Warning, /jana2/docs/howto/cli.md is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0002 Using the JANA CLI
0003 ==================
0005 Collaborations often choose to create their own executables that call JANA2 under the hood. However, if they are taking advantage of JANA2's plugin architecture, they also have the option to use JANA2's builtin CLI tool to run their plugins directly. JANA2's CLI tool is typically run like this:
0007 ~~~ bash
0008 $JANA_HOME/bin/jana -Pplugins=JTest -Pnthreads=8 ~/data/inputfile.txt
0009 ~~~
0011 Note that the JANA executable won't do anything until you provide plugins.
0012 A simple plugin is provided called JTest, which verifies that everything is working and optionally does a quick
0013 performance benchmark. Additional simple plugins that demonstrate different pieces of JANA2's functionality are provided in `src/examples`. Instructions on how to write your
0014 own plugin are given in the Tutorial section.
0016 Along with specifying plugins, you need to specify the input files containing the events you wish to process.
0017 Note that JTest ignores these and crunches randomly generated data instead.
0020 The built-in CLI tool accepts the following command-line flags:
0022 | Short | Long | Meaning |
0023 |:------|:-----|:---------|
0024 | -h | --help | Display help message |
0025 | -v | --version | Display version information |
0026 | -c | --configs | Display configuration parameters |
0027 | -l | --loadconfigs <file> | Load configuration parameters from file |
0028 | -d | --dumpconfigs <file> | Dump configuration parameters to file |
0029 | -b | --benchmark | Run JANA in benchmark mode |
0030 | -P | | Specify a configuration parameter (see below) |