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Warning, file /include/root/TBufferJSON.h was not indexed or was modified since last indexation (in which case cross-reference links may be missing, inaccurate or erroneous).

0001 // $Id$
0002 // Author: Sergey Linev  4.03.2014
0004 /*************************************************************************
0005  * Copyright (C) 1995-2004, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.               *
0006  * All rights reserved.                                                  *
0007  *                                                                       *
0008  * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
0009  * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *
0010  *************************************************************************/
0012 #ifndef ROOT_TBufferJSON
0013 #define ROOT_TBufferJSON
0015 #include "TBufferText.h"
0016 #include "TString.h"
0018 #include <deque>
0019 #include <memory>
0020 #include <string>
0021 #include <vector>
0023 class TVirtualStreamerInfo;
0024 class TStreamerInfo;
0025 class TStreamerElement;
0026 class TMemberStreamer;
0027 class TDataMember;
0028 class TJSONStackObj;
0030 class TBufferJSON final : public TBufferText {
0032 public:
0034    enum {
0035      // values 0..3 are exclusive, define text formating, JSON data are same
0036      kNoCompress    = 0,             ///< no any compression, maximal size of JSON (default)
0037      kNoIndent      = 1,             ///< remove spaces in the beginning showing JSON indentation level
0038      kNoNewLine     = 2,             ///< no indent plus skip newline symbols
0039      kNoSpaces      = 3,             ///< no new lines plus remove all spaces around "," and ":" symbols
0041      kMapAsObject   = 5,             ///< store std::map, std::unordered_map as JSON object
0043      // algorithms for array compression - exclusive
0044      kZeroSuppression = 10,          ///< if array has much zeros in begin and/or end, they will be removed
0045      kSameSuppression = 20,          ///< zero suppression plus compress many similar values together
0046      kBase64          = 30,          ///< all binary arrays will be compressed with base64 coding, supported by JSROOT
0048      kSkipTypeInfo  = 100            ///< do not store typenames in JSON
0049    };
0051    TBufferJSON(TBuffer::EMode mode = TBuffer::kWrite);
0052    ~TBufferJSON() override;
0054    void SetCompact(int level);
0055    void SetTypenameTag(const char *tag = "_typename");
0056    void SetTypeversionTag(const char *tag = nullptr);
0057    void SetSkipClassInfo(const TClass *cl);
0058    Bool_t IsSkipClassInfo(const TClass *cl) const;
0060    TString StoreObject(const void *obj, const TClass *cl);
0061    void *RestoreObject(const char *str, TClass **cl);
0063    static TString ConvertToJSON(const TObject *obj, Int_t compact = 0, const char *member_name = nullptr);
0064    static TString
0065    ConvertToJSON(const void *obj, const TClass *cl, Int_t compact = 0, const char *member_name = nullptr);
0066    static TString ConvertToJSON(const void *obj, TDataMember *member, Int_t compact = 0, Int_t arraylen = -1);
0068    static Int_t ExportToFile(const char *filename, const TObject *obj, const char *option = nullptr);
0069    static Int_t ExportToFile(const char *filename, const void *obj, const TClass *cl, const char *option = nullptr);
0071    static TObject *ConvertFromJSON(const char *str);
0072    static void *ConvertFromJSONAny(const char *str, TClass **cl = nullptr);
0074    template <class T>
0075    static TString ToJSON(const T *obj, Int_t compact = 0, const char *member_name = nullptr)
0076    {
0077       return ConvertToJSON(obj, TClass::GetClass<T>(), compact, member_name);
0078    }
0080    template <class T>
0081    static Bool_t FromJSON(T *&obj, const char *json)
0082    {
0083       if (obj)
0084          return kFALSE;
0085       obj = (T *)ConvertFromJSONChecked(json, TClass::GetClass<T>());
