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0001 // -*- C++ -*-
0002 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
0003 // File: split_merge.h                                                       //
0004 // Description: header file for splitting/merging (contains the CJet class)  //
0005 // This file is part of the SISCone project.                                 //
0006 // For more details, see                //
0007 //                                                                           //
0008 // Copyright (c) 2006 Gavin Salam and Gregory Soyez                          //
0009 //                                                                           //
0010 // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify      //
0011 // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by      //
0012 // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or         //
0013 // (at your option) any later version.                                       //
0014 //                                                                           //
0015 // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,           //
0016 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of            //
0018 // GNU General Public License for more details.                              //
0019 //                                                                           //
0020 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License         //
0021 // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software               //
0022 // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA //
0023 //                                                                           //
0024 // $Revision::                                                              $//
0025 // $Date::                                                                  $//
0026 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
0028 #ifndef __SPLIT_MERGE_H__
0029 #define __SPLIT_MERGE_H__
0031 #include <siscone/config.h>
0032 #include "defines.h"
0033 #include "geom_2d.h"
0034 #include "momentum.h"
0035 #include <stdio.h>
0036 #include <vector>
0037 #include <set>
0038 #include <memory>
0039 #include <string>
0041 namespace siscone{
0043 const int CJET_INEXISTENT_PASS = -2;
0045 /**
0046  * \class Cjet
0047  * real Jet information.
0048  *
0049  * This class contains information for one single jet. 
0050  * That is, first, its momentum carrying information
0051  * about its centre and pT, and second, its particle
0052  * contents
0053  */
0054 class Cjet{
0055  public:
0056   /// default ctor
0057   Cjet();
0059   /// default dtor
0060   ~Cjet();
0062   Cmomentum v;               ///< jet momentum
0063   double pt_tilde;           ///< p-scheme pt
0064   int n;                     ///< number of particles inside
0065   std::vector<int> contents; ///< particle contents (list of indices)
0067   /// ordering variable used for ordering and overlap in the
0068   /// split--merge. This variable is automatically set either to
0069   /// pt_tilde, or to mt or to pt, depending on the siscone
0070   /// parameter. Note that the default behaviour is pt_tilde and that
0071   /// other chices may lead to infrared unsafe situations.
0072   /// Note: we use the square of the varible rather than the variable itself
0073   double sm_var2;
0075   /// covered range in eta-phi
0076   Ceta_phi_range range;
0078   /// pass at which the jet has been found
0079   /// It starts at 0 (first pass), -1 means infinite rapidity
0080   /// (it will be initialised to "CJET_INEXISTENT_PASS" which should
0081   /// never appear after clustering)
0082   int pass;
0083 };
0085 /// ordering of jets in pt (e.g. used in final jets ordering)
0086 bool jets_pt_less(const Cjet &j1, const Cjet &j2);
0089 /// the choices of scale variable that can be used in the split-merge
0090 /// step, both for ordering the protojets and for measuing their
0091 /// overlap; pt, Et and mt=sqrt(pt^2+m^2) are all defined in E-scheme
0092 /// (4-momentum) recombination; pttilde = \sum_{i\in jet} |p_{t,i}|
0093 ///
0094 /// NB: if one changes the order here, one _MUST_ also change the order
0095 ///     in the SISCone plugin
0096 enum Esplit_merge_scale {
0097            SM_pt,     ///< transverse momentum (E-scheme), IR unsafe
0098            SM_Et,     ///< transverse energy (E-scheme), not long. boost inv.
0099                       ///< original run-II choice [may not be implemented]
0100            SM_mt,     ///< transverse mass (E-scheme), IR safe except
0101                       ///< in decays of two identical narrow heavy particles
0102            SM_pttilde ///< pt-scheme pt = \sum_{i in jet} |p_{ti}|, should
0103                       ///< be IR safe in all cases
0104 };
0106 /// return the name of the split-merge scale choice
0107 std::string split_merge_scale_name(Esplit_merge_scale sms);
0109 /**
0110  * \class Csplit_merge_ptcomparison
0111  * comparison of jets for split--merge ordering
0112  *
0113  * a class that allows us to carry out comparisons of pt of jets, using
0114  * information from exact particle contents where necessary.
