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0001 // @(#)root/base:$Id$
0002 // Author: Rene Brun   12/12/94
0004 /*************************************************************************
0005  * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.               *
0006  * All rights reserved.                                                  *
0007  *                                                                       *
0008  * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
0009  * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *
0010  *************************************************************************/
0012 #ifndef ROOT_TColor
0013 #define ROOT_TColor
0015 #include "TNamed.h"
0017 #include <vector>
0019 class TArrayI;
0021 class TColor : public TNamed {
0022 protected:
0023    Int_t          fNumber;        ///< Color number identifier
0024 private:
0025    Float_t        fRed;           ///< Fraction of Red
0026    Float_t        fGreen;         ///< Fraction of Green
0027    Float_t        fBlue;          ///< Fraction of Blue
0028    Float_t        fHue;           ///< Hue
0029    Float_t        fLight;         ///< Light
0030    Float_t        fSaturation;    ///< Saturation
0031    Float_t        fAlpha;         ///< Alpha (transparency)
0033    void           Allocate();
0034    static Float_t HLStoRGB1(Float_t rn1, Float_t rn2, Float_t huei);
0036 public:
0037    TColor();
0038    TColor(Int_t color, Float_t r, Float_t g, Float_t b, const char *name="", Float_t a = 1);
0039    TColor(Float_t r, Float_t g, Float_t b, Float_t a = 1);
0040    TColor(const TColor &color);
0041    TColor &operator=(const TColor &color);
0042    virtual ~TColor();
0043    const char   *AsHexString() const;
0044    void          Copy(TObject &color) const override;
0045    static void   CreateColorWheel();
0046    static void   CreateColorsGray();
0047    static void   CreateColorsCircle(Int_t offset, const char *name, UChar_t *rgb);
0048    static void   CreateColorsRectangle(Int_t offset, const char *name, UChar_t *rgb);
0049    static Int_t  CreateColorTableFromFile(TString fileName, Float_t alpha=1.);
0050    static Int_t  CreateGradientColorTable(UInt_t Number, Double_t* Stops,
0051                     Double_t* Red, Double_t* Green, Double_t* Blue, UInt_t NColors, Float_t alpha=1., Bool_t setPalette=kTRUE);
0052    static Int_t  GetColorPalette(Int_t i);
0053    static Int_t  GetNumberOfColors();
0054    virtual void  GetRGB(Float_t &r, Float_t &g, Float_t &b) const
0055                     { r=GetRed(); g=GetGreen(); b=GetBlue(); }
0056    virtual void  GetHLS(Float_t &h, Float_t &l, Float_t &s) const
0057                     { h=GetHue(); l=GetLight(); s=GetSaturation(); }
0058    Int_t         GetNumber() const { return fNumber; }
0059    ULong_t       GetPixel() const;
0060    Float_t       GetRed() const { return IsGrayscale() ? GetGrayscale() : fRed; }
0061    Float_t       GetGreen() const { return IsGrayscale() ? GetGrayscale() : fGreen; }
0062    Float_t       GetBlue() const { return IsGrayscale() ? GetGrayscale() : fBlue; }
0063    Float_t       GetHue() const { return fHue; }
0064    Float_t       GetLight() const { return fLight; }
0065    Float_t       GetSaturation() const { return IsGrayscale() ? 0 : fSaturation; }
0066    Float_t       GetAlpha() const { return fAlpha; }
0067    virtual Float_t GetGrayscale() const { /*ITU*/ return 0.299f*fRed + 0.587f*fGreen + 0.114f*fBlue; }
0068    void          ls(Option_t *option="") const override;
0069    void          Print(Option_t *option="") const override;
0070    virtual void  SetAlpha(Float_t a) { fAlpha = a; }
0071    virtual void  SetRGB(Float_t r, Float_t g, Float_t b);
0073    static void    InitializeColors();
0074    static void    HLS2RGB(Float_t h, Float_t l, Float_t s, Float_t &r, Float_t &g, Float_t &b);
0075    static void    HLS2RGB(Int_t h, Int_t l, Int_t s, Int_t &r, Int_t &g, Int_t &b);
0076    static void    HLStoRGB(Float_t h, Float_t l, Float_t s, Float_t &r, Float_t &g, Float_t &b)
0077                      { TColor::HLS2RGB(h, l, s, r, g, b); } // backward compatible
0078    static void    HSV2RGB(Float_t h, Float_t s, Float_t v, Float_t &r, Float_t &g, Float_t &b);
