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0007 ## Welcome to JANA!
0009 JANA is a C++ framework for multi-threaded HENP (High Energy and Nuclear Physics) event reconstruction.
0010 Please see the [JANA website](https://jeffersonlab.github.io/JANA2/) for full documentation.
0012 JANA2 is a complete rewrite retaining successful features from the original while modernizing the framework for a new generation of experiments. The code is under active development, but is ready for use as is. You are welcome to
0013 check it out and give feedback to help us improve it.
0015 Just to whet your appetite a little, the code snippet below is the most common signature of JANA. A large fraction of end users won't really need to know much more than this.
0017 ```
0018 auto tracks = jevent->Get<DTrack>();
0020 for(auto t : tracks){
0021 // ... do something with a track
0022 }
0023 ```
0025 To quickly build and install, run:
0026 ```bash
0027 mkdir build
0028 mkdir install
0029 export JANA_HOME=`pwd`/install
0030 cmake -S . -B build
0031 cmake --build build -j 10 --target install
0032 install/bin/jana -Pplugins=JTest
0033 ```
0035 For detailed instructions, see the [howto guide](https://jeffersonlab.github.io/JANA2/Installation.html).