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0001 // @(#)root/mathcore:$Id$
0002 // Authors: W. Brown, M. Fischler, L. Moneta    2005
0004  /**********************************************************************
0005   *                                                                    *
0006   * Copyright (c) 2005 , LCG ROOT MathLib Team                         *
0007   *                                                                    *
0008   *                                                                    *
0009   **********************************************************************/
0011 // Header file for class PositionVector3D
0012 //
0013 // Created by: Lorenzo Moneta  at Mon May 30 15:25:04 2005
0014 //
0015 // Last update: $Id$
0016 //
0017 #ifndef ROOT_Math_GenVector_PositionVector3D
0018 #define ROOT_Math_GenVector_PositionVector3D  1
0020 #include "Math/GenVector/DisplacementVector3Dfwd.h"
0022 #include "Math/GenVector/Cartesian3D.h"
0024 #include "Math/GenVector/GenVectorIO.h"
0026 #include "Math/GenVector/BitReproducible.h"
0028 #include "Math/GenVector/CoordinateSystemTags.h"
0031 #include <cassert>
0033 namespace ROOT {
0035   namespace Math {
0038 //__________________________________________________________________________________________
0039     /**
0040      Class describing a generic position vector (point) in 3 dimensions.
0041      This class is templated on the type of Coordinate system.
0042      One example is the XYZPoint which is a vector based on
0043      double precision x,y,z data members by using the
0044      ROOT::Math::Cartesian3D<double> Coordinate system.
0045      The class is having also an extra template parameter, the coordinate system tag,
0046      to be able to identify (tag) vector described in different reference coordinate system,
0047      like global or local coordinate systems.
0049      @ingroup GenVector
0051      @sa Overview of the @ref GenVector "physics vector library"
0052     */
0054     template <class CoordSystem, class Tag = DefaultCoordinateSystemTag >
0055     class PositionVector3D {
0057     public:
0059       typedef typename CoordSystem::Scalar Scalar;
0060       typedef CoordSystem CoordinateType;
0061       typedef Tag  CoordinateSystemTag;
0063       // ------ ctors ------
0065       /**
0066          Default constructor. Construct an empty object with zero values
0067       */
0069       constexpr PositionVector3D() : fCoordinates() { }
0071       /**
0072          Construct from three values of type <em>Scalar</em>.
0073          In the case of a XYZPoint the values are x,y,z
0074          In the case of  a polar vector they are r,theta,phi
0075       */
0076       constexpr PositionVector3D(const Scalar & a, const Scalar & b, const Scalar & c) :
0077         fCoordinates ( a , b,  c)  { }
0079      /**
0080           Construct from a position vector expressed in different
0081           coordinates, or using a different Scalar type
0082       */
0083       template <class T>
0084       explicit constexpr PositionVector3D( const PositionVector3D<T,Tag> & v) :
0085         fCoordinates ( v.Coordinates() ) { }
0087      /**
0088           Construct from an arbitrary displacement vector
0089       */
0090       template <class T>
0091       explicit constexpr PositionVector3D( const DisplacementVector3D<T,Tag> & p) :
0092         fCoordinates ( p.Coordinates() ) { }
0094       /**
0095           Construct from a foreign 3D vector type, for example, Hep3Vector
0096           Precondition: v must implement methods x(), y() and z()
0097       */
0098       template <class ForeignVector>
0099       explicit constexpr PositionVector3D( const ForeignVector & v) :
0100         fCoordinates ( Cartesian3D<Scalar>( v.x(), v.y(), v.z() ) ) { }
0102 #ifdef LATER
0103       /**
0104          construct from a generic linear algebra  vector of at least size 3
0105          implementing operator []. This could be also a C array
0106          \par v  LAVector
0107          \par index0   index where coordinates starts (typically zero)
0108          It works for all Coordinates types,
0109          ( x= v[index0] for Cartesian and r=v[index0] for Polar )
0110       */
0111       template <class LAVector>
0112       PositionVector3D(const LAVector & v, size_t index0 ) {
0113         fCoordinates = CoordSystem  ( v[index0], v[index0+1], v[index0+2] );
0114       }
0115 #endif
0117       // compiler-generated copy ctor and dtor are fine.
