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0001 // Created on: 2004-11-22
0002 // Created by: Pavel TELKOV
0003 // Copyright (c) 2004-2014 OPEN CASCADE SAS
0004 //
0005 // This file is part of Open CASCADE Technology software library.
0006 //
0007 // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
0008 // the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published
0009 // by the Free Software Foundation, with special exception defined in the file
0010 // OCCT_LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt. Consult the file LICENSE_LGPL_21.txt included in OCCT
0011 // distribution for complete text of the license and disclaimer of any warranty.
0012 //
0013 // Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of Open CASCADE
0014 // commercial license or contractual agreement.
0016 // The original implementation Copyright: (C) RINA S.p.A
0018 #ifndef TObj_Object_HeaderFile
0019 #define TObj_Object_HeaderFile
0021 #include <TObj_DeletingMode.hxx>
0022 #include <TObj_SequenceOfObject.hxx>
0024 #include <TDF_Label.hxx>
0025 #include <gp_XYZ.hxx>
0027 class TObj_Model;
0028 class TObj_Persistence;
0029 class TObj_ObjectIterator;
0030 class TObj_TNameContainer;
0031 class TCollection_HExtendedString;
0032 class TCollection_HAsciiString;
0034 #include <TColStd_HArray1OfInteger.hxx>
0035 #include <TColStd_HArray1OfReal.hxx>
0036 #include <TColStd_HArray1OfExtendedString.hxx>
0038 class TObj_Object;
0039 DEFINE_STANDARD_HANDLE(TObj_Object,Standard_Transient)
0041 //! Basis class for transient objects in OCAF-based models
0043 class TObj_Object : public Standard_Transient
0044 {
0045  public:
0046   enum TypeFlags     //!< Flags that define type-specific behaviour of objects
0047   {
0048     Visible = 0x0001 //!< Is visible in DataViewer
0049   };
0051   //! enumeration describing various object state bit flags (see Set/GetFlags())
0052   enum ObjectState
0053   {
0054     ObjectState_Hidden         = 0x0001, //!< object is hidden in tree browser
0055     ObjectState_Saved          = 0x0002, //!< object has (or should have)
0056                                          //!<   corresponding saved file on disk
0057     ObjectState_Imported       = 0x0004, //!< object's data are just imported from somewhere
0058     ObjectState_ImportedByFile = 0x0008, //!< a model imported by file may need a
0059                                          //!<   sophisticated update of external references
0060     ObjectState_Ordered        = 0x0010  //!< flag that partition contains ordered objects
0061   };
0063  protected:
0065   //! enumeration for the ranks of label under Data section.
0066   enum DataTag
0067   {
0068     DataTag_First = 0,
0069     DataTag_Flags,     //!< stores flags of object
0070     DataTag_Order,     //!< stores order of object
0071     DataTag_Last = DataTag_First + 100 //!< Reserved for possible future use
0072   };
0074   //! enumeration for the ranks of label under Child section.
0075   enum ChildTag
0076   {
0077     ChildTag_First = 0,
0078     ChildTag_Last  = ChildTag_First //!< No children
0079   };
0081   //! enumeration for the ranks of label under Reference section.
0082   enum RefTag
0083   {
0084     RefTag_First = 0,
0085     RefTag_Last = RefTag_First //!< No children
0086   };
0088  protected:
0089   /**
0090   * Constructors
0091   */
0093   //! Constructor of a new object interface: requires label,
0094   //! which should be one of the labels in model's data structure.
0095   //! This creates a new object and attaches it to a given label.
0096   //! The initialisation of the object's data and their integrity is
0097   //! to be ensured by implementations and by persistence mechanism.
0098   //! If the flag theSetName is true (default) the object is assign the default name
0099   //! that is generated using the father partition object if any.
