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0001 /*
0002     Copyright (c) 2005-2020 Intel Corporation
0004     Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
0005     you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
0006     You may obtain a copy of the License at
0010     Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
0011     distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
0012     WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
0013     See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
0014     limitations under the License.
0015 */
0017 #ifndef __TBB_enumerable_thread_specific_H
0018 #define __TBB_enumerable_thread_specific_H
0020 #define __TBB_enumerable_thread_specific_H_include_area
0021 #include "internal/_warning_suppress_enable_notice.h"
0023 #include "atomic.h"
0024 #include "concurrent_vector.h"
0025 #include "tbb_thread.h"
0026 #include "tbb_allocator.h"
0027 #include "cache_aligned_allocator.h"
0028 #include "aligned_space.h"
0029 #include "internal/_template_helpers.h"
0030 #include "internal/_tbb_hash_compare_impl.h"
0031 #include "tbb_profiling.h"
0032 #include <string.h>  // for memcpy
0035 #include "task.h" // for task::suspend_point
0036 #endif
0038 #if _WIN32||_WIN64
0039 #include "machine/windows_api.h"
0040 #else
0041 #include <pthread.h>
0042 #endif
0044 #define __TBB_ETS_USE_CPP11 \
0048 namespace tbb {
0050 //! enum for selecting between single key and key-per-instance versions
0051 enum ets_key_usage_type {
0052     ets_key_per_instance
0053     , ets_no_key
0055     , ets_suspend_aware
0056 #endif
0057 };
0059 namespace interface6 {
0061     // Forward declaration to use in internal classes
0062     template <typename T, typename Allocator, ets_key_usage_type ETS_key_type>
0063     class enumerable_thread_specific;
0065     //! @cond
0066     namespace internal {
0068         using namespace tbb::internal;
0070         template <ets_key_usage_type ETS_key_type>
0071         struct ets_key_selector {
0072             typedef tbb_thread::id key_type;
0073             static key_type current_key() {
0074                 return tbb::internal::thread_get_id_v3();
0075             }
0076         };
0079         template <>
0080         struct ets_key_selector<ets_suspend_aware> {
0081             typedef task::suspend_point key_type;
0082             static key_type current_key() {
0083                 return internal_current_suspend_point();
0084             }
0085         };
0087         inline task::suspend_point atomic_compare_and_swap(task::suspend_point& location,
0088                 const task::suspend_point& value, const task::suspend_point& comparand) {
0089             return as_atomic(location).compare_and_swap(value, comparand);
0090         }
0091 #endif
0093         template<ets_key_usage_type ETS_key_type>
0094         class ets_base: tbb::internal::no_copy {
0095         protected:
0096             typedef typename ets_key_selector<ETS_key_type>::key_type key_type;
0098         public:
0099 #endif
0100             struct slot;
0102             struct array {
0103                 array* next;
0104                 size_t lg_size;
0105                 slot& at( size_t k ) {
0106                     return ((slot*)(void*)(this+1))[k];
0107                 }
0108                 size_t size() const {return size_t(1)<<lg_size;}
0109                 size_t mask() const {return size()-1;}
0110                 size_t start( size_t h ) const {
0111                     return h>>(8*sizeof(size_t)-lg_size);
0112                 }
0113             };
0114             struct slot {
0115                 key_type key;
0116                 void* ptr;
0117                 bool empty() const {return key == key_type();}
0118                 bool match( key_type k ) const {return key == k;}
0119                 bool claim( key_type k ) {
0120                     // TODO: maybe claim ptr, because key_type is not guaranteed to fit into word size
0121                     return atomic_compare_and_swap(key, k, key_type()) == key_type();
0122                 }
0123             };
0125         protected:
0126 #endif
0128             //! Root of linked list of arrays of decreasing size.
0129             /** NULL if and only if my_count==0.
0130                 Each array in the list is half the size of its predecessor. */
0131             atomic<array*> my_root;
0132             atomic<size_t> my_count;
0133             virtual void* create_local() = 0;
0134             virtual void* create_array(size_t _size) = 0;  // _size in bytes
0135             virtual void free_array(void* ptr, size_t _size) = 0; // _size in bytes
0136             array* allocate( size_t lg_size ) {
0137                 size_t n = size_t(1)<<lg_size;
0138                 array* a = static_cast<array*>(create_array( sizeof(array)+n*sizeof(slot) ));
0139                 a->lg_size = lg_size;
0140                 std::memset( a+1, 0, n*sizeof(slot) );
0141                 return a;
0142             }
0143             void free(array* a) {
0144                 size_t n = size_t(1)<<(a->lg_size);
0145                 free_array( (void *)a, size_t(sizeof(array)+n*sizeof(slot)) );
0146             }
0148             ets_base() {my_root=NULL; my_count=0;}
0149             virtual ~ets_base();  // g++ complains if this is not virtual
0150             void* table_lookup( bool& exists );
0151             void table_clear();
0152             // The following functions are not used in concurrent context,
0153             // so we don't need synchronization and ITT annotations there.
