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0001 // Copyright (c) 2020 OPEN CASCADE SAS
0002 //
0003 // This file is part of Open CASCADE Technology software library.
0004 //
0005 // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
0006 // the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published
0007 // by the Free Software Foundation, with special exception defined in the file
0008 // OCCT_LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt. Consult the file LICENSE_LGPL_21.txt included in OCCT
0009 // distribution for complete text of the license and disclaimer of any warranty.
0010 //
0011 // Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of Open CASCADE
0012 // commercial license or contractual agreement.
0014 #ifndef _TDocStdFormatVersion_HeaderFile
0015 #define _TDocStdFormatVersion_HeaderFile
0017 //! Storage format versions of OCAF documents in XML and binary file formats.
0018 //!
0019 //! OCAF document file format evolves and a new version number indicates each improvement of the format.
0020 //! This enumeration lists all versions of an OCAF document. TDocStd_FormatVersion_CURRENT value refers to the last file format version.
0021 //! By default, Open CASCADE Technology writes new documents using the last file format version.
0022 //! The last version of Open CASCADE Technology is able to read old documents of any version.
0023 //! However, a previous version of Open CASCADE Technology may not be able to read a new document.
0024 //! In this case use the method ChangeStorageFormatVersion() from TDocStd_Document to change the file format version.
0025 //! Then, save the document by means of SaveAs() from TDocStd_Application.
0026 //!
0027 //! If it is necessary to improve an XML or binary file format of OCAF document, follow please the next steps:
0028 //! - increment the file format version in this enumeration. Put a reference to the last file format version by means of TDocStd_FormatVersion_CURRENT.
0029 //! - introduce the improvement in OCAF attribute storage and retrieval drivers, if necessary.
0030 //!   As an example, please consider the file XmlMDataStd_TreeNodeDriver.cxx.
0031 //! - test the improvement on current file format version and on the previous one.
0032 enum TDocStd_FormatVersion
0033 {
0034   TDocStd_FormatVersion_VERSION_2 = 2, //!< First supported version
0036   TDocStd_FormatVersion_VERSION_3,     //!< OCCT 6.3.0
0037                                        //!< * XML: Adding DeltaOnModification functionality to set of Standard attributes [#0019403]
0038                                        //!< * BIN: Add Delta to numbers data, changes in ShapeSection [#0019986, #0019403]
0040   TDocStd_FormatVersion_VERSION_4,     //!< OCCT 6.3.1
0041                                        //!< * XML: Naming mechanism improvement [#0021004]
0042                                        //!< * BIN: entry, ContextLabel for tree [#0021004]
0044   TDocStd_FormatVersion_VERSION_5,     //!< OCCT 6.3.1
0045                                        //!< * XML: Separation of OCAF to Lite and Standard parts completion [#0021093]
0046                                        //!< * BIN: Convert old format to new [#0021093]
0048   TDocStd_FormatVersion_VERSION_6,     //!< OCCT 6.5.0
0049                                        //!< * XML: Add location [#0022192]
0050                                        //!< * BIN: Add location [#0022192]
0052   TDocStd_FormatVersion_VERSION_7,     //!< OCCT 6.7.0
0053                                        //!< * XML: Add orientation [#0023766]
0054                                        //!< * BIN: Add orientation, type migration [#0023766]
0056   TDocStd_FormatVersion_VERSION_8,     //!< OCCT 7.0.0
0057                                        //!< * XML: Replace TPrsStd_AISPresentation attribute with TDataXtd_Presentation [#0026290]
0058                                        //!< * BIN: Stop convert old format [#0026290]
0060   TDocStd_FormatVersion_VERSION_9,     //!< OCCT 7.1.0
0061                                        //!< * BIN: Add GUIDs, Process user defined guid [#0027932]
0063   TