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File indexing completed on 2025-03-13 09:31:04

0001 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0002 // Copyright (c) 2011-2014 by European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN)
0003 // Author: Lukasz Janyst <>
0004 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0005 // This file is part of the XRootD software suite.
0006 //
0007 // XRootD is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
0008 // it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
0009 // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
0010 // (at your option) any later version.
0011 //
0012 // XRootD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
0013 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
0015 // GNU General Public License for more details.
0016 //
0017 // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
0018 // along with XRootD.  If not, see <>.
0019 //
0020 // In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities
0021 // granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization
0022 // or submit itself to any jurisdiction.
0023 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0025 #ifndef __XRD_CL_FILE_HH__
0026 #define __XRD_CL_FILE_HH__
0028 #include "XrdCl/XrdClFileSystem.hh"
0029 #include "XrdCl/XrdClXRootDResponses.hh"
0030 #include "XrdCl/XrdClOptional.hh"
0031 #include "XrdOuc/XrdOucCompiler.hh"
0032 #include <cstdint>
0033 #include <string>
0034 #include <vector>
0035 #include <sys/uio.h>
0037 namespace XrdCl
0038 {
0039   struct FileImpl;
0040   class  FilePlugIn;
0042   //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0043   //! A file
0044   //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0045   class File
0046   {
0047     public:
0049       enum VirtRedirect
0050       {
0051         EnableVirtRedirect,
0052         DisableVirtRedirect
0053       };
0055       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0056       //! Constructor
0057       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0058       File( bool enablePlugIns = true );
0060       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0061       //! Constructor
0062       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0063       File( VirtRedirect virtRedirect, bool enablePlugIns = true );
0065       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0066       //! Destructor
0067       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0068       virtual ~File();
0070       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0071       //! Open the file pointed to by the given URL - async
0072       //!
0073       //! @param url     url of the file to be opened
0074       //! @param flags   OpenFlags::Flags
0075       //! @param mode    Access::Mode for new files, 0 otherwise
0076       //! @param handler handler to be notified about the status of the operation
0077       //! @param timeout timeout value, if 0 the environment default will be
0078       //!                used
0079       //! @return        status of the operation
0080       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0081       XRootDStatus Open( const std::string &url,
0082                          OpenFlags::Flags   flags,
0083                          Access::Mode       mode,
0084                          ResponseHandler   *handler,
0085                          uint16_t           timeout  = 0 )
0086                          XRD_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
0088       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0089       //! Open the file pointed to by the given URL - sync
0090       //!
0091       //! @param url     url of the file to be opened
0092       //! @param flags   OpenFlags::Flags
0093       //! @param mode    Access::Mode for new files, 0 otherwise
0094       //! @param timeout timeout value, if 0 the environment default will be
0095       //!                used
0096       //! @return        status of the operation
0097       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0098       XRootDStatus Open( const std::string &url,
0099                          OpenFlags::Flags   flags,
0100                          Access::Mode       mode    = Access::None,
0101                          uint16_t           timeout = 0 )
0102                          XRD_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
0104       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0105       //! Close the file - async
0106       //!
0107       //! @param handler handler to be notified about the status of the operation
0108       //! @param timeout timeout value, if 0 the environment default will be
0109       //!                used
0110       //! @return        status of the operation
0111       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0112       XRootDStatus Close( ResponseHandler *handler,
0113                           uint16_t         timeout = 0 )
0114                           XRD_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
0116       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0117       //! Close the file - sync
0118       //!
0119       //! @param timeout timeout value, if 0 the environment default will be
0120       //!                used
0121       //! @return        status of the operation
0122       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0123       XRootDStatus Close( uint16_t timeout = 0 ) XRD_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
0125       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0126       //! Obtain status information for this file - async
0127       //!
0128       //! @param force   do not use the cached information, force re-stating
0129       //! @param handler handler to be notified when the response arrives,
0130       //!                the response parameter will hold a StatInfo object
0131       //!                if the procedure is successful
0132       //! @param timeout timeout value, if 0 the environment default will
0133       //!                be used
0134       //! @return        status of the operation
0135       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0136       XRootDStatus Stat( bool             force,
0137                          ResponseHandler *handler,
0138                          uint16_t         timeout = 0 )
0139                          XRD_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
0141       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0142       //! Obtain status information for this file - sync
0143       //!
