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0001 // @(#)root/thread:$Id$
0002 // Author: Xavier Valls March 2016
0004 /*************************************************************************
0005  * Copyright (C) 1995-2020, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.               *
0006  * All rights reserved.                                                  *
0007  *                                                                       *
0008  * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
0009  * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *
0010  *************************************************************************/
0012 #ifndef ROOT_TThreadExecutor
0013 #define ROOT_TThreadExecutor
0015 #include "RConfigure.h"
0017 // exclude in case ROOT does not have IMT support
0018 #ifndef R__USE_IMT
0019 // No need to error out for dictionaries.
0020 # if !defined(__ROOTCLING__) && !defined(G__DICTIONARY)
0021 #  error "Cannot use ROOT::TThreadExecutor without defining R__USE_IMT."
0022 # endif
0023 #else
0025 #include "ROOT/TExecutorCRTP.hxx"
0026 #include "ROOT/TSeq.hxx"
0027 #include "ROOT/TypeTraits.hxx" // InvokeResult
0028 #include "RTaskArena.hxx"
0029 #include "TError.h"
0031 #include <functional> //std::function
0032 #include <initializer_list>
0033 #include <memory>
0034 #include <numeric> //std::accumulate
0035 #include <type_traits> //std::enable_if
0036 #include <utility> //std::move
0037 #include <vector>
0039 namespace ROOT {
0041    class TThreadExecutor: public TExecutorCRTP<TThreadExecutor> {
0042       friend TExecutorCRTP;
0044    public:
0046       explicit TThreadExecutor(UInt_t nThreads = 0u);
0048       TThreadExecutor(const TThreadExecutor &) = delete;
0049       TThreadExecutor &operator=(const TThreadExecutor &) = delete;
0051       // ForEach
0052       //
0053       template<class F>
0054       void Foreach(F func, unsigned nTimes, unsigned nChunks = 0);
0055       template<class F, class INTEGER>
0056       void Foreach(F func, ROOT::TSeq<INTEGER> args, unsigned nChunks = 0);
0057       template<class F, class T>
0058       void Foreach(F func, std::initializer_list<T> args, unsigned nChunks = 0);
0059       template<class F, class T>
0060       void Foreach(F func, std::vector<T> &args, unsigned nChunks = 0);
0061       template<class F, class T>
0062       void Foreach(F func, const std::vector<T> &args, unsigned nChunks = 0);
0064       // Map
0065       //
0066       using TExecutorCRTP<TThreadExecutor>::Map;
0068       // MapReduce
0069       //
0070       // We need to reimplement the MapReduce interfaces to allow for parallel reduction, defined in
0071       // this class but not in the base class.
0072       //
0073       // the late return types also check at compile-time whether redfunc is compatible with func,
0074       // other than checking that func is compatible with the type of arguments.
0075       // a static_assert check in TThreadExecutor::Reduce is used to check that redfunc is compatible with the type returned by func
0076       using TExecutorCRTP<TThreadExecutor>::MapReduce;
0077       template <class F, class R, class Cond = validMapReturnCond<F>>
0078       auto MapReduce(F func, unsigned nTimes, R redfunc) -> InvokeResult_t<F>;
0079       template <class F, class R, class Cond = validMapReturnCond<F>>
0080       auto MapReduce(F func, unsigned nTimes, R redfunc, unsigned nChunks) -> InvokeResult_t<F>;
0081       template <class F, class INTEGER, class R, class Cond = validMapReturnCond<F, INTEGER>>
0082       auto MapReduce(F func, ROOT::TSeq<INTEGER> args, R redfunc, unsigned nChunks) -> InvokeResult_t<F, INTEGER>;
0083       template <class F, class T, class R, class Cond = validMapReturnCond<F, T>>
0084       auto MapReduce(F func, std::initializer_list<T> args, R redfunc, unsigned nChunks) -> InvokeResult_t<F, T>;
0085       template <class F, class T, class R, class Cond = validMapReturnCond<F, T>>
0086       auto MapReduce(F func, std::vector<T> &args, R redfunc) -> InvokeResult_t<F, T>;
0087       template <class F, class T, class R, class Cond = validMapReturnCond<F, T>>