0119       // ------ assignment ------
0121       /**
0122           Assignment operator from a position vector of arbitrary type
0123       */
0124       template <class OtherCoords>
0125       PositionVector3D & operator=
0126                         ( const PositionVector3D<OtherCoords,Tag> & v) {
0127         fCoordinates = v.Coordinates();
0128         return *this;
0129       }
0131       /**
0132           Assignment operator from a displacement vector of arbitrary type
0133       */
0134       template <class OtherCoords>
0135       PositionVector3D & operator=
0136                         ( const DisplacementVector3D<OtherCoords,Tag> & v) {
0137         fCoordinates = v.Coordinates();
0138         return *this;
0139       }
0141       /**
0142           Assignment from a foreign 3D vector type, for example, Hep3Vector
0143           Precondition: v must implement methods x(), y() and z()
0144       */
0145       template <class ForeignVector>
0146       PositionVector3D & operator= ( const ForeignVector & v) {
0147         SetXYZ( v.x(),  v.y(), v.z() );
0148         return *this;
0149       }
0151 #ifdef LATER
0152       /**
0153          assign from a generic linear algebra  vector of at least size 3
0154          implementing operator [].
0155          \par v  LAVector
0156          \par index0   index where coordinates starts (typically zero)
0157          It works for all Coordinates types,
0158          ( x= v[index0] for Cartesian and r=v[index0] for Polar )
0159       */
0160       template <class LAVector>
0161       PositionVector3D & assignFrom(const LAVector & v, size_t index0 = 0) {
0162         fCoordinates = CoordSystem  ( v[index0], v[index0+1], v[index0+2] );
0163         return *this;
0164       }
0165 #endif
0167       /**
0168           Retrieve a copy of the coordinates object
0169       */
0170       const CoordSystem & Coordinates() const {
0171         return fCoordinates;
0172       }
0174       /**
0175          Set internal data based on a C-style array of 3 Scalar numbers
0176        */
0177       PositionVector3D<CoordSystem, Tag>& SetCoordinates( const Scalar src[] )
0178        { fCoordinates.SetCoordinates(src); return *this;  }
0180       /**
0181          Set internal data based on 3 Scalar numbers
0182        */
0183       PositionVector3D<CoordSystem, Tag>& SetCoordinates( Scalar a, Scalar b, Scalar c )
0184        { fCoordinates.SetCoordinates(a, b, c); return *this; }
0186       /**
0187          Set internal data based on 3 Scalars at *begin to *end
0188        */
0189       template <class IT>
0190       PositionVector3D<CoordSystem, Tag>& SetCoordinates( IT begin, IT end )
0191       { IT a = begin; IT b = ++begin; IT c = ++begin;
0192         (void)end;
0193         assert (++begin==end);
0194         SetCoordinates (*a,*b,*c);
0195         return *this;
0196       }
0198       /**
0199         get internal data into 3 Scalar numbers
0200        */
0201       void GetCoordinates( Scalar& a, Scalar& b, Scalar& c ) const
0202                             { fCoordinates.GetCoordinates(a, b, c);  }
0204       /**
0205          get internal data into a C-style array of 3 Scalar numbers
0206        */
0207       void GetCoordinates( Scalar dest[] ) const
0208                             { fCoordinates.GetCoordinates(dest);  }
0210       /**
0211          get internal data into 3 Scalars at *begin to *end (3 past begin)
0212        */
0213       template <class IT>
0214       void GetCoordinates( IT begin, IT end ) const
0215       { IT a = begin; IT b = ++begin; IT c = ++begin;
0216         (void)end;
0217         assert (++begin==end);
0218         GetCoordinates (*a,*b,*c);
0219       }
0221       /**
0222          get internal data into 3 Scalars at *begin
0223        */
0224       template <class IT>
0225       void GetCoordinates( IT begin ) const {
0226          Scalar a = Scalar(0);
0227          Scalar b = Scalar(0);
0228          Scalar c = Scalar(0);
0229          GetCoordinates(a, b, c);
0230          *begin++ = a;
0231          *begin++ = b;
0232          *begin   = c;
0233       }
0235       /**
0236          set the values of the vector from the cartesian components (x,y,z)
0237          (if the vector is held in polar or cylindrical eta coordinates,
0238          then (x, y, z) are converted to that form)
0239        */
0240       PositionVector3D<CoordSystem, Tag>& SetXYZ (Scalar a, Scalar b, Scalar c) {
0241             fCoordinates.SetXYZ(a,b,c);
0242             return *this;
0243       }
0245       // ------------------- Equality -----------------
0247       /**
0248         Exact equality
0249        */
0250       bool operator==(const PositionVector3D & rhs) const {
0251         return fCoordinates==rhs.fCoordinates;
0252       }
0253       bool operator!= (const PositionVector3D & rhs) const {
0254         return !(operator==(rhs));
0255       }
0257       // ------ Individual element access, in various coordinate systems ------
0259       /**
0260           Dimension
0261       */
0262       unsigned int Dimension() const
0263       {
0264          return fDimension;
0265       };
