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0001 /// \file ROOT/RNTupleModel.hxx
0002 /// \ingroup NTuple ROOT7
0003 /// \author Jakob Blomer <>
0004 /// \date 2018-10-04
0005 /// \warning This is part of the ROOT 7 prototype! It will change without notice. It might trigger earthquakes. Feedback
0006 /// is welcome!
0008 /*************************************************************************
0009  * Copyright (C) 1995-2019, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.               *
0010  * All rights reserved.                                                  *
0011  *                                                                       *
0012  * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
0013  * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *
0014  *************************************************************************/
0016 #ifndef ROOT7_RNTupleModel
0017 #define ROOT7_RNTupleModel
0019 #include <ROOT/REntry.hxx>
0020 #include <ROOT/RError.hxx>
0021 #include <ROOT/RField.hxx>
0022 #include <ROOT/RNTupleUtil.hxx>
0023 #include <string_view>
0025 #include <cstdint>
0026 #include <functional>
0027 #include <memory>
0028 #include <string>
0029 #include <unordered_map>
0030 #include <unordered_set>
0031 #include <utility>
0033 namespace ROOT {
0034 namespace Experimental {
0036 class RNTupleCollectionWriter;
0037 class RNTupleModel;
0038 class RNTupleWriter;
0040 namespace Internal {
0041 class RPageSinkBuf;
0043 // clang-format off
0044 /**
0045 \class ROOT::Experimental::Internal::RNTupleModelChangeset
0046 \ingroup NTuple
0047 \brief The incremental changes to a `RNTupleModel`
0049 Represents a set of alterations to a `RNTupleModel` that happened after the model is used to initialize a `RPageSink`
0050 instance. This object can be used to communicate metadata updates to a `RPageSink`.
0051 You will not normally use this directly; see `RNTupleModel::RUpdater` instead.
0052 */
0053 // clang-format on
0054 struct RNTupleModelChangeset {
0055    RNTupleModel &fModel;
0056    /// Points to the fields in fModel that were added as part of an updater transaction
0057    std::vector<RFieldBase *> fAddedFields;
0058    /// Points to the projected fields in fModel that were added as part of an updater transaction
0059    std::vector<RFieldBase *> fAddedProjectedFields;
0061    RNTupleModelChangeset(RNTupleModel &model) : fModel(model) {}
0062    bool IsEmpty() const { return fAddedFields.empty() && fAddedProjectedFields.empty(); }
0063 };
0065 } // namespace Internal
0067 // clang-format off
0068 /**
0069 \class ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleModel
0070 \ingroup NTuple
0071 \brief The RNTupleModel encapulates the schema of an ntuple.
0073 The ntuple model comprises a collection of hierarchically organized fields. From a model, "entries"
0074 can be extracted. For convenience, the model provides a default entry unless it is created as a "bare model".
0075 Models have a unique model identifier that faciliates checking whether entries are compatible with it
0076 (i.e.: have been extracted from that model).
0078 A model is subject to a state transition during its lifetime: it starts in a building state, in which fields can be
0079 added and modified.  Once the schema is finalized, the model gets frozen.  Only frozen models can create entries.
0080 */
0081 // clang-format on
0082 class RNTupleModel {
0083 public:
0084    /// A wrapper over a field name and an optional description; used in `AddField()` and `RUpdater::AddField()`
0085    struct NameWithDescription_t {
0086       NameWithDescription_t(const char *name) : fName(name) {}
0087       NameWithDescription_t(const std::string &name) : fName(name) {}
0088       NameWithDescription_t(std::string_view name) : fName(name) {}
0089       NameWithDescription_t(std::string_view name, std::string_view descr) : fName(name), fDescription(descr) {}
0091       std::string_view fName;
0092       std::string_view fDescription = "";
0093    };
0095    /// Projected fields are fields whose columns are reused from existing fields. Projected fields are not attached
0096    /// to the models zero field.  Only the real source fields are written to, projected fields are stored as meta-data
0097    /// (header) information only.  Only top-level projected fields are supported because otherwise the layout of types
0098    /// could be altered in unexpected ways.
