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File indexing completed on 2025-01-30 10:27:52

0001 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0002 // Copyright (c) 2011-2014 by European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN)
0003 // Author: Lukasz Janyst <>
0004 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0005 // This file is part of the XRootD software suite.
0006 //
0007 // XRootD is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
0008 // it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
0009 // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
0010 // (at your option) any later version.
0011 //
0012 // XRootD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
0013 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
0015 // GNU General Public License for more details.
0016 //
0017 // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
0018 // along with XRootD.  If not, see <>.
0019 //
0020 // In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities
0021 // granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization
0022 // or submit itself to any jurisdiction.
0023 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0025 #ifndef __XRD_CL_COPY_PROCESS_HH__
0026 #define __XRD_CL_COPY_PROCESS_HH__
0028 #include "XrdCl/XrdClURL.hh"
0029 #include "XrdCl/XrdClXRootDResponses.hh"
0030 #include "XrdCl/XrdClPropertyList.hh"
0031 #include <cstdint>
0032 #include <vector>
0034 namespace XrdCl
0035 {
0036   class CopyJob;
0038   //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0039   //! Interface for copy progress notification
0040   //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0041   class CopyProgressHandler
0042   {
0043     public:
0044       virtual ~CopyProgressHandler() {}
0046       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0047       //! Notify when a new job is about to start
0048       //!
0049       //! @param jobNum         the job number of the copy job concerned
0050       //! @param jobTotal       total number of jobs being processed
0051       //! @param source         the source url of the current job
0052       //! @param destination    the destination url of the current job
0053       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0054       virtual void BeginJob( uint16_t   jobNum,
0055                              uint16_t   jobTotal,
0056                              const URL *source,
0057                              const URL *destination )
0058       {
0059         (void)jobNum; (void)jobTotal; (void)source; (void)destination;
0060       };
0062       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0063       //! Notify when the previous job has finished
0064       //!
0065       //! @param jobNum job number
0066       //! @param result result of the job
0067       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0068       virtual void EndJob( uint16_t            jobNum,
0069                            const PropertyList *result )
0070       {
0071         (void)jobNum; (void)result;
0072       };
0074       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0075       //! Notify about the progress of the current job
0076       //!
0077       //! @param jobNum         job number
0078       //! @param bytesProcessed bytes processed by the current job
0079       //! @param bytesTotal     total number of bytes to be processed by the 
0080       //!                       current job
0081       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0082       virtual void JobProgress( uint16_t jobNum,
0083                                 uint64_t bytesProcessed,
0084                                 uint64_t bytesTotal )
0085       {
0086         (void)jobNum; (void)bytesProcessed; (void)bytesTotal;
0087       };
0089       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0090       //! Determine whether the job should be canceled
0091       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0092       virtual bool ShouldCancel( uint16_t jobNum )
0093       {
0094         (void)jobNum;
0095         return false;
0096       }
0097   };
0099   //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0100   // Forward declaration of implementation holding CopyProcess' data members
0101   //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0102   struct CopyProcessImpl;
0104   //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0105   //! Copy the data from one point to another
0106   //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0107   class CopyProcess
0108   {
0109     public:
0110       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0111       //! Constructor
0112       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0113       CopyProcess();
0115       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0116       //! Destructor
0117       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0118       virtual ~CopyProcess();
0120       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0121       //! Add job
0122       //!
0123       //! @param properties job configuration parameters
0124       //! @param results    placeholder for the results
0125       //!
0126       //! Configuration properties:
0127       //! source         [string]   - original source URL
0128       //! target         [string]   - target directory or file
0129       //! sourceLimit    [uint16_t] - maximum number sources
0130       //! force          [bool]     - overwrite target if exists
0131       //! posc           [bool]     - persistify only on successful close
0132       //! coerce         [bool]     - ignore locking semantics on destination
0133       //! makeDir        [bool]     - create path to the file if it doesn't
0134       //!                             exist
0135       //! thirdParty     [string]   - "first" try third party copy, if it fails
0136       //!                             try normal copy; "only" only try third
0137       //!                             party copy
0138       //! checkSumMode   [string]   - "none"    - no checksumming
0139       //!                             "end2end" - end to end checksumming
0140       //!                             "source"  - calculate checksum at source
0141       //!                             "target"  - calculate checksum at target
0142       //! checkSumType   [string]   - type of the checksum to be used
0143       //! checkSumPreset [string]   - checksum preset
0144       //! chunkSize      [uint32_t] - size of a copy chunks in bytes
0145       //! parallelChunks [uint8_t]  - number of chunks that should be requested
0146       //!                             in parallel
0147       //! initTimeout    [uint16_t] - time limit for successfull initialization
0148       //!                             of the copy job
0149       //! tpcTimeout     [uint16_t] - time limit for the actual copy to finish
0150       //! dynamicSource  [bool]     - support for the case where the size source
0151       //!                             file may change during reading process
0152       //!
0153       //! Configuration job - this is a job that that is supposed to configure
0154       //! the copy process as a whole instead of adding a copy job:
0155       //!
0156       //! jobType        [string]   - "configuration" - for configuraion
0157       //! parallel       [uint8_t]  - nomber of copy jobs to be run in parallel
0158       //!
0159       //! Results:
0160       //! sourceCheckSum [string]   - checksum at source, if requested
0161       //! targetCheckSum [string]   - checksum at target, if requested
0162       //! size           [uint64_t] - file size
0163       //! status         [XRootDStatus] - status of the copy operation
0164       //! sources        [vector<string>] - all sources used
0165       //! realTarget     [string]   - the actual disk server target
0166       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0167       XRootDStatus AddJob( const PropertyList &properties,
0168                            PropertyList       *results );
0170       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0171       // Prepare the copy jobs
0172       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0173       XRootDStatus Prepare();
0175       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0176       //! Run the copy jobs
0177       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0178       XRootDStatus Run( CopyProgressHandler *handler );
0180     private:
0181       void CleanUpJobs();
0183       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0184       //! Mark the URLs in the property list as ment for TPC
0185       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0186       inline static void MarkTPC( PropertyList &properties )
0187       {
0188         std::string keys[] = { "source", "target" };
0189         size_t      size   = sizeof( keys ) / sizeof( std::string );
0190         for( size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i )
0191         {
0192           URL url;
0193           properties.Get( keys[i], url );
0194           URL::ParamsMap params = url.GetParams();
0195           params["xrdcl.intent"] = "tpc";
0196           url.SetParams( params );
0197           properties.Set( keys[i], url.GetURL() );
0198         }
0199       }
0201       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0202       //! Pointer to implementation
0203       //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0204       CopyProcessImpl *pImpl;
0205   };
0206 }
0208 #endif // __XRD_CL_COPY_PROCESS_HH__