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0001 #ifndef __OUC_BUFF__
0002 #define __OUC_BUFF__
0003 /******************************************************************************/
0004 /*                                                                            */
0005 /*                       X r d O u c B u f f e r . h h                        */
0006 /*                                                                            */
0007 /* (c) 2013 by the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford, Jr., University  */
0008 /*                            All Rights Reserved                             */
0009 /*   Produced by Andrew Hanushevsky for Stanford University under contract    */
0010 /*              DE-AC02-76-SFO0515 with the Department of Energy              */
0011 /*                                                                            */
0012 /* This file is part of the XRootD software suite.                            */
0013 /*                                                                            */
0014 /* XRootD is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under    */
0015 /* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the     */
0016 /* Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your     */
0017 /* option) any later version.                                                 */
0018 /*                                                                            */
0019 /* XRootD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT      */
0020 /* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or      */
0021 /* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public       */
0022 /* License for more details.                                                  */
0023 /*                                                                            */
0024 /* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License   */
0025 /* along with XRootD in a file called COPYING.LESSER (LGPL license) and file  */
0026 /* COPYING (GPL license).  If not, see <>.        */
0027 /*                                                                            */
0028 /* The copyright holder's institutional names and contributor's names may not */
0029 /* be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without  */
0030 /* specific prior written permission of the institution or contributor.       */
0031 /******************************************************************************/
0033 #include <cstdlib>
0035 #include "XrdOuc/XrdOucChain.hh"
0036 #include "XrdSys/XrdSysPthread.hh"
0038 /******************************************************************************/
0039 /*                        X r d O u c B u f f P o o l                         */
0040 /******************************************************************************/
0042 class XrdOucBuffer;
0044 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0045 //! These classes allow for buffer management to minimize data copying. They
0046 //! are typically used in conjunction with the XrdOucErrInfo class. The
0047 //! XrdOucBuffPool class defines a pool of buffers and one such object must
0048 //! exist for each buffer pool (there can be many such pools). This object
0049 //! manufactures XrdOucBuffer objects. You can also create XrdOucBuffers
0050 //! without using a buffer pool (i.e. one time buffers). See the XrdOucBuffer
0051 //! constructor for details on how to do this and the associated caveats.
0052 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0054 class XrdOucBuffPool
0055 {
0056 friend class XrdOucBuffer;
0057 public:
0059 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0060 //! Allocate a buffer object.
0061 //!
0062 //! @param  sz    - the desired size. It os rounded up to be a multiple of
0063 //!                 incBsz but cannot exceed maxBsz.
0064 //!
0065 //! @return !0    - pointer to usable buffer object of suitable size.
0066 //! @return =0    - insufficient memort ro allocate a buffer.
0067 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0069        XrdOucBuffer *Alloc(int sz);
0071 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0072 //! Obtain the maximum size a buffer can have.
0073 //!
0074 //! @return The maximum size a buffer can be.
0075 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0077 inline int          MaxSize() const {return maxBsz;}
0079 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0080 //! Constructor
0081 //!
0082 //! @param  minsz - the minimum size a buffer can have. If it is smaller than
0083 //!                 1024 it is set to 1024. The minsz is also adjusted to be
0084 //!                 equal to the closest smaller value of 1024*(2**n) (i.e. 1K,
0085 //!                 2k, 4K, etc). If it's greater than 16MB, it is set to 16MB.
0086 //! @param  maxsz - the maximum size a buffer can have and must be >= minsz.
0087 //!                 If it's >minsz it is rounded up to the next minsz increment.
0088 //!                 Buffer sizes are always allocated in minsz increments.
0089 //! @param  minh  - the minimum number of buffers that should be held in
0090 //!                 reserve when a buffer is recycled.
0091 //! @param  maxh  - the maximum number of buffers that should be held in
0092 //!                 reserve when a buffer is recycled. The value applies to the
0093 //!                 smallest buffer size and is progessively reduced as the
0094 //!                 buffer size increases. If maxh < minh it is set to minh.
0095 //! @param  rate  - specifies how quickly the hold vale is to be reduced as
0096 //!                 buffer sizes increase. A rate of 0 specifies a purely linear
0097 //!                 decrease. Higher values logrithmically decrease the hold.
0098 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0100        XrdOucBuffPool(int minsz=4096, int  maxsz=65536,
0101                       int minh=1,     int  maxh=16,
0102                       int rate=1);
0104 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0105 //! Destructor - You must not destroy this object prior to recycling all
0106 //!              oustanding buffers allocated out of this pool.