0154             template <ets_key_usage_type E2>
0155             void table_elementwise_copy( const ets_base& other,
0156                                          void*(*add_element)(ets_base<E2>&, void*) ) {
0157                 __TBB_ASSERT(!my_root,NULL);
0158                 __TBB_ASSERT(!my_count,NULL);
0159                 if( !other.my_root ) return;
0160                 array* root = my_root = allocate(other.my_root->lg_size);
0161                 root->next = NULL;
0162                 my_count = other.my_count;
0163                 size_t mask = root->mask();
0164                 for( array* r=other.my_root; r; r=r->next ) {
0165                     for( size_t i=0; i<r->size(); ++i ) {
0166                         slot& s1 = r->at(i);
0167                         if( !s1.empty() ) {
0168                             for( size_t j = root->start(tbb::tbb_hash<key_type>()(s1.key)); ; j=(j+1)&mask ) {
0169                                 slot& s2 = root->at(j);
0170                                 if( s2.empty() ) {
0171                                     s2.ptr = add_element(static_cast<ets_base<E2>&>(*this), s1.ptr);
0172                                     s2.key = s1.key;
0173                                     break;
0174                                 }
0175                                 else if( s2.match(s1.key) )
0176                                     break;
0177                             }
0178                         }
0179                     }
0180                 }
0181             }
0182             void table_swap( ets_base& other ) {
0183                __TBB_ASSERT(this!=&other, "Don't swap an instance with itself");
0184                tbb::internal::swap<relaxed>(my_root, other.my_root);
0185                tbb::internal::swap<relaxed>(my_count, other.my_count);
0186             }
0187         };
0189         template<ets_key_usage_type ETS_key_type>
0190         ets_base<ETS_key_type>::~ets_base() {
0191             __TBB_ASSERT(!my_root, NULL);
0192         }
0194         template<ets_key_usage_type ETS_key_type>
0195         void ets_base<ETS_key_type>::table_clear() {
0196             while( array* r = my_root ) {
0197                 my_root = r->next;
0198                 free(r);
0199             }
0200             my_count = 0;
0201         }
0203         template<ets_key_usage_type ETS_key_type>
0204         void* ets_base<ETS_key_type>::table_lookup( bool& exists ) {
0205             const key_type k = ets_key_selector<ETS_key_type>::current_key();
0207             __TBB_ASSERT(k != key_type(),NULL);
0208             void* found;
0209             size_t h = tbb::tbb_hash<key_type>()(k);
0210             for( array* r=my_root; r; r=r->next ) {
0211                 call_itt_notify(acquired,r);
0212                 size_t mask=r->mask();
0213                 for(size_t i = r->start(h); ;i=(i+1)&mask) {
0214                     slot& s = r->at(i);
0215                     if( s.empty() ) break;
0216                     if( s.match(k) ) {
0217                         if( r==my_root ) {
0218                             // Success at top level
0219                             exists = true;
0220                             return s.ptr;
0221                         } else {
0222                             // Success at some other level.  Need to insert at top level.
0223                             exists = true;
0224                             found = s.ptr;
0225                             goto insert;
0226                         }
0227                     }
0228                 }
0229             }
0230             // Key does not yet exist.  The density of slots in the table does not exceed 0.5,
0231             // for if this will occur a new table is allocated with double the current table
0232             // size, which is swapped in as the new root table.  So an empty slot is guaranteed.
0233             exists = false;
0234             found = create_local();
0235             {
0236                 size_t c = ++my_count;
0237                 array* r = my_root;
0238                 call_itt_notify(acquired,r);
0239                 if( !r || c>r->size()/2 ) {
0240                     size_t s = r ? r->lg_size : 2;
0241                     while( c>size_t(1)<<(s-1) ) ++s;
0242                     array* a = allocate(s);
0243                     for(;;) {
0244                         a->next = r;
0245                         call_itt_notify(releasing,a);
0246                         array* new_r = my_root.compare_and_swap(a,r);
0247                         if( new_r==r ) break;
0248                         call_itt_notify(acquired, new_r);
0249                         if( new_r->lg_size>=s ) {
0250                             // Another thread inserted an equal or  bigger array, so our array is superfluous.
0251                             free(a);
0252                             break;
0253                         }
0254                         r = new_r;
0255                     }
0256                 }
0257             }
0258         insert:
0259         // Whether a slot has been found in an older table, or if it has been inserted at this level,
0260         // it has already been accounted for in the total.  Guaranteed to be room for it, and it is
0261         // not present, so search for empty slot and use it.
0262             array* ir = my_root;
0263             call_itt_notify(acquired, ir);
0264             size_t mask = ir->mask();
0265             for(size_t i = ir->start(h);;i=(i+1)&mask) {
0266                 slot& s = ir->at(i);
0267                 if( s.empty() ) {
0268                     if( s.claim(k) ) {
0269                         s.ptr = found;
0270                         return found;
0271                     }
0272                 }
0273             }
0274         }
0276         //! Specialization that exploits native TLS
0277         template <>
0278         class ets_base<ets_key_per_instance>: public ets_base<ets_no_key> {
0279             typedef ets_base<ets_no_key> super;
0280 #if _WIN32||_WIN64
0282             typedef DWORD tls_key_t;
0283             void create_key() { my_key = FlsAlloc(NULL); }
0284             void destroy_key() { FlsFree(my_key); }
0285             void set_tls(void * value) { FlsSetValue(my_key, (LPVOID)value); }
0286             void* get_tls() { return (void *)FlsGetValue(my_key); }
0287 #else
0288             typedef DWORD tls_key_t;
0289             void create_key() { my_key = TlsAlloc(); }
0290             void destroy_key() { TlsFree(my_key); }
0291             void set_tls(void * value) { TlsSetValue(my_key, (LPVOID)value); }
0292             void* get_tls() { return (void *)TlsGetValue(my_key); }
0293 #endif
0294 #else
0295             typedef pthread_key_t tls_key_t;
0296             void create_key() { pthread_key_create(&my_key, NULL); }
0297             void destroy_key() { pthread_key_delete(my_key); }
0298             void set_tls( void * value ) const { pthread_setspecific(my_key, value); }
0299             void* get_tls() const { return pthread_getspecific(my_key); }
0300 #endif
0301             tls_key_t my_key;
0302             virtual void* create_local() __TBB_override = 0;
0303             virtual void* create_array(size_t _size) __TBB_override = 0;  // _size in bytes
0304             virtual void free_array(void* ptr, size_t _size) __TBB_override = 0; // size in bytes
0305         protected:
0306             ets_base() {create_key();}
0307             ~ets_base() {destroy_key();}
0308             void* table_lookup( bool& exists ) {
0309                 void* found = get_tls();
0310                 if( found ) {
0311                     exists=true;
0312                 } else {
0313                     found = super::table_lookup(exists);
0314                     set_tls(found);
0315                 }
0316                 return found;
0317             }
0318             void table_clear() {
0319                 destroy_key();
0320                 create_key();
0321                 super::table_clear();
0322             }
0323             void table_swap( ets_base& other ) {
0324                using std::swap;
0325                __TBB_ASSERT(this!=&other, "Don't swap an instance with itself");
0326                swap(my_key, other.my_key);
0327                super::table_swap(other);
0328             }
0329         };
0331         //! Random access iterator for traversing the thread local copies.