0088       auto MapReduce(F func, const std::vector<T> &args, R redfunc) -> InvokeResult_t<F, T>;
0089       template <class F, class T, class R, class Cond = validMapReturnCond<F, T>>
0090       auto MapReduce(F func, std::vector<T> &args, R redfunc, unsigned nChunks) -> InvokeResult_t<F, T>;
0091       template <class F, class T, class R, class Cond = validMapReturnCond<F, T>>
0092       auto MapReduce(F func, const std::vector<T> &args, R redfunc, unsigned nChunks) -> InvokeResult_t<F, T>;
0094       using TExecutorCRTP<TThreadExecutor>::Reduce;
0095       template<class T, class R> auto Reduce(const std::vector<T> &objs, R redfunc) -> decltype(redfunc(objs));
0096       template<class T, class BINARYOP> auto Reduce(const std::vector<T> &objs, BINARYOP redfunc) -> decltype(redfunc(objs.front(), objs.front()));
0098       unsigned GetPoolSize() const;
0100    private:
0101       // Implementation of the Map functions declared in the parent class (TExecutorCRTP)
0102       //
0103       template <class F, class Cond = validMapReturnCond<F>>
0104       auto MapImpl(F func, unsigned nTimes) -> std::vector<InvokeResult_t<F>>;
0105       template <class F, class INTEGER, class Cond = validMapReturnCond<F, INTEGER>>
0106       auto MapImpl(F func, ROOT::TSeq<INTEGER> args) -> std::vector<InvokeResult_t<F, INTEGER>>;
0107       template <class F, class T, class Cond = validMapReturnCond<F, T>>
0108       auto MapImpl(F func, std::vector<T> &args) -> std::vector<InvokeResult_t<F, T>>;
0109       template <class F, class T, class Cond = validMapReturnCond<F, T>>
0110       auto MapImpl(F func, const std::vector<T> &args) -> std::vector<InvokeResult_t<F, T>>;
0112       // Extension of the Map interfaces with chunking, specific to this class and
0113       // only available from a MapReduce call.
0114       template <class F, class R, class Cond = validMapReturnCond<F>>
0115       auto Map(F func, unsigned nTimes, R redfunc, unsigned nChunks) -> std::vector<InvokeResult_t<F>>;
0116       template <class F, class INTEGER, class R, class Cond = validMapReturnCond<F, INTEGER>>
0117       auto Map(F func, ROOT::TSeq<INTEGER> args, R redfunc, unsigned nChunks)
0118          -> std::vector<InvokeResult_t<F, INTEGER>>;
0119       template <class F, class T, class R, class Cond = validMapReturnCond<F, T>>
0120       auto Map(F func, std::initializer_list<T> args, R redfunc, unsigned nChunks) -> std::vector<InvokeResult_t<F, T>>;
0121       template <class F, class T, class R, class Cond = validMapReturnCond<F, T>>
0122       auto Map(F func, std::vector<T> &args, R redfunc, unsigned nChunks) -> std::vector<InvokeResult_t<F, T>>;
0123       template <class F, class T, class R, class Cond = validMapReturnCond<F, T>>
0124       auto Map(F func, const std::vector<T> &args, R redfunc, unsigned nChunks) -> std::vector<InvokeResult_t<F, T>>;
0126       // Functions that interface with the parallel library used as a backend
0127       void   ParallelFor(unsigned start, unsigned end, unsigned step, const std::function<void(unsigned int i)> &f);
0128       double ParallelReduce(const std::vector<double> &objs, const std::function<double(double a, double b)> &redfunc);
0129       float  ParallelReduce(const std::vector<float> &objs, const std::function<float(float a, float b)> &redfunc);
0130       template<class T, class R>
0131       auto SeqReduce(const std::vector<T> &objs, R redfunc) -> decltype(redfunc(objs));
0133       /// Pointer to the TBB task arena wrapper
0134       std::shared_ptr<ROOT::Internal::RTaskArenaWrapper> fTaskArenaW = nullptr;
0135    };
0137    /************ TEMPLATE METHODS IMPLEMENTATION ******************/
0139    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
0140    /// \brief Execute a function without arguments several times in parallel, dividing the execution in nChunks.
0141    ///
0142    /// \param func Function to be executed.
0143    /// \param nTimes Number of times function should be called.
0144    /// \param nChunks Number of chunks to split the input data for processing.
