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0001 /*
0002  * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Trustees of Indiana University and Indiana
0003  *                         University Research and Technology
0004  *                         Corporation.  All rights reserved.
0005  * Copyright (c) 2004-2011 The University of Tennessee and The University
0006  *                         of Tennessee Research Foundation.  All rights
0007  *                         reserved.
0008  * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart,
0009  *                         University of Stuttgart.  All rights reserved.
0010  * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Regents of the University of California.
0011  *                         All rights reserved.
0012  * Copyright (c) 2008      Cisco Systems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
0013  * Copyright (c) 2012-2013 Los Alamos National Security, LLC.
0014  *                         All rights reserved.
0015  * Copyright (c) 2015-2020 Intel, Inc.  All rights reserved.
0016  * Copyright (c) 2017      IBM Corporation.  All rights reserved.
0017  * Copyright (c) 2017      Mellanox Technologies. All rights reserved.
0018  * Copyright (c) 2018      Research Organization for Information Science
0019  *                         and Technology (RIST).  All rights reserved.
0020  * Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Nanook Consulting.  All rights reserved.
0021  * $COPYRIGHT$
0022  *
0023  * Additional copyrights may follow
0024  *
0025  * $HEADER$
0026  */
0027 /**
0028  * @file
0029  *
0030  * I/O Forwarding Service
0031  */
0033 #ifndef PMIX_IOF_H
0034 #define PMIX_IOF_H
0036 #include "src/include/pmix_config.h"
0038 #ifdef HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H
0039 #    include <sys/types.h>
0040 #endif
0041 #ifdef HAVE_SYS_UIO_H
0042 #    include <sys/uio.h>
0043 #endif
0044 #ifdef HAVE_NET_UIO_H
0045 #    include <net/uio.h>
0046 #endif
0047 #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H
0048 #    include <unistd.h>
0049 #endif
0050 #include <signal.h>
0052 #include "src/class/pmix_list.h"
0053 #include "src/include/pmix_globals.h"
0054 #include "src/util/pmix_fd.h"
0058 /*
0059  * Maximum size of single msg
0060  */
0061 #define PMIX_IOF_BASE_MSG_MAX        8192
0062 #define PMIX_IOF_BASE_TAG_MAX        1024
0063 #define PMIX_IOF_MAX_INPUT_BUFFERS   50
0064 #define PMIX_IOF_MAX_RETRIES         4
0066 typedef struct {
0067     pmix_list_item_t super;
0068     bool pending;
0069     bool always_writable;
0070     int numtries;
0071     pmix_event_t *ev;
0072     struct timeval tv;
0073     int fd;
0074     pmix_list_t outputs;
0075 } pmix_iof_write_event_t;
0076 PMIX_EXPORT PMIX_CLASS_DECLARATION(pmix_iof_write_event_t);
0078 {                                           \
0079     .super = PMIX_LIST_ITEM_STATIC_INIT,    \
0080     .pending = false,                       \
0081     .always_writable = false,               \
0082     .numtries = 0,                          \
0083     .ev = NULL,                             \
0084     .tv = {0, 0},                           \
0085     .fd = 0,                                \
0086     .outputs = PMIX_LIST_STATIC_INIT        \
0087 }
0089 typedef struct {
0090     pmix_list_item_t super;
0091     pmix_proc_t name;
0092     pmix_iof_channel_t tag;
0093     pmix_iof_write_event_t wev;
0094     bool xoff;
0095     bool exclusive;
0096     bool closed;
0097 } pmix_iof_sink_t;
0099 #define PMIX_IOF_SINK_STATIC_INIT               \
0100 {                                               \
0101     .super = PMIX_LIST_ITEM_STATIC_INIT,        \
0102     .name = {{0}, 0},                           \
0103     .tag = PMIX_FWD_NO_CHANNELS,                \
0104     .wev = PMIX_IOF_WRITE_EVENT_STATIC_INIT,    \
0105     .xoff = false,                              \
0106     .exclusive = false,                         \
0107     .closed = false                             \
0108 }
0110 typedef struct {
0111     pmix_list_item_t super;
0112     char *data;
0113     int numbytes;
0114 } pmix_iof_write_output_t;
0115 PMIX_EXPORT PMIX_CLASS_DECLARATION(pmix_iof_write_output_t);
0117 typedef struct {
0118     pmix_object_t super;
0119     pmix_event_t ev;
0120     struct timeval tv;
0121     int fd;
0122     bool active;
0123     void *childproc;
0124     bool always_readable;
0125     pmix_proc_t name;
0126     pmix_iof_channel_t channel;
0127     pmix_proc_t *targets;
0128     size_t ntargets;
0129     pmix_info_t *directives;
0130     size_t ndirs;
0131 } pmix_iof_read_event_t;
0132 PMIX_EXPORT PMIX_CLASS_DECLARATION(pmix_iof_read_event_t);
0134 typedef struct {
0135     pmix_list_item_t super;
0136     pmix_proc_t name;
0137     pmix_iof_write_event_t *channel;
0138     pmix_iof_flags_t flags;
0139     pmix_iof_channel_t stream;
0140     bool copystdout;
0141     bool copystderr;
0142     pmix_byte_object_t bo;
0143 } pmix_iof_residual_t;
0144 PMIX_EXPORT PMIX_CLASS_DECLARATION(pmix_iof_residual_t);
0146 /* Write event macro's */