0267       /**
0268           Cartesian X, converting if necessary from internal coordinate system.
0269       */
0270       Scalar X() const { return fCoordinates.X(); }
0272       /**
0273           Cartesian Y, converting if necessary from internal coordinate system.
0274       */
0275       Scalar Y() const { return fCoordinates.Y(); }
0277       /**
0278           Cartesian Z, converting if necessary from internal coordinate system.
0279       */
0280       Scalar Z() const { return fCoordinates.Z(); }
0282       /**
0283           Polar R, converting if necessary from internal coordinate system.
0284       */
0285       Scalar R() const { return fCoordinates.R(); }
0287       /**
0288           Polar theta, converting if necessary from internal coordinate system.
0289       */
0290       Scalar Theta() const { return fCoordinates.Theta(); }
0292       /**
0293           Polar phi, converting if necessary from internal coordinate system.
0294       */
0295       Scalar Phi() const { return fCoordinates.Phi(); }
0297       /**
0298           Polar eta, converting if necessary from internal coordinate system.
0299       */
0300       Scalar Eta() const { return fCoordinates.Eta(); }
0302       /**
0303           Cylindrical transverse component rho
0304       */
0305       Scalar Rho() const { return fCoordinates.Rho(); }
0307       // ----- Other fundamental properties -----
0309       /**
0310           Magnitute squared ( r^2 in spherical coordinate)
0311       */
0312       Scalar Mag2() const { return fCoordinates.Mag2();}
0314       /**
0315          Transverse component squared (rho^2 in cylindrical coordinates.
0316       */
0317       Scalar Perp2() const { return fCoordinates.Perp2();}
0319       // It is physically meaningless to speak of the unit vector corresponding
0320       // to a point.
0322       // ------ Setting individual elements present in coordinate system ------
0324       /**
0325          Change X - Cartesian3D coordinates only
0326       */
0327        PositionVector3D<CoordSystem, Tag>& SetX (Scalar xx) { fCoordinates.SetX(xx); return *this;}
0329       /**
0330          Change Y - Cartesian3D coordinates only
0331       */
0332        PositionVector3D<CoordSystem, Tag>& SetY (Scalar yy) { fCoordinates.SetY(yy); return *this;}
0334       /**
0335          Change Z - Cartesian3D coordinates only
0336       */
0337        PositionVector3D<CoordSystem, Tag>& SetZ (Scalar zz) { fCoordinates.SetZ(zz); return *this;}
0339       /**
0340          Change R - Polar3D coordinates only
0341       */
0342        PositionVector3D<CoordSystem, Tag>& SetR (Scalar rr) { fCoordinates.SetR(rr); return *this;}
0344       /**
0345          Change Theta - Polar3D coordinates only
0346       */
0347        PositionVector3D<CoordSystem, Tag>& SetTheta (Scalar ang) { fCoordinates.SetTheta(ang); return *this;}
0349       /**
0350          Change Phi - Polar3D or CylindricalEta3D coordinates
0351       */
0352        PositionVector3D<CoordSystem, Tag>& SetPhi (Scalar ang) { fCoordinates.SetPhi(ang); return *this;}
0354       /**
0355          Change Rho - CylindricalEta3D coordinates only
0356       */
0357        PositionVector3D<CoordSystem, Tag>& SetRho (Scalar rr) { fCoordinates.SetRho(rr); return *this;}
0359       /**
0360          Change Eta - CylindricalEta3D coordinates only
0361       */
0362        PositionVector3D<CoordSystem, Tag>& SetEta (Scalar etaval) { fCoordinates.SetEta(etaval); return *this;}
0364       // ------ Operations combining two vectors ------
0365       // need to specialize to exclude those with a different tags
0367      /**
0368       Return the scalar (Dot) product of this with a displacement vector in
0369       any coordinate system, but with the same tag
0370       */
0371       template< class OtherCoords >
0372       Scalar Dot( const  DisplacementVector3D<OtherCoords,Tag> & v) const {
0373         return X()*v.x() + Y()*v.y() + Z()*v.z();
0374       }
0377       /**
0378          Return vector (Cross) product of this point with a displacement, as a
0379          point vector in this coordinate system of the first.