0086       return obj != nullptr;
0087    }
0089    template <class T>
0090    static std::unique_ptr<T> FromJSON(const std::string &json)
0091    {
0092       T *obj = (T *)ConvertFromJSONChecked(json.c_str(), TClass::GetClass<T>());
0093       return std::unique_ptr<T>(obj);
0094    }
0096    // suppress class writing/reading
0098    TClass *ReadClass(const TClass *cl = nullptr, UInt_t *objTag = nullptr) final;
0099    void WriteClass(const TClass *cl) final;
0101    // redefined virtual functions of TBuffer
0103    Version_t ReadVersion(UInt_t *start = nullptr, UInt_t *bcnt = nullptr, const TClass *cl = nullptr) final;
0104    UInt_t WriteVersion(const TClass *cl, Bool_t useBcnt = kFALSE) final;
0106    void *ReadObjectAny(const TClass *clCast) final;
0107    void SkipObjectAny() final;
0109    // these methods used in streamer info to indicate currently streamed element,
0110    void IncrementLevel(TVirtualStreamerInfo *) final;
0111    void SetStreamerElementNumber(TStreamerElement *elem, Int_t comp_type) final;
0112    void DecrementLevel(TVirtualStreamerInfo *) final;
0114    void ClassBegin(const TClass *, Version_t = -1) final;
0115    void ClassEnd(const TClass *) final;
0116    void ClassMember(const char *name, const char *typeName = nullptr, Int_t arrsize1 = -1, Int_t arrsize2 = -1) final;
0118    Int_t ReadArray(Bool_t *&b) final;
0119    Int_t ReadArray(Char_t *&c) final;
0120    Int_t ReadArray(UChar_t *&c) final;
0121    Int_t ReadArray(Short_t *&h) final;
0122    Int_t ReadArray(UShort_t *&h) final;
0123    Int_t ReadArray(Int_t *&i) final;
0124    Int_t ReadArray(UInt_t *&i) final;
0125    Int_t ReadArray(Long_t *&l) final;
0126    Int_t ReadArray(ULong_t *&l) final;
0127    Int_t ReadArray(Long64_t *&l) final;
0128    Int_t ReadArray(ULong64_t *&l) final;
0129    Int_t ReadArray(Float_t *&f) final;
0130    Int_t ReadArray(Double_t *&d) final;
0132    Int_t ReadStaticArray(Bool_t *b) final;
0133    Int_t ReadStaticArray(Char_t *c) final;
0134    Int_t ReadStaticArray(UChar_t *c) final;
0135    Int_t ReadStaticArray(Short_t *h) final;
0136    Int_t ReadStaticArray(UShort_t *h) final;
0137    Int_t ReadStaticArray(Int_t *i) final;
0138    Int_t ReadStaticArray(UInt_t *i) final;
0139    Int_t ReadStaticArray(Long_t *l) final;
0140    Int_t ReadStaticArray(ULong_t *l) final;
0141    Int_t ReadStaticArray(Long64_t *l) final;
0142    Int_t ReadStaticArray(ULong64_t *l) final;
0143    Int_t ReadStaticArray(Float_t *f) final;
0144    Int_t ReadStaticArray(Double_t *d) final;
0146    void ReadFastArray(Bool_t *b, Int_t n) final;
0147    void ReadFastArray(Char_t *c, Int_t n) final;
0148    void ReadFastArrayString(Char_t *c, Int_t n) final;
0149    void ReadFastArray(UChar_t *c, Int_t n) final;
0150    void ReadFastArray(Short_t *h, Int_t n) final;
0151    void ReadFastArray(UShort_t *h, Int_t n) final;
0152    void ReadFastArray(Int_t *i, Int_t n) final;
0153    void ReadFastArray(UInt_t *i, Int_t n) final;
0154    void ReadFastArray(Long_t *l, Int_t n) final;
0155    void ReadFastArray(ULong_t *l, Int_t n) final;
0156    void ReadFastArray(Long64_t *l, Int_t n) final;
0157    void ReadFastArray(ULong64_t *l, Int_t n) final;
0158    void ReadFastArray(Float_t *f, Int_t n) final;
0159    void ReadFastArray(Double_t *d, Int_t n) final;
0160    void ReadFastArray(void *start, const TClass *cl, Int_t n = 1, TMemberStreamer *s = nullptr,
0161                       const TClass *onFileClass = nullptr) final;
0162    void ReadFastArray(void **startp, const TClass *cl, Int_t n = 1, Bool_t isPreAlloc = kFALSE,
0163                       TMemberStreamer *s = nullptr, const TClass *onFileClass = nullptr) final;
0165    void WriteArray(const Bool_t *b, Int_t n) final;
0166    void WriteArray(const Char_t *c, Int_t n) final;
0167    void WriteArray(const UChar_t *c, Int_t n) final;
0168    void WriteArray(const Short_t *h, Int_t n) final;
0169    void WriteArray(const UShort_t *h, Int_t n) final;
0170    void WriteArray(const Int_t *i, Int_t n) final;
