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Warning, file /include/root/TGListTree.h was not indexed or was modified since last indexation (in which case cross-reference links may be missing, inaccurate or erroneous).

0001 // @(#)root/gui:$Id$
0002 // Author: Fons Rademakers   25/02/98
0004 /*************************************************************************
0005  * Copyright (C) 1995-2021, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.               *
0006  * All rights reserved.                                                  *
0007  *                                                                       *
0008  * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
0009  * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *
0010  *************************************************************************/
0012 #ifndef ROOT_TGListTree
0013 #define ROOT_TGListTree
0016 #include "TGCanvas.h"
0017 #include "TGWidget.h"
0018 #include "TGDNDManager.h"
0020 class TGPicture;
0021 class TGToolTip;
0022 class TGCanvas;
0023 class TList;
0024 class TBufferFile;
0026 class TGListTreeItem
0027 {
0028    friend class TGListTree;
0030 private:
0031    TGListTreeItem(const TGListTreeItem&) = delete;
0032    TGListTreeItem& operator=(const TGListTreeItem&) = delete;
0034 protected:
0035    TGClient        *fClient;       ///< pointer to TGClient
0036    TGListTreeItem  *fParent;       ///< pointer to parent
0037    TGListTreeItem  *fFirstchild;   ///< pointer to first child item
0038    TGListTreeItem  *fLastchild;    ///< pointer to last child item
0039    TGListTreeItem  *fPrevsibling;  ///< pointer to previous sibling
0040    TGListTreeItem  *fNextsibling;  ///< pointer to next sibling
0042    Bool_t           fOpen;         ///< true if item is open
0044    Int_t            fDNDState;     ///< EDNDFlags
0046    ///@{
0047    ///@name State managed by TGListTree during drawing.
0048    Int_t            fY;            // y position of item
0049    Int_t            fXtext;        // x position of item text
0050    Int_t            fYtext;        // y position of item text
0051    UInt_t           fHeight;       // item height
0052    ///@}
0054 public:
0055    TGListTreeItem(TGClient *client = gClient);
0056    virtual ~TGListTreeItem() {}
0058    TGListTreeItem *GetParent()      const { return fParent; }
0059    TGListTreeItem *GetFirstChild()  const { return fFirstchild; }
0060    TGListTreeItem *GetLastChild()   const { return fLastchild;  }
0061    TGListTreeItem *GetPrevSibling() const { return fPrevsibling; }
0062    TGListTreeItem *GetNextSibling() const { return fNextsibling; }
0064    virtual Bool_t          IsOpen()    const { return fOpen; }
0065    virtual void            SetOpen(Bool_t o) { fOpen = o; }
0067    virtual Bool_t          IsActive() const = 0;
0068    virtual Pixel_t         GetActiveColor() const = 0;
0069    virtual void            SetActive(Bool_t) {}
0071    void                    Rename(const char* new_name) { SetText(new_name); }
0072    virtual const char     *GetText() const = 0;
0073    virtual Int_t           GetTextLength() const = 0;
0074    virtual const char     *GetTipText() const = 0;
0075    virtual Int_t           GetTipTextLength() const = 0;
0076    virtual void            SetText(const char *) {}
0077    virtual void            SetTipText(const char *) {}
0079    virtual void            SetUserData(void *, Bool_t=kFALSE) {}
0080    virtual void           *GetUserData() const = 0;
0082    virtual const TGPicture*GetPicture() const = 0;
0083    virtual void            SetPictures(const TGPicture*, const TGPicture*) {}
0084    virtual const TGPicture*GetCheckBoxPicture() const = 0;
0085    virtual void            SetCheckBoxPictures(const TGPicture*, const TGPicture*) {}
0086    virtual UInt_t          GetPicWidth() const;
0088    virtual void            SetCheckBox(Bool_t=kTRUE) {}
0089    virtual Bool_t          HasCheckBox() const = 0;
0090    virtual void            CheckItem(Bool_t=kTRUE) = 0;
0091    virtual void            Toggle() { SetCheckBox( ! IsChecked()); }
0092    virtual Bool_t          IsChecked() const = 0;
0094    // Propagation of checked-state form children to parents.