0100   Standard_EXPORT TObj_Object (const TDF_Label& theLabel,
0101                                const Standard_Boolean theSetName = Standard_True);
0103   //! The special constructor intended for implementation of persistence
0104   //! mechanism. See class TObj_Persistence for more details.
0105   //! The first argument is used only to avoid confusion with
0106   //! other constructors.
0107   TObj_Object (const TObj_Persistence *, const TDF_Label& theLabel) : myLabel(theLabel) {}
0109   //! This method is called from persistence to initialize the object fields,
0110   //! so successors that have transient fields must initialize them in initFields(),
0111   //! and call the same method of parent.
0112   void initFields() {}
0114  public:
0115   /**
0116   * Virtual methods
0117   */
0119   //! Returns the model to which the object belongs
0120   virtual Standard_EXPORT Handle(TObj_Model) GetModel () const;
0122   //! Returns iterator for the child objects.
0123   //! This method provides tree-like view of the objects hierarchy.
0124   //! The references to other objects are not considered as children.
0125   //! theType narrows a variety of iterated objects
0126   //! The default implementation search for children on 1 sublavel
0127   //! of the children sub label
0128   virtual Standard_EXPORT Handle(TObj_ObjectIterator) GetChildren
0129                          (const Handle(Standard_Type)& theType = NULL) const;
0131   //! Returns the label under which children are stored
0132   Standard_EXPORT TDF_Label GetChildLabel() const;
0134   //! Returns the label for child with rank
0135   Standard_EXPORT TDF_Label getChildLabel(const Standard_Integer theRank) const;
0137  public:
0138   /**
0139   * Access to the OCAF-specific data
0140   */
0142   //! Returns the OCAF label on which object`s data are stored
0143   Standard_EXPORT TDF_Label GetLabel() const;
0145   //! Returns the label which is the root for data OCAF sub-tree
0146   Standard_EXPORT TDF_Label GetDataLabel() const;
0148   //! Returns the label which is the root for reference OCAF sub-tree
0149   Standard_EXPORT TDF_Label GetReferenceLabel() const;
0151  public:
0152   /**
0153   * Methods handling name of the object
0154   */
0156   //! Returns the map of names of the objects
0157   //! Default implementation returns global Dictionary of the model
0158   virtual Standard_EXPORT Handle(TObj_TNameContainer) GetDictionary() const;
0160   //! Returns the name of the object (empty string if object has no name)
0161   virtual Standard_EXPORT Handle(TCollection_HExtendedString) GetName() const;
0163   //! Returns the Standard_True is object has name and returns name to theName
0164   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean GetName
0165                         (TCollection_ExtendedString& theName) const;
0167   //! Returns the Standard_True is object has name and returns name to theName
0168   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean GetName
0169                         (TCollection_AsciiString& theName) const;
0171   //! Sets name of the object. Returns False if theName is not unique.
0172   virtual Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean SetName
0173                         (const Handle(TCollection_HExtendedString)& theName) const;
0175   //! Sets name of the object. Returns False if theName is not unique.
0176   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean SetName
0177                         (const Handle(TCollection_HAsciiString)& theName) const;
0179   //! Sets name of the object. Returns False if theName is not unique.
0180   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean SetName (const Standard_CString name) const;
0182   //! Returns name for copy
0183   //! default implementation returns the same name
0184   virtual Handle(TCollection_HExtendedString) GetNameForClone
0185     ( const Handle(TObj_Object)& ) const
0186   { return GetName(); }
0188  public:
0189   /**
0190   * Analysis of dependencies on other objects
0191   */
0193   //! Returns True if object has reference to indicated object
0194   virtual Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean HasReference
0195                          (const Handle(TObj_Object)& theObject) const;
0197   //! Returns an Iterator containing objects that compose the this one
0198   //! theType narrows a variety of iterated objects
0199   virtual Standard_EXPORT Handle(TObj_ObjectIterator) GetReferences
0200                          (const Handle(Standard_Type)& theType = NULL) const;
0202   //! Remove all references to other objects, by removing all reference attributes
0203   virtual Standard_EXPORT void RemoveAllReferences();
0205   //! Returns iterator for the objects which depend on this one.