0115  */
0116 class Csplit_merge_ptcomparison{
0117 public:
0118   /// default ctor
0119   Csplit_merge_ptcomparison() : 
0120     particles(0), split_merge_scale(SM_pttilde){};
0122   /// return the name corresponding to the SM scale variable
0123   std::string SM_scale_name() const {
0124     return split_merge_scale_name(split_merge_scale);}
0126   std::vector<Cmomentum> * particles; ///< pointer to the list of particles
0127   std::vector<double> * pt;           ///< pointer to the pt of the particles
0129   /// comparison between 2 jets
0130   bool operator()(const Cjet &jet1, const Cjet &jet2) const;
0132   /**
0133    * get the difference between 2 jets, calculated such that rounding
0134    * errors will not affect the result even if the two jets have
0135    * almost the same content (so that the difference is below the
0136    * rounding errors)
0137    *
0138    * \param j1        first jet
0139    * \param j2        second jet
0140    * \param v         jet1-jet2
0141    * \param pt_tilde  jet1-jet2 pt_tilde
0142    */
0143   void get_difference(const Cjet &j1, const Cjet &j2, Cmomentum *v, double *pt_tilde) const;
0145   /// the following parameter controls the variable we're using for 
0146   /// the split-merge process i.e. the variable we use for 
0147   ///  1. ordering jet candidates;
0148   ///  2. computing the overlap fraction of two candidates.
0149   /// The default value uses pttile (p-scheme pt). Other alternatives are
0150   /// pt, mt=sqrt(pt^2+m^2)=sqrt(E^2-pz^2) or Et. 
0151   /// NOTE: Modifying the default choice can have nasty effects:
0152   /// - using pt leads to some IR unsafety when we have two jets,
0153   ///   e.g. back-to-back, with the same pt. In that case, their ordering
0154   ///   in pt is random and can be affected by the addition of a
0155   ///   soft particle.  Hence, we highly recommand to keep this to
0156   ///   the default value i.e.  to use pt only for the purpose of
0157   ///   investigating the IR issue
0158   /// - using Et is safe but does not respect boost invariance
0159   /// - using mt solves the IR unsafety issues with the pt variable
0160   ///   for QCD jets but the IR unsafety remains for nack-to-back 
0161   ///   jets of unstable narrow-width particles (e.g. Higgs).
0162   /// Therefore, keeping the default value is strongly advised.
0163   Esplit_merge_scale split_merge_scale;
0164 };
0167 // iterator types
0168 /// iterator definition for the jet candidates structure
0169 typedef std::multiset<siscone::Cjet,Csplit_merge_ptcomparison>::iterator cjet_iterator;
0171 /// iterator definition for the jet structure
0172 typedef std::vector<siscone::Cjet>::iterator jet_iterator;
0176 /**
0177  * \class Csplit_merge
0178  * Class used to split and merge jets.
0179  */
0180 class Csplit_merge{
0181  public:
0182   /// default ctor
0183   Csplit_merge();
0185   /// default dtor
0186   ~Csplit_merge();
0189   //////////////////////////////
0190   // initialisation functions //
0191   //////////////////////////////
0193   /**
0194    * initialisation function
0195    * \param _particles  list of particles
0196    * \param protocones  list of protocones (initial jet candidates)
0197    * \param R2          cone radius (squared)
0198    * \param ptmin       minimal pT allowed for jets
0199    * \return 0 on success, 1 on error
0200    */
0201   int init(std::vector<Cmomentum> &_particles, std::vector<Cmomentum> *protocones, double R2, double ptmin=0.0);
0203   /**
0204    * initialisation function for particle list
0205    * \param _particles  list of particles
0206    * \return 0 on success, 1 on error
0207    */
0208   int init_particles(std::vector<Cmomentum> &_particles);
0210   /**
0211    * build initial list of left particles
0212    */
0213   int init_pleft();
0215   /**
0216    * use a pt-dependent boundary for splitting
0217    * When called with true, the criterium for splitting two protojets 
0218    * will be to compare D1^2/kt1^2 vs. D2^2/kt2^2, the (anti-)kt-weighted 
0219    * distance instead of the plain distance D1^2 vs. D2^2.
0220    * This can be set in order to produce more circular hard jets, 
0221    * with the same underlying philosophy as for the anti-kt algorithm.
0222    * We thus expect a behaviour closer to the IterativeCone one. 
0223    * By default, we use the standard D1^2 vs. D2^2 comparison and this 
0224    * function is not called.