0095    virtual void            CheckAllChildren(Bool_t=kTRUE) {}
0096    virtual void            CheckChildren(TGListTreeItem*, Bool_t) {}
0097    virtual Bool_t          HasCheckedChild(Bool_t=kFALSE)   { return kTRUE; } // !!!!
0098    virtual Bool_t          HasUnCheckedChild(Bool_t=kFALSE) { return kTRUE; } // !!!!
0099    virtual void            UpdateState() {}
0101    // Item coloration (underline + minibox)
0102    virtual Bool_t          HasColor() const = 0;
0103    virtual Color_t         GetColor() const = 0;
0104    virtual void            SetColor(Color_t) {}
0105    virtual void            ClearColor() {}
0107    // Drag and drop.
0108    void            SetDNDSource(Bool_t onoff)
0109                    { if (onoff) fDNDState |= kIsDNDSource; else fDNDState &= ~kIsDNDSource; }
0110    void            SetDNDTarget(Bool_t onoff)
0111                    { if (onoff) fDNDState |= kIsDNDTarget; else fDNDState &= ~kIsDNDTarget; }
0112    Bool_t          IsDNDSource() const { return fDNDState & kIsDNDSource; }
0113    Bool_t          IsDNDTarget() const { return fDNDState & kIsDNDTarget; }
0115    // Allow handling by the items themselves ... NOT USED in TGListTree yet !!!!
0116    virtual Bool_t  HandlesDragAndDrop() const { return kFALSE; }
0117    virtual void    HandleDrag() {}
0118    virtual void    HandleDrop() {}
0120    virtual void    SavePrimitive(std::ostream&, Option_t*, Int_t) {}
0122    ClassDef(TGListTreeItem,0)  // Abstract base-class for items that go into a TGListTree container.
0123 };
0126 class TGListTreeItemStd : public TGListTreeItem
0127 {
0128 private:
0129    Bool_t           fActive;       ///< true if item is active
0130    Bool_t           fCheckBox;     ///< true if checkbox is visible
0131    Bool_t           fChecked;      ///< true if item is checked
0132    Bool_t           fOwnsData;     ///< true if user data has to be deleted
0133    TString          fText;         ///< item text
0134    TString          fTipText;      ///< tooltip text
0135    const TGPicture *fOpenPic;      ///< icon for open state
0136    const TGPicture *fClosedPic;    ///< icon for closed state
0137    const TGPicture *fCheckedPic;   ///< icon for checked item
0138    const TGPicture *fUncheckedPic; ///< icon for unchecked item
0139    void            *fUserData;     ///< pointer to user data structure
0141    Bool_t           fHasColor;     ///< true if item has assigned color
0142    Color_t          fColor;        ///< item's color
0144    TGListTreeItemStd(const TGListTreeItemStd&) = delete;
0145    TGListTreeItemStd& operator=(const TGListTreeItemStd&) = delete;
0147 public:
0148    TGListTreeItemStd(TGClient *fClient = gClient, const char *name = nullptr,
0149                      const TGPicture *opened = nullptr, const TGPicture *closed = nullptr,
0150                      Bool_t checkbox = kFALSE);
0151    ~TGListTreeItemStd() override;
0153    Pixel_t         GetActiveColor() const override;
0154    Bool_t          IsActive() const override { return fActive; }
0155    void            SetActive(Bool_t a) override { fActive = a; }
0157    const char     *GetText() const override { return fText.Data(); }
0158    Int_t           GetTextLength() const override { return fText.Length(); }
0159    const char     *GetTipText() const override { return fTipText.Data(); }
0160    Int_t           GetTipTextLength() const override { return fTipText.Length(); }
0161    void            SetText(const char *text) override { fText = text; }
0162    void            SetTipText(const char *tip) override { fTipText = tip; }
0164    void            SetUserData(void *userData, Bool_t own = kFALSE) override { fUserData = userData; fOwnsData=own; }
0165    void           *GetUserData() const override { return fUserData; }
0167    const TGPicture *GetPicture() const override { return fOpen ? fOpenPic : fClosedPic; }