0206   //! These referring objects may belong to other models.
0207   //! theType narrows a variety of iterated objects
0208   virtual Standard_EXPORT Handle(TObj_ObjectIterator) GetBackReferences
0209                          (const Handle(Standard_Type)& theType = NULL) const;
0211   //! Registers another object as being dependent on this one.
0212   //! Stores back references under sublabel 2 (purely transient data,
0213   //! not subject to persistency).
0214   virtual Standard_EXPORT void AddBackReference
0215                         (const Handle(TObj_Object)& theObject);
0217   //! Removes information on dependent object (back reference).
0218   //! If theSingleOnly is true only the first back reference is removed in the 
0219   //! case of duplicate items.
0220   virtual Standard_EXPORT void RemoveBackReference
0221                         (const Handle(TObj_Object)& theObject,
0222                          const Standard_Boolean theSingleOnly = Standard_True);
0224   //! Removes all back reference by removing references from other to me.
0225   virtual Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean RemoveBackReferences
0226     (const TObj_DeletingMode theMode = TObj_FreeOnly);
0228   //! The default implementation just clear the back references container
0229   virtual Standard_EXPORT void ClearBackReferences();
0231   //! Returns TRUE if object has 1 or more back references
0232   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean HasBackReferences() const;
0234   //! Replace reference from old object to new object.
0235   //! If it is not possible, may raise exception.
0236   //! If new object is null then simple remove reference to old object.
0237   virtual Standard_EXPORT void ReplaceReference
0238                         (const Handle(TObj_Object)& theOldObject,
0239                          const Handle(TObj_Object)& theNewObject);
0241   //! Return True if this refers to the model theRoot belongs
0242   //! to and a referred label is not a descendant of theRoot.
0243   //! In this case theBadReference returns the currently referred label.
0244   virtual Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean GetBadReference
0245                          (const TDF_Label& theRoot,
0246                           TDF_Label&       theBadReference) const;
0248   //! Make that each reference pointing to a descendant label of
0249   //! theFromRoot to point to an equivalent label under theToRoot.
0250   //! Return False if a resulting reference does not point to
0251   //! an TObj_Object
0252   //! Example:
0253   //! a referred object label = 0:3:24:7:2:7
0254   //! theFromRoot             = 0:3:24
0255   //! theToRoot               = 0:2
0256   //! a new referred label    = 0:2:7:2:7
0257   virtual Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean RelocateReferences
0258                       (const TDF_Label&       theFromRoot,
0259                        const TDF_Label&       theToRoot,
0260                        const Standard_Boolean theUpdateBackRefs = Standard_True);
0262   //! Returns True if the referred object theObject can be deleted 
0263   //! without deletion of this object.
0264   //! Default implementation does nothing and returns False.
0265   virtual Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean CanRemoveReference
0266                          (const Handle(TObj_Object)& theObject) const;
0268   //! Removes reference to the object by replace reference to NULL object
0269   virtual Standard_EXPORT void RemoveReference (const Handle(TObj_Object)& theObject);
0271   //! Invokes from TObj_TReference::BeforeForget().
0272   //! theLabel - label on that reference become removed
0273   //! Default implementation is empty
0274   virtual void BeforeForgetReference( const TDF_Label& /*theLabel*/ )
0275   {}
0277  public:
0278   /**
0279   * Methods for deleting the object
0280   */
0282   //! Checks if object can be detached with specified mode
0283   virtual Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean CanDetach(const TObj_DeletingMode theMode = TObj_FreeOnly);
0285   //! Deletes the object from the model. 
0286   //! The dependent objects are either deleted or modified when possible
0287   //! (see description of TObj_DeletingMode enumeration for more details)
0288   //! Returns True if deletion was successful. 