0225    */
0226   inline int set_pt_weighted_splitting(bool _use_pt_weighted_splitting){
0227     use_pt_weighted_splitting = _use_pt_weighted_splitting;
0228     return 0;
0229   }
0231   ////////////////////////
0232   // cleaning functions //
0233   ////////////////////////
0235   /// partial clearance
0236   int partial_clear();
0238   /// full clearance
0239   int full_clear();
0241   ///////////////////////////////////////
0242   // user-defined stable-cone ordering //
0243   ///////////////////////////////////////
0245   /// \class Cuser_scale_base
0246   /// base class for user-defined ordering of stable cones
0247   ///
0248   /// derived classes have to implement the () operator that returns
0249   /// the scale associated with a given jet.
0250   class Cuser_scale_base{
0251   public:
0252     /// empty virtual dtor
0253     virtual ~Cuser_scale_base(){}
0255     /// the scale associated with a given jet
0256     ///
0257     /// "progressive removal" iteratively removes the stable cone with
0258     /// the largest scale
0259     virtual double operator()(const Cjet & jet) const = 0;
0261     /// returns true when the scale associated with jet a is larger than
0262     /// the scale associated with jet b
0263     ///
0264     /// By default this does a simple direct comparison but it can be
0265     /// overloaded for higher precision [recommended if possible]
0266     ///
0267     /// This function assumes that a.sm_var2 and b.sm_var2 have been
0268     /// correctly initialised with the signed squared output of
0269     /// operator(), as is by default the case when is_larger is called
0270     /// from within siscone.
0271     virtual bool is_larger(const Cjet & a, const Cjet & b) const{
0272       return (a.sm_var2 > b.sm_var2);
0273     }
0274   };
0276   /// associate a user-defined scale to order the stable cones
0277   ///
0278   /// Note that this is only used in "progressive-removal mode",
0279   /// e.g. in add_hardest_protocone_to_jets().
0280   void set_user_scale(const Cuser_scale_base * user_scale_in){
0281     _user_scale = user_scale_in;
0282   }
0284   /// return the user-defined scale (NULL if none)
0285   const Cuser_scale_base * user_scale() const { return _user_scale; }
0288   /////////////////////////////////
0289   // main parts of the algorithm //
0290   /////////////////////////////////
0292   /**
0293    * build the list 'p_uncol_hard' from p_remain by clustering
0294    * collinear particles and removing particles softer than
0295    * stable_cone_soft_pt2_cutoff
0296    * note that thins in only used for stable-cone detection 
0297    * so the parent_index field is unnecessary
0298    */
0299   int merge_collinear_and_remove_soft();
0301   /**
0302    * add a list of protocones
0303    * \param protocones  list of protocones (initial jet candidates)
0304    * \param R2          cone radius (squared)
0305    * \param ptmin       minimal pT allowed for jets
0306    * \return 0 on success, 1 on error
0307    */
0308   int add_protocones(std::vector<Cmomentum> *protocones, double R2, double ptmin=0.0);
0310   /**
0311    * remove the hardest protocone and declare it a jet 
0312    * \param protocones  list of protocones (initial jet candidates)
0313    * \param R2          cone radius (squared)
0314    * \param ptmin       minimal pT allowed for jets
0315    * \return 0 on success, 1 on error
0316    *
0317    * The list of remaining particles (and the uncollinear-hard ones)
0318    * is updated.
0319    */
0320   int add_hardest_protocone_to_jets(std::vector<Cmomentum> *protocones, double R2, double ptmin=0.0);
0322   /**
0323    * really do the splitting and merging
0324    * At the end, the vector jets is filled with the jets found.
0325    * the 'contents' field of each jets contains the indices
0326    * of the particles included in that jet. 
0327    * \param overlap_tshold  threshold for splitting/merging transition
0328    * \param ptmin           minimal pT allowed for jets
0329    * \return the number of jets is returned
0330    */
0331   int perform(double overlap_tshold, double ptmin=0.0);
0334   //////////////////////////////
0335   // save and debug functions //
0336   //////////////////////////////
0338   /// save final jets
0339   /// \param flux   stream to save the jet contentss
0340   int save_contents(FILE *flux);
0342   /// show jets/candidates status
0343   int show();
0345   // particle information
0346   int n;                               ///< number of particles
0347   std::vector<Cmomentum> particles;    ///< list of particles
0348   std::vector<double> pt;              ///< list of particles' pt
0349   int n_left;                          ///< numer of particles that does not belong to any jet
0350   std::vector<Cmomentum> p_remain;     ///< list of particles remaining to deal with
0351   std::vector<Cmomentum> p_uncol_hard; ///< list of particles remaining with collinear clustering
0352   int n_pass;                          ///< index of the run
0354   /// minimal difference in squared distance between a particle and
0355   /// two overlapping protojets when doing a split (useful when
0356   /// testing approx. collinear safety)
0357   double most_ambiguous_split; 
0359   // jets information
0360   std::vector<Cjet> jets;            ///< list of jets
0362   // working entries
0363   int *indices;                      ///< maximal size array for indices works
0364   int idx_size;                      ///< number of elements in indices1
0366   /// The following flag indicates that identical protocones
0367   /// are to be merged automatically each time around the split-merge
0368   /// loop and before anything else happens.