0380       */
0381       template< class OtherCoords >
0382       PositionVector3D Cross( const DisplacementVector3D<OtherCoords,Tag> & v) const  {
0383         PositionVector3D  result;
0384         result.SetXYZ (  Y()*v.z() - v.y()*Z(),
0385                          Z()*v.x() - v.z()*X(),
0386                          X()*v.y() - v.x()*Y() );
0387         return result;
0388       }
0390       // The Dot and Cross products of a pair of point vectors are physically
0391       // meaningless concepts and thus are defined as private methods
0393       // It is physically meaningless to speak of the Unit vector corresponding
0394       // to a point.
0397       /**
0398           Self Addition with a displacement vector.
0399       */
0400       template <class OtherCoords>
0401       PositionVector3D & operator+= (const  DisplacementVector3D<OtherCoords,Tag> & v)
0402       {
0403         SetXYZ( X() + v.X(), Y() + v.Y(), Z() + v.Z() );
0404         return *this;
0405       }
0407       /**
0408           Self Difference with a displacement vector.
0409       */
0410       template <class OtherCoords>
0411       PositionVector3D & operator-= (const  DisplacementVector3D<OtherCoords,Tag> & v)
0412       {
0413         SetXYZ(  X() - v.X(), Y() - v.Y(), Z() - v.Z() );
0414         return *this;
0415       }
0417       /**
0418          multiply this vector by a scalar quantity
0419       */
0420       PositionVector3D & operator *= (Scalar a) {
0421         fCoordinates.Scale(a);
0422         return *this;
0423       }
0425       /**
0426          divide this vector by a scalar quantity
0427       */
0428       PositionVector3D & operator /= (Scalar a) {
0429         fCoordinates.Scale(1/a);
0430         return *this;
0431       }
0433       // The following methods (v*a and v/a) could instead be free functions.
0434       // They were moved into the class to solve a problem on AIX.