0148 static inline bool pmix_iof_fd_always_ready(int fd)
0149 {
0150     return pmix_fd_is_regular(fd) || (pmix_fd_is_chardev(fd) && !isatty(fd))
0151            || pmix_fd_is_blkdev(fd);
0152 }
0154 #define PMIX_IOF_SINK_BLOCKSIZE (1024)
0156 #define PMIX_IOF_SINK_ACTIVATE(w)                                      \
0157     do {                                                               \
0158         struct timeval *tv = NULL;                                     \
0159         (w)->pending = true;                                           \
0160         PMIX_POST_OBJECT((w));                                         \
0161         if ((w)->always_writable) {                                    \
0162             /* Regular is always write ready. Use timer to activate */ \
0163             tv = &(w)->tv;                                             \
0164         }                                                              \
0165         if (pmix_event_add((w)->ev, tv)) {                             \
0166             PMIX_ERROR_LOG(PMIX_ERR_BAD_PARAM);                        \
0167         }                                                              \
0168     } while (0);
0170 /* define an output "sink", adding it to the provided
0171  * endpoint list for this proc */
0172 #define PMIX_IOF_SINK_DEFINE(snk, nm, fid, tg, wrthndlr)                                           \
0173     do {                                                                                           \
0174         pmix_output_verbose(1, pmix_client_globals.iof_output,                                     \
0175                              "defining endpt: file %s line %d fd %d", __FILE__, __LINE__, (fid));  \
0176         PMIX_CONSTRUCT((snk), pmix_iof_sink_t);                                                    \
0177         pmix_strncpy((snk)->name.nspace, (nm)->nspace, PMIX_MAX_NSLEN);                            \
0178         (snk)->name.rank = (nm)->rank;                                                             \
0179         (snk)->tag = (tg);                                                                         \
0180         if (0 <= (fid)) {                                                                          \
0181             (snk)->wev.fd = (fid);                                                                 \
0182             (snk)->wev.always_writable = pmix_iof_fd_always_ready(fid);                            \
0183             if ((snk)->wev.always_writable) {                                                      \
0184                 pmix_event_evtimer_set(pmix_globals.evbase, (snk)->wev.ev, wrthndlr, (snk));       \
0185             } else {                                                                               \
0186                 pmix_event_set(pmix_globals.evbase, (snk)->wev.ev, (snk)->wev.fd, PMIX_EV_WRITE,   \
0187                                wrthndlr, (snk));                                                   \
0188             }                                                                                      \
0189         }                                                                                          \
0190         PMIX_POST_OBJECT(snk);                                                                     \
0191     } while (0);
0193 /* Read event macro's */
0194 #define PMIX_IOF_READ_ADDEV(rev)                \
0195     do {                                        \
0196         struct timeval *tv = NULL;              \
0197         if ((rev)->always_readable) {           \
0198             tv = &(rev)->tv;                    \
0199         }                                       \
0200         if (pmix_event_add(&(rev)->ev, tv)) {   \
0201             PMIX_ERROR_LOG(PMIX_ERR_BAD_PARAM); \
0202         }                                       \
0203     } while (0);
0205 #define PMIX_IOF_READ_ACTIVATE(rev) \
0206     do {                            \
0207         (rev)->active = true;       \
0208         PMIX_POST_OBJECT(rev);      \
0209         PMIX_IOF_READ_ADDEV(rev);   \
0210     } while (0);
0212 #define PMIX_IOF_READ_EVENT(rv, p, np, d, nd, fid, cbfunc, actv)                                 \
0213     do {                                                                                         \
0214         size_t _ii;                                                                              \
0215         pmix_iof_read_event_t *rev;                                                              \
0216         pmix_output_verbose(1, pmix_client_globals.iof_output, "defining read event at: %s %d", \
0217                              __FILE__, __LINE__);                                                \
0218         rev = PMIX_NEW(pmix_iof_read_event_t);                                                   \
0219         if (NULL != (p)) {                                                                       \
0220             (rev)->ntargets = (np);                                                              \
0221             PMIX_PROC_CREATE((rev)->targets, (rev)->ntargets);                                   \