0171    void WriteArray(const UInt_t *i, Int_t n) final;
0172    void WriteArray(const Long_t *l, Int_t n) final;
0173    void WriteArray(const ULong_t *l, Int_t n) final;
0174    void WriteArray(const Long64_t *l, Int_t n) final;
0175    void WriteArray(const ULong64_t *l, Int_t n) final;
0176    void WriteArray(const Float_t *f, Int_t n) final;
0177    void WriteArray(const Double_t *d, Int_t n) final;
0179    void WriteFastArray(const Bool_t *b, Long64_t n) final;
0180    void WriteFastArray(const Char_t *c, Long64_t n) final;
0181    void WriteFastArrayString(const Char_t *c, Long64_t n) final;
0182    void WriteFastArray(const UChar_t *c, Long64_t n) final;
0183    void WriteFastArray(const Short_t *h, Long64_t n) final;
0184    void WriteFastArray(const UShort_t *h, Long64_t n) final;
0185    void WriteFastArray(const Int_t *i, Long64_t n) final;
0186    void WriteFastArray(const UInt_t *i, Long64_t n) final;
0187    void WriteFastArray(const Long_t *l, Long64_t n) final;
0188    void WriteFastArray(const ULong_t *l, Long64_t n) final;
0189    void WriteFastArray(const Long64_t *l, Long64_t n) final;
0190    void WriteFastArray(const ULong64_t *l, Long64_t n) final;
0191    void WriteFastArray(const Float_t *f, Long64_t n) final;
0192    void WriteFastArray(const Double_t *d, Long64_t n) final;
0193    void WriteFastArray(void *start, const TClass *cl, Long64_t n = 1, TMemberStreamer *s = nullptr) final;
0194    Int_t WriteFastArray(void **startp, const TClass *cl, Long64_t n = 1, Bool_t isPreAlloc = kFALSE,
0195                         TMemberStreamer *s = nullptr) final;
0197    void StreamObject(void *obj, const TClass *cl, const TClass *onFileClass = nullptr) final;
0198    using TBufferText::StreamObject;
0200    void ReadBool(Bool_t &b) final;
0201    void ReadChar(Char_t &c) final;
0202    void ReadUChar(UChar_t &c) final;
0203    void ReadShort(Short_t &s) final;
0204    void ReadUShort(UShort_t &s) final;
0205    void ReadInt(Int_t &i) final;
0206    void ReadUInt(UInt_t &i) final;
0207    void ReadLong(Long_t &l) final;
0208    void ReadULong(ULong_t &l) final;
0209    void ReadLong64(Long64_t &l) final;
0210    void ReadULong64(ULong64_t &l) final;
0211    void ReadFloat(Float_t &f) final;
0212    void ReadDouble(Double_t &d) final;
0213    void ReadCharP(Char_t *c) final;
0214    void ReadTString(TString &s) final;
0215    void ReadStdString(std::string *s) final;
0216    using TBuffer::ReadStdString;
0217    void ReadCharStar(char *&s) final;
0219    void WriteBool(Bool_t b) final;
0220    void WriteChar(Char_t c) final;
0221    void WriteUChar(UChar_t c) final;
0222    void WriteShort(Short_t s) final;
0223    void WriteUShort(UShort_t s) final;
0224    void WriteInt(Int_t i) final;
0225    void WriteUInt(UInt_t i) final;
0226    void WriteLong(Long_t l) final;
0227    void WriteULong(ULong_t l) final;
0228    void WriteLong64(Long64_t l) final;
0229    void WriteULong64(ULong64_t l) final;
0230    void WriteFloat(Float_t f) final;
0231    void WriteDouble(Double_t d) final;
0232    void WriteCharP(const Char_t *c) final;
0233    void WriteTString(const TString &s) final;
0234    void WriteStdString(const std::string *s) final;
0235    using TBuffer::WriteStdString;
0236    void WriteCharStar(char *s) final;
0238    TVirtualStreamerInfo *GetInfo() final;
0240    // end of redefined virtual functions
0242    void ReadBaseClass(void *start, TStreamerBase *elem) final;
0244 protected:
0245    // redefined protected virtual functions
0247    void WriteObjectClass(const void *actualObjStart, const TClass *actualClass, Bool_t cacheReuse) final;
0249    // end redefined protected virtual functions
0251    static void *ConvertFromJSONChecked(const char *str, const TClass *expectedClass);
0253    TString JsonWriteMember(const void *ptr, TDataMember *member, TClass *memberClass, Int_t arraylen);
0255    TJSONStackObj *PushStack(Int_t inclevel = 0, void *readnode = nullptr);
0256    TJSONStackObj *PopStack();