0099    /// All projected fields and the source fields used to back them are kept in this class.
0100    class RProjectedFields {
0101    public:
0102       /// The map keys are the projected target fields, the map values are the backing source fields
0103       /// Note that sub fields are treated individually and indepently of their parent field
0104       using FieldMap_t = std::unordered_map<const RFieldBase *, const RFieldBase *>;
0106    private:
0107       explicit RProjectedFields(std::unique_ptr<RFieldZero> fieldZero) : fFieldZero(std::move(fieldZero)) {}
0108       /// The projected fields are attached to this zero field
0109       std::unique_ptr<RFieldZero> fFieldZero;
0110       /// Maps the source fields from fModel to the target projected fields attached to fFieldZero
0111       FieldMap_t fFieldMap;
0112       /// The model this set of projected fields belongs to
0113       const RNTupleModel *fModel;
0115       /// Asserts that the passed field is a valid target of the source field provided in the field map.
0116       /// Checks the field without looking into sub fields.
0117       RResult<void> EnsureValidMapping(const RFieldBase *target, const FieldMap_t &fieldMap);
0119    public:
0120       explicit RProjectedFields(const RNTupleModel *model) : fFieldZero(std::make_unique<RFieldZero>()), fModel(model)
0121       {
0122       }
0123       RProjectedFields(const RProjectedFields &) = delete;
0124       RProjectedFields(RProjectedFields &&) = default;
0125       RProjectedFields &operator=(const RProjectedFields &) = delete;
0126       RProjectedFields &operator=(RProjectedFields &&) = default;
0127       ~RProjectedFields() = default;
0129       /// The new model needs to be a clone of fModel
0130       std::unique_ptr<RProjectedFields> Clone(const RNTupleModel *newModel) const;
0132       RFieldZero *GetFieldZero() const { return fFieldZero.get(); }
0133       const RFieldBase *GetSourceField(const RFieldBase *target) const;
0134       /// Adds a new projected field. The field map needs to provide valid source fields of fModel for 'field'
0135       /// and each of its sub fields.
0136       RResult<void> Add(std::unique_ptr<RFieldBase> field, const FieldMap_t &fieldMap);
0137       bool IsEmpty() const { return fFieldZero->begin() == fFieldZero->end(); }
0138    };
0140    /// A model is usually immutable after passing it to an `RNTupleWriter`. However, for the rare
0141    /// cases that require changing the model after the fact, `RUpdater` provides limited support for
0142    /// incremental updates, e.g. addition of new fields.
0143    ///
0144    /// See `RNTupleWriter::CreateModelUpdater()` for an example.
0145    class RUpdater {
0146    private:
0147       RNTupleWriter &fWriter;
0148       Internal::RNTupleModelChangeset fOpenChangeset;
0149       std::uint64_t fNewModelId = 0; ///< The model ID after committing
0151    public:
0152       explicit RUpdater(RNTupleWriter &writer);
0153       ~RUpdater() { CommitUpdate(); }
0154       /// Begin a new set of alterations to the underlying model. As a side effect, all `REntry` instances related to
0155       /// the model are invalidated.
0156       void BeginUpdate();
0157       /// Commit changes since the last call to `BeginUpdate()`. All the invalidated `REntry`s remain invalid.
0158       /// `CreateEntry()` or `CreateBareEntry()` can be used to create an `REntry` that matching the new model.
0159       /// Upon completion, `BeginUpdate()` can be called again to begin a new set of changes.