0145    template<class F>
0146    void TThreadExecutor::Foreach(F func, unsigned nTimes, unsigned nChunks) {
0147       if (nChunks == 0) {
0148          ParallelFor(0U, nTimes, 1, [&](unsigned int){func();});
0149          return;
0150       }
0152       unsigned step = (nTimes + nChunks - 1) / nChunks;
0153       auto lambda = [&](unsigned int i)
0154       {
0155          for (unsigned j = 0; j < step && (i + j) < nTimes; j++) {
0156             func();
0157          }
0158       };
0159       ParallelFor(0U, nTimes, step, lambda);
0160    }
0162    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
0163    /// \brief Execute a function in parallel over a sequence of indexes, dividing the execution in nChunks.
0164    ///
0165    /// \param func Function to be executed. Must take an element of the sequence passed assecond argument as a parameter.
0166    /// \param args Sequence of indexes to execute `func` on.
0167    /// \param nChunks Number of chunks to split the input data for processing.
0168    template<class F, class INTEGER>
0169    void TThreadExecutor::Foreach(F func, ROOT::TSeq<INTEGER> args, unsigned nChunks) {
0170       if (nChunks == 0) {
0171          ParallelFor(*args.begin(), *args.end(), args.step(), [&](unsigned int i){func(i);});
0172          return;
0173       }
0174       unsigned start = *args.begin();
0175       unsigned end = *args.end();
0176       unsigned seqStep = args.step();
0177       unsigned step = (end - start + nChunks - 1) / nChunks; //ceiling the division
0179       auto lambda = [&](unsigned int i)
0180       {
0181          for (unsigned j = 0; j < step && (i + j) < end; j+=seqStep) {
0182             func(i + j);
0183          }
0184       };
0185       ParallelFor(start, end, step, lambda);
0186    }
0188    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
0189    /// \brief Execute a function in parallel over the elements of an initializer_list, dividing the execution in nChunks.
0190    ///
0191    /// \param func Function to be executed on the elements of the initializer_list passed as second parameter.
0192    /// \param args initializer_list for a vector to apply `func` on.
0193    /// \param nChunks Number of chunks to split the input data for processing.
0194    template<class F, class T>
0195    void TThreadExecutor::Foreach(F func, std::initializer_list<T> args, unsigned nChunks) {
0196       std::vector<T> vargs(std::move(args));
0197       Foreach(func, vargs, nChunks);
0198    }
0200    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
0201    /// \brief Execute a function in parallel over the elements of a vector, dividing the execution in nChunks.
0202    ///
0203    /// \param func Function to be executed on the elements of the vector passed as second parameter.
0204    /// \param args Vector of elements passed as an argument to `func`.
0205    /// \param nChunks Number of chunks to split the input data for processing.
0206    template<class F, class T>
0207    void TThreadExecutor::Foreach(F func, std::vector<T> &args, unsigned nChunks) {
0208       unsigned int nToProcess = args.size();
0209       if (nChunks == 0) {
0210          ParallelFor(0U, nToProcess, 1, [&](unsigned int i){func(args[i]);});
0211          return;
0212       }
0214       unsigned step = (nToProcess + nChunks - 1) / nChunks; //ceiling the division
0215       auto lambda = [&](unsigned int i)
0216       {
0217          for (unsigned j = 0; j < step && (i + j) < nToProcess; j++) {
0218             func(args[i + j]);
0219          }
0220       };
0221       ParallelFor(0U, nToProcess, step, lambda);
0222    }
0224    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
0225    /// \brief Execute a function in parallel over the elements of a immutable vector, dividing the execution in nChunks.
0226    ///
0227    /// \param func Function to be executed on the elements of the vector passed as second parameter.
0228    /// \param args Immutable vector of elements passed as an argument to `func`.
0229    /// \param nChunks Number of chunks to split the input data for processing.
0230    template<class F, class T>
0231    void TThreadExecutor::Foreach(F func, const std::vector<T> &args, unsigned nChunks) {
0232       unsigned int nToProcess = args.size();
0233       if (nChunks == 0) {
0234          ParallelFor(0U, nToProcess, 1, [&](unsigned int i){func(args[i]);});
0235          return;
0236       }
0238       unsigned step = (nToProcess + nChunks - 1) / nChunks; //ceiling the division
0239       auto lambda = [&](unsigned int i)
0240       {
0241          for (unsigned j = 0; j < step && (i + j) < nToProcess; j++) {
0242             func(args[i + j]);
0243          }
0244       };
0245       ParallelFor(0U, nToProcess, step, lambda);
0246    }
0248    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
0249    /// \brief Execute a function without arguments several times in parallel.
