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File indexing completed on 2025-01-18 10:11:15

0001 /* @(#)root/base:$Id$ */
0003 /*************************************************************************
0004  * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.               *
0005  * All rights reserved.                                                  *
0006  *                                                                       *
0007  * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
0008  * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *
0009  *************************************************************************/
0011 #ifndef ROOT_MessageTypes
0012 #define ROOT_MessageTypes
0015 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
0016 //                                                                      //
0017 // MessageTypes                                                         //
0018 //                                                                      //
0019 // System predefined message types. Message types are constants that    //
0020 // indicate what kind of message it is. Make sure your own message      //
0021 // types don't clash whith the ones defined in this file. ROOT reserves //
0022 // all message ids between 0 - 10000. Make sure your message            //
0023 // id < 200000000.                                                      //
0024 //                                                                      //
0025 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
0027 enum EMessageTypes {
0028    kMESS_ZIP             = 0x20000000,   //OR with kMESS_ZIP to compress message
0029    kMESS_ACK             = 0x10000000,   //OR with kMESS_ACK to force each
0030                                          //message to be acknowledged
0031    kMESS_ANY             = 0,            //generic message type
0032    kMESS_OK              = 1,            //everything OK
0033    kMESS_NOTOK           = 2,            //things are NOT OK
0034    kMESS_STRING          = 3,            //string follows
0035    kMESS_OBJECT          = 4,            //object follows
0036    kMESS_CINT            = 5,            //cint command follows
0037    kMESS_STREAMERINFO    = 6,            //TStreamerInfo object follows
0038    kMESS_PROCESSID       = 7,            //TProcessID object follows
0040    //---- PROOF message opcodes (1000 - 1999)
0041    kPROOF_GROUPVIEW      = 1000,         //groupview follows
0042    kPROOF_STOP           = 1001,         //stop proof server
0043    kPROOF_FATAL          = 1002,         //server got fatal error and died
0044    kPROOF_LOGLEVEL       = 1003,         //loglevel follows
0045    kPROOF_LOGFILE        = 1004,         //log file length and content follows
0046    kPROOF_LOGDONE        = 1005,         //log file received, status follows
0047    kPROOF_STATUS         = 1006,         //print status of worker - (OBSOLETE Message)
0048    kPROOF_PING           = 1007,         //ping worker
0049    kPROOF_PRINT          = 1008,         //ask master to print config
0050    kPROOF_RESET          = 1009,         //reset worker
0051    kPROOF_GETOBJECT      = 1010,         //ask for object with given name
0052    kPROOF_GETPACKET      = 1011,         //ask for next packet
0053    kPROOF_CHECKFILE      = 1012,         //filename and md5 follows
0054    kPROOF_SENDFILE       = 1013,         //filename, length and file follows
0055    kPROOF_PARALLEL       = 1014,         //number of parallel workers follows
0056    kPROOF_PROCESS        = 1015,         //process events, DSet and input list follow
0057    kPROOF_OUTPUTLIST     = 1016,         //return the output list from Process()
0058    kPROOF_AUTOBIN        = 1017,         //callback for auto binning
0059    kPROOF_CACHE          = 1018,         //cache and package handling messages
0060    kPROOF_GETENTRIES     = 1019,         //report back number of entries to master
0061    kPROOF_PROGRESS       = 1020,         //event loop progress
0062    kPROOF_FEEDBACK       = 1021,         //intermediate version of objects
0063    kPROOF_STOPPROCESS    = 1022,         //stop or abort the current process call
0064    kPROOF_HOSTAUTH       = 1023,         //HostAuth info follows
0065    kPROOF_GETSLAVEINFO   = 1024,         //get worker info from master
0066    kPROOF_GETTREEHEADER  = 1025,         //get tree object
0067    kPROOF_GETOUTPUTLIST  = 1026,         //get the output list names
0068    kPROOF_GETSTATS       = 1027,         //get statistics of workers
0069    kPROOF_GETPARALLEL    = 1028,         //get number of parallel workers
0070    kPROOF_VALIDATE_DSET  = 1029,         //validate a TDSet
