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Warning, file /include/root/TSQLFile.h was not indexed or was modified since last indexation (in which case cross-reference links may be missing, inaccurate or erroneous).

0001 // @(#)root/sql:$Id$
0002 // Author: Sergey Linev  20/11/2005
0004 /*************************************************************************
0005  * Copyright (C) 1995-2005, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.               *
0006  * All rights reserved.                                                  *
0007  *                                                                       *
0008  * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
0009  * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *
0010  *************************************************************************/
0012 #ifndef ROOT_TSQLFile
0013 #define ROOT_TSQLFile
0015 #include "TFile.h"
0016 #include <stdlib.h>
0018 class TList;
0019 class TStreamerElement;
0020 class TVirtualStreamerInfo;
0022 class TSQLServer;
0023 class TSQLStatement;
0024 class TSQLResult;
0025 class TSQLRow;
0026 class TKeySQL;
0027 class TBufferSQL2;
0028 class TSQLClassInfo;
0030 class TSQLFile final : public TFile {
0032    friend class TBufferSQL2;
0033    friend class TKeySQL;
0034    friend class TSQLStructure;
0035    friend class TSQLTableData;
0036    friend class TSqlRegistry;
0037    friend class TSqlRawBuffer;
0038    friend class TSqlCmdsBuffer;
0040 protected:
0041    enum ELockingKinds { kLockFree = 0, kLockBusy = 1 };
0043    // Interface to basic system I/O routines, suppressed
0044    Int_t SysOpen(const char *, Int_t, UInt_t) final { return 0; }
0045    Int_t SysClose(Int_t)  final { return 0; }
0046    Int_t SysRead(Int_t, void *, Int_t)  final { return 0; }
0047    Int_t SysWrite(Int_t, const void *, Int_t)  final { return 0; }
0048    Long64_t SysSeek(Int_t, Long64_t, Int_t)  final { return 0; }
0049    Int_t SysStat(Int_t, Long_t *, Long64_t *, Long_t *, Long_t *) final { return 0; }
0050    Int_t SysSync(Int_t)  final { return 0; }
0052    // Overwrite methods for directory I/O
0053    Long64_t DirCreateEntry(TDirectory *) final;
0054    Int_t DirReadKeys(TDirectory *) final;
0055    void DirWriteKeys(TDirectory *) final;
0056    void DirWriteHeader(TDirectory *) final;
0058    InfoListRet GetStreamerInfoListImpl(bool) final;
0060    // functions to manipulate basic tables (Configurations, Objects, Keys) in database
0061    void SaveToDatabase();
0062    Bool_t ReadConfigurations();
0063    Bool_t IsTablesExists();
0064    void InitSqlDatabase(Bool_t create);
0065    void CreateBasicTables();
0066    void IncrementModifyCounter();
0067    void SetLocking(Int_t mode);
0068    Int_t GetLocking();
0070    // function for read/write access infos
0071    Bool_t IsWriteAccess();
0072    Bool_t IsReadAccess();
0074    // generic sql functions
0075    TSQLResult *SQLQuery(const char *cmd, Int_t flag = 0, Bool_t *res = nullptr);
0076    Bool_t SQLCanStatement();
0077    TSQLStatement *SQLStatement(const char *cmd, Int_t bufsize = 1000);
0078    void SQLDeleteStatement(TSQLStatement *stmt);
0079    Bool_t SQLApplyCommands(TObjArray *cmds);
0080    Bool_t SQLTestTable(const char *tablename);
0081    Long64_t SQLMaximumValue(const char *tablename, const char *columnname);
0082    void SQLDeleteAllTables();
0083    Bool_t SQLStartTransaction();
0084    Bool_t SQLCommit();
0085    Bool_t SQLRollback();
0086    Int_t SQLMaxIdentifierLength();
0088    // operation with keys structures in database
0089    void DeleteKeyFromDB(Long64_t keyid);
0090    Bool_t WriteKeyData(TKeySQL *key);
0091    Bool_t UpdateKeyData(TKeySQL *key);
0092    TKeySQL *FindSQLKey(TDirectory *dir, Long64_t keyid);
0093    Long64_t DefineNextKeyId();
0094    Int_t StreamKeysForDirectory(TDirectory *dir, Bool_t doupdate, Long64_t specialkeyid = -1, TKeySQL **specialkey = nullptr);
0096    // handling SQL class info structures
0097    TSQLClassInfo *FindSQLClassInfo(const char *clname, Int_t version);
0098    TSQLClassInfo *FindSQLClassInfo(const TClass *cl);
0099    TSQLClassInfo *RequestSQLClassInfo(const char *clname, Int_t version);