0435       /**
0436         Multiply a vector by a real number
0437       */
0438       PositionVector3D operator * ( Scalar a ) const {
0439         PositionVector3D tmp(*this);
0440         tmp *= a;
0441         return tmp;
0442       }
0444       /**
0445          Division of a vector with a real number
0446        */
0447       PositionVector3D operator / (Scalar a) const {
0448         PositionVector3D tmp(*this);
0449         tmp /= a;
0450         return tmp;
0451       }
0453       // Limited backward name compatibility with CLHEP
0455       Scalar x()     const { return fCoordinates.X();     }
0456       Scalar y()     const { return fCoordinates.Y();     }
0457       Scalar z()     const { return fCoordinates.Z();     }
0458       Scalar r()     const { return fCoordinates.R();     }
0459       Scalar theta() const { return fCoordinates.Theta(); }
0460       Scalar phi()   const { return fCoordinates.Phi();   }
0461       Scalar eta()   const { return fCoordinates.Eta();   }
0462       Scalar rho()   const { return fCoordinates.Rho();   }
0463       Scalar mag2()  const { return fCoordinates.Mag2();  }
0464       Scalar perp2() const { return fCoordinates.Perp2(); }
0466     private:
0468       CoordSystem fCoordinates;
0469       static constexpr unsigned int fDimension = CoordinateType::Dimension;
0471       // Prohibited methods
0473       // this should not compile (if from a vector or points with different tag
0475       template <class OtherCoords, class OtherTag>
0476       explicit constexpr PositionVector3D( const PositionVector3D<OtherCoords, OtherTag> & );
0478       template <class OtherCoords, class OtherTag>
0479       explicit constexpr PositionVector3D( const DisplacementVector3D<OtherCoords, OtherTag> & );
0481       template <class OtherCoords, class OtherTag>
0482       PositionVector3D & operator=( const PositionVector3D<OtherCoords, OtherTag> & );
0484       template <class OtherCoords, class OtherTag>
0485       PositionVector3D & operator=( const DisplacementVector3D<OtherCoords, OtherTag> & );
0487       template <class OtherCoords, class OtherTag>
0488       PositionVector3D & operator+=(const  DisplacementVector3D<OtherCoords, OtherTag> & );
0490       template <class OtherCoords, class OtherTag>
0491       PositionVector3D & operator-=(const  DisplacementVector3D<OtherCoords, OtherTag> & );
0493 //       /**
0494 //          Dot product of two position vectors is inappropriate
0495 //       */
0496 //       template <class T2, class U>
0497 //       PositionVector3D Dot( const PositionVector3D<T2,U> & v) const;
0499 //       /**
0500 //          Cross product of two position vectors is inappropriate
0501 //       */
0502 //       template <class T2, class U>
0503 //       PositionVector3D Cross( const PositionVector3D<T2,U> & v) const;
0507     };
0509 // ---------- PositionVector3D class template ends here ----------------
0510 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
0512     /**
0513        Multiplication of a position vector by real number  a*v
0514     */
0515     template <class CoordSystem, class U>
0516     inline
0517     PositionVector3D<CoordSystem>
0518     operator * ( typename PositionVector3D<CoordSystem,U>::Scalar a,
0519                  PositionVector3D<CoordSystem,U> v) {
0520       return v *= a;
0521       // Note - passing v by value and using operator *= may save one
0522       // copy relative to passing v by const ref and creating a temporary.
0523     }
0525     /**
0526         Difference between two PositionVector3D vectors.
0527         The result is a DisplacementVector3D.
0528         The (coordinate system) type of the returned vector is defined to
0529         be identical to that of the first position vector.
0530     */
0532     template <class CoordSystem1, class CoordSystem2, class U>
0533     inline
0534     DisplacementVector3D<CoordSystem1,U>
0535     operator-( const PositionVector3D<CoordSystem1,U> & v1,
0536                const PositionVector3D<CoordSystem2,U> & v2) {
0537       return DisplacementVector3D<CoordSystem1,U>( Cartesian3D<typename CoordSystem1::Scalar>(
0538                                                                                v1.X()-v2.X(), v1.Y()-v2.Y(),v1.Z()-v2.Z() )
0539                                              );
0540     }
0542     /**
0543         Addition of a PositionVector3D and a DisplacementVector3D.
0544         The return type is a PositionVector3D,
0545         of the same (coordinate system) type as the input PositionVector3D.
0546     */
0547     template <class CoordSystem1, class CoordSystem2, class U>
0548     inline
0549     PositionVector3D<CoordSystem2,U>
0550     operator+( PositionVector3D<CoordSystem2,U> p1,
0551                const DisplacementVector3D<CoordSystem1,U>  & v2)        {
0552       return p1 += v2;
0553     }
0555     /**
0556         Addition of a DisplacementVector3D and a PositionVector3D.
0557         The return type is a PositionVector3D,
0558         of the same (coordinate system) type as the input PositionVector3D.