0250    /// Implementation of the Map method.
0251    ///
0252    /// \copydetails TExecutorCRTP::Map(F func,unsigned nTimes)
0253    template <class F, class Cond>
0254    auto TThreadExecutor::MapImpl(F func, unsigned nTimes) -> std::vector<InvokeResult_t<F>>
0255    {
0256       using retType = decltype(func());
0257       std::vector<retType> reslist(nTimes);
0258       auto lambda = [&](unsigned int i)
0259       {
0260          reslist[i] = func();
0261       };
0262       ParallelFor(0U, nTimes, 1, lambda);
0264       return reslist;
0265    }
0267    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
0268    /// \brief Execute a function over a sequence of indexes in parallel.
0269    /// Implementation of the Map method.
0270    ///
0271    /// \copydetails TExecutorCRTP::Map(F func,ROOT::TSeq<INTEGER> args)
0272    template <class F, class INTEGER, class Cond>
0273    auto TThreadExecutor::MapImpl(F func, ROOT::TSeq<INTEGER> args) -> std::vector<InvokeResult_t<F, INTEGER>>
0274    {
0275       using retType = decltype(func(*args.begin()));
0276       std::vector<retType> reslist(args.size());
0277       auto lambda = [&](unsigned int i) { reslist[i] = func(args[i]); };
0278       ParallelFor(0U, args.size(), 1, lambda);
0280       return reslist;
0281    }
0283    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
0284    /// \brief Execute a function `nTimes` in parallel, dividing the execution in nChunks and
0285    /// providing a result per chunk.
0286    ///
0287    /// \copydetails ROOT::Internal::TExecutor::Map(F func,unsigned nTimes,R redfunc,unsigned nChunks)
0288    template <class F, class R, class Cond>
0289    auto TThreadExecutor::Map(F func, unsigned nTimes, R redfunc, unsigned nChunks) -> std::vector<InvokeResult_t<F>>
0290    {
0291       if (nChunks == 0)
0292       {
0293          return Map(func, nTimes);
0294       }
0296       unsigned step = (nTimes + nChunks - 1) / nChunks;
0297       // Avoid empty chunks
0298       unsigned actualChunks = (nTimes + step - 1) / step;
0299       using retType = decltype(func());
0300       std::vector<retType> reslist(actualChunks);
0301       auto lambda = [&](unsigned int i)
0302       {
0303          std::vector<retType> partialResults(std::min(nTimes-i, step));
0304          for (unsigned j = 0; j < step && (i + j) < nTimes; j++) {
0305             partialResults[j] = func();
0306          }
0307          reslist[i / step] = Reduce(partialResults, redfunc);
0308       };
0309       ParallelFor(0U, nTimes, step, lambda);
0311       return reslist;
0312    }
0314    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
0315    /// \brief Execute a function over the elements of a vector in parallel.
0316    /// Implementation of the Map method.
0317    ///
0318    /// \copydetails TExecutorCRTP::Map(F func,std::vector<T> &args)
0319    template <class F, class T, class Cond>
0320    auto TThreadExecutor::MapImpl(F func, std::vector<T> &args) -> std::vector<InvokeResult_t<F, T>>
0321    {
0322       // //check whether func is callable
0323       using retType = decltype(func(args.front()));
0325       unsigned int nToProcess = args.size();
0326       std::vector<retType> reslist(nToProcess);
0328       auto lambda = [&](unsigned int i)
0329       {
0330          reslist[i] = func(args[i]);
0331       };
0333       ParallelFor(0U, nToProcess, 1, lambda);
0335       return reslist;
0336    }
0338    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
0339    /// \brief Execute a function over the elements of a vector in parallel.
0340    /// Implementation of the Map method.