0332         template< typename Container, typename Value >
0333         class enumerable_thread_specific_iterator
0334 #if defined(_WIN64) && defined(_MSC_VER)
0335             // Ensure that Microsoft's internal template function _Val_type works correctly.
0336             : public std::iterator<std::random_access_iterator_tag,Value>
0337 #endif /* defined(_WIN64) && defined(_MSC_VER) */
0338         {
0339             //! current position in the concurrent_vector
0341             Container *my_container;
0342             typename Container::size_type my_index;
0343             mutable Value *my_value;
0345             template<typename C, typename T>
0346             friend enumerable_thread_specific_iterator<C,T>
0347             operator+( ptrdiff_t offset, const enumerable_thread_specific_iterator<C,T>& v );
0349             template<typename C, typename T, typename U>
0350             friend bool operator==( const enumerable_thread_specific_iterator<C,T>& i,
0351                                     const enumerable_thread_specific_iterator<C,U>& j );
0353             template<typename C, typename T, typename U>
0354             friend bool operator<( const enumerable_thread_specific_iterator<C,T>& i,
0355                                    const enumerable_thread_specific_iterator<C,U>& j );
0357             template<typename C, typename T, typename U>
0358             friend ptrdiff_t operator-( const enumerable_thread_specific_iterator<C,T>& i,
0359                                         const enumerable_thread_specific_iterator<C,U>& j );
0361             template<typename C, typename U>
0362             friend class enumerable_thread_specific_iterator;
0364             public:
0366             enumerable_thread_specific_iterator( const Container &container, typename Container::size_type index ) :
0367                 my_container(&const_cast<Container &>(container)), my_index(index), my_value(NULL) {}
0369             //! Default constructor
0370             enumerable_thread_specific_iterator() : my_container(NULL), my_index(0), my_value(NULL) {}
0372             template<typename U>
0373             enumerable_thread_specific_iterator( const enumerable_thread_specific_iterator<Container, U>& other ) :
0374                     my_container( other.my_container ), my_index( other.my_index), my_value( const_cast<Value *>(other.my_value) ) {}
0376             enumerable_thread_specific_iterator operator+( ptrdiff_t offset ) const {
0377                 return enumerable_thread_specific_iterator(*my_container, my_index + offset);
0378             }
0380             enumerable_thread_specific_iterator &operator+=( ptrdiff_t offset ) {
0381                 my_index += offset;
0382                 my_value = NULL;
0383                 return *this;
0384             }
0386             enumerable_thread_specific_iterator operator-( ptrdiff_t offset ) const {
0387                 return enumerable_thread_specific_iterator( *my_container, my_index-offset );
0388             }
0390             enumerable_thread_specific_iterator &operator-=( ptrdiff_t offset ) {
0391                 my_index -= offset;
0392                 my_value = NULL;
0393                 return *this;
0394             }
0396             Value& operator*() const {
0397                 Value* value = my_value;
0398                 if( !value ) {
0399                     value = my_value = (*my_container)[my_index].value();
0400                 }
0401                 __TBB_ASSERT( value==(*my_container)[my_index].value(), "corrupt cache" );
0402                 return *value;
0403             }
0405             Value& operator[]( ptrdiff_t k ) const {
0406                return (*my_container)[my_index + k].value;
0407             }
0409             Value* operator->() const {return &operator*();}
0411             enumerable_thread_specific_iterator& operator++() {
0412                 ++my_index;
0413                 my_value = NULL;
0414                 return *this;
0415             }
0417             enumerable_thread_specific_iterator& operator--() {
0418                 --my_index;
0419                 my_value = NULL;
0420                 return *this;
0421             }
0423             //! Post increment
0424             enumerable_thread_specific_iterator operator++(int) {
0425                 enumerable_thread_specific_iterator result = *this;
0426                 ++my_index;
0427                 my_value = NULL;
0428                 return result;
0429             }
0431             //! Post decrement
0432             enumerable_thread_specific_iterator operator--(int) {
0433                 enumerable_thread_specific_iterator result = *this;
0434                 --my_index;
0435                 my_value = NULL;
0436                 return result;
0437             }
0439             // STL support
0440             typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
0441             typedef Value value_type;
0442             typedef Value* pointer;
0443             typedef Value& reference;
0444             typedef std::random_access_iterator_tag iterator_category;
0445         };
0447         template<typename Container, typename T>
0448         enumerable_thread_specific_iterator<Container,T>
0449         operator+( ptrdiff_t offset, const enumerable_thread_specific_iterator<Container,T>& v ) {
0450             return enumerable_thread_specific_iterator<Container,T>( v.my_container, v.my_index + offset );
0451         }
0453         template<typename Container, typename T, typename U>
0454         bool operator==( const enumerable_thread_specific_iterator<Container,T>& i,
0455                          const enumerable_thread_specific_iterator<Container,U>& j ) {
0456             return i.my_index==j.my_index && i.my_container == j.my_container;
0457         }
0459         template<typename Container, typename T, typename U>
0460         bool operator!=( const enumerable_thread_specific_iterator<Container,T>& i,
0461                          const enumerable_thread_specific_iterator<Container,U>& j ) {
0462             return !(i==j);
0463         }
0465         template<typename Container, typename T, typename U>
0466         bool operator<( const enumerable_thread_specific_iterator<Container,T>& i,
0467                         const enumerable_thread_specific_iterator<Container,U>& j ) {
0468             return i.my_index<j.my_index;
0469         }
0471         template<typename Container, typename T, typename U>
0472         bool operator>( const enumerable_thread_specific_iterator<Container,T>& i,