0144       //! @param force   do not use the cached information, force re-stating
0145       //! @param response the response (to be deleted by the user)
0146       //! @param timeout  timeout value, if 0 the environment default will
0147       //!                 be used
0148       //! @return         status of the operation
0149       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0150       XRootDStatus Stat( bool       force,
0151                          StatInfo *&response,
0152                          uint16_t   timeout = 0 )
0153                          XRD_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
0156       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0157       //! Read a data chunk at a given offset - async
0158       //!
0159       //! @param offset  offset from the beginning of the file
0160       //! @param size    number of bytes to be read
0161       //! @param buffer  a pointer to a buffer big enough to hold the data
0162       //!                or 0 if the buffer should be allocated by the system
0163       //! @param handler handler to be notified when the response arrives,
0164       //!                the response parameter will hold a ChunkInfo object if
0165       //!                the procedure was successful
0166       //! @param timeout timeout value, if 0 the environment default will be
0167       //!                used
0168       //! @return        status of the operation
0169       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0170       XRootDStatus Read( uint64_t         offset,
0171                          uint32_t         size,
0172                          void            *buffer,
0173                          ResponseHandler *handler,
0174                          uint16_t         timeout = 0 )
0175                          XRD_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
0177       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0178       //! Read a data chunk at a given offset - sync
0179       //!
0180       //! @param offset    offset from the beginning of the file
0181       //! @param size      number of bytes to be read
0182       //! @param buffer    a pointer to a buffer big enough to hold the data
0183       //! @param bytesRead number of bytes actually read
0184       //! @param timeout   timeout value, if 0 the environment default will be
0185       //!                  used
0186       //! @return          status of the operation
0187       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0188       XRootDStatus Read( uint64_t  offset,
0189                          uint32_t  size,
0190                          void     *buffer,
0191                          uint32_t &bytesRead,
0192                          uint16_t  timeout = 0 )
0193                          XRD_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
0195       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0196       //! Read number of pages at a given offset - async
0197       //!
0198       //! @param offset  offset from the beginning of the file
0199       //! @param size    buffer size, at least 1 page big (4KB)
0200       //! @param buffer  a pointer to a buffer big enough to hold the data
0201       //! @param handler handler to be notified when the response arrives,
0202       //!                the response parameter will hold a PageInfo object if
0203       //!                the procedure was successful
0204       //! @param timeout timeout value, if 0 the environment default will be
0205       //!                used
0206       //! @return        status of the operation
0207       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0208       XRootDStatus PgRead( uint64_t         offset,
0209                            uint32_t         size,
0210                            void            *buffer,
0211                            ResponseHandler *handler,
0212                            uint16_t         timeout = 0 )
0213                            XRD_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
0215       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0216       //! Read a data chunk at a given offset - sync
0217       //!
0218       //! @param offset    offset from the beginning of the file
0219       //! @param size    buffer size, at least 1 page big (4KB)
0220       //! @param buffer    a pointer to a buffer big enough to hold the data
0221       //! @param cksums    crc32c checksum for each read 4KB page
0222       //! @param bytesRead number of bytes actually read
0223       //! @param timeout   timeout value, if 0 the environment default will be
0224       //!                  used
0225       //! @return          status of the operation
0226       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0227       XRootDStatus PgRead( uint64_t               offset,
0228                            uint32_t               size,
0229                            void                  *buffer,
0230                            std::vector<uint32_t> &cksums,
0231                            uint32_t              &bytesRead,
0232                            uint16_t               timeout = 0 )
0233                            XRD_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
0235       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0236       //! Write a data chunk at a given offset - async
0237       //! The call interprets and returns the server response, which may be
0238       //! either a success or a failure, it does not contain the number
0239       //! of bytes that were actually written.
0240       //!
0241       //! @param offset  offset from the beginning of the file
0242       //! @param size    number of bytes to be written
0243       //! @param buffer  a pointer to the buffer holding the data to be written
0244       //! @param handler handler to be notified when the response arrives
0245       //! @param timeout timeout value, if 0 the environment default will be
0246       //!                used
0247       //! @return        status of the operation
0248       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0249       XRootDStatus Write( uint64_t         offset,
0250                           uint32_t         size,
0251                           const void      *buffer,
0252                           ResponseHandler *handler,
0253                           uint16_t         timeout = 0 )
0254                           XRD_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
0256       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0257       //! Write a data chunk at a given offset - sync
0258       //! The call interprets and returns the server response, which may be
0259       //! either a success or a failure, it does not contain the number
0260       //! of bytes that were actually written.