0341    ///
0342    /// \copydetails TExecutorCRTP::Map(F func,const std::vector<T> &args)
0343    template <class F, class T, class Cond>
0344    auto TThreadExecutor::MapImpl(F func, const std::vector<T> &args) -> std::vector<InvokeResult_t<F, T>>
0345    {
0346       // //check whether func is callable
0347       using retType = decltype(func(args.front()));
0349       unsigned int nToProcess = args.size();
0350       std::vector<retType> reslist(nToProcess);
0352       auto lambda = [&](unsigned int i)
0353       {
0354          reslist[i] = func(args[i]);
0355       };
0357       ParallelFor(0U, nToProcess, 1, lambda);
0359       return reslist;
0360    }
0362    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
0363    /// \brief Execute a function in parallel over the elements of a sequence, dividing the execution in nChunks and
0364    /// providing a result per chunk.
0365    ///
0366    /// \copydetails ROOT::Internal::TExecutor::Map(F func,ROOT::TSeq<INTEGER> args,R redfunc,unsigned nChunks)
0367    template <class F, class INTEGER, class R, class Cond>
0368    auto TThreadExecutor::Map(F func, ROOT::TSeq<INTEGER> args, R redfunc, unsigned nChunks)
0369       -> std::vector<InvokeResult_t<F, INTEGER>>
0370    {
0371       if (nChunks == 0)
0372       {
0373          return Map(func, args);
0374       }
0376       unsigned nToProcess = args.size();
0377       unsigned step = (nToProcess + nChunks - 1) / nChunks; // ceiling the division
0378       // Avoid empty chunks
0379       unsigned actualChunks = (nToProcess + step - 1) / step;
0381       using retType = decltype(func(*args.begin()));
0382       std::vector<retType> reslist(actualChunks);
0383       auto lambda = [&](unsigned int i) {
0384          std::vector<retType> partialResults(std::min(step, nToProcess - i)); // last chunk might be smaller
0385          for (unsigned j = 0; j < partialResults.size(); j++) {
0386             partialResults[j] = func(args[i + j]);
0387          }
0388          reslist[i / step] = Reduce(partialResults, redfunc);
0389       };
0391       ParallelFor(0U, nToProcess, step, lambda);
0393       return reslist;
0394    }
0396    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
0397    /// \brief Execute a function in parallel over the elements of a vector, dividing the execution in nChunks and
0398    /// providing a result per chunk.
0399    ///
0400    /// \copydetails ROOT::Internal::TExecutor::Map(F func,std::vector<T> &args,R redfunc,unsigned nChunks)
0401    template <class F, class T, class R, class Cond>
0402    auto TThreadExecutor::Map(F func, std::vector<T> &args, R redfunc, unsigned nChunks)
0403       -> std::vector<InvokeResult_t<F, T>>
0404    {
0405       if (nChunks == 0)
0406       {
0407          return Map(func, args);
0408       }
0410       unsigned int nToProcess = args.size();
0411       unsigned step = (nToProcess + nChunks - 1) / nChunks; //ceiling the division
0412       // Avoid empty chunks
0413       unsigned actualChunks = (nToProcess + step - 1) / step;
0415       using retType = decltype(func(args.front()));
0416       std::vector<retType> reslist(actualChunks);
0417       auto lambda = [&](unsigned int i) {
0418          std::vector<retType> partialResults(std::min(step, nToProcess - i));
0419          for (unsigned j = 0; j < partialResults.size(); j++) {
0420             partialResults[j] = func(args[i + j]);
0421          }
0422          reslist[i / step] = Reduce(partialResults, redfunc);
0423       };
0425       ParallelFor(0U, nToProcess, step, lambda);
0427       return reslist;
0428    }
0430    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
0431    /// \brief Execute a function in parallel over the elements of an immutable vector, dividing the execution in nChunks and
0432    /// providing a result per chunk.