0289   //! Checks if object can be deleted.
0290   //! Should be redefined for each specific kind of object
0291   virtual Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean Detach
0292                          (const TObj_DeletingMode theMode = TObj_FreeOnly);
0294   //! Deletes the object from the label. Checks if object can be deleted.
0295   //! Finds object on the label and detaches it by calling previous method.
0296   //! Returns true if there is no object on the label after detaching
0297   static Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean Detach
0298                          (const TDF_Label& theLabel,
0299                           const TObj_DeletingMode theMode = TObj_FreeOnly);
0302  public:
0303   /**
0304   * methods for object retrieval
0305   */
0307   //! Returns the Object attached to a given label.
0308   //! Returns False if no object of type TObj_Object is stored on the
0309   //! specified label.
0310   //! If isSuper is true tries to find on the super labels.
0311   static Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean GetObj
0312                          (const TDF_Label&         theLabel,
0313                           Handle(TObj_Object)& theResult,
0314                           const Standard_Boolean   isSuper = Standard_False);
0316   //! Returns the father object, which may be NULL
0317   //! theType gives type of father object to search
0318   Standard_EXPORT Handle(TObj_Object) GetFatherObject
0319                          (const Handle(Standard_Type)& theType = NULL) const;
0321  public:
0322   /**
0323   * Methods for checking and Updating object
0324   */
0326   //! Checks that object alive in model
0327   //! Default implementation checks that object has TObject attribute at own label.
0328   virtual Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean IsAlive() const;
0330  public:
0331   /**
0332   * Cloning related methods
0333   */
0335   //! Copy me to other label theTargetLabel
0336   //! New object will not have all the reference that has me.
0337   //! Coping object with data and childs, but change name by adding string "_copy"
0338   //! As result return handle of new object (null handle is something wrong)
0339   //! NOTE: BackReferences not coping.
0340   //! After cloning all objects it is necessary to call copy references
0341   //! with the same relocation table
0342   virtual Standard_EXPORT Handle(TObj_Object) Clone
0343                          (const TDF_Label&            theTargetLabel,
0344                           Handle(TDF_RelocationTable) theRelocTable = 0);
0346   //! Coping the references.
0347   //! return Standard_False is Target object is different type
0348   virtual Standard_EXPORT void CopyReferences
0349                          (const Handle(TObj_Object)&     theTargetObject,
0350                           const Handle(TDF_RelocationTable)& theRelocTable);
0352   //! Coping the children from source label to the target.
0353   virtual Standard_EXPORT void CopyChildren
0354                          (TDF_Label&                         theTargetLabel,
0355                           const Handle(TDF_RelocationTable)& theRelocTable);
0358  public:
0359   /**
0360   * Public methods to access order of object
0361   */
0363    //! returns order of object (or tag of their label if order is not initialised)
0364    virtual Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer GetOrder() const;
0366    //! sets order of object
0367    virtual Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean SetOrder( const Standard_Integer& theIndx );
0369    public:
0370   /**
0371   * Public methods to check modifications of the object since last commit
0372   */
0373   //! Returns true if object attributes or or his children were modified in the current open transaction
0374   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean HasModifications() const;
0377  protected:
0378   /**
0379   * Protected Methods copy data of object to other object
0380   */
0382   //! Coping the data of me to Target object.
0383   //! return Standard_False is Target object is different type
0384   virtual Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean copyData
0385                         (const Handle(TObj_Object)& theTargetObject);
0387   //! Coping the references from source label to the target.
0388   Standard_EXPORT void copyReferences
0389                        (const TDF_Label&                   theSourceLabel,
0390                         TDF_Label&                         theTargetLabel,
0391                         const Handle(TDF_RelocationTable)& theRelocTable);
0393  public:
0394   /**
0395   * Access to object flags
0396   */
0398   //! Returns flags (bitmask) that define properties of objects of that type
0399   //! By default returns flag Visible
0400   virtual Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer GetTypeFlags() const;
0402   //! Returns mask of seted flags
0403   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer GetFlags() const;
0405   //! Sets flags with defined mask.