0257    TJSONStackObj *Stack() { return fStack.back().get(); }
0259    void WorkWithClass(TStreamerInfo *info, const TClass *cl = nullptr);
0260    void WorkWithElement(TStreamerElement *elem, Int_t);
0262    void JsonDisablePostprocessing();
0263    Int_t JsonSpecialClass(const TClass *cl) const;
0265    TJSONStackObj *JsonStartObjectWrite(const TClass *obj_class, TStreamerInfo *info = nullptr);
0267    void JsonStartElement(const TStreamerElement *elem, const TClass *base_class);
0269    void PerformPostProcessing(TJSONStackObj *stack, const TClass *obj_cl = nullptr);
0271    void JsonWriteBasic(Char_t value);
0272    void JsonWriteBasic(Short_t value);
0273    void JsonWriteBasic(Int_t value);
0274    void JsonWriteBasic(Long_t value);
0275    void JsonWriteBasic(Long64_t value);
0276    void JsonWriteBasic(Float_t value);
0277    void JsonWriteBasic(Double_t value);
0278    void JsonWriteBasic(Bool_t value);
0279    void JsonWriteBasic(UChar_t value);
0280    void JsonWriteBasic(UShort_t value);
0281    void JsonWriteBasic(UInt_t value);
0282    void JsonWriteBasic(ULong_t value);
0283    void JsonWriteBasic(ULong64_t value);
0285    void JsonWriteConstChar(const char *value, Int_t len = -1, const char * /*typname*/ = nullptr);
0287    void JsonWriteObject(const void *obj, const TClass *objClass, Bool_t check_map = kTRUE);
0289    void JsonWriteCollection(TCollection *obj, const TClass *objClass);
0291    void JsonReadCollection(TCollection *obj, const TClass *objClass);
0293    void JsonReadTObjectMembers(TObject *obj, void *node = nullptr);
0295    void *JsonReadObject(void *obj, const TClass *objClass = nullptr, TClass **readClass = nullptr);
0297    void AppendOutput(const char *line0, const char *line1 = nullptr);
0299    void JsonPushValue();
0301    template <typename T>
0302    void JsonWriteArrayCompress(const T *vname, Int_t arrsize, const char *typname);
0304    template <typename T>
0305    void JsonReadBasic(T &value);
0307    template <typename T>
0308    Int_t JsonReadArray(T *value);
0310    template <typename T>
0311    void JsonReadFastArray(T *arr, Int_t arrsize, bool asstring = false);
0313    template <typename T>
0314    void JsonWriteFastArray(const T *arr, Long64_t arrsize, const char *typname,
0315                                             void (TBufferJSON::*method)(const T *, Int_t, const char *));
0317    TString fOutBuffer;                 ///<!  main output buffer for json code
0318    TString *fOutput{nullptr};          ///<!  current output buffer for json code
0319    TString fValue;                     ///<!  buffer for current value
0320    unsigned fJsonrCnt{0};              ///<!  counter for all objects, used for referencing
0321    std::deque<std::unique_ptr<TJSONStackObj>> fStack; ///<!  hierarchy of currently streamed element
0322    Int_t fCompact{0};                  ///<!  0 - no any compression, 1 - no spaces in the begin, 2 - no new lines, 3 - no spaces at all
0323    Bool_t fMapAsObject{kFALSE};        ///<! when true, std::map will be converted into JSON object
0324    TString fSemicolon;                 ///<!  depending from compression level, " : " or ":"
0325    Int_t fArrayCompact{0};             ///<!  0 - no array compression, 1 - exclude leading/trailing zeros, 2 - check value repetition
0326    TString fArraySepar;                ///<!  depending from compression level, ", " or ","
0327    TString fNumericLocale;             ///<!  stored value of setlocale(LC_NUMERIC), which should be recovered at the end
0328    TString fTypeNameTag;               ///<! JSON member used for storing class name, when empty - no class name will be stored
0329    TString fTypeVersionTag;            ///<! JSON member used to store class version, default empty
0330    std::vector<const TClass *> fSkipClasses; ///<! list of classes, which class info is not stored
0332    ClassDefOverride(TBufferJSON, 0) // a specialized TBuffer to only write objects into JSON format
0333 };
0335 #endif