0160       void CommitUpdate();
0162       template <typename T, typename... ArgsT>
0163       std::shared_ptr<T> MakeField(const NameWithDescription_t &fieldNameDesc, ArgsT &&...args)
0164       {
0165          auto objPtr = fOpenChangeset.fModel.MakeField<T>(fieldNameDesc, std::forward<ArgsT>(args)...);
0166          auto fieldZero = fOpenChangeset.fModel.fFieldZero.get();
0167          auto it = std::find_if(fieldZero->begin(), fieldZero->end(),
0168                                 [&](const auto &f) { return f.GetFieldName() == fieldNameDesc.fName; });
0169          R__ASSERT(it != fieldZero->end());
0170          fOpenChangeset.fAddedFields.emplace_back(&(*it));
0171          return objPtr;
0172       }
0174       void AddField(std::unique_ptr<RFieldBase> field);
0176       RResult<void>
0177       AddProjectedField(std::unique_ptr<RFieldBase> field, std::function<std::string(const std::string &)> mapping);
0178    };
0180 private:
0181    /// Hierarchy of fields consisting of simple types and collections (sub trees)
0182    std::unique_ptr<RFieldZero> fFieldZero;
0183    /// Contains field values corresponding to the created top-level fields
0184    std::unique_ptr<REntry> fDefaultEntry;
0185    /// Keeps track of which field names are taken, including projected field names.
0186    std::unordered_set<std::string> fFieldNames;
0187    /// Free text set by the user
0188    std::string fDescription;
0189    /// The set of projected top-level fields
0190    std::unique_ptr<RProjectedFields> fProjectedFields;
0191    /// Every model has a unique ID to distinguish it from other models. Entries are linked to models via the ID.
0192    /// Cloned models get a new model ID.
0193    std::uint64_t fModelId = 0;
0194    /// Changed by Freeze() / Unfreeze() and by the RUpdater.
0195    bool fIsFrozen = false;
0197    /// Checks that user-provided field names are valid in the context
0198    /// of this NTuple model. Throws an RException for invalid names.
0199    void EnsureValidFieldName(std::string_view fieldName);
0201    /// Throws an RException if fFrozen is true
0202    void EnsureNotFrozen() const;
0204    /// Throws an RException if fDefaultEntry is nullptr
0205    void EnsureNotBare() const;
0207    /// The field name can be a top-level field or a nested field. Returns nullptr if the field is not in the model.
0208    RFieldBase *FindField(std::string_view fieldName) const;
0210    RNTupleModel(std::unique_ptr<RFieldZero> fieldZero);
0212 public:
0213    RNTupleModel(const RNTupleModel&) = delete;
0214    RNTupleModel& operator =(const RNTupleModel&) = delete;
0215    ~RNTupleModel() = default;
0217    std::unique_ptr<RNTupleModel> Clone() const;
0218    static std::unique_ptr<RNTupleModel> Create();
0219    static std::unique_ptr<RNTupleModel> Create(std::unique_ptr<RFieldZero> fieldZero);
0220    /// A bare model has no default entry
0221    static std::unique_ptr<RNTupleModel> CreateBare();
0222    static std::unique_ptr<RNTupleModel> CreateBare(std::unique_ptr<RFieldZero> fieldZero);
0224    /// Creates a new field given a `name` or `{name, description}` pair and a
0225    /// corresponding value that is managed by a shared pointer.