0473                         const enumerable_thread_specific_iterator<Container,U>& j ) {
0474             return j<i;
0475         }
0477         template<typename Container, typename T, typename U>
0478         bool operator>=( const enumerable_thread_specific_iterator<Container,T>& i,
0479                          const enumerable_thread_specific_iterator<Container,U>& j ) {
0480             return !(i<j);
0481         }
0483         template<typename Container, typename T, typename U>
0484         bool operator<=( const enumerable_thread_specific_iterator<Container,T>& i,
0485                          const enumerable_thread_specific_iterator<Container,U>& j ) {
0486             return !(j<i);
0487         }
0489         template<typename Container, typename T, typename U>
0490         ptrdiff_t operator-( const enumerable_thread_specific_iterator<Container,T>& i,
0491                              const enumerable_thread_specific_iterator<Container,U>& j ) {
0492             return i.my_index-j.my_index;
0493         }
0495     template<typename SegmentedContainer, typename Value >
0496         class segmented_iterator
0497 #if defined(_WIN64) && defined(_MSC_VER)
0498         : public std::iterator<std::input_iterator_tag, Value>
0499 #endif
0500         {
0501             template<typename C, typename T, typename U>
0502             friend bool operator==(const segmented_iterator<C,T>& i, const segmented_iterator<C,U>& j);
0504             template<typename C, typename T, typename U>
0505             friend bool operator!=(const segmented_iterator<C,T>& i, const segmented_iterator<C,U>& j);
0507             template<typename C, typename U>
0508             friend class segmented_iterator;
0510             public:
0512                 segmented_iterator() {my_segcont = NULL;}
0514                 segmented_iterator( const SegmentedContainer& _segmented_container ) :
0515                     my_segcont(const_cast<SegmentedContainer*>(&_segmented_container)),
0516                     outer_iter(my_segcont->end()) { }
0518                 ~segmented_iterator() {}
0520                 typedef typename SegmentedContainer::iterator outer_iterator;
0521                 typedef typename SegmentedContainer::value_type InnerContainer;
0522                 typedef typename InnerContainer::iterator inner_iterator;
0524                 // STL support
0525                 typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
0526                 typedef Value value_type;
0527                 typedef typename SegmentedContainer::size_type size_type;
0528                 typedef Value* pointer;
0529                 typedef Value& reference;
0530                 typedef std::input_iterator_tag iterator_category;
0532                 // Copy Constructor
0533                 template<typename U>
0534                 segmented_iterator(const segmented_iterator<SegmentedContainer, U>& other) :
0535                     my_segcont(other.my_segcont),
0536                     outer_iter(other.outer_iter),
0537                     // can we assign a default-constructed iterator to inner if we're at the end?
0538                     inner_iter(other.inner_iter)
0539                 {}
0541                 // assignment
0542                 template<typename U>
0543                 segmented_iterator& operator=( const segmented_iterator<SegmentedContainer, U>& other) {
0544                     if(this != &other) {
0545                         my_segcont = other.my_segcont;
0546                         outer_iter = other.outer_iter;
0547                         if(outer_iter != my_segcont->end()) inner_iter = other.inner_iter;
0548                     }
0549                     return *this;
0550                 }
0552                 // allow assignment of outer iterator to segmented iterator.  Once it is
0553                 // assigned, move forward until a non-empty inner container is found or
0554                 // the end of the outer container is reached.
0555                 segmented_iterator& operator=(const outer_iterator& new_outer_iter) {
0556                     __TBB_ASSERT(my_segcont != NULL, NULL);
0557                     // check that this iterator points to something inside the segmented container
0558                     for(outer_iter = new_outer_iter ;outer_iter!=my_segcont->end(); ++outer_iter) {
0559                         if( !outer_iter->empty() ) {
0560                             inner_iter = outer_iter->begin();
0561                             break;
0562                         }
0563                     }
0564                     return *this;
0565                 }
0567                 // pre-increment
0568                 segmented_iterator& operator++() {
0569                     advance_me();
0570                     return *this;
0571                 }
0573                 // post-increment
0574                 segmented_iterator operator++(int) {
0575                     segmented_iterator tmp = *this;
0576                     operator++();
0577                     return tmp;
0578                 }
0580                 bool operator==(const outer_iterator& other_outer) const {
0581                     __TBB_ASSERT(my_segcont != NULL, NULL);
0582                     return (outer_iter == other_outer &&
0583                             (outer_iter == my_segcont->end() || inner_iter == outer_iter->begin()));
0584                 }
0586                 bool operator!=(const outer_iterator& other_outer) const {
0587                     return !operator==(other_outer);
0589                 }
0591                 // (i)* RHS
0592                 reference operator*() const {
0593                     __TBB_ASSERT(my_segcont != NULL, NULL);
0594                     __TBB_ASSERT(outer_iter != my_segcont->end(), "Dereferencing a pointer at end of container");
0595                     __TBB_ASSERT(inner_iter != outer_iter->end(), NULL); // should never happen
0596                     return *inner_iter;
0597                 }
0599                 // i->
0600                 pointer operator->() const { return &operator*();}
0602             private:
0603                 SegmentedContainer*             my_segcont;
0604                 outer_iterator outer_iter;
0605                 inner_iterator inner_iter;
0607                 void advance_me() {
0608                     __TBB_ASSERT(my_segcont != NULL, NULL);
0609                     __TBB_ASSERT(outer_iter != my_segcont->end(), NULL); // not true if there are no inner containers
0610                     __TBB_ASSERT(inner_iter != outer_iter->end(), NULL); // not true if the inner containers are all empty.