0406   Standard_EXPORT void SetFlags(const Standard_Integer theMask);
0408   //! tests flags by the mask.
0409   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean TestFlags(const Standard_Integer theMask) const;
0411   //! clears flags by the mask.
0412   Standard_EXPORT void ClearFlags(const Standard_Integer theMask = ~0);
0414  public:
0415   /**
0416   * Method for updating object afrer restoring
0417   */
0419   //! Performs updating the links and dependances of the object which are not
0420   //! stored in persistence. Should be redefined if necessary.
0421   virtual Standard_EXPORT void AfterRetrieval();
0423   //! Performs storing the objects transient fields in OCAF document
0424   //! which were outside transaction mechanism.
0425   //! Default implementation does nothing
0426   virtual Standard_EXPORT void BeforeStoring();
0428  protected:
0429   /**
0430   * Internal tools for work with OCAF data
0431   */
0433   //! Returns the theRank2-th sub label of the theRank1-th  sublabel of the
0434   //! Data label of the object.
0435   //! If theRank2 is 0 (default), sub label theRank1 of Data label is returned.
0436   //! If requested label does not exist, it is created.
0437   Standard_EXPORT TDF_Label getDataLabel
0438                         (const Standard_Integer theRank1,
0439                          const Standard_Integer theRank2 = 0) const;
0441   //! Returns the theRank2-th sub label of the theRank1-th  sublabel of the
0442   //! Reference label of the object.
0443   //! If theRank2 is 0 (default), sub label theRank1 of Reference label is returned.
0444   //! If requested label does not exist, it is created.
0445   Standard_EXPORT TDF_Label getReferenceLabel
0446                         (const Standard_Integer theRank1,
0447                          const Standard_Integer theRank2 = 0) const;
0449   //! Returns True if there is an attribute having theGUID on the
0450   //! theRank2-th sublabel of theRank1-th sublabel of the Data
0451   //! label of the object.
0452   //! If theRank2 is 0 (default), label theRank1 is supposed, not
0453   //! its sublabel
0454   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean isDataAttribute
0455                         (const Standard_GUID&   theGUID,
0456                          const Standard_Integer theRank1,
0457                          const Standard_Integer theRank2 = 0) const;
0459   //! Returns the real value from theRank2-th sublabel of theRank1-th
0460   //! sublabel of the Data label of the object.
0461   //! If theRank2 is 0 (default), label theRank1 is supposed (not its sublabel).
0462   //! Returns 0.0 if no real value is stored on that label.
0463   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Real getReal
0464                         (const Standard_Integer theRank1,
0465                          const Standard_Integer theRank2 = 0) const;
0467   //! Sets the real value for theRank2-th sublabel of theRank1-th
0468   //! sublabel of the Data label of the object.
0469   //! If theRank2 is 0 (default), label theRank1 is supposed (not its sublabel).
0470   //! Returns True if new value is actually different from previous one
0471   //! (with specified tolerance)
0472   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean setReal
0473                         (const Standard_Real theValue,
0474                          const Standard_Integer theRank1,
0475                          const Standard_Integer theRank2 = 0,
0476                          const Standard_Real theTolerance = 0.) const;
0478   //! Returns the integer value from theRank2-th sublabel of theRank1-th
0479   //! sublabel of the Data label of the object.
0480   //! If theRank2 is 0 (default), label theRank1 is supposed (not its sublabel).
0481   //! Returns 0 if no integer value is stored on that label.
0482   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer getInteger
0483                         (const Standard_Integer theRank1,
0484                          const Standard_Integer theRank2 = 0) const;
0486   //! Sets the integer value for theRank2-th sublabel of theRank1-th
0487   //! sublabel of the Data label of the object.
