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0001 #ifndef __SYS_ERROR_H__
0002 #define __SYS_ERROR_H__
0003 /******************************************************************************/
0004 /*                                                                            */
0005 /*                        X r d S y s E r r o r . h h                         */
0006 /*                                                                            */
0007 /*(c) 2004 by the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford, Jr., University   */
0008 /*Produced by Andrew Hanushevsky for Stanford University under contract       */
0009 /*           DE-AC02-76-SFO0515 with the Deprtment of Energy                  */
0010 /*                                                                            */
0011 /* This file is part of the XRootD software suite.                            */
0012 /*                                                                            */
0013 /* XRootD is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under    */
0014 /* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the     */
0015 /* Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your     */
0016 /* option) any later version.                                                 */
0017 /*                                                                            */
0018 /* XRootD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT      */
0019 /* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or      */
0020 /* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public       */
0021 /* License for more details.                                                  */
0022 /*                                                                            */
0023 /* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License   */
0024 /* along with XRootD in a file called COPYING.LESSER (LGPL license) and file  */
0025 /* COPYING (GPL license).  If not, see <>.        */
0026 /*                                                                            */
0027 /* The copyright holder's institutional names and contributor's names may not */
0028 /* be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without  */
0029 /* specific prior written permission of the institution or contributor.       */
0030 /******************************************************************************/
0032 #include <cstdlib>
0033 #ifndef WIN32
0034 #include <unistd.h>
0035 #include <cstring>
0036 #include <strings.h>
0037 #else
0038 #include <cstring>
0039 #endif
0041 /******************************************************************************/
0042 /*                      o o u c _ E r r o r _ T a b l e                       */
0043 /******************************************************************************/
0045 class XrdSysError_Table
0046 {
0047 public:
0048 friend class XrdSysError;
0050 char  *Lookup(int mnum)
0051              {return (char *)(mnum < base_msgnum || mnum > last_msgnum
0052                              ? 0 : msg_text[mnum - base_msgnum]);
0053              }
0054        XrdSysError_Table(int base, int last, const char **text)
0055                         : next(0),
0056                           base_msgnum(base),
0057                           last_msgnum(last),
0058                           msg_text(text) {}
0059       ~XrdSysError_Table() {}
0061 private:
0062 XrdSysError_Table *next;            // -> Next table or 0;
0063 int               base_msgnum;     // Starting message number
0064 int               last_msgnum;     // Ending   message number
0065 const char      **msg_text;        // Array of message text
0066 };
0068 /******************************************************************************/
0069 /*                  L o g   M a s k   D e f i n i t i o n s                   */
0070 /******************************************************************************/
0072 const int SYS_LOG_01 =   1;
0073 const int SYS_LOG_02 =   2;
0074 const int SYS_LOG_03 =   4;
0075 const int SYS_LOG_04 =   8;
0076 const int SYS_LOG_05 =  16;
0077 const int SYS_LOG_06 =  32;
0078 const int SYS_LOG_07 =  64;
0079 const int SYS_LOG_08 = 128;
0080 //              0x00000100 to 0x0000ffff reseved for     XRootD use
0081 //              0x00010000 to 0xffff0000 reseved for non-XRootD use
0083 /******************************************************************************/
0084 /*                            o o u c _ E r r o r                             */
0085 /******************************************************************************/
0087 class XrdSysLogger;
0089 class XrdSysError
0090 {
0091 public:
0092          XrdSysError(XrdSysLogger *lp, const char *ErrPrefix="sys")
0093                     : epfx(0),
0094                       epfxlen(0),
0095                       msgMask(-1),
0096                       Logger(lp)
0097                     { SetPrefix(ErrPrefix); }
0099         ~XrdSysError() {}
0101 // addTable allows you to add a new error table for errno handling. Any
0102 // number of table may be added and must consist of statis message text
0103 // since the table are deleted but the text is not freed. Error tables
0104 // must be setup without multi-threading.  There is only one global table.
0105 //
0106 static void addTable(XrdSysError_Table *etp) {etp->next = etab; etab = etp;}
0108 // baseFD() returns the original FD associated with this object.
0109 //
0110 int baseFD();
0112 // ec2text tyranslates an error code to the correspodning error text or returns
0113 // null if matching text cannot be found.
0114 //
0115 static const char *ec2text(int ecode);
0117 // Emsg() produces a message of various forms. The message is written to the 
0118 // constructor specified file descriptor. See variations below.
0119 //
0120 // <datetime> <epfx><esfx>: error <ecode> (syser[<ecode>]); <text1> <text2>"
0121 // (returns abs(ecode)).
0122 //
0123 int Emsg(const char *esfx, int ecode, const char *text1, const char *text2=0);
0125 // <datetime> <epfx><esfx>: <text1> <text2> <text3>
0126 //
0127 void Emsg(const char *esfx, const char *text1, 
0128                             const char *text2=0,
0129                             const char *text3=0);
0131 // <datetime> <epfx><esfx>: <text1> <text2> <text3>
0132 //
0133 inline void Log(int mask, const char *esfx, 
0134                           const char *text1,
0135                           const char *text2=0,
0136                           const char *text3=0)
0137                {if (mask & msgMask) Emsg(esfx, text1, text2, text3);}
0139 // logger() sets/returns the logger object for this message message handler.
0140 //
0141 XrdSysLogger *logger(XrdSysLogger *lp=0)
0142                    {XrdSysLogger *oldp = Logger;
0143                     if (lp) Logger = lp;
0144                     return oldp;
0145                    }
0147 // Say() route a line without timestamp or prefix
0148 //
0149 void Say(const char *text1,   const char *text2=0, const char *txt3=0,
0150          const char *text4=0, const char *text5=0, const char *txt6=0);
0152 // Set/Get the loging mask (only used by clients of this object)
0153 //
0154 void setMsgMask(int mask) {msgMask = mask;}
0156 int  getMsgMask()         {return msgMask;}
0158 // SetPrefix() dynamically changes the error prefix
0159 //
0160 inline const char *SetPrefix(const char *prefix)
0161                         {const char *oldpfx = epfx;
0162                          epfx = prefix; epfxlen = strlen(epfx);
0163                          return oldpfx;
0164                         }
0166 // TBeg() is used to start a trace on std::ostream std::cerr. The TEnd() ends the trace.
0167 //
0168 void TBeg(const char *txt1=0, const char *txt2=0, const char *txt3=0);
0169 void TEnd();
0171 private:
0173 static XrdSysError_Table *etab;
0174 const char               *epfx;
0175 int                       epfxlen;
0176 int                       msgMask;
0177 XrdSysLogger             *Logger;
0178 };
0179 #endif