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0002 //
0003 // Units are [mm], [GeV], [T], [ps];
0004 //
0005 // root -l delphes_btof.C
0006 //
0008 #define _E_PI_SEPARATION_MODE_
0010 void delphes_btof( void )
0011 {
0012   //printf("%f\n", (1.0 - erf(1.5/(sqrt(2.)*1.0)))/2);
0014   auto btof = new DelphesConfigTOF("BTOF");
0015   btof->UsePtMode();
0017   // Define particle mass hypotheses in ascending mass order; yes, there is no 
0018   // reason to overcomplicate things;
0019 #ifdef _E_PI_SEPARATION_MODE_
0020   btof->AddMassHypothesis(-11);
0021 #endif
0022   btof->AddMassHypothesis("pi+");
0023 #ifndef _E_PI_SEPARATION_MODE_
0024   btof->AddMassHypothesis("K+");
0025   btof->AddMassHypothesis("proton");
0026 #endif
0028   // Define t0 and detector time resolution is [ps];
0029   btof->SetT0Resolution        (20.00);
0030   btof->SetDetectorResolution  (30.00);
0031   // dp/p ~ 0.02% * p + 0.5%; take the proposal draft TEMPLATE data; assume holds for Pt;
0032   btof->SetMomentumResolution  (0.020, 0.500);
0033   // Units are [mm] throughout the code;
0034   btof->SetPathLengthResolution(1.000);
0036   // Installation radius in [mm]; constant magnetic field in [T];
0037   btof->SetInstallationRadius  (500.0);
0038   btof->SetMagneticField       (3.000);
0040   // eta and momentum range and binning; 
0041   btof->SetEtaRange     (-1.05, 1.05,  10);
0042   // Do not mind to use Pt rather than 1/Pt bins; [GeV/c];
0043 #ifdef _E_PI_SEPARATION_MODE_
0044   btof->SetMomentumRange( 0.22, 0.45,  10);
0045 #else
0046   btof->SetMomentumRange( 0.22, 2.20,  10);
0047 #endif
0049   // This input is sufficient to allocate the internal tables and calculate 
0050   // time of flight for various mass hypotheses;
0051   btof->DoSigmaCalculations();
0053   // This is again some generic stuff;
0054   //btof->Print();
0055   btof->WriteTcl();
0056   exit(0);
0057 } // delphes_btof()