0107 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0109       ~XrdOucBuffPool() {delete [] bSlot;}
0111 private:
0112 static int            alignit;
0114 struct BuffSlot
0115       {XrdSysMutex    SlotMutex;
0116        XrdOucBuffer  *buffFree;
0117        int            size;
0118        short          numbuff;
0119        short          maxbuff;
0121        void           Recycle(XrdOucBuffer *bP);
0123                       BuffSlot() : buffFree(0), size(0),
0124                                    numbuff(0),  maxbuff(0) {}
0125                      ~BuffSlot();
0126       };
0128 BuffSlot *bSlot;
0129 int       incBsz;
0130 int       shfBsz;
0131 int       rndBsz;
0132 int       maxBsz;
0133 int       slots;
0134 };
0136 /******************************************************************************/
0137 /*                          X r d O u c B u f f e r                           */
0138 /******************************************************************************/
0140 class XrdOucBuffer
0141 {
0142 friend class XrdOucBuffPool;
0144 public:
0146 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0147 //! Get the pointer to the buffer.
0148 //!
0149 //! @return pointer to the buffer.
0150 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0152 inline char         *Buffer() const {return data;}
0154 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0155 //! Get the size of the buffer.
0156 //!
0157 //! @return size of the buffer.
0158 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0160 inline int           BuffSize() const {return size;}
0162 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0163 //! Produce a clone of this buffer.
0164 //!
0165 //! @param  trim     - when true the memory buffer is trimmed to be of
0166 //!                    sufficient size to hold the actual data. Otherwise, the
0167 //!                    cloned memory buffer is of the same length.
0168 //!
0169 //! @return !0       - pointer to the cloned buffer.
0170 //!         =0       - insufficient memory to clone the buffer.
0171 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0173       XrdOucBuffer  *Clone(bool trim=true);
0175 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0176 //! Get a pointer to the data in the buffer.
0177 //!
0178 //! @return pointer to the data.
0179 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0181 inline char         *Data() const {return data+doff;}
0183 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0184 //! Get a pointer to the data in the buffer and the length of the data.
0185 //!
0186 //! @param  dataL - place where the length is to be stored.
0187 //!
0188 //! @return pointer to the data with dataL holding its length.
0189 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0191 inline char         *Data(int &dataL) const {dataL = dlen; return data+doff;}
0193 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0194 //! Get the data length.
0195 //!
0196 //! @return The data length.
0197 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0199 inline int           DataLen() {return dlen;}
0201 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0202 //! Highjack the buffer contents and reinitialize the original buffer.
0203 //!
0204 //! @param  bPsz  - the desired size to be given to the highjacked buffer. If
0205 //!                 zero, the current size is used. Same size resictions apply
0206 //!                 as for buffer pool Alloc(), above.
0207 //!
0208 //! @return !0    - pointer to a usable buffer object which is identical to the
0209 //!                 original buffer. The original buffer was reallocated with
0210 //!                 the specified size.
0211 //! @return =0    - insufficient memory to allocate a buffer.
0212 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0214        XrdOucBuffer *Highjack(int bPsz=0);
0216 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0217 //! Recycle the buffer. The buffer may be reused in the future.
0218 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0220 inline void         Recycle()  {buffPool->bSlot[slot].Recycle(this);}
0222 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0223 //! Resize the buffer.
0224 //!
0225 //! @param  newsz - the size that the buffer is to have. The same restrictions
0226 //!                 apply as for buffer pool Alloc(), above.
0227 //!
0228 //! @return true  - buffer has been reallocated.
0229 //! @return false - insufficient memoy to reallocated the buffer.
0230 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0232        bool         Resize(int newsz);
0234 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0235 //! Set the data length of offset.
0236 //!
0237 //! @param  dataL - the length of the data.
0238 //! @param  dataO - the offset of the data in the buffer.
0239 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0241 inline void         SetLen(int dataL, int dataO=0) {dlen = dataL; doff = dataO;}
0243 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0244 //! Public constructor. You can create one-time buffers not associated with a
0245 //! buffer pool via new to associated your own storage area that will be
0246 //! freed when the buffer is recycled. This may be handy to pass along such a
0247 //! buffer to XrdOucErrInfo in a pinch. A one-time buffer is restricted and
0248 //! the Clone(), Highjack() and Resize() methods will always fail. However,
0249 //! all the other methods will work in the expected way.
0250 //!
0251 //! @param  buff  - pointer to a storage area obtained via posix_memalign()
0252 //!                 and it will be released via free().
0253 //! @param  blen  - the size of the buffer as well as the data length.
0254 //!                 Use SetLen() to set a new data length if it differs.
0255 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0257       XrdOucBuffer(char *buff, int blen);
0259 private:
0260       XrdOucBuffer(XrdOucBuffPool *pP, int snum)
0261                   : data(0), dlen(0), doff(0), size(pP->bSlot[snum].size),
0262                     slot(snum), buffPool(pP) {}
0264       XrdOucBuffer()
0265                   : data(0), dlen(0), doff(0), size(0), slot(0), buffPool(0) {}
0267      ~XrdOucBuffer() {if (data) free(data);}
0269       char           *data;
0270       int             dlen;
0271       int             doff;
0272       int             size;
0273       int             slot;
0274 union{XrdOucBuffer   *buffNext;
0275       XrdOucBuffPool *buffPool;
0276      };
0277 };
0278 #endif