0369   ///
0370   /// This flag is only effective if ALLOW_MERGE_IDENTICAL_PROTOCONES
0371   /// is set in 'defines.h'
0372   /// Note that this lead to infrared-unsafety so it is disabled
0373   /// by default
0374   bool merge_identical_protocones;
0376   /// member used for detailed comparisons of pt's
0377   Csplit_merge_ptcomparison ptcomparison;
0379   /// stop split--merge or progressive-removal when the squared SM_var
0380   /// of the hardest protojet is below this cut-off. Note that this is
0381   /// a signed square (ie SM_var*|SM_var|) to be able to handle
0382   /// negative values.
0383   ///
0384   /// Note that the cut-off is set on the variable squared.
0385   double SM_var2_hardest_cut_off;
0387   /// pt cutoff for the particles to put in p_uncol_hard 
0388   /// this is meant to allow removing soft particles in the
0389   /// stable-cone search.
0390   ///
0391   /// This is not collinear-safe so you should not use this
0392   /// variable unless you really know what you are doing
0393   /// Note that the cut-off is set on the variable squared.
0394   double stable_cone_soft_pt2_cutoff;
0396  private:
0397   /**
0398    * get the overlap between 2 jets
0399    * \param j1   first jet
0400    * \param j2   second jet
0401    * \param v    returned overlap^2 (determined by the choice of SM variable)
0402    * \return true if overlapping, false if disjoint
0403    */
0404   bool get_overlap(const Cjet &j1, const Cjet &j2, double *v);
0407   /**
0408    * split the two given jets.
0409    * during this procedure, the jets j1 & j2 are replaced
0410    * by 2 new jets. Common particles are associted to the 
0411    * closest initial jet.
0412    * \param it_j1  iterator of the first jet in 'candidates'
0413    * \param it_j2  iterator of the second jet in 'candidates'
0414    * \param j1     first jet (Cjet instance)
0415    * \param j2     second jet (Cjet instance)
0416    * \return true on success, false on error
0417    */
0418   bool split(cjet_iterator &it_j1, cjet_iterator &it_j2);
0420   /**
0421    * merge the two given jet.
0422    * during this procedure, the jets j1 & j2 are replaced
0423    * by 1 single jets containing both of them.
0424    * \param it_j1  iterator of the first jet in 'candidates'
0425    * \param it_j2  iterator of the second jet in 'candidates'
0426    * \return true on success, false on error
0427    */
0428   bool merge(cjet_iterator &it_j1, cjet_iterator &it_j2);
0430   /**
0431    * Check whether or not a jet has to be inserted in the 
0432    * list of protojets. If it has, set its sm_variable and
0433    * insert it to the list of protojets.
0434    * \param jet    jet to insert
0435    */
0436   bool insert(Cjet &jet);
0438   /**
0439    * given a 4-momentum and its associated pT, return the 
0440    * variable tht has to be used for SM
0441    * \param v          4 momentum of the protojet
0442    * \param pt_tilde   pt_tilde of the protojet
0443    */
0444   double get_sm_var2(Cmomentum &v, double &pt_tilde);
0446   // jet information
0447   /// list of jet candidates
0449   std::unique_ptr<std::multiset<Cjet,Csplit_merge_ptcomparison> > candidates;
0450 #else
0451   std::auto_ptr<std::multiset<Cjet,Csplit_merge_ptcomparison> > candidates;
0452 #endif
0454   /// minimal pt2
0455   double pt_min2;
0457   /**
0458    * do we have or not to use the pt-weighted splitting
0459    * (see description for set_pt_weighted_splitting)
0460    * This will be false by default
0461    */
0462   bool use_pt_weighted_splitting;
0464   /// use a user-defined scale to order the stable cones and jet
0465   /// candidates
0466   const Cuser_scale_base *_user_scale;
0469   /// checkxor for the candidates (to avoid having twice the same contents)
0470   std::set<Creference> cand_refs;
0471 #endif
0472 };
0474 }
0477 #endif