0261       //!
0262       //! @param offset  offset from the beginning of the file
0263       //! @param size    number of bytes to be written
0264       //! @param buffer  a pointer to the buffer holding the data to be
0265       //!                written
0266       //! @param timeout timeout value, if 0 the environment default will
0267       //!                 be used
0268       //! @return         status of the operation
0269       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0270       XRootDStatus Write( uint64_t    offset,
0271                           uint32_t    size,
0272                           const void *buffer,
0273                           uint16_t    timeout = 0 )
0274                           XRD_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
0276       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0277       //! Write a data chunk at a given offset - async
0278       //!
0279       //! @param offset  offset from the beginning of the file
0280       //! @param buffer  r-value reference to Buffer object, in this case XrdCl
0281       //!                runtime takes ownership of the buffer
0282       //! @param handler handler to be notified when the response arrives
0283       //! @param timeout timeout value, if 0 the environment default will be
0284       //!                used
0285       //! @return        status of the operation
0286       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0287       XRootDStatus Write( uint64_t          offset,
0288                           Buffer          &&buffer,
0289                           ResponseHandler  *handler,
0290                           uint16_t          timeout = 0 );
0292       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0293       //! Write a data chunk at a given offset - sync
0294       //!
0295       //! @param offset  offset from the beginning of the file
0296       //! @param buffer  r-value reference to Buffer object, in this case XrdCl
0297       //!                runtime takes ownership of the buffer
0298       //! @param timeout timeout value, if 0 the environment default will be
0299       //!                used
0300       //! @return        status of the operation
0301       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0302       XRootDStatus Write( uint64_t          offset,
0303                           Buffer          &&buffer,
0304                           uint16_t          timeout = 0 );
0306       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0307       //! Write a data from a given file descriptor at a given offset - async
0308       //!
0309       //! @param offset  offset from the beginning of the file
0310       //! @param size    number of bytes to be written
0311       //! @param fdoff   offset of the data to be written from the file descriptor
0312       //!                (optional, if not provided will copy data from the file
0313       //!                descriptor at the current cursor position)
0314       //! @param fd      file descriptor open for reading
0315       //! @param handler handler to be notified when the response arrives
0316       //! @param timeout timeout value, if 0 the environment default will be
0317       //!                used
0318       //! @return        status of the operation
0319       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0320       XRootDStatus Write( uint64_t            offset,
0321                           uint32_t            size,
0322                           Optional<uint64_t>  fdoff,
0323                           int                 fd,
0324                           ResponseHandler    *handler,
0325                           uint16_t            timeout = 0 );
0327       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0328       //! Write a data from a given file descriptor at a given offset - sync
0329       //!
0330       //! @param offset  offset from the beginning of the file
0331       //! @param size    number of bytes to be written
0332       //! @param fdoff   offset of the data to be written from the file descriptor
0333       //!                (optional, if not provided will copy data from the file
0334       //!                descriptor at the current cursor position)
0335       //! @param fd      file descriptor open for reading
0336       //! @param timeout timeout value, if 0 the environment default will be
0337       //!                used
0338       //! @return        status of the operation
0339       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0340       XRootDStatus Write( uint64_t            offset,
0341                           uint32_t            size,
0342                           Optional<uint64_t>  fdoff,
0343                           int                 fd,
0344                           uint16_t            timeout = 0 );
0346       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0347       //! Write number of pages at a given offset - async
0348       //!
0349       //! @param offset  offset from the beginning of the file
0350       //! @param size    buffer size
0351       //! @param buffer  a pointer to a buffer holding data pages
0352       //! @param cksums  the crc32c checksums for each 4KB page
0353       //! @param handler handler to be notified when the response arrives
0354       //! @param timeout timeout value, if 0 the environment default will be
0355       //!                used
0356       //! @return        status of the operation
0357       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0358       XRootDStatus PgWrite( uint64_t               offset,
0359                             uint32_t               size,
0360                             const void            *buffer,
0361                             std::vector<uint32_t> &cksums,
0362                             ResponseHandler       *handler,
0363                             uint16_t               timeout = 0 )
0364                             XRD_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
0366       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0367       //! Write number of pages at a given offset - sync
0368       //!