0611                     ++inner_iter;
0612                     while(inner_iter == outer_iter->end() && ++outer_iter != my_segcont->end()) {
0613                         inner_iter = outer_iter->begin();
0614                     }
0615                 }
0616         };    // segmented_iterator
0618         template<typename SegmentedContainer, typename T, typename U>
0619         bool operator==( const segmented_iterator<SegmentedContainer,T>& i,
0620                          const segmented_iterator<SegmentedContainer,U>& j ) {
0621             if(i.my_segcont != j.my_segcont) return false;
0622             if(i.my_segcont == NULL) return true;
0623             if(i.outer_iter != j.outer_iter) return false;
0624             if(i.outer_iter == i.my_segcont->end()) return true;
0625             return i.inner_iter == j.inner_iter;
0626         }
0628         // !=
0629         template<typename SegmentedContainer, typename T, typename U>
0630         bool operator!=( const segmented_iterator<SegmentedContainer,T>& i,
0631                          const segmented_iterator<SegmentedContainer,U>& j ) {
0632             return !(i==j);
0633         }
0635         template<typename T>
0636         struct construct_by_default: tbb::internal::no_assign {
0637             void construct(void*where) {new(where) T();} // C++ note: the () in T() ensure zero initialization.
0638             construct_by_default( int ) {}
0639         };
0641         template<typename T>
0642         struct construct_by_exemplar: tbb::internal::no_assign {
0643             const T exemplar;
0644             void construct(void*where) {new(where) T(exemplar);}
0645             construct_by_exemplar( const T& t ) : exemplar(t) {}
0646 #if __TBB_ETS_USE_CPP11
0647             construct_by_exemplar( T&& t ) : exemplar(std::move(t)) {}
0648 #endif
0649         };
0651         template<typename T, typename Finit>
0652         struct construct_by_finit: tbb::internal::no_assign {
0653             Finit f;
0654             void construct(void* where) {new(where) T(f());}
0655             construct_by_finit( const Finit& f_ ) : f(f_) {}
0656 #if __TBB_ETS_USE_CPP11
0657             construct_by_finit( Finit&& f_ ) : f(std::move(f_)) {}
0658 #endif
0659         };
0661 #if __TBB_ETS_USE_CPP11
0662         template<typename T, typename... P>
0663         struct construct_by_args: tbb::internal::no_assign {
0664             internal::stored_pack<P...> pack;
0665             void construct(void* where) {
0666                 internal::call( [where](const typename strip<P>::type&... args ){
0667                    new(where) T(args...);
0668                 }, pack );
0669             }
0670             construct_by_args( P&& ... args ) : pack(std::forward<P>(args)...) {}
0671         };
0672 #endif
0674         // storage for initialization function pointer
0675         // TODO: consider removing the template parameter T here and in callback_leaf
0676         template<typename T>
0677         class callback_base {
0678         public:
0679             // Clone *this
0680             virtual callback_base* clone() const = 0;
0681             // Destruct and free *this
0682             virtual void destroy() = 0;
0683             // Need virtual destructor to satisfy GCC compiler warning
0684             virtual ~callback_base() { }
0685             // Construct T at where
0686             virtual void construct(void* where) = 0;
0687         };
0689         template <typename T, typename Constructor>
0690         class callback_leaf: public callback_base<T>, Constructor {
0691 #if __TBB_ETS_USE_CPP11
0692             template<typename... P> callback_leaf( P&& ... params ) : Constructor(std::forward<P>(params)...) {}
0693 #else
0694             template<typename X> callback_leaf( const X& x ) : Constructor(x) {}
0695 #endif
0696             // TODO: make the construction/destruction consistent (use allocator.construct/destroy)
0697             typedef typename tbb::tbb_allocator<callback_leaf> my_allocator_type;
0699             callback_base<T>* clone() const __TBB_override {
0700                 return make(*this);
0701             }
0703             void destroy() __TBB_override {
0704                 my_allocator_type().destroy(this);
0705                 my_allocator_type().deallocate(this,1);
0706             }
0708             void construct(void* where) __TBB_override {
0709                 Constructor::construct(where);
0710             }
0711         public:
0712 #if __TBB_ETS_USE_CPP11
0713             template<typename... P>
0714             static callback_base<T>* make( P&& ... params ) {
0715                 void* where = my_allocator_type().allocate(1);
0716                 return new(where) callback_leaf( std::forward<P>(params)... );
0717             }
0718 #else
0719             template<typename X>
0720             static callback_base<T>* make( const X& x ) {
0721                 void* where = my_allocator_type().allocate(1);
0722                 return new(where) callback_leaf(x);
0723             }
0724 #endif
0725         };
0727         //! Template for recording construction of objects in table
0728         /** All maintenance of the space will be done explicitly on push_back,
0729             and all thread local copies must be destroyed before the concurrent
0730             vector is deleted.
0732             The flag is_built is initialized to false.  When the local is
0733             successfully-constructed, set the flag to true or call value_committed().
0734             If the constructor throws, the flag will be false.
0735         */
0736         template<typename U>
0737         struct ets_element {
0738             tbb::aligned_space<U> my_space;
0739             bool is_built;
0740             ets_element() { is_built = false; }  // not currently-built
0741             U* value() { return my_space.begin(); }
0742             U* value_committed() { is_built = true; return my_space.begin(); }
0743             ~ets_element() {
0744                 if(is_built) {
0745                     my_space.begin()->~U();
0746                     is_built = false;
0747                 }
0748             }
0749         };
0751         // A predicate that can be used for a compile-time compatibility check of ETS instances
0752         // Ideally, it should have been declared inside the ETS class, but unfortunately
0753         // in that case VS2013 does not enable the variadic constructor.