0488   //! If theRank2 is 0 (default), label theRank1 is supposed (not its sublabel).
0489   //! Returns True if new value is actually different from previous one
0490   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean setInteger
0491                         (const Standard_Integer theValue,
0492                          const Standard_Integer theRank1,
0493                          const Standard_Integer theRank2 = 0) const;
0495   //! Returns an existing or create a new real array on theRank2-th
0496   //! sublabel of theRank1-th sublabel of the Data label of the object.
0497   //! If theRank2 is 0 (default), label theRank1 is supposed (not its sublabel).
0498   //! A newly created array has 1 and theLength bounds and is initialized
0499   //! with theInitialValue
0500   //!
0501   //! NOTE: do not create new array and returns NULL handle if no array on label
0502   //!       and theLength less than 
0503   //!
0504   //! WARNING: call setArray() after array contents modification
0505   //! in order to assure Undo work
0506   Standard_EXPORT Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfReal) getRealArray
0507                         (const Standard_Integer theLength,
0508                          const Standard_Integer theRank1,
0509                          const Standard_Integer theRank2 = 0,
0510                          const Standard_Real    theInitialValue = 0.0) const;
0512   //! Returns an existing or create a new integer array on theRank2-th
0513   //! sublabel of theRank1-th sublabel of the Data label of the object.
0514   //! If theRank2 is 0 (default), label theRank1 is supposed (not its sublabel).
0515   //! A newly created array has 1 and theLength bounds and is initialized
0516   //! with theInitialValue
0517   //!
0518   //! NOTE: do not create new array and returns NULL handle if no array on label
0519   //!       and theLength less than 
0520   //!
0521   //! WARNING: call setArray() after array contents modification
0522   //! in order to assure Undo work
0523   Standard_EXPORT Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfInteger) getIntegerArray
0524                         (const Standard_Integer theLength,
0525                          const Standard_Integer theRank1,
0526                          const Standard_Integer theRank2 = 0,
0527                          const Standard_Integer theInitialValue = 0) const;
0529   //! Returns an existing or create a new string array on theRank2-th
0530   //! sublabel of theRank1-th sublabel of the Data label of the object.
0531   //! If theRank2 is 0 (default), label theRank1 is supposed (not its sublabel).
0532   //! A newly created array has 1 and theLength bounds
0533   //! NOTE: new created array is NOT initialized.
0534   //!
0535   //! NOTE: do not create new array and returns NULL handle if no array on label
0536   //!       and theLength less than 
0537   //!
0538   //! WARNING: call setArray() after array contents modification
0539   //! in order to assure Undo work
0540   Standard_EXPORT Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfExtendedString) getExtStringArray
0541                         (const Standard_Integer theLength,
0542                          const Standard_Integer theRank1,
0543                          const Standard_Integer theRank2 = 0) const;
0545   //! Store theArray on theRank2-th sublabel of theRank1-th sublabel
0546   //! of the Data label of the object.
0547   //! If theRank2 is 0 (default), label theRank1 is supposed (not its sublabel).
0548   //! If theArray is null then array attribute if any is removed.
0549   Standard_EXPORT void setArray
0550                          (const Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfReal)& theArray,
0551                           const Standard_Integer theRank1,
0552                           const Standard_Integer theRank2 = 0);
0554   //! Store theArray on theRank2-th sublabel of theRank1-th sublabel
0555   //! of the Data label of the object.
0556   //! If theRank2 is 0 (default), label theRank1 is supposed (not its sublabel).
0557   //! If theArray is null then array attribute if any is removed.
0558   Standard_EXPORT void setArray
0559                          (const Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfInteger)& theArray,
0560                           const Standard_Integer theRank1,
0561                           const Standard_Integer theRank2 = 0);
0563   //! Store theArray on theRank2-th sublabel of theRank1-th sublabel
0564   //! of the Data label of the object.
