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Warning, file /include/root/TFoamMaxwt.h was not indexed or was modified since last indexation (in which case cross-reference links may be missing, inaccurate or erroneous).

0001 // @(#)root/foam:$Id$
0002 // Author: S. Jadach <>, P.Sawicki <>
0004 #ifndef ROOT_TFoamMaxwt
0005 #define ROOT_TFoamMaxwt
0007 #include "TObject.h"
0009 class TH1D;
0012 class TFoamMaxwt : public TObject {
0013 private:
0014    Double_t  fNent;      ///< No. of MC events
0015    Int_t     fnBin;      ///< No. of bins on the weight distribution
0016    Double_t  fwmax;      ///< Maximum analyzed weight
0017 public:
0018    TH1D   *fWtHst1;      ///< Histogram of the weight wt
0019    TH1D   *fWtHst2;      ///< Histogram of wt filled with wt
0021 public:
0022    TFoamMaxwt();                            // NOT IMPLEMENTED (NEVER USED)
0023    TFoamMaxwt(Double_t, Int_t);             // Principal Constructor
0024    TFoamMaxwt(TFoamMaxwt &From);            // Copy constructor
0025    ~TFoamMaxwt() override;                   // Destructor
0026    void Reset();                            // Reset
0027    TFoamMaxwt& operator=(const TFoamMaxwt &);    // operator =
0028    void Fill(Double_t);
0029    void Make(Double_t, Double_t&);
0030    void GetMCeff(Double_t, Double_t&, Double_t&);  // get MC efficiency= <w>/wmax
0032    ClassDefOverride(TFoamMaxwt,1); //Controlling of the MC weight (maximum weight)
0033 };
0034 #endif