0222             memcpy((rev)->targets, (p), (np) * sizeof(pmix_proc_t));                             \
0223         }                                                                                        \
0224         if (NULL != (d) && 0 < (nd)) {                                                           \
0225             PMIX_INFO_CREATE((rev)->directives, (nd));                                           \
0226             (rev)->ndirs = (nd);                                                                 \
0227             for (_ii = 0; _ii < (size_t) nd; _ii++) {                                            \
0228                 PMIX_INFO_XFER(&((rev)->directives[_ii]), &((d)[_ii]));                          \
0229             }                                                                                    \
0230         }                                                                                        \
0231         rev->fd = (fid);                                                                         \
0232         rev->always_readable = pmix_iof_fd_always_ready(fid);                                    \
0233         *(rv) = rev;                                                                             \
0234         if (rev->always_readable) {                                                              \
0235             pmix_event_evtimer_set(pmix_globals.evbase, &rev->ev, (cbfunc), rev);                \
0236         } else {                                                                                 \
0237             pmix_event_set(pmix_globals.evbase, &rev->ev, (fid), PMIX_EV_READ, (cbfunc), rev);   \
0238         }                                                                                        \
0239         if ((actv)) {                                                                            \
0240             PMIX_IOF_READ_ACTIVATE(rev)                                                          \
0241         }                                                                                        \
0242     } while (0);
0244 #define PMIX_IOF_READ_EVENT_LOCAL(rv, fid, cbfunc, actv)                                         \
0245     do {                                                                                         \
0246         pmix_iof_read_event_t *rev;                                                              \
0247         pmix_output_verbose(1, pmix_client_globals.iof_output, "defining read event at: %s %d", \
0248                              __FILE__, __LINE__);                                                \
0249         rev = PMIX_NEW(pmix_iof_read_event_t);                                                   \
0250         rev->fd = (fid);                                                                         \
0251         rev->always_readable = pmix_iof_fd_always_ready(fid);                                    \
0252         *(rv) = rev;                                                                             \
0253         if (rev->always_readable) {                                                              \
0254             pmix_event_evtimer_set(pmix_globals.evbase, &rev->ev, (cbfunc), rev);                \
0255         } else {                                                                                 \
0256             pmix_event_set(pmix_globals.evbase, &rev->ev, (fid), PMIX_EV_READ, (cbfunc), rev);   \
0257         }                                                                                        \
0258         if ((actv)) {                                                                            \
0259             PMIX_IOF_READ_ACTIVATE(rev)                                                          \
0260         }                                                                                        \
0261     } while (0);
0264 PMIX_EXPORT pmix_status_t pmix_iof_flush(void);
0266 PMIX_EXPORT pmix_status_t pmix_iof_write_output(const pmix_proc_t *name, pmix_iof_channel_t stream,
0267                                                 const pmix_byte_object_t *bo);
0268 PMIX_EXPORT void pmix_iof_static_dump_output(pmix_iof_sink_t *sink);
0269 PMIX_EXPORT void pmix_iof_write_handler(int fd, short event, void *cbdata);
0270 PMIX_EXPORT bool pmix_iof_stdin_check(int fd);
0271 PMIX_EXPORT void pmix_iof_read_local_handler(int unusedfd, short event, void *cbdata);
0272 PMIX_EXPORT void pmix_iof_stdin_cb(int fd, short event, void *cbdata);
0273 PMIX_EXPORT pmix_status_t pmix_iof_process_iof(pmix_iof_channel_t channels,
0274                                                const pmix_proc_t *source,
0275                                                const pmix_byte_object_t *bo,
0276                                                const pmix_info_t *info, size_t ninfo,
0277                                                const pmix_iof_req_t *req);
0278 PMIX_EXPORT void pmix_iof_check_flags(pmix_info_t *info, pmix_iof_flags_t *flags);
0279 PMIX_EXPORT void pmix_iof_flush_residuals(void);
0283 #endif /* PMIX_IOF_H */