0168    const TGPicture *GetCheckBoxPicture() const override { return fCheckBox ? (fChecked ? fCheckedPic : fUncheckedPic) : nullptr; }
0169    void            SetPictures(const TGPicture *opened, const TGPicture *closed) override;
0170    void            SetCheckBoxPictures(const TGPicture *checked, const TGPicture *unchecked) override;
0172    void            SetCheckBox(Bool_t on = kTRUE) override;
0173    Bool_t          HasCheckBox() const override { return fCheckBox; }
0174    void            CheckItem(Bool_t checked = kTRUE) override { fChecked = checked; }
0175    void            Toggle() override { fChecked = !fChecked; }
0176    Bool_t          IsChecked() const override { return fChecked; }
0178    void            CheckAllChildren(Bool_t state = kTRUE) override;
0179    void            CheckChildren(TGListTreeItem *item, Bool_t state) override;
0180    Bool_t          HasCheckedChild(Bool_t first=kFALSE) override;
0181    Bool_t          HasUnCheckedChild(Bool_t first=kFALSE) override;
0182    void            UpdateState() override;
0184    Bool_t          HasColor() const override { return fHasColor; }
0185    Color_t         GetColor() const override { return fColor; }
0186    void            SetColor(Color_t color) override { fHasColor = true;fColor = color; }
0187    void            ClearColor() override { fHasColor = false; }
0189    void            SavePrimitive(std::ostream &out, Option_t *option, Int_t n) override;
0191    ClassDefOverride(TGListTreeItemStd,0)  //Item that goes into a TGListTree container
0192 };
0195 class TGListTree : public TGContainer {
0197 public:
0198    //---- color markup mode of tree items
0199    enum EColorMarkupMode {
0200       kDefault        = 0,
0201       kColorUnderline = BIT(0),
0202       kColorBox       = BIT(1)
0203    };
0204    enum ECheckMode {
0205       kSimple    = BIT(2),
0206       kRecursive = BIT(3)
0207    };
0209 protected:
0210    TGListTreeItem  *fFirst;          ///< pointer to first item in list
0211    TGListTreeItem  *fLast;           ///< pointer to last item in list
0212    TGListTreeItem  *fSelected;       ///< pointer to selected item in list
0213    TGListTreeItem  *fCurrent;        ///< pointer to current item in list
0214    TGListTreeItem  *fBelowMouse;     ///< pointer to item below mouses cursor
0215    Int_t            fHspacing;       ///< horizontal spacing between items
0216    Int_t            fVspacing;       ///< vertical spacing between items
0217    Int_t            fIndent;         ///< number of pixels indentation
0218    Int_t            fMargin;         ///< number of pixels margin from left side
0219    Pixel_t          fGrayPixel;      ///< gray draw color
0220    GContext_t       fActiveGC;       ///< activated (selected) drawing context
0221    GContext_t       fDrawGC;         ///< icon drawing context
0222    GContext_t       fLineGC;         ///< dashed line drawing context
0223    GContext_t       fHighlightGC;    ///< highlighted icon drawing context
0224    FontStruct_t     fFont;           ///< font used to draw item text
0225    UInt_t           fDefw;           ///< default list width
0226    UInt_t           fDefh;           ///< default list height
0227    Int_t            fExposeTop;      ///< top y postion of visible region
0228    Int_t            fExposeBottom;   ///< bottom y position of visible region
0229    TGToolTip       *fTip;            ///< tooltip shown when moving over list items
0230    TGListTreeItem  *fTipItem;        ///< item for which tooltip is set
0231    TBufferFile     *fBuf;            ///< buffer used for Drag and Drop
0232    TDNDData         fDNDData;        ///< Drag and Drop data
0233    Atom_t          *fDNDTypeList;    ///< handles DND types
0234    TGListTreeItem  *fDropItem;       ///< item on which DND is over