0754         template<typename T, typename ETS> struct is_compatible_ets { static const bool value = false; };
0755         template<typename T, typename U, typename A, ets_key_usage_type C>
0756         struct is_compatible_ets< T, enumerable_thread_specific<U,A,C> > { static const bool value = internal::is_same_type<T,U>::value; };
0758 #if __TBB_ETS_USE_CPP11
0759         // A predicate that checks whether, for a variable 'foo' of type T, foo() is a valid expression
0760         template <typename T>
0761         class is_callable_no_args {
0762         private:
0763             typedef char yes[1];
0764             typedef char no [2];
0766             template<typename U> static yes& decide( decltype(declval<U>()())* );
0767             template<typename U> static no&  decide(...);
0768         public:
0769             static const bool value = (sizeof(decide<T>(NULL)) == sizeof(yes));
0770         };
0771 #endif
0773     } // namespace internal
0774     //! @endcond
0776     //! The enumerable_thread_specific container
0777     /** enumerable_thread_specific has the following properties:
0778         - thread-local copies are lazily created, with default, exemplar or function initialization.
0779         - thread-local copies do not move (during lifetime, and excepting clear()) so the address of a copy is invariant.
0780         - the contained objects need not have operator=() defined if combine is not used.
0781         - enumerable_thread_specific containers may be copy-constructed or assigned.
0782         - thread-local copies can be managed by hash-table, or can be accessed via TLS storage for speed.
0783         - outside of parallel contexts, the contents of all thread-local copies are accessible by iterator or using combine or combine_each methods
0785     @par Segmented iterator
0786         When the thread-local objects are containers with input_iterators defined, a segmented iterator may
0787         be used to iterate over all the elements of all thread-local copies.
0789     @par combine and combine_each
0790         - Both methods are defined for enumerable_thread_specific.
0791         - combine() requires the type T have operator=() defined.
0792         - neither method modifies the contents of the object (though there is no guarantee that the applied methods do not modify the object.)
0793         - Both are evaluated in serial context (the methods are assumed to be non-benign.)
0795     @ingroup containers */
0796     template <typename T,
0797               typename Allocator=cache_aligned_allocator<T>,
0798               ets_key_usage_type ETS_key_type=ets_no_key >
0799     class enumerable_thread_specific: internal::ets_base<ETS_key_type> {
0801         template<typename U, typename A, ets_key_usage_type C> friend class enumerable_thread_specific;
0803         typedef internal::padded< internal::ets_element<T> > padded_element;
0805         //! A generic range, used to create range objects from the iterators
0806         template<typename I>
0807         class generic_range_type: public blocked_range<I> {
0808         public:
0809             typedef T value_type;
0810             typedef T& reference;
0811             typedef const T& const_reference;
0812             typedef I iterator;
0813             typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
0814             generic_range_type( I begin_, I end_, size_t grainsize_ = 1) : blocked_range<I>(begin_,end_,grainsize_) {}
0815             template<typename U>
0816             generic_range_type( const generic_range_type<U>& r) : blocked_range<I>(r.begin(),r.end(),r.grainsize()) {}
0817             generic_range_type( generic_range_type& r, split ) : blocked_range<I>(r,split()) {}
0818         };
0820         typedef typename Allocator::template rebind< padded_element >::other padded_allocator_type;
0821         typedef tbb::concurrent_vector< padded_element, padded_allocator_type > internal_collection_type;
0823         internal::callback_base<T> *my_construct_callback;
0825         internal_collection_type my_locals;
0827         // TODO: consider unifying the callback mechanism for all create_local* methods below
0828         //   (likely non-compatible and requires interface version increase)
0829         void* create_local() __TBB_override {
0830             padded_element& lref = *my_locals.grow_by(1);
0831             my_construct_callback->construct(lref.value());
0832             return lref.value_committed();
0833         }
0835         static void* create_local_by_copy( internal::ets_base<ETS_key_type>& base, void* p ) {
0836             enumerable_thread_specific& ets = static_cast<enumerable_thread_specific&>(base);
0837             padded_element& lref = *ets.my_locals.grow_by(1);
0838             new(lref.value()) T(*static_cast<T*>(p));
0839             return lref.value_committed();
0840         }
0842 #if __TBB_ETS_USE_CPP11
0843         static void* create_local_by_move( internal::ets_base<ETS_key_type>& base, void* p ) {
0844             enumerable_thread_specific& ets = static_cast<enumerable_thread_specific&>(base);
0845             padded_element& lref = *ets.my_locals.grow_by(1);
0846             new(lref.value()) T(std::move(*static_cast<T*>(p)));
0847             return lref.value_committed();
0848         }
0849 #endif
0851         typedef typename Allocator::template rebind< uintptr_t >::other array_allocator_type;
0853         // _size is in bytes
0854         void* create_array(size_t _size) __TBB_override {
0855             size_t nelements = (_size + sizeof(uintptr_t) -1) / sizeof(uintptr_t);
0856             return array_allocator_type().allocate(nelements);
0857         }
0859         void free_array( void* _ptr, size_t _size) __TBB_override {
0860             size_t nelements = (_size + sizeof(uintptr_t) -1) / sizeof(uintptr_t);
0861             array_allocator_type().deallocate( reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t *>(_ptr),nelements);
0862         }
0864     public:
0866         //! Basic types
0867         typedef Allocator allocator_type;
0868         typedef T value_type;
0869         typedef T& reference;
0870         typedef const T& const_reference;
0871         typedef T* pointer;
0872         typedef const T* const_pointer;
0873         typedef typename internal_collection_type::size_type size_type;
0874         typedef typename internal_collection_type::difference_type difference_type;
0876         // Iterator types
0877         typedef typename internal::enumerable_thread_specific_iterator< internal_collection_type, value_type > iterator;
0878         typedef typename internal::enumerable_thread_specific_iterator< internal_collection_type, const value_type > const_iterator;
0880         // Parallel range types
0881         typedef generic_range_type< iterator > range_type;
0882         typedef generic_range_type< const_iterator > const_range_type;
0884         //! Default constructor.  Each local instance of T is default constructed.
