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0001 // Created on: 2004-11-23
0002 // Created by: Pavel TELKOV
0003 // Copyright (c) 2004-2014 OPEN CASCADE SAS
0004 //
0005 // This file is part of Open CASCADE Technology software library.
0006 //
0007 // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
0008 // the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published
0009 // by the Free Software Foundation, with special exception defined in the file
0010 // OCCT_LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt. Consult the file LICENSE_LGPL_21.txt included in OCCT
0011 // distribution for complete text of the license and disclaimer of any warranty.
0012 //
0013 // Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of Open CASCADE
0014 // commercial license or contractual agreement.
0016 // The original implementation Copyright: (C) RINA S.p.A
0018 #ifndef TObj_Persistence_HeaderFile
0019 #define TObj_Persistence_HeaderFile
0021 #include <TObj_Container.hxx>
0023 class TDF_Label;
0025 /** This class is intended to be a root of tools (one per class)
0026 *   to manage persistence of objects inherited from TObj_Object
0027 *   It provides a mechanism to recover correctly typed
0028 *   objects (subtypes of TObj_Object) out of their persistent names
0029 *
0030 *   This is a special kind of object, it automatically registers itself
0031 *   in a global map when created, and the only thing it does is to
0032 *   create a new object of the type that it manages, by request
0033 */
0035 class TObj_Persistence
0036 {
0037 public:
0038   /**
0039   * Public methods, to be called externally
0040   */
0042   //! Creates and returns a new object of the registered type
0043   //! If the type is not registered, returns Null handle
0044   static Standard_EXPORT Handle(TObj_Object) CreateNewObject
0045                                 (const Standard_CString theType,
0046                                  const TDF_Label& theLabel);
0048   //! Dumps names of all the types registered for persistence to the
0049   //! specified stream
0050   static Standard_EXPORT void DumpTypes (Standard_OStream& theOs);
0052 protected:
0053   /**
0054   * Protected methods, to be used or defined by descendants
0055   */
0057   //! The constructor registers the object
0058   Standard_EXPORT TObj_Persistence (const Standard_CString theType);
0060   //! The destructor unregisters the object
0061   virtual Standard_EXPORT ~TObj_Persistence ();
0063   //! The method must be redefined in the derived class and return
0064   //! new object of the proper type
0065   virtual Standard_EXPORT Handle(TObj_Object) New
0066                                 (const TDF_Label& theLabel) const = 0;
0068   //! Dictionary storing all the registered types. It is implemented as static
0069   //! variable inside member function in order to ensure initialization
0070   //!  at first call
0071   static Standard_EXPORT TObj_DataMapOfStringPointer& getMapOfTypes();
0073  private:
0074   Standard_CString myType;  //!< Name of managed type (recorded for unregistering)
0075 };
0077 //! Declare subclass and methods of the class inherited from TObj_Object
0078 //! necessary for implementation of persistence
0079 //! This declaration should be put inside class declaration, under 'protected' modifier
0080 #ifdef SOLARIS
0081 //! Workaround on SUN to avoid stupid warnings
0082 #define _TOBJOCAF_PERSISTENCE_ACCESS_ public:
0083 #else
0085 #endif
0086 #define DECLARE_TOBJOCAF_PERSISTENCE(name,ancestor)                                      \
0087   name (const TObj_Persistence *p,                                                   \
0088         const TDF_Label& aLabel) : ancestor(p,aLabel)                                    \
0089   { initFields(); } /* give the object a chance to initialize its fields */              \
0090                                                                                          \
0091     /* Creates an object of a proper type */                                             \
0092     /* First argument is used just to avoid possible conflict with other constructors */ \
0093   _TOBJOCAF_PERSISTENCE_ACCESS_                                                          \
0094   class Persistence_ : public TObj_Persistence {                                     \
0095     /* Friend private class of name, is a tool providing persistence */                  \
0096   public:                                                                                \
0097     Persistence_ () : TObj_Persistence(#name) {} /* register the tool */             \
0098     virtual Handle(TObj_Object) New (const TDF_Label& aLabel) const;                 \
0099       /* Creates an object of a proper type */                                           \
0100   };                                                                                     \
0101   friend class Persistence_;                                                             \
0102   static Persistence_ myPersistence_; /* Static field implementing persistsnce tool */
0104 //! Implement mechanism for registration the type for persistence
0105 //! This should not be used for abstract classes (while DECLARE should)
0106 #define IMPLEMENT_TOBJOCAF_PERSISTENCE(name)                                             \
0107   name::Persistence_ name::myPersistence_;                                               \
0108   Handle(TObj_Object) name::Persistence_::New (const TDF_Label& aLabel) const {      \
0109     return new name((const TObj_Persistence*)0, aLabel);                             \
0110   }
0112 #endif
0114 #ifdef _MSC_VER
0115 #pragma once
0116 #endif