0226    ///
0227    /// **Example: create some fields and fill an %RNTuple**
0228    /// ~~~ {.cpp}
0229    /// #include <ROOT/RNTupleModel.hxx>
0230    /// #include <ROOT/RNTupleWriter.hxx>
0231    /// using ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleModel;
0232    /// using ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleWriter;
0233    ///
0234    /// #include <vector>
0235    ///
0236    /// auto model = RNTupleModel::Create();
0237    /// auto pt = model->MakeField<float>("pt");
0238    /// auto vec = model->MakeField<std::vector<int>>("vec");
0239    ///
0240    /// // The RNTuple is written to disk when the RNTupleWriter goes out of scope
0241    /// {
0242    ///    auto writer = RNTupleWriter::Recreate(std::move(model), "myNTuple", "myFile.root");
0243    ///    for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
0244    ///       *pt = static_cast<float>(i);
0245    ///       *vec = {i, i+1, i+2};
0246    ///       writer->Fill();
0247    ///    }
0248    /// }
0249    /// ~~~
0250    ///
0251    /// **Example: create a field with an initial value**
0252    /// ~~~ {.cpp}
0253    /// #include <ROOT/RNTupleModel.hxx>
0254    /// using ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleModel;
0255    ///
0256    /// auto model = RNTupleModel::Create();
0257    /// // pt's initial value is 42.0
0258    /// auto pt = model->MakeField<float>("pt", 42.0);
0259    /// ~~~
0260    /// **Example: create a field with a description**
0261    /// ~~~ {.cpp}
0262    /// #include <ROOT/RNTupleModel.hxx>
0263    /// using ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleModel;
0264    ///
0265    /// auto model = RNTupleModel::Create();
0266    /// auto hadronFlavour = model->MakeField<float>({
0267    ///    "hadronFlavour", "flavour from hadron ghost clustering"
0268    /// });
0269    /// ~~~
0270    template <typename T, typename... ArgsT>
0271    std::shared_ptr<T> MakeField(const NameWithDescription_t &fieldNameDesc, ArgsT &&...args)
0272    {
0273       EnsureNotFrozen();
0274       EnsureValidFieldName(fieldNameDesc.fName);
0275       auto field = std::make_unique<RField<T>>(fieldNameDesc.fName);
0276       field->SetDescription(fieldNameDesc.fDescription);
0277       std::shared_ptr<T> ptr;
0278       if (fDefaultEntry)
0279          ptr = fDefaultEntry->AddValue<T>(*field, std::forward<ArgsT>(args)...);
0280       fFieldNames.insert(field->GetFieldName());
0281       fFieldZero->Attach(std::move(field));
0282       return ptr;
0283    }
0285    /// Adds a field whose type is not known at compile time.  Thus there is no shared pointer returned.
0286    ///
0287    /// Throws an exception if the field is null.
0288    void AddField(std::unique_ptr<RFieldBase> field);
0290    /// Adds a top-level field based on existing fields. The mapping function is called with the qualified field names
0291    /// of the provided field and the subfields.  It should return the qualified field names used as a mapping source.
0292    /// Projected fields can only be used for models used to write data.
0293    RResult<void>
0294    AddProjectedField(std::unique_ptr<RFieldBase> field, std::function<std::string(const std::string &)> mapping);
0295    const RProjectedFields &GetProjectedFields() const { return *fProjectedFields; }
0297    void Freeze();
0298    void Unfreeze();
0299    bool IsFrozen() const { return fIsFrozen; }
0300    std::uint64_t GetModelId() const { return fModelId; }
0302    /// Ingests a model for a sub collection and attaches it to the current model
0303    ///
0304    /// Throws an exception if collectionModel is null.
0305    std::shared_ptr<RNTupleCollectionWriter>
0306    MakeCollection(std::string_view fieldName, std::unique_ptr<RNTupleModel> collectionModel);
0308    std::unique_ptr<REntry> CreateEntry() const;
0309    /// In a bare entry, all values point to nullptr. The resulting entry shall use BindValue() in order
0310    /// set memory addresses to be serialized / deserialized
0311    std::unique_ptr<REntry> CreateBareEntry() const;
0312    /// Creates a token to be used in REntry methods to address a top-level field
0313    REntry::RFieldToken GetToken(std::string_view fieldName) const;
0314    /// Calls the given field's CreateBulk() method. Throws an exception if no field with the given name exists.
0315    RFieldBase::RBulk CreateBulk(std::string_view fieldName) const;
0317    REntry &GetDefaultEntry();
0318    const REntry &GetDefaultEntry() const;
0320    /// Non-const access to the root field is used to commit clusters during writing
0321    /// and to set the on-disk field IDs when connecting a model to a page source or sink.
0322    RFieldZero &GetFieldZero();
0323    const RFieldZero &GetFieldZero() const { return *fFieldZero; }
0324    const RFieldBase &GetField(std::string_view fieldName) const;
0326    std::string GetDescription() const { return fDescription; }
0327    void SetDescription(std::string_view description);
0328 };
0330 } // namespace Experimental
0331 } // namespace ROOT
0333 #endif