0433    ///
0434    /// \copydetails ROOT::Internal::TExecutor::Map(F func,const std::vector<T> &args,R redfunc,unsigned nChunks)
0435    template <class F, class T, class R, class Cond>
0436    auto TThreadExecutor::Map(F func, const std::vector<T> &args, R redfunc, unsigned nChunks)
0437       -> std::vector<InvokeResult_t<F, T>>
0438    {
0439       if (nChunks == 0)
0440       {
0441          return Map(func, args);
0442       }
0444       unsigned int nToProcess = args.size();
0445       unsigned step = (nToProcess + nChunks - 1) / nChunks; //ceiling the division
0446       // Avoid empty chunks
0447       unsigned actualChunks = (nToProcess + step - 1) / step;
0449       using retType = decltype(func(args.front()));
0450       std::vector<retType> reslist(actualChunks);
0451       auto lambda = [&](unsigned int i) {
0452          std::vector<retType> partialResults(std::min(step, nToProcess - i));
0453          for (unsigned j = 0; j < partialResults.size(); j++) {
0454             partialResults[j] = func(args[i + j]);
0455          }
0456          reslist[i / step] = Reduce(partialResults, redfunc);
0457       };
0459       ParallelFor(0U, nToProcess, step, lambda);
0461       return reslist;
0462    }
0464    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
0465    /// \brief Execute a function in parallel over the elements of an initializer_list, dividing the execution in nChunks and
0466    /// providing a result per chunk.
0467    ///
0468    /// \copydetails ROOT::Internal::TExecutor::Map(F func,std::initializer_list<T> args,R redfunc,unsigned nChunks)
0469    template <class F, class T, class R, class Cond>
0470    auto TThreadExecutor::Map(F func, std::initializer_list<T> args, R redfunc, unsigned nChunks)
0471       -> std::vector<InvokeResult_t<F, T>>
0472    {
0473       std::vector<T> vargs(std::move(args));
0474       const auto &reslist = Map(func, vargs, redfunc, nChunks);
0475       return reslist;
0476    }
0478    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
0479    /// \brief Execute a function `nTimes` in parallel (Map) and accumulate the results into a single value (Reduce).
0480    /// \copydetails  ROOT::Internal::TExecutor::MapReduce(F func,unsigned nTimes,R redfunc)
0481    template <class F, class R, class Cond>
0482    auto TThreadExecutor::MapReduce(F func, unsigned nTimes, R redfunc) -> InvokeResult_t<F>
0483    {
0484       return Reduce(Map(func, nTimes), redfunc);
0485    }
0487    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
0488    /// \brief Execute a function in parallel over the elements of a vector (Map) and accumulate the results into a single value (Reduce).
0489    /// Benefits from partial reduction into `nChunks` intermediate results.
0490    ///
0491    /// \copydetails ROOT::Internal::TExecutor::MapReduce(F func,unsigned nTimes,R redfunc,unsigned nChunks)
0492    template <class F, class R, class Cond>
0493    auto TThreadExecutor::MapReduce(F func, unsigned nTimes, R redfunc, unsigned nChunks) -> InvokeResult_t<F>
0494    {
0495       return Reduce(Map(func, nTimes, redfunc, nChunks), redfunc);
0496    }
0498    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
0499    /// \brief Execute a function in parallel over the elements of a vector (Map) and accumulate the results into a single value (Reduce).
0500    /// Benefits from partial reduction into `nChunks` intermediate results.
0501    ///
0502    /// \copydetails ROOT::Internal::TExecutor::MapReduce(F func,ROOT::TSeq<INTEGER> args,R redfunc,unsigned nChunks)
0503    template <class F, class INTEGER, class R, class Cond>
0504    auto TThreadExecutor::MapReduce(F func, ROOT::TSeq<INTEGER> args, R redfunc, unsigned nChunks)
0505       -> InvokeResult_t<F, INTEGER>
0506    {
0507       return Reduce(Map(func, args, redfunc, nChunks), redfunc);
0508    }
0510    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
0511    /// \brief Execute a function in parallel over the elements of an initializer_list (Map) and accumulate the results into a single value (Reduce).
0512    /// Benefits from partial reduction into `nChunks` intermediate results.
0513    ///
0514    /// \copydetails ROOT::Internal::TExecutor::MapReduce(F func,std::initializer_list<T> args,R redfunc,unsigned nChunks)
0515    template <class F, class T, class R, class Cond>
0516    auto TThreadExecutor::MapReduce(F func, std::initializer_list<T> args, R redfunc, unsigned nChunks)
0517       -> InvokeResult_t<F, T>
0518    {
0519       return Reduce(Map(func, args, redfunc, nChunks), redfunc);
0520    }
0522    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
0523    /// \brief Execute a function over the elements of a vector in parallel (Map) and accumulate the results into a single value (Reduce).