0235    Bool_t           fAutoTips;       ///< assume item->fUserData is TObject and use GetTitle() for tip text
0236    Bool_t           fAutoCheckBoxPic;///< change check box picture if parent and children have diffrent state
0237    Bool_t           fDisableOpen;    ///< disable branch opening on double-clicks
0238    Bool_t           fUserControlled; ///< let user decides what is the behaviour on events
0239    Bool_t           fEventHandled;   ///< flag used from user code to bypass standard event handling
0240    UInt_t           fLastEventState; ///< modifier state of the last keyboard event
0242    EColorMarkupMode fColorMode;      ///< if/how to render item's main color
0243    ECheckMode       fCheckMode;      ///< how to propagate check properties through the tree
0244    GContext_t       fColorGC;        ///< drawing context for main item color
0246    static Pixel_t          fgGrayPixel;
0247    static const TGFont    *fgDefaultFont;
0248    static TGGC            *fgActiveGC;
0249    static TGGC            *fgDrawGC;
0250    static TGGC            *fgLineGC;
0251    static TGGC            *fgHighlightGC;
0252    static TGGC            *fgColorGC;
0253    static const TGPicture *fgOpenPic;       ///< icon for open item
0254    static const TGPicture *fgClosedPic;     ///< icon for closed item
0255    static const TGPicture *fgCheckedPic;    ///< icon for checked item
0256    static const TGPicture *fgUncheckedPic;  ///< icon for unchecked item
0258    static Pixel_t       GetGrayPixel();
0259    static FontStruct_t  GetDefaultFontStruct();
0260    static const TGGC   &GetActiveGC();
0261    static const TGGC   &GetDrawGC();
0262    static const TGGC   &GetLineGC();
0263    static const TGGC   &GetHighlightGC();
0264    static const TGGC   &GetColorGC();
0266    void  Draw(Handle_t id, Int_t yevent, Int_t hevent);
0267    void  Draw(Option_t * ="") override { MayNotUse("Draw(Option_t*)"); }
0268    Int_t DrawChildren(Handle_t id, TGListTreeItem *item, Int_t x, Int_t y, Int_t xroot);
0269    void  DrawItem(Handle_t id, TGListTreeItem *item, Int_t x, Int_t y, Int_t *xroot,
0270                   UInt_t *retwidth, UInt_t *retheight);
0271    void  DrawItemName(Handle_t id, TGListTreeItem *item);
0272    void  DrawNode(Handle_t id, TGListTreeItem *item, Int_t x, Int_t y);
0273    virtual void UpdateChecked(TGListTreeItem *item, Bool_t redraw = kFALSE);
0275    void  SaveChildren(std::ostream &out, TGListTreeItem *item, Int_t &n);
0276    void  RemoveReference(TGListTreeItem *item);
0277    void  PDeleteItem(TGListTreeItem *item);
0278    void  PDeleteChildren(TGListTreeItem *item);
0279    void  InsertChild(TGListTreeItem *parent, TGListTreeItem *item);
0280    void  InsertChildren(TGListTreeItem *parent, TGListTreeItem *item);
0281    Int_t SearchChildren(TGListTreeItem *item, Int_t y, Int_t findy,
0282                         TGListTreeItem **finditem);
0283    TGListTreeItem *FindItem(Int_t findy);
0284    void *FindItem(const TString& name,
0285                   Bool_t direction = kTRUE,
0286                   Bool_t caseSensitive = kTRUE,
0287                   Bool_t beginWith = kFALSE) override
0288       { return TGContainer::FindItem(name, direction, caseSensitive, beginWith); }
0290    void Layout() override {}
0292    void OnMouseOver(TGFrame*) override { }
0293    void CurrentChanged(Int_t /*x*/, Int_t /*y*/) override { }
0294    void CurrentChanged(TGFrame *) override { }
0295    void ReturnPressed(TGFrame*) override { }
0296    void Clicked(TGFrame *, Int_t /*btn*/) override { }
0297    void Clicked(TGFrame *, Int_t /*btn*/, Int_t /*x*/, Int_t /*y*/) override { }
0298    void DoubleClicked(TGFrame *, Int_t /*btn*/) override { }
0299    void DoubleClicked(TGFrame *, Int_t /*btn*/, Int_t /*x*/, Int_t /*y*/) override { }
