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0001 // Created on: 2015-05-14
0002 // Created by: Ilya Novikov
0003 // Copyright (c) 2000-2015 OPEN CASCADE SAS
0004 //
0005 // This file is part of Open CASCADE Technology software library.
0006 //
0007 // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
0008 // the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published
0009 // by the Free Software Foundation, with special exception defined in the file
0010 // OCCT_LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt. Consult the file LICENSE_LGPL_21.txt included in OCCT
0011 // distribution for complete text of the license and disclaimer of any warranty.
0012 //
0013 // Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of Open CASCADE
0014 // commercial license or contractual agreement.
0016 #ifndef _XCAFDoc_Editor_HeaderFile
0017 #define _XCAFDoc_Editor_HeaderFile
0019 #include <TDataStd_Name.hxx>
0020 #include <TDF_Label.hxx>
0021 #include <TDF_LabelDataMap.hxx>
0022 #include <TDF_LabelSequence.hxx>
0024 class XCAFDoc_VisMaterial;
0025 class XCAFDoc_ShapeTool;
0027 //! Tool for edit structure of document.
0028 class XCAFDoc_Editor
0029 {
0030 public:
0034   //! Converts shape (compound/compsolid/shell/wire) to assembly.
0035   //! @param[in] theDoc input document
0036   //! @param[in] theShape input shape label
0037   //! @param[in] theRecursively recursively expand a compound subshape
0038   //! @return True if shape successfully expanded
0039   Standard_EXPORT static Standard_Boolean Expand(const TDF_Label& theDoc,
0040                                                  const TDF_Label& theShape,
0041                                                  const Standard_Boolean theRecursively = Standard_True);
0043   //! Converts all compounds shapes in the document to assembly
0044   //! @param[in] theDoc input document
0045   //! @param[in] theRecursively recursively expand a compound subshape
0046   //! @return True if shape successfully expanded
0047   Standard_EXPORT static Standard_Boolean Expand(const TDF_Label& theDoc,
0048                                                  const Standard_Boolean theRecursively = Standard_True);
0050   //! Clones all labels to a new position, keeping the structure with all the attributes
0051   //! @param[in] theSrcLabels original labels to copy from
0052   //! @param[in] theDstLabel label to set result as a component of or a main document's label to simply set new shape
0053   //! @param[in] theIsNoVisMat get a VisMaterial attributes as is or convert to color
0054   //! @return True if shape successfully extracted
0055   Standard_EXPORT static Standard_Boolean Extract(const TDF_LabelSequence& theSrcLabels,
0056                                                   const TDF_Label& theDstLabel,
0057                                                   const Standard_Boolean theIsNoVisMat = Standard_False);
0059   //! Clones the label to a new position, keeping the structure with all the attributes
0060   //! @param[in] theSrcLabel original label to copy from
0061   //! @param[in] theDstLabel label to set result as a component of or a main document's label to simply set new shape
0062   //! @param[in] theIsNoVisMat get a VisMaterial attributes as is or convert to color
0063   //! @return True if shape successfully extracted
0064   Standard_EXPORT static Standard_Boolean Extract(const TDF_Label& theSrcLabel,
0065                                                   const TDF_Label& theDstLabel,
0066                                                   const Standard_Boolean theIsNoVisMat = Standard_False);
0068   //! Copies shapes label with keeping of shape structure (recursively)
0069   //! @param[in] theSrcLabel original label to copy from
0070   //! @param[in] theSrcShapeTool shape tool to get
0071   //! @param[in] theDstShapeTool shape tool to set
0072   //! @param[out] theMap relating map of the original shapes label and labels created from them
0073   //! @return result shape label
0074   Standard_EXPORT static TDF_Label CloneShapeLabel(const TDF_Label& theSrcLabel,
0075                                                    const Handle(XCAFDoc_ShapeTool)& theSrcShapeTool,
0076                                                    const Handle(XCAFDoc_ShapeTool)& theDstShapeTool,
0077                                                    TDF_LabelDataMap& theMap);
0079   //! Copies metadata contains from the source label to the destination label.
0080   //! Protected against creating a new label for non-existent tools
0081   //! @param[in] theSrcLabel original label to copy from
0082   //! @param[in] theDstLabel destination shape label to set attributes
0083   //! @param[in] theVisMatMap relating map of the original VisMaterial and created. Can be NULL for the same document
0084   //! @param[in] theToCopyColor copying visible value and shape color (handled all color type)
0085   //! @param[in] theToCopyLayer copying layer
0086   //! @param[in] theToCopyMaterial copying  material
0087   //! @param[in] theToCopyVisMaterial copying visual material
0088   //! @param[in] theToCopyAttributes copying of other node attributes, for example, a shape's property
0089   Standard_EXPORT static void CloneMetaData(const TDF_Label& theSrcLabel,
0090                                             const TDF_Label& theDstLabel,
0091                                             NCollection_DataMap<Handle(XCAFDoc_VisMaterial), Handle(XCAFDoc_VisMaterial)>* theVisMatMap,
0092                                             const Standard_Boolean theToCopyColor = Standard_True,
0093                                             const Standard_Boolean theToCopyLayer = Standard_True,
0094                                             const Standard_Boolean theToCopyMaterial = Standard_True,
0095                                             const Standard_Boolean theToCopyVisMaterial = Standard_True,
0096                                             const Standard_Boolean theToCopyAttributes = Standard_True);
0098   //! Applies geometrical scaling to the following assembly components:
0099   //! - part geometry
0100   //! - sub-assembly/part occurrence location
0101   //! - part's centroid, area and volume attributes
0102   //! - PMIs (warnings and errors are reported if it is impossible to make changes)
0103   //! Normally, should start from a root sub-assembly, but if theForceIfNotRoot true
0104   //! scaling will be applied forcibly. If theLabel corresponds to the shape tool
0105   //! scaling is applied to the whole assembly.
0106   //! @param[in] theLabel starting label
0107   //! @param[in] theScaleFactor scale factor, should be positive
0108   //! @param[in] theForceIfNotRoot allows scaling of a non root assembly if true,
0109   //!                              otherwise - returns false
0110   //! @return true in case of success, otherwise - false.
0111   Standard_EXPORT static Standard_Boolean RescaleGeometry(const TDF_Label& theLabel,
0112                                                           const Standard_Real theScaleFactor,
0113                                                           const Standard_Boolean theForceIfNotRoot = Standard_False);
0115 };
0117 #endif // _XCAFDoc_Editor_HeaderFile