0524    /// \copydetails  ROOT::Internal::TExecutor::MapReduce(F func,std::vector<T> &args,R redfunc)
0525    template <class F, class T, class R, class Cond>
0526    auto TThreadExecutor::MapReduce(F func, std::vector<T> &args, R redfunc) -> InvokeResult_t<F, T>
0527    {
0528       return Reduce(Map(func, args), redfunc);
0529    }
0531    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
0532    /// \brief Execute a function over the elements of an immutable vector in parallel (Map) and accumulate the results into a single value (Reduce).
0533    /// \copydetails  ROOT::Internal::TExecutor::MapReduce(F func,const std::vector<T> &args,R redfunc)
0534    template <class F, class T, class R, class Cond>
0535    auto TThreadExecutor::MapReduce(F func, const std::vector<T> &args, R redfunc) -> InvokeResult_t<F, T>
0536    {
0537       return Reduce(Map(func, args), redfunc);
0538    }
0540    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
0541    /// \brief Execute a function in parallel over the elements of a vector (Map) and accumulate the results into a single value (Reduce).
0542    /// Benefits from partial reduction into `nChunks` intermediate results.
0543    ///
0544    /// \copydetails ROOT::Internal::TExecutor::MapReduce(F func,std::vector<T> &args,R redfunc,unsigned nChunks)
0545    template <class F, class T, class R, class Cond>
0546    auto TThreadExecutor::MapReduce(F func, std::vector<T> &args, R redfunc, unsigned nChunks) -> InvokeResult_t<F, T>
0547    {
0548       return Reduce(Map(func, args, redfunc, nChunks), redfunc);
0549    }
0551    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
0552    /// \brief Execute a function in parallel over the elements of an immutable vector (Map) and accumulate the results into a single value (Reduce).
0553    /// Benefits from partial reduction into `nChunks` intermediate results.
0554    ///
0555    /// \copydetails ROOT::Internal::TExecutor::MapReduce(F func,const std::vector<T> &args,R redfunc,unsigned nChunks)
0556    template <class F, class T, class R, class Cond>
0557    auto TThreadExecutor::MapReduce(F func, const std::vector<T> &args, R redfunc, unsigned nChunks)
0558       -> InvokeResult_t<F, T>
0559    {
0560       return Reduce(Map(func, args, redfunc, nChunks), redfunc);
0561    }
0563    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
0564    /// \copydoc ROOT::Internal::TExecutor::Reduce(const std::vector<T> &objs,R redfunc)
0565    template<class T, class R>
0566    auto TThreadExecutor::Reduce(const std::vector<T> &objs, R redfunc) -> decltype(redfunc(objs))
0567    {
0568       // check we can apply reduce to objs
0569       static_assert(std::is_same<decltype(redfunc(objs)), T>::value, "redfunc does not have the correct signature");
0570       return SeqReduce(objs, redfunc);
0571    }
0573    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
0574    /// \brief "Reduce" an std::vector into a single object in parallel by passing a
0575    /// binary function as the second argument defining the reduction operation.
0576    ///
0577    /// \param objs A vector of elements to combine.
0578    /// \param redfunc Binary reduction function to combine the elements of the vector `objs`.
0579    /// \return A value result of combining the vector elements into a single object of the same type.
0580    template<class T, class BINARYOP>
0581    auto TThreadExecutor::Reduce(const std::vector<T> &objs, BINARYOP redfunc) -> decltype(redfunc(objs.front(), objs.front()))
0582    {
0583       // check we can apply reduce to objs
0584       static_assert(std::is_same<decltype(redfunc(objs.front(), objs.front())), T>::value, "redfunc does not have the correct signature");
0585       return ParallelReduce(objs, redfunc);
0586    }
0588    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
0589    /// \brief "Reduce", sequentially, an std::vector into a single object
0590    ///
0591    /// \param objs A vector of elements to combine.
0592    /// \param redfunc Reduction function to combine the elements of the vector `objs`.
0593    /// \return A value result of combining the vector elements into a single object of the same type.
0594    template<class T, class R>
0595    auto TThreadExecutor::SeqReduce(const std::vector<T> &objs, R redfunc) -> decltype(redfunc(objs))
0596    {
0597       return redfunc(objs);
0598    }
0600 } // namespace ROOT
0602 #endif   // R__USE_IMT
0603 #endif