0885         enumerable_thread_specific() : my_construct_callback(
0886             internal::callback_leaf<T,internal::construct_by_default<T> >::make(/*dummy argument*/0)
0887         ){}
0889         //! Constructor with initializer functor.  Each local instance of T is constructed by T(finit()).
0890         template <typename Finit
0891 #if __TBB_ETS_USE_CPP11
0892                   , typename = typename internal::enable_if<internal::is_callable_no_args<typename internal::strip<Finit>::type>::value>::type
0893 #endif
0894         >
0895         explicit enumerable_thread_specific( Finit finit ) : my_construct_callback(
0896             internal::callback_leaf<T,internal::construct_by_finit<T,Finit> >::make( tbb::internal::move(finit) )
0897         ){}
0899         //! Constructor with exemplar. Each local instance of T is copy-constructed from the exemplar.
0900         explicit enumerable_thread_specific( const T& exemplar ) : my_construct_callback(
0901             internal::callback_leaf<T,internal::construct_by_exemplar<T> >::make( exemplar )
0902         ){}
0904 #if __TBB_ETS_USE_CPP11
0905         explicit enumerable_thread_specific( T&& exemplar ) : my_construct_callback(
0906             internal::callback_leaf<T,internal::construct_by_exemplar<T> >::make( std::move(exemplar) )
0907         ){}
0909         //! Variadic constructor with initializer arguments.  Each local instance of T is constructed by T(args...)
0910         template <typename P1, typename... P,
0911                   typename = typename internal::enable_if<!internal::is_callable_no_args<typename internal::strip<P1>::type>::value
0912                                                           && !internal::is_compatible_ets<T, typename internal::strip<P1>::type>::value
0913                                                           && !internal::is_same_type<T, typename internal::strip<P1>::type>::value
0914                                                          >::type>
0915         enumerable_thread_specific( P1&& arg1, P&& ... args ) : my_construct_callback(
0916             internal::callback_leaf<T,internal::construct_by_args<T,P1,P...> >::make( std::forward<P1>(arg1), std::forward<P>(args)... )
0917         ){}
0918 #endif
0920         //! Destructor
0921         ~enumerable_thread_specific() {
0922             if(my_construct_callback) my_construct_callback->destroy();
0923             // Deallocate the hash table before overridden free_array() becomes inaccessible
0924             this->internal::ets_base<ETS_key_type>::table_clear();
0925         }
0927         //! returns reference to local, discarding exists
0928         reference local() {
0929             bool exists;
0930             return local(exists);
0931         }
0933         //! Returns reference to calling thread's local copy, creating one if necessary
0934         reference local(bool& exists)  {
0935             void* ptr = this->table_lookup(exists);
0936             return *(T*)ptr;
0937         }
0939         //! Get the number of local copies
0940         size_type size() const { return my_locals.size(); }
0942         //! true if there have been no local copies created
0943         bool empty() const { return my_locals.empty(); }
0945         //! begin iterator
0946         iterator begin() { return iterator( my_locals, 0 ); }
0947         //! end iterator
0948         iterator end() { return iterator(my_locals, my_locals.size() ); }
0950         //! begin const iterator
0951         const_iterator begin() const { return const_iterator(my_locals, 0); }
0953         //! end const iterator
0954         const_iterator end() const { return const_iterator(my_locals, my_locals.size()); }
0956         //! Get range for parallel algorithms
0957         range_type range( size_t grainsize=1 ) { return range_type( begin(), end(), grainsize ); }
0959         //! Get const range for parallel algorithms
0960         const_range_type range( size_t grainsize=1 ) const { return const_range_type( begin(), end(), grainsize ); }
0962         //! Destroys local copies
0963         void clear() {
0964             my_locals.clear();
0965             this->table_clear();
0966             // callback is not destroyed
0967         }
0969     private:
0971         template<typename A2, ets_key_usage_type C2>
0972         void internal_copy(const enumerable_thread_specific<T, A2, C2>& other) {
0974             // this tests is_compatible_ets
0975             __TBB_STATIC_ASSERT( (internal::is_compatible_ets<T, typename internal::strip<decltype(other)>::type>::value), "is_compatible_ets fails" );
0976 #endif
0977             // Initialize my_construct_callback first, so that it is valid even if rest of this routine throws an exception.
0978             my_construct_callback = other.my_construct_callback->clone();
0979             __TBB_ASSERT(my_locals.size()==0,NULL);
0980             my_locals.reserve(other.size());
0981             this->table_elementwise_copy( other, create_local_by_copy );
0982         }
0984         void internal_swap(enumerable_thread_specific& other) {
0985             using std::swap;
0986             __TBB_ASSERT( this!=&other, NULL );
0987             swap(my_construct_callback, other.my_construct_callback);
0988             // concurrent_vector::swap() preserves storage space,
0989             // so addresses to the vector kept in ETS hash table remain valid.