0079    static void    RGB2HLS(Float_t r, Float_t g, Float_t b, Float_t &h, Float_t &l, Float_t &s);
0080    static void    RGB2HLS(Int_t r, Int_t g, Int_t b, Int_t &h, Int_t &l, Int_t &s);
0081    static void    RGBtoHLS(Float_t r, Float_t g, Float_t b, Float_t &h, Float_t &l, Float_t &s)
0082                      { TColor::RGB2HLS(r, g, b, h, l, s); } // backward compatible
0083    static void    RGB2HSV(Float_t r, Float_t g, Float_t b, Float_t &h, Float_t &s, Float_t &v);
0084    static Int_t   GetColor(const char *hexcolor);
0085    static Int_t   GetColor(Float_t r, Float_t g, Float_t b, Float_t a = 1.);
0086    static Int_t   GetColor(Int_t r, Int_t g, Int_t b, Float_t a = 1.);
0087    static Int_t   GetColor(ULong_t pixel);
0088    static Int_t   GetColorBright(Int_t color);
0089    static Int_t   GetColorDark(Int_t color);
0090    static Int_t   GetColorTransparent(Int_t color, Float_t a);
0091    static Int_t   GetColorByName(const char *colorname);
0092    static Int_t   GetFreeColorIndex();
0093    static const TArrayI& GetPalette();
0094    static Int_t   GetLinearGradient(Double_t angle, const std::vector<Int_t> &colors, const std::vector<Double_t> &positions = {});
0095    static Int_t   GetRadialGradient(Double_t r, const std::vector<Int_t> &colors, const std::vector<Double_t> &positions = {});
0096    static ULong_t Number2Pixel(Int_t ci);
0097    static ULong_t RGB2Pixel(Int_t r, Int_t g, Int_t b);
0098    static ULong_t RGB2Pixel(Float_t r, Float_t g, Float_t b);
0099    static void    Pixel2RGB(ULong_t pixel, Int_t &r, Int_t &g, Int_t &b);
0100    static void    Pixel2RGB(ULong_t pixel, Float_t &r, Float_t &g, Float_t &b);
0101    static const char *PixelAsHexString(ULong_t pixel);
0102    static Bool_t  SaveColor(std::ostream &out, Int_t ci);
0103    static void    SetColorThreshold(Float_t t);
0104    static Bool_t  DefinedColors(Int_t set_always_on = 0);
0105    static void    InvertPalette();
0106    static Bool_t  IsGrayscale();
0107    static void    ListColors(Int_t ci1=0, Int_t ci2 = 0, Bool_t showEmpty = kFALSE);
0108    static void    SetGrayscale(Bool_t set = kTRUE);
0109    static void    SetPalette(Int_t ncolors, Int_t *colors, Float_t alpha=1.);
0111    ClassDefOverride(TColor,2)  //Color defined by RGB or HLS
0112 };
0114    enum EColorPalette {kDeepSea=51,          kGreyScale=52,    kDarkBodyRadiator=53,
0115                        kBlueYellow= 54,      kRainBow=55,      kInvertedDarkBodyRadiator=56,
0116                        kBird=57,             kCubehelix=58,    kGreenRedViolet=59,
0117                        kBlueRedYellow=60,    kOcean=61,        kColorPrintableOnGrey=62,
0118                        kAlpine=63,           kAquamarine=64,   kArmy=65,
0119                        kAtlantic=66,         kAurora=67,       kAvocado=68,
0120                        kBeach=69,            kBlackBody=70,    kBlueGreenYellow=71,
0121                        kBrownCyan=72,        kCMYK=73,         kCandy=74,
0122                        kCherry=75,           kCoffee=76,       kDarkRainBow=77,
0123                        kDarkTerrain=78,      kFall=79,         kFruitPunch=80,
0124                        kFuchsia=81,          kGreyYellow=82,   kGreenBrownTerrain=83,
0125                        kGreenPink=84,        kIsland=85,       kLake=86,
0126                        kLightTemperature=87, kLightTerrain=88, kMint=89,
0127                        kNeon=90,             kPastel=91,       kPearl=92,
0128                        kPigeon=93,           kPlum=94,         kRedBlue=95,
0129                        kRose=96,             kRust=97,         kSandyTerrain=98,
0130                        kSienna=99,           kSolar=100,       kSouthWest=101,
0131                        kStarryNight=102,     kSunset=103,      kTemperatureMap=104,
0132                        kThermometer=105,     kValentine=106,   kVisibleSpectrum=107,
0133                        kWaterMelon=108,      kCool=109,        kCopper=110,
0134                        kGistEarth=111,       kViridis=112,     kCividis=113,
0135                        kRainbow=kRainBow,    kDarkRainbow=kDarkRainBow};
0136 #endif