0565   //! If theRank2 is 0 (default), label theRank1 is supposed (not its sublabel).
0566   //! If theArray is null then array attribute if any is removed.
0567   Standard_EXPORT void setArray
0568                          (const Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfExtendedString)& theArray,
0569                           const Standard_Integer theRank1,
0570                           const Standard_Integer theRank2 = 0);
0572   //! Sets the string value for theRank2-th sublabel of theRank1-th
0573   //! sublabel of the Data label of the object.
0574   //! If theRank2 is 0 (default), label theRank1 is supposed (not its sublabel).
0575   Standard_EXPORT void setExtString
0576                         (const Handle(TCollection_HExtendedString)& theValue,
0577                          const Standard_Integer theRank1,
0578                          const Standard_Integer theRank2 = 0) const;
0580   //! Returns the string value from theRank2-th sublabel of theRank1-th
0581   //! sublabel of the Data label of the object.
0582   //! If theRank2 is 0 (default), label theRank1 is supposed (not its sublabel).
0583   Standard_EXPORT Handle(TCollection_HExtendedString) getExtString
0584                         (const Standard_Integer theRank1,
0585                          const Standard_Integer theRank2 = 0) const;
0587   //! Sets the ascii string value for theRank2-th sublabel of theRank1-th
0588   //! sublabel of the Data label of the object.
0589   //! If theRank2 is 0 (default), label theRank1 is supposed (not its sublabel).
0590   Standard_EXPORT void setAsciiString
0591                         (const Handle(TCollection_HAsciiString)& theValue,
0592                          const Standard_Integer theRank1,
0593                          const Standard_Integer theRank2 = 0) const;
0595   //! Returns the string value from theRank2-th sublabel of theRank1-th
0596   //! sublabel of the Data label of the object.
0597   //! If theRank2 is 0 (default), label theRank1 is supposed (not its sublabel).
0598   Standard_EXPORT Handle(TCollection_HAsciiString) getAsciiString
0599                         (const Standard_Integer theRank1,
0600                          const Standard_Integer theRank2 = 0) const;
0602   //! Returns the reference attribute from theRank2-th sublabel of theRank1-th
0603   //! sublabel of the References label of the object.
0604   //! If theRank2 is 0 (default), label theRank1 is supposed (not its sublabel).
0605   Standard_EXPORT Handle(TObj_Object) getReference
0606                         (const Standard_Integer theRank1,
0607                          const Standard_Integer theRank2 = 0) const;
0609   //! Sets the reference to theObject on theRank2-th sublabel of theRank1-th
0610   //! sublabel of the References label of the object.
0611   //! If theRank2 is 0 (default), label theRank1 is supposed (not its sublabel).
0612   //! Returns True if new value is actually different from previous one
0613   //! If Object is NULL, reference is deleted
0614   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean setReference
0615                         (const Handle(TObj_Object) &theObject,
0616                          const Standard_Integer theRank1,
0617                          const Standard_Integer theRank2 = 0);
0619   //! Adds the reference to theObject on next free sublabel of theRank1-th
0620   //! sublabel of the References label of the object and returns the Label.
0621   Standard_EXPORT TDF_Label addReference
0622                         (const Standard_Integer theRank1,
0623                          const Handle(TObj_Object) &theObject);
0625  private:
0626   /**
0627   * Fields
0628   */
0629   TDF_Label myLabel;                            //!< Label on which object`s data are stored
0631   Handle(TObj_HSequenceOfObject) myHSeqBackRef; //!< hsequence of back references.
0633  friend class TObj_TObject;
0635  public:
0636   //! CASCADE RTTI
0637   DEFINE_STANDARD_RTTIEXT(TObj_Object,Standard_Transient)
0638 };
0640 //! Define handle in separate file
0642 #endif
0644 #ifdef _MSC_VER
0645 #pragma once
0646 #endif