0300    void KeyPressed(TGFrame *, UInt_t /*keysym*/, UInt_t /*mask*/) override { }
0302 private:
0303    TGListTree(const TGListTree&) = delete;
0304    TGListTree& operator=(const TGListTree&) = delete;
0306 public:
0307    TGListTree(TGWindow *p = nullptr, UInt_t w = 1, UInt_t h = 1,
0308               UInt_t options = 0, Pixel_t back = GetWhitePixel());
0309    TGListTree(TGCanvas *p, UInt_t options, Pixel_t back = GetWhitePixel());
0311    ~TGListTree() override;
0313    Bool_t HandleButton(Event_t *event) override;
0314    Bool_t HandleDoubleClick(Event_t *event) override;
0315    Bool_t HandleCrossing(Event_t *event) override;
0316    Bool_t HandleMotion(Event_t *event) override;
0317    Bool_t HandleKey(Event_t *event) override;
0319    virtual void SetCanvas(TGCanvas *canvas) { fCanvas = canvas; }
0320    void DrawRegion(Int_t x, Int_t y, UInt_t w, UInt_t h) override;
0322    virtual void DrawOutline(Handle_t id, TGListTreeItem *item, Pixel_t col=0xbbbbbb,
0323                             Bool_t clear=kFALSE);
0324    virtual void DrawActive(Handle_t id, TGListTreeItem *item);
0326    TGDimension GetDefaultSize() const override
0327       { return TGDimension(fDefw, fDefh); }
0329    void            AddItem(TGListTreeItem *parent, TGListTreeItem *item);
0330    TGListTreeItem *AddItem(TGListTreeItem *parent, const char *string,
0331                            const TGPicture *open = nullptr,
0332                            const TGPicture *closed = nullptr,
0333                            Bool_t checkbox = kFALSE);
0334    TGListTreeItem *AddItem(TGListTreeItem *parent, const char *string,
0335                            void *userData, const TGPicture *open = nullptr,
0336                            const TGPicture *closed = nullptr,
0337                            Bool_t checkbox = kFALSE);
0338    void  RenameItem(TGListTreeItem *item, const char *string);
0339    Int_t DeleteItem(TGListTreeItem *item);
0340    void  OpenItem(TGListTreeItem *item);
0341    void  CloseItem(TGListTreeItem *item);
0342    void  CheckItem(TGListTreeItem *item, Bool_t check = kTRUE);
0343    void  SetCheckBox(TGListTreeItem *item, Bool_t on = kTRUE);
0344    void  ToggleItem(TGListTreeItem *item);
0345    Int_t RecursiveDeleteItem(TGListTreeItem *item, void *userData);
0347    Int_t DeleteChildren(TGListTreeItem *item);
0348    Int_t Reparent(TGListTreeItem *item, TGListTreeItem *newparent);
0349    Int_t ReparentChildren(TGListTreeItem *item, TGListTreeItem *newparent);
0350    void  SetToolTipItem(TGListTreeItem *item, const char *string);
0351    void  SetAutoTips(Bool_t on = kTRUE) { fAutoTips = on; }
0352    void  SetAutoCheckBoxPic(Bool_t on) { fAutoCheckBoxPic = on; }
0353    void  SetSelected(TGListTreeItem *item) { fSelected = item; }
0354    void  AdjustPosition(TGListTreeItem *item);
0355    void  AdjustPosition() override { TGContainer::AdjustPosition(); }
0357    // overwrite TGContainer's methods
0358    void Home(Bool_t select = kFALSE) override;
0359    void End(Bool_t select = kFALSE) override;
0360    void PageUp(Bool_t select = kFALSE) override;
0361    void PageDown(Bool_t select = kFALSE) override;
0362    void LineUp(Bool_t select = kFALSE) override;
0363    void LineDown(Bool_t select = kFALSE) override;
0364    void Search(Bool_t close = kTRUE) override;
0366    Int_t Sort(TGListTreeItem *item);
0367    Int_t SortSiblings(TGListTreeItem *item);
0368    Int_t SortChildren(TGListTreeItem *item);
0369    void  HighlightItem(TGListTreeItem *item);
0370    void  ClearHighlighted();
0371    void  GetPathnameFromItem(TGListTreeItem *item, char *path, Int_t depth = 0);
0372    void  UnselectAll(Bool_t draw);
0373    void  SetToolTipText(const char *text, Int_t x, Int_t y, Long_t delayms);
0374    void  HighlightItem(TGListTreeItem *item, Bool_t state, Bool_t draw);