0100    TSQLClassInfo *RequestSQLClassInfo(const TClass *cl);
0101    Bool_t CreateClassTable(TSQLClassInfo *sqlinfo, TObjArray *colinfos);
0102    Bool_t CreateRawTable(TSQLClassInfo *sqlinfo);
0104    Bool_t ProduceClassSelectQuery(TVirtualStreamerInfo *info, TSQLClassInfo *sqlinfo, TString &columns, TString &tables,
0105                                   Int_t &tablecnt);
0106    void AddIdEntry(Long64_t tableid, Int_t subid, Int_t type, const char *name, const char *sqlname, const char *info);
0107    void ReadSQLClassInfos();
0108    TString DefineTableName(const char *clname, Int_t version, Bool_t rawtable);
0109    Bool_t HasTable(const char *name);
0111    // operations with long string table
0112    TString CodeLongString(Long64_t objid, Int_t strid);
0113    Int_t IsLongStringCode(Long64_t objid, const char *value);
0114    Bool_t VerifyLongStringTable();
0115    Bool_t GetLongString(Long64_t objid, Int_t strid, TString &value);
0117    // operation with object tables in database
0118    Long64_t VerifyObjectTable();
0119    Bool_t SQLObjectInfo(Long64_t objid, TString &clname, Version_t &version);
0120    TObjArray *SQLObjectsInfo(Long64_t keyid);
0121    TSQLResult *GetNormalClassData(Long64_t objid, TSQLClassInfo *sqlinfo);
0122    TSQLResult *GetNormalClassDataAll(Long64_t minobjid, Long64_t maxobjid, TSQLClassInfo *sqlinfo);
0123    TSQLResult *GetBlobClassData(Long64_t objid, TSQLClassInfo *sqlinfo);
0124    TSQLStatement *GetBlobClassDataStmt(Long64_t objid, TSQLClassInfo *sqlinfo);
0125    Long64_t StoreObjectInTables(Long64_t keyid, const void *obj, const TClass *cl);
0126    Bool_t WriteSpecialObject(Long64_t keyid, TObject *obj, const char *name, const char *title);
0127    TObject *ReadSpecialObject(Long64_t keyid, TObject *obj = nullptr);
0129    // sql specific types
0130    const char *SQLCompatibleType(Int_t typ) const;
0131    const char *SQLIntType() const;
0132    const char *SQLSmallTextType() const { return fOtherTypes[0]; }
0133    Int_t SQLSmallTextTypeLimit() const { return atoi(fOtherTypes[1]); }
0134    const char *SQLBigTextType() const { return fOtherTypes[2]; }
0135    const char *SQLDatetimeType() const { return fOtherTypes[3]; }
0136    const char *SQLIdentifierQuote() const { return fOtherTypes[4]; }
0137    const char *SQLDirIdColumn() const { return fOtherTypes[5]; }
0138    const char *SQLKeyIdColumn() const { return fOtherTypes[6]; }
0139    const char *SQLObjectIdColumn() const { return fOtherTypes[7]; }
0140    const char *SQLRawIdColumn() const { return fOtherTypes[8]; }
0141    const char *SQLStrIdColumn() const { return fOtherTypes[9]; }
0142    const char *SQLNameSeparator() const { return fOtherTypes[10]; }
0143    const char *SQLValueQuote() const { return fOtherTypes[11]; }
0144    const char *SQLDefaultTableType() const { return fOtherTypes[12]; }
0146    TSQLServer *fSQL; ///<! interface to SQL database
0148    TList *fSQLClassInfos; ///<! list of SQL class infos
0150    Bool_t fUseSuffixes;     ///<! use suffixes in column names like fValue:Int_t or fObject:pointer
0151    Int_t fSQLIOversion;     ///<! version of SQL I/O which is stored in configurations
0152    Int_t fArrayLimit;       ///<! limit for array size. when array bigger, its content converted to raw format
0153    Bool_t fCanChangeConfig; ///<! variable indicates can be basic configuration changed or not
0154    TString fTablesType;     ///<! type, used in CREATE TABLE statements
0155    Int_t fUseTransactions;  ///<! use transaction statements for writing data into the tables
0156    Int_t fUseIndexes;       ///<! use indexes for tables: 0 - off, 1 - only for basic tables, 2  + normal class tables, 3 - all tables
0157    Int_t fModifyCounter;    ///<! indicates how many changes was done with database tables
0158    Int_t fQuerisCounter;    ///<! how many query was applied
0160    const char **fBasicTypes; ///<! pointer on list of basic types specific for currently connected SQL server
0161    const char **fOtherTypes; ///<! pointer on list of other SQL types like TEXT or blob
0163    TString fUserName; ///<! user name, used to access objects from database
0165    std::ofstream *fLogFile; ///<! log file with SQL statements