0369       //! @param offset  offset from the beginning of the file
0370       //! @param size    buffer size
0371       //! @param buffer  a pointer to a buffer holding data pages
0372       //! @param cksums  the crc32c checksums for each 4KB page
0373       //! @param timeout timeout value, if 0 the environment default will be
0374       //!                used
0375       //! @return        status of the operation
0376       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0377       XRootDStatus PgWrite( uint64_t               offset,
0378                             uint32_t               size,
0379                             const void            *buffer,
0380                             std::vector<uint32_t> &cksums,
0381                             uint16_t               timeout = 0 )
0382                             XRD_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
0384       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0385       //! Commit all pending disk writes - async
0386       //!
0387       //! @param handler handler to be notified when the response arrives
0388       //! @param timeout timeout value, if 0 the environment default will be
0389       //!                used
0390       //! @return        status of the operation
0391       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0392       XRootDStatus Sync( ResponseHandler *handler,
0393                          uint16_t         timeout = 0 )
0394                          XRD_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
0397       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0398       //! Commit all pending disk writes - sync
0399       //!
0400       //! @param timeout timeout value, if 0 the environment default will be
0401       //!                used
0402       //! @return        status of the operation
0403       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0404       XRootDStatus Sync( uint16_t timeout = 0 ) XRD_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
0406       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0407       //! Truncate the file to a particular size - async
0408       //!
0409       //! @param size    desired size of the file
0410       //! @param handler handler to be notified when the response arrives
0411       //! @param timeout timeout value, if 0 the environment default will be
0412       //!                used
0413       //! @return        status of the operation
0414       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0415       XRootDStatus Truncate( uint64_t         size,
0416                              ResponseHandler *handler,
0417                              uint16_t         timeout = 0 )
0418                              XRD_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
0421       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0422       //! Truncate the file to a particular size - sync
0423       //!
0424       //! @param size    desired size of the file
0425       //! @param timeout timeout value, if 0 the environment default will be
0426       //!                used
0427       //! @return        status of the operation
0428       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0429       XRootDStatus Truncate( uint64_t size,
0430                              uint16_t timeout = 0 )
0431                              XRD_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
0433       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0434       //! Read scattered data chunks in one operation - async
0435       //!
0436       //! @param chunks    list of the chunks to be read and buffers to put
0437       //!                  the data in. The default maximum chunk size is
0438       //!                  2097136 bytes and the default maximum number
0439       //!                  of chunks per request is 1024. The server
0440       //!                  may be queried using FileSystem::Query for the
0441       //!                  actual settings.
0442       //! @param buffer    if zero the buffer pointers in the chunk list
0443       //!                  will be used, otherwise it needs to point to a
0444       //!                  buffer big enough to hold the requested data
0445       //! @param handler   handler to be notified when the response arrives
0446       //! @param timeout   timeout value, if 0 then the environment default
0447       //!                  will be used
0448       //! @return          status of the operation
0449       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0450       XRootDStatus VectorRead( const ChunkList &chunks,
0451                                void            *buffer,
0452                                ResponseHandler *handler,
0453                                uint16_t         timeout = 0 )
0454                                XRD_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
0456       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0457       //! Read scattered data chunks in one operation - sync
0458       //!
0459       //! @param chunks    list of the chunks to be read and buffers to put
0460       //!                  the data in. The default maximum chunk size is
0461       //!                  2097136 bytes and the default maximum number
0462       //!                  of chunks per request is 1024. The server
0463       //!                  may be queried using FileSystem::Query for the
0464       //!                  actual settings.
0465       //! @param buffer    if zero the buffer pointers in the chunk list
0466       //!                  will be used, otherwise it needs to point to a
0467       //!                  buffer big enough to hold the requested data
0468       //! @param vReadInfo buffer size and chunk information
0469       //! @param timeout   timeout value, if 0 then the environment default
0470       //!                  will be used
0471       //! @return          status of the operation
0472       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0473       XRootDStatus VectorRead( const ChunkList  &chunks,
0474                                void             *buffer,
0475                                VectorReadInfo  *&vReadInfo,
0476                                uint16_t          timeout = 0 )
0477                                XRD_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
0479       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0480       //! Write scattered data chunks in one operation - async
0481       //!
0482       //! @param chunks    list of the chunks to be written.
