declared, since it can not be
0240     // added later.
0241     struct PrivateOpNew {
0242         int value = 1;
0244     private:
0245         void *operator new(size_t bytes) {
0246             void *ptr = std::malloc(bytes);
0247             if (ptr) {
0248                 return ptr;
0249             }
0250             throw std::bad_alloc{};
0251         }
0252     };
0253     py::class_<PrivateOpNew>(m, "PrivateOpNew").def_readonly("value", &PrivateOpNew::value);
0254     m.def("private_op_new_value", []() { return PrivateOpNew(); });
0255     m.def(
0256         "private_op_new_reference",
0257         []() -> const PrivateOpNew & {
0258             static PrivateOpNew x{};
0259             return x;
0260         },
0261         py::return_value_policy::reference);
0263     // test_move_fallback
0264     // #389: rvp::move should fall-through to copy on non-movable objects
0265     struct MoveIssue1 {
0266         int v;
0267         explicit MoveIssue1(int v) : v{v} {}
0268         MoveIssue1(const MoveIssue1 &c) = default;
0269         MoveIssue1(MoveIssue1 &&) = delete;
0270     };
0271     py::class_<MoveIssue1>(m, "MoveIssue1")
0272         .def(py::init<int>())
0273         .def_readwrite("value", &MoveIssue1::v);
0275     struct MoveIssue2 {
0276         int v;
0277         explicit MoveIssue2(int v) : v{v} {}
0278         MoveIssue2(MoveIssue2 &&) = default;
0279     };
0280     py::class_<MoveIssue2>(m, "MoveIssue2")
0281         .def(py::init<int>())
0282         .def_readwrite("value", &MoveIssue2::v);
0284     // #2742: Don't expect ownership of raw pointer to `new`ed object to be transferred with
0285     // `py::return_value_policy::move`
0286     m.def(
0287         "get_moveissue1",
0288         [](int i) { return std::unique_ptr<MoveIssue1>(new MoveIssue1(i)); },
0289         py::return_value_policy::move);
0290     m.def(
0291         "get_moveissue2", [](int i) { return MoveIssue2(i); }, py::return_value_policy::move);
0293     // Make sure that cast from pytype rvalue to other pytype works
0294     m.def("get_pytype_rvalue_castissue", [](double i) { return py::float_(i).cast<py::int_>(); });
0295 }