0559     */
0560     template <class CoordSystem1, class CoordSystem2, class U>
0561     inline
0562     PositionVector3D<CoordSystem2,U>
0563     operator+( DisplacementVector3D<CoordSystem1,U> const & v1,
0564                PositionVector3D<CoordSystem2,U> p2)        {
0565       return p2 += v1;
0566     }
0568     /**
0569         Subtraction of a DisplacementVector3D from a PositionVector3D.
0570         The return type is a PositionVector3D,
0571         of the same (coordinate system) type as the input PositionVector3D.
0572     */
0573     template <class CoordSystem1, class CoordSystem2, class U>
0574     inline
0575     PositionVector3D<CoordSystem2,U>
0576     operator-( PositionVector3D<CoordSystem2,U> p1,
0577                DisplacementVector3D<CoordSystem1,U> const & v2)        {
0578       return p1 -= v2;
0579     }
0581     // Scaling of a position vector with a real number is not physically meaningful
0583     // ------------- I/O to/from streams -------------
0585     template <
0586        class char_t, class traits_t, class T, class U,
0587        typename std::enable_if<std::is_arithmetic<typename PositionVector3D<T, U>::Scalar>::value>::type * = nullptr>
0588     std::basic_ostream<char_t, traits_t> &operator<<(std::basic_ostream<char_t, traits_t> &os,
0589                                                      PositionVector3D<T, U> const &v)
0590     {
0591        if (os) {
0593           typename T::Scalar a = 0;
0594           typename T::Scalar b = 0;
0595           typename T::Scalar c = 0;
0596           v.GetCoordinates(a, b, c);
0598           if (detail::get_manip(os, detail::bitforbit)) {
0599              detail::set_manip(os, detail::bitforbit, '\00');
0600              typedef GenVector_detail::BitReproducible BR;
0601              BR::Output(os, a);
0602              BR::Output(os, b);
0603              BR::Output(os, c);
0604           } else {
0605              os << detail::get_manip(os, detail::open) << a << detail::get_manip(os, detail::sep) << b
0606                 << detail::get_manip(os, detail::sep) << c << detail::get_manip(os, detail::close);
0607           }
0608       }
0609       return os;
0610     }  // op<< <>()
0612     template <
0613        class char_t, class traits_t, class T, class U,
0614        typename std::enable_if<!std::is_arithmetic<typename PositionVector3D<T, U>::Scalar>::value>::type * = nullptr>
0615     std::basic_ostream<char_t, traits_t> &operator<<(std::basic_ostream<char_t, traits_t> &os,
0616                                                      PositionVector3D<T, U> const &v)
0617     {
0618        if (os) {
0619           os << "{ ";
0620           for (std::size_t i = 0; i < PositionVector3D<T, U>::Scalar::Size; ++i) {
0621              os << "(" << v.x()[i] << "," << v.y()[i] << "," << v.z()[i] << ") ";
0622           }
0623           os << "}";
0624        }
0625        return os;
0626     } // op<< <>()
0628     template< class char_t, class traits_t, class T, class U >
0629       inline
0630       std::basic_istream<char_t,traits_t> &
0631       operator >> ( std::basic_istream<char_t,traits_t> & is
0632                   , PositionVector3D<T,U> & v
0633                   )
0634     {
0635       if( !is )  return is;
0637       typename T::Scalar a, b, c;
0639       if( detail::get_manip( is, detail::bitforbit ) )  {
0640         detail::set_manip( is, detail::bitforbit, '\00' );
0641         typedef GenVector_detail::BitReproducible BR;
0642         BR::Input(is, a);
0643         BR::Input(is, b);
0644         BR::Input(is, c);
0645       }
0646       else  {
0647         detail::require_delim( is, detail::open  );  is >> a;
0648         detail::require_delim( is, detail::sep   );  is >> b;
0649         detail::require_delim( is, detail::sep   );  is >> c;
0650         detail::require_delim( is, detail::close );
0651       }
0653       if( is )
0654         v.SetCoordinates(a, b, c);
0655       return is;
0657     }  // op>> <>()
0662   } // namespace Math
0664 } // namespace ROOT
0667 #endif /* ROOT_Math_GenVector_PositionVector3D  */