0375    void  HighlightChildren(TGListTreeItem *item, Bool_t state, Bool_t draw);
0376    void  DisableOpen(Bool_t disable = kTRUE) { fDisableOpen = disable;}
0377    void  GetChecked(TList *checked);
0378    void  GetCheckedChildren(TList *checked, TGListTreeItem *item);
0379    void  CheckAllChildren(TGListTreeItem *item, Bool_t state);
0381    TGListTreeItem *GetFirstItem()  const { return fFirst; }
0382    TGListTreeItem *GetSelected()   const { return fSelected; }
0383    TGListTreeItem *GetCurrent()    const { return fCurrent; }
0384    TGListTreeItem *GetBelowMouse() const { return fBelowMouse; }
0385    TGListTreeItem *FindSiblingByName(TGListTreeItem *item, const char *name);
0386    TGListTreeItem *FindSiblingByData(TGListTreeItem *item, void *userData);
0387    TGListTreeItem *FindChildByName(TGListTreeItem *item, const char *name);
0388    TGListTreeItem *FindChildByData(TGListTreeItem *item, void *userData);
0389    TGListTreeItem *FindItemByPathname(const char *path);
0390    TGListTreeItem *FindItemByObj(TGListTreeItem *item, void *ptr);
0392    void  AddItem(const char *string) { AddItem(fSelected, string); } //*MENU*
0393    void  AddRoot(const char *string) { AddItem(nullptr, string); } //*MENU*
0394    Int_t DeleteSelected() { return fSelected ? DeleteItem(fSelected) : 0; } //*MENU*
0395    void  RenameSelected(const char *string) { if (fSelected) RenameItem(fSelected, string); } //*MENU*
0397    virtual void MouseOver(TGListTreeItem *entry);  //*SIGNAL*
0398    virtual void MouseOver(TGListTreeItem *entry, UInt_t mask);  //*SIGNAL*
0399    virtual void KeyPressed(TGListTreeItem *entry, UInt_t keysym, UInt_t mask);  //*SIGNAL*
0400    virtual void ReturnPressed(TGListTreeItem *entry);  //*SIGNAL*
0401    virtual void Clicked(TGListTreeItem *entry, Int_t btn);  //*SIGNAL*
0402    virtual void Clicked(TGListTreeItem *entry, Int_t btn, Int_t x, Int_t y);  //*SIGNAL*
0403    virtual void Clicked(TGListTreeItem *entry, Int_t btn, UInt_t mask, Int_t x, Int_t y);  //*SIGNAL*
0404    virtual void DoubleClicked(TGListTreeItem *entry, Int_t btn);  //*SIGNAL*
0405    virtual void DoubleClicked(TGListTreeItem *entry, Int_t btn, Int_t x, Int_t y);  //*SIGNAL*
0406    virtual void Checked(TObject *obj, Bool_t check);  //*SIGNAL*
0407    virtual void DataDropped(TGListTreeItem *item, TDNDData *data);  //*SIGNAL*
0409    // Utility functions
0410    Int_t        FontHeight();
0411    Int_t        FontAscent();
0412    Int_t        TextWidth(const char *c);
0414    static const TGPicture *GetOpenPic();
0415    static const TGPicture *GetClosedPic();
0416    static const TGPicture *GetCheckedPic();
0417    static const TGPicture *GetUncheckedPic();
0419    // User control
0420    void         SetUserControl(Bool_t ctrl=kTRUE) { fUserControlled = ctrl; }
0421    Bool_t       HasUserControl() const { return fUserControlled; }
0422    void         SetEventHandled(Bool_t eh=kTRUE) { fEventHandled = eh; }
0423    Bool_t       IsEventHandled() const { return fEventHandled; }
0425    Bool_t   HandleDNDDrop(TDNDData *data) override;
0426    Atom_t   HandleDNDPosition(Int_t x, Int_t y, Atom_t action,
0427                               Int_t xroot, Int_t yroot) override;
0428    Atom_t   HandleDNDEnter(Atom_t * typelist) override;
0429    Bool_t   HandleDNDLeave() override;
0431    TDNDData *GetDNDData(Atom_t) override { return &fDNDData; }
0433    EColorMarkupMode GetColorMode() const { return fColorMode; }
0434    void SetColorMode(EColorMarkupMode colorMode) { fColorMode = colorMode; }
0436    ECheckMode GetCheckMode() const { return fCheckMode; }
0437    void SetCheckMode(ECheckMode mode) { fCheckMode = mode; }
0439    void SavePrimitive(std::ostream &out, Option_t *option = "") override;
0441    ClassDefOverride(TGListTree,0)  //Show items in a tree structured list
0442 };
0444 #endif