0990             swap(my_locals, other.my_locals);
0991             this->internal::ets_base<ETS_key_type>::table_swap(other);
0992         }
0994 #if __TBB_ETS_USE_CPP11
0995         template<typename A2, ets_key_usage_type C2>
0996         void internal_move(enumerable_thread_specific<T, A2, C2>&& other) {
0998             // this tests is_compatible_ets
0999             __TBB_STATIC_ASSERT( (internal::is_compatible_ets<T, typename internal::strip<decltype(other)>::type>::value), "is_compatible_ets fails" );
1000 #endif
1001             my_construct_callback = other.my_construct_callback;
1002             other.my_construct_callback = NULL;
1003             __TBB_ASSERT(my_locals.size()==0,NULL);
1004             my_locals.reserve(other.size());
1005             this->table_elementwise_copy( other, create_local_by_move );
1006         }
1007 #endif
1009     public:
1011         enumerable_thread_specific( const enumerable_thread_specific& other )
1012         : internal::ets_base<ETS_key_type>() /* prevents GCC warnings with -Wextra */
1013         {
1014             internal_copy(other);
1015         }
1017         template<typename Alloc, ets_key_usage_type Cachetype>
1018         enumerable_thread_specific( const enumerable_thread_specific<T, Alloc, Cachetype>& other )
1019         {
1020             internal_copy(other);
1021         }
1023 #if __TBB_ETS_USE_CPP11
1024         enumerable_thread_specific( enumerable_thread_specific&& other ) : my_construct_callback()
1025         {
1026             internal_swap(other);
1027         }
1029         template<typename Alloc, ets_key_usage_type Cachetype>
1030         enumerable_thread_specific( enumerable_thread_specific<T, Alloc, Cachetype>&& other ) : my_construct_callback()
1031         {
1032             internal_move(std::move(other));
1033         }
1034 #endif
1036         enumerable_thread_specific& operator=( const enumerable_thread_specific& other )
1037         {
1038             if( this != &other ) {
1039                 this->clear();
1040                 my_construct_callback->destroy();
1041                 internal_copy( other );
1042             }
1043             return *this;
1044         }
1046         template<typename Alloc, ets_key_usage_type Cachetype>
1047         enumerable_thread_specific& operator=( const enumerable_thread_specific<T, Alloc, Cachetype>& other )
1048         {
1049             __TBB_ASSERT( static_cast<void*>(this)!=static_cast<const void*>(&other), NULL ); // Objects of different types
1050             this->clear();
1051             my_construct_callback->destroy();
1052             internal_copy(other);
1053             return *this;
1054         }
1056 #if __TBB_ETS_USE_CPP11
1057         enumerable_thread_specific& operator=( enumerable_thread_specific&& other )
1058         {
1059             if( this != &other )
1060                 internal_swap(other);
1061             return *this;
1062         }
1064         template<typename Alloc, ets_key_usage_type Cachetype>
1065         enumerable_thread_specific& operator=( enumerable_thread_specific<T, Alloc, Cachetype>&& other )
1066         {
1067             __TBB_ASSERT( static_cast<void*>(this)!=static_cast<const void*>(&other), NULL ); // Objects of different types
1068             this->clear();
1069             my_construct_callback->destroy();
1070             internal_move(std::move(other));
1071             return *this;
1072         }
1073 #endif
1075         // combine_func_t has signature T(T,T) or T(const T&, const T&)
1076         template <typename combine_func_t>
1077         T combine(combine_func_t f_combine) {
1078             if(begin() == end()) {
1079                 internal::ets_element<T> location;
1080                 my_construct_callback->construct(location.value());
1081                 return *location.value_committed();
1082             }
1083             const_iterator ci = begin();
1084             T my_result = *ci;
1085             while(++ci != end())
1086                 my_result = f_combine( my_result, *ci );
1087             return my_result;
1088         }
1090         // combine_func_t takes T by value or by [const] reference, and returns nothing
1091         template <typename combine_func_t>
1092         void combine_each(combine_func_t f_combine) {
1093             for(iterator ci = begin(); ci != end(); ++ci) {
1094                 f_combine( *ci );
1095             }
1096         }
1098     }; // enumerable_thread_specific
1100     template< typename Container >
1101     class flattened2d {
1103         // This intermediate typedef is to address issues with VC7.1 compilers
1104         typedef typename Container::value_type conval_type;
1106     public:
1108         //! Basic types
1109         typedef typename conval_type::size_type size_type;
1110         typedef typename conval_type::difference_type difference_type;
1111         typedef typename conval_type::allocator_type allocator_type;
1112         typedef typename conval_type::value_type value_type;
1113         typedef typename conval_type::reference reference;
1114         typedef typename conval_type::const_reference const_reference;
1115         typedef typename conval_type::pointer pointer;
1116         typedef typename conval_type::const_pointer const_pointer;
1118         typedef typename internal::segmented_iterator<Container, value_type> iterator;
1119         typedef typename internal::segmented_iterator<Container, const value_type> const_iterator;
1121         flattened2d( const Container &c, typename Container::const_iterator b, typename Container::const_iterator e ) :
1122             my_container(const_cast<Container*>(&c)), my_begin(b), my_end(e) { }
1124         explicit flattened2d( const Container &c ) :
1125             my_container(const_cast<Container*>(&c)), my_begin(c.begin()), my_end(c.end()) { }
1127         iterator begin() { return iterator(*my_container) = my_begin; }
1128         iterator end() { return iterator(*my_container) = my_end; }
1129         const_iterator begin() const { return const_iterator(*my_container) = my_begin; }
1130         const_iterator end() const { return const_iterator(*my_container) = my_end; }
1132         size_type size() const {
1133             size_type tot_size = 0;
1134             for(typename Container::const_iterator i = my_begin; i != my_end; ++i) {
1135                 tot_size += i->size();
1136             }
1137             return tot_size;
1138         }
1140     private:
1142         Container *my_container;
1143         typename Container::const_iterator my_begin;
1144         typename Container::const_iterator my_end;
1146     };
1148     template <typename Container>
1149     flattened2d<Container> flatten2d(const Container &c, const typename Container::const_iterator b, const typename Container::const_iterator e) {
1150         return flattened2d<Container>(c, b, e);
1151     }
1153     template <typename Container>
1154     flattened2d<Container> flatten2d(const Container &c) {
1155         return flattened2d<Container>(c);
1156     }
1158 } // interface6
1160 namespace internal {
1161 using interface6::internal::segmented_iterator;
1162 }
1164 using interface6::enumerable_thread_specific;
1165 using interface6::flattened2d;
1166 using interface6::flatten2d;
1168 } // namespace tbb
1170 #include "internal/_warning_suppress_disable_notice.h"
1171 #undef __TBB_enumerable_thread_specific_H_include_area
1173 #endif