0071    kPROOF_DATA_READY     = 1030,         //ask if the data is ready on nodes
0072    kPROOF_QUERYLIST      = 1031,         //ask/send the list of queries
0073    kPROOF_RETRIEVE       = 1032,         //asynchronous retrieve of query results
0074    kPROOF_ARCHIVE        = 1033,         //archive query results
0075    kPROOF_REMOVE         = 1034,         //remove query results from the lists
0076    kPROOF_STARTPROCESS   = 1035,         //signals the start of query processing
0077    kPROOF_SETIDLE        = 1036,         //signals idle state of session
0078    kPROOF_QUERYSUBMITTED = 1037,         //signals querysubmission
0079    kPROOF_SESSIONTAG     = 1038,         //message with unique session tag
0080    kPROOF_MAXQUERIES     = 1039,         //message with max number of queries
0081    kPROOF_CLEANUPSESSION = 1040,         //cleanup session query area
0082    kPROOF_SERVERSTARTED  = 1041,         //signal completion of a server startup
0083    kPROOF_DATASETS       = 1042,         //dataset management
0084    kPROOF_PACKAGE_LIST   = 1043,         //a list of package names (TObjString's) follows
0085    kPROOF_MESSAGE        = 1044,         //a message for the client follows
0086    kPROOF_LIB_INC_PATH   = 1045,         //a list of lib/inc paths follows
0087    kPROOF_WORKERLISTS    = 1046,         //an action on any of the worker list follows
0088    kPROOF_DATASET_STATUS = 1047,         //status of data set preparation before processing
0089    kPROOF_OUTPUTOBJECT   = 1048,         //output object follows
0090    kPROOF_SETENV         = 1049,         //buffer with env vars to set
0091    kPROOF_REALTIMELOG    = 1050,         //switch on/off real-time retrieval of log messages
0092    kPROOF_VERSARCHCOMP   = 1051,         //String with worker version/architecture/compiler follows
0093    kPROOF_ENDINIT        = 1052,         //signals end of initialization on worker
0094    kPROOF_TOUCH          = 1053,         //touch the client admin file
0095    kPROOF_FORK           = 1054,         //ask the worker to clone itself
0096    kPROOF_GOASYNC        = 1055,         //switch to asynchronous mode
0097    kPROOF_SUBMERGER      = 1056,         //sub-merger based approach in finalization
0098    kPROOF_ECHO           = 1057,         //object echo request from client
0099    kPROOF_SENDOUTPUT     = 1058,         //control output sending
0101    //---- ROOTD message opcodes (2000 - 2099)
0102    kROOTD_USER           = 2000,         //user id follows
0103    kROOTD_PASS           = 2001,         //passwd follows
0104    kROOTD_AUTH           = 2002,         //authorization status (to client)
0105    kROOTD_FSTAT          = 2003,         //filename follows
0106    kROOTD_OPEN           = 2004,         //filename follows + mode
0107    kROOTD_PUT            = 2005,         //offset, number of bytes and buffer
0108    kROOTD_GET            = 2006,         //offset, number of bytes
0109    kROOTD_FLUSH          = 2007,         //flush file
0110    kROOTD_CLOSE          = 2008,         //close file
0111    kROOTD_STAT           = 2009,         //return rootd statistics
0112    kROOTD_ACK            = 2010,         //acknowledgement (all OK)
0113    kROOTD_ERR            = 2011,         //error code and message follow
0114    kROOTD_PROTOCOL       = 2012,         //returns rootd protocol
0115    kROOTD_PUTFILE        = 2020,         //store file
0116    kROOTD_GETFILE        = 2021,         //retrieve file
0117    kROOTD_CHDIR          = 2022,         //change directory
0118    kROOTD_MKDIR          = 2023,         //make directory
0119    kROOTD_RMDIR          = 2024,         //delete directory
0120    kROOTD_LSDIR          = 2025,         //list directory
0121    kROOTD_PWD            = 2026,         //pwd
0122    kROOTD_MV             = 2027,         //rename file
0123    kROOTD_RM             = 2028,         //delete file
0124    kROOTD_CHMOD          = 2029,         //change permission
0125    kROOTD_PROTOCOL2      = 2031,         //client proto follows, returns rootd proto
0126    kROOTD_BYE            = 2032,         //terminate rootd
0127    kROOTD_CLEANUP        = 2034,         //cleanup things
0128    kROOTD_NEGOTIA        = 2037,         //negotiation follows
0129    kROOTD_RSAKEY         = 2038,         //RSA public key exchange
0130    kROOTD_ENCRYPT        = 2039,         //an encrypted message follows
0131    kROOTD_OPENDIR        = 2040,         //open directory
0132    kROOTD_FREEDIR        = 2041,         //free directory
0133    kROOTD_DIRENTRY       = 2042,         //get directory entry
0134    kROOTD_ACCESS         = 2043,         //test Access
0135    kROOTD_GETS           = 2044          //multiple offset, number of byte pairs
0136 };
0138 #endif