0483       //! @param handler   handler to be notified when the response arrives
0484       //! @param timeout   timeout value, if 0 then the environment default
0485       //!                  will be used
0486       //! @return          status of the operation
0487       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0488       XRootDStatus VectorWrite( const ChunkList &chunks,
0489                                 ResponseHandler *handler,
0490                                 uint16_t         timeout = 0 )
0491                                 XRD_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
0493       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0494       //! Write scattered data chunks in one operation - sync
0495       //!
0496       //! @param chunks    list of the chunks to be written.
0497       //! @param timeout   timeout value, if 0 then the environment default
0498       //!                  will be used
0499       //! @return          status of the operation
0500       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0501       XRootDStatus VectorWrite( const ChunkList  &chunks,
0502                                uint16_t          timeout = 0 )
0503                                XRD_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
0505       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0506       //! Write scattered buffers in one operation - async
0507       //!
0508       //! @param offset    offset from the beginning of the file
0509       //! @param iov       list of the buffers to be written
0510       //! @param iovcnt    number of buffers
0511       //! @param handler   handler to be notified when the response arrives
0512       //! @param timeout   timeout value, if 0 then the environment default
0513       //!                  will be used
0514       //! @return          status of the operation
0515       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0516       XRootDStatus WriteV( uint64_t            offset,
0517                            const struct iovec *iov,
0518                            int                 iovcnt,
0519                            ResponseHandler    *handler,
0520                            uint16_t            timeout = 0 );
0522       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0523       //! Write scattered buffers in one operation - sync
0524       //!
0525       //! @param offset    offset from the beginning of the file
0526       //! @param iov       list of the buffers to
0527       //! @param iovcnt    number of buffers
0528       //! @param timeout   timeout value, if 0 then the environment default
0529       //!                  will be used
0530       //! @return          status of the operation
0531       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0532       XRootDStatus WriteV( uint64_t            offset,
0533                            const struct iovec *iov,
0534                            int                 iovcnt,
0535                            uint16_t            timeout = 0 );
0537       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0538       //! Read data into scattered buffers in one operation - async
0539       //!
0540       //! @param offset    offset from the beginning of the file
0541       //! @param iov       list of the buffers to be written
0542       //! @param iovcnt    number of buffers
0543       //! @param handler   handler to be notified when the response arrives
0544       //! @param timeout   timeout value, if 0 then the environment default
0545       //!                  will be used
0546       //! @return          status of the operation
0547       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0548       XRootDStatus ReadV( uint64_t         offset,
0549                           struct iovec    *iov,
0550                           int              iovcnt,
0551                           ResponseHandler *handler,
0552                           uint16_t         timeout = 0 );
0554       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0555       //! Read data into scattered buffers in one operation - sync
0556       //!
0557       //! @param offset    offset from the beginning of the file
0558       //! @param iov       list of the buffers to be written
0559       //! @param iovcnt    number of buffers
0560       //! @param bytesRead number of bytes actually read
0561       //! @param timeout   timeout value, if 0 then the environment default
0562       //!                  will be used
0563       //! @return          status of the operation
0564       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0565       XRootDStatus ReadV( uint64_t      offset,
0566                           struct iovec *iov,
0567                           int           iovcnt,
0568                           uint32_t     &bytesRead,
0569                           uint16_t      timeout = 0 );
0571       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0572       //! Performs a custom operation on an open file, server implementation
0573       //! dependent - async
0574       //!
0575       //! @param arg       query argument
0576       //! @param handler   handler to be notified when the response arrives,
0577       //!                  the response parameter will hold a Buffer object
0578       //!                  if the procedure is successful
0579       //! @param timeout   timeout value, if 0 the environment default will
0580       //!                  be used
0581       //! @return          status of the operation
0582       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0583       XRootDStatus Fcntl( const Buffer    &arg,
0584                           ResponseHandler *handler,
0585                           uint16_t         timeout = 0 )
0586                           XRD_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
0588       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0589       //! Performs a custom operation on an open file, server implementation
0590       //! dependent - sync
0591       //!
0592       //! @param arg       query argument
0593       //! @param response  the response (to be deleted by the user)
0594       //! @param timeout   timeout value, if 0 the environment default will
0595       //!                  be used
0596       //! @return          status of the operation
0597       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0598       XRootDStatus Fcntl( const Buffer     &arg,
0599                           Buffer          *&response,
0600                           uint16_t          timeout = 0 )
0601                           XRD_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
0603       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0604       //! Get access token to a file - async
0605       //!