0167    Bool_t fIdsTableExists; ///<! indicate if IdsTable exists
0168    Int_t fStmtCounter;     ///<! count numbers of active statements
0170 private:
0171    TSQLFile(const TSQLFile &) = delete;            //Files cannot be copied - not implemented
0172    void operator=(const TSQLFile &) = delete;      //Files cannot be copied - not implemented
0174 public:
0175    enum ETransactionKinds { kTransactionsOff = 0, kTransactionsAuto = 1, kTransactionsUser = 2 };
0177    enum EIndexesKinds { kIndexesNone = 0, kIndexesBasic = 1, kIndexesClass = 2, kIndexesAll = 3 };
0179    TSQLFile();
0180    TSQLFile(const char *dbname, Option_t *option = "read", const char *user = "user", const char *pass = "pass");
0181    ~TSQLFile() override;
0183    // configuration of SQL
0184    Bool_t GetUseSuffixes() const { return fUseSuffixes; }
0185    void SetUseSuffixes(Bool_t on = kTRUE);
0186    Int_t GetArrayLimit() const { return fArrayLimit; }
0187    void SetArrayLimit(Int_t limit = 20);
0188    void SkipArrayLimit() { SetArrayLimit(-1); }
0189    void SetTablesType(const char *table_type);
0190    const char *GetTablesType() const { return fTablesType.Data(); }
0191    void SetUseTransactions(Int_t mode = kTransactionsAuto);
0192    Int_t GetUseTransactions() const { return fUseTransactions; }
0193    void SetUseIndexes(Int_t use_type = kIndexesBasic);
0194    Int_t GetUseIndexes() const { return fUseIndexes; }
0195    Int_t GetQuerisCounter() const { return fQuerisCounter; }
0196    Int_t GetIOVersion() const { return fSQLIOversion; }
0198    TString MakeSelectQuery(TClass *cl);
0199    Bool_t StartTransaction();
0200    Bool_t Commit();
0201    Bool_t Rollback();
0203    // log file for SQL statements
0204    void StartLogFile(const char *fname); // *MENU*
0205    void StopLogFile();                   // *MENU*
0207    void Close(Option_t *option = "") final; // *MENU*
0208    TKey *CreateKey(TDirectory *mother, const TObject *obj, const char *name, Int_t bufsize)  final;
0209    TKey *CreateKey(TDirectory *mother, const void *obj, const TClass *cl, const char *name, Int_t bufsize) final;
0210    void DrawMap(const char * = "*", Option_t * = "") final {}
0211    void FillBuffer(char *&) final {}
0212    void Flush() final {}
0214    Long64_t GetEND() const  final { return 0; }
0215    Int_t GetErrno() const  final { return 0; }
0216    void ResetErrno() const  final {}
0218    const char *GetDataBaseName() const;
0219    Int_t GetNfree() const final { return 0; }
0220    Int_t GetNbytesInfo() const final{ return 0; }
0221    Int_t GetNbytesFree() const final { return 0; }
0222    Long64_t GetSeekFree() const final { return 0; }
0223    Long64_t GetSeekInfo() const final { return 0; }
0224    Long64_t GetSize() const final { return 0; }
0226    Bool_t IsOpen() const final;
0227    Bool_t IsMySQL() const;
0228    Bool_t IsOracle() const;
0229    Bool_t IsODBC() const;
0231    void MakeFree(Long64_t, Long64_t) final {}
0232    void MakeProject(const char *, const char * = "*", Option_t * = "new") final {} // *MENU*
0233    void Map(Option_t *) final {}                                                   //
0234    void Map() final {}                                                             //
0235    void Paint(Option_t * = "") final {}
0236    void Print(Option_t * = "") const final {}
0237    Bool_t ReadBuffer(char *, Int_t) final { return kFALSE; }
0238    Bool_t ReadBuffer(char *, Long64_t, Int_t) final { return kFALSE; }
0239    void ReadFree() final {}
0240    Int_t Recover() final { return 0; }
0241    Int_t ReOpen(Option_t *mode) final;
0242    void Seek(Long64_t, ERelativeTo = kBeg) final {}
0244    void SetEND(Long64_t) final {}
0245    Int_t Sizeof() const final { return 0; }
0247    Bool_t WriteBuffer(const char *, Int_t) final { return kFALSE; }
0248    Int_t Write(const char * = nullptr, Int_t = 0, Int_t = 0) final { return 0; }
0249    Int_t Write(const char * = nullptr, Int_t = 0, Int_t = 0) const final { return 0; }
0250    void WriteFree() final {}
0251    void WriteHeader() final;
0252    void WriteStreamerInfo() final;
0254    ClassDefOverride(TSQLFile, 1) // ROOT TFile interface to SQL database
0255 };
0257 #endif