0606       //! @param handler   handler to be notified when the response arrives,
0607       //!                  the response parameter will hold a Buffer object
0608       //!                  if the procedure is successful
0609       //! @param timeout   timeout value, if 0 the environment default will
0610       //!                  be used
0611       //! @return          status of the operation
0612       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0613       XRootDStatus Visa( ResponseHandler *handler,
0614                          uint16_t         timeout = 0 )
0615                          XRD_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
0617       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0618       //! Get access token to a file - sync
0619       //!
0620       //! @param visa      the access token (to be deleted by the user)
0621       //! @param timeout   timeout value, if 0 the environment default will
0622       //!                  be used
0623       //! @return          status of the operation
0624       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0625       XRootDStatus Visa( Buffer   *&visa,
0626                          uint16_t   timeout = 0 )
0627                          XRD_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
0629       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0630       //! Set extended attributes - async
0631       //!
0632       //! @param attrs   : list of extended attributes to set
0633       //! @param handler : handler to be notified when the response arrives,
0634       //!                  the response parameter will hold a std::vector of
0635       //!                  XAttrStatus objects
0636       //! @param timeout : timeout value, if 0 the environment default will
0637       //!                  be used
0638       //!
0639       //! @return        : status of the operation
0640       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0641       XRootDStatus SetXAttr( const std::vector<xattr_t>  &attrs,
0642                              ResponseHandler             *handler,
0643                              uint16_t                     timeout = 0 );
0645       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0646       //! Set extended attributes - sync
0647       //!
0648       //! @param attrs   : list of extended attributes to set
0649       //! @param result  : result of the operation
0650       //! @param timeout : timeout value, if 0 the environment default will
0651       //!                  be used
0652       //!
0653       //! @return        : status of the operation
0654       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0655       XRootDStatus SetXAttr( const std::vector<xattr_t>  &attrs,
0656                              std::vector<XAttrStatus>    &result,
0657                              uint16_t                     timeout = 0 );
0659       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0660       //! Get extended attributes - async
0661       //!
0662       //! @param attrs   : list of extended attributes to get
0663       //! @param handler : handler to be notified when the response arrives,
0664       //!                  the response parameter will hold a std::vector of
0665       //!                  XAttr objects
0666       //! @param timeout : timeout value, if 0 the environment default will
0667       //!                  be used
0668       //!
0669       //! @return        : status of the operation
0670       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0671       XRootDStatus GetXAttr( const std::vector<std::string>  &attrs,
0672                              ResponseHandler                 *handler,
0673                              uint16_t                         timeout = 0 );
0675       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0676       //! Get extended attributes - sync
0677       //!
0678       //! @param attrs   : list of extended attributes to get
0679       //! @param result  : result of the operation
0680       //! @param timeout : timeout value, if 0 the environment default will
0681       //!                  be used
0682       //!
0683       //! @return        : status of the operation
0684       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0685       XRootDStatus GetXAttr( const std::vector<std::string>  &attrs,
0686                              std::vector<XAttr>              &result,
0687                              uint16_t                         timeout = 0 );
0689       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0690       //! Delete extended attributes - async
0691       //!
0692       //! @param attrs   : list of extended attributes to set
0693       //! @param handler : handler to be notified when the response arrives,
0694       //!                  the response parameter will hold a std::vector of
0695       //!                  XAttrStatus objects
0696       //! @param timeout : timeout value, if 0 the environment default will
0697       //!                  be used
0698       //!
0699       //! @return        : status of the operation
0700       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0701       XRootDStatus DelXAttr( const std::vector<std::string>  &attrs,
0702                              ResponseHandler                 *handler,
0703                              uint16_t                         timeout = 0 );
0705       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0706       //! Delete extended attributes - sync
0707       //!
0708       //! @param attrs   : list of extended attributes to set
0709       //! @param result  : result of the operation
0710       //! @param timeout : timeout value, if 0 the environment default will
0711       //!                  be used
0712       //!
0713       //! @return        : status of the operation
0714       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0715       XRootDStatus DelXAttr( const std::vector<std::string>  &attrs,
0716                              std::vector<XAttrStatus>        &result,
0717                              uint16_t                         timeout = 0 );
0719       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0720       //! List extended attributes - async
0721       //!
0722       //! @param handler : handler to be notified when the response arrives,
0723       //!                  the response parameter will hold a std::vector of
0724       //!                  XAttr objects
0725       //! @param timeout : timeout value, if 0 the environment default will
0726       //!                  be used
0727       //!
0728       //! @return        : status of the operation
0729       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0730       XRootDStatus ListXAttr( ResponseHandler           *handler,
0731                               uint16_t                   timeout = 0 );
0733       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0734       //! List extended attributes - sync
0735       //!
0736       //! @param result  : result of the operation
0737       //! @param timeout : timeout value, if 0 the environment default will
0738       //!                  be used
0739       //!
0740       //! @return        : status of the operation
0741       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0742       XRootDStatus ListXAttr( std::vector<XAttr>  &result,
0743                               uint16_t             timeout = 0 );
0745       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0746       //! Try different data server
0747       //!
0748       //! @param timeout : timeout value, if 0 the environment default will
0749       //!                  be used
0750       //!
0751       //! @return        : status of the operation
0752       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0753       XRootDStatus TryOtherServer( uint16_t timeout = 0 );
0755       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0756       //! Check if the file is open
0757       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0758       bool IsOpen() const;
0760       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0761       //! Check if the file is using an encrypted connection
0762       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0763       bool IsSecure() const;
0765       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0766       //! Set file property
0767       //!
0768       //! File properties:
0769       //! ReadRecovery     [true/false] - enable/disable read recovery
0770       //! WriteRecovery    [true/false] - enable/disable write recovery
0771       //! FollowRedirects  [true/false] - enable/disable following redirections
0772       //! BundledClose     [true/false] - enable/disable bundled close
0773       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0774       bool SetProperty( const std::string &name, const std::string &value );
0776       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0777       //! Get file property
0778       //!
0779       //! @see File::SetProperty for property list
0780       //!
0781       //! Read-only properties:
0782       //! DataServer [string] - the data server the file is accessed at
0783       //! LastURL    [string] - final file URL with all the cgi information
0784       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0785       bool GetProperty( const std::string &name, std::string &value ) const;
0787     private:
0789       template<bool HasHndl>
0790       friend class CheckpointImpl;
0792       template<bool HasHndl>
0793       friend class ChkptWrtImpl;
0795       template <bool HasHndl>
0796       friend class ChkptWrtVImpl;
0798       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0799       //! Create a checkpoint - async
0800       //!
0801       //! @param handler : handler to be notified when the response arrives,
0802       //!                  the response parameter will hold a std::vector of
0803       //!                  XAttr objects
0804       //! @param timeout : timeout value, if 0 the environment default will
0805       //!                  be used
0806       //!
0807       //! @return        : status of the operation
0808       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0809       XRootDStatus Checkpoint( kXR_char                  code,
0810                                ResponseHandler          *handler,
0811                                uint16_t                  timeout = 0 );
0813       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0814       //! Checkpointed write - async
0815       //!
0816       //! @param offset  offset from the beginning of the file
0817       //! @param size    number of bytes to be written
0818       //! @param buffer  a pointer to the buffer holding the data to be written
0819       //! @param handler handler to be notified when the response arrives
0820       //! @param timeout timeout value, if 0 the environment default will be
0821       //!                used
0822       //! @return        status of the operation
0823       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0824       XRootDStatus ChkptWrt( uint64_t         offset,
0825                              uint32_t         size,
0826                              const void      *buffer,
0827                              ResponseHandler *handler,
0828                              uint16_t         timeout = 0 );
0830       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0831       //! Checkpointed WriteV - async
0832       //!
0833       //! @param offset    offset from the beginning of the file
0834       //! @param iov       list of the buffers to be written
0835       //! @param iovcnt    number of buffers
0836       //! @param handler   handler to be notified when the response arrives
0837       //! @param timeout   timeout value, if 0 then the environment default
0838       //!                  will be used
0839       //! @return          status of the operation
0840       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0841       XRootDStatus ChkptWrtV( uint64_t            offset,
0842                               const struct iovec *iov,
0843                               int                 iovcnt,
0844                               ResponseHandler    *handler,
0845                               uint16_t            timeout = 0 );
0847       FileImpl   *pImpl;
0848       FilePlugIn *pPlugIn;
0849       bool        pEnablePlugIns;
0850   };
0851 }
0853 #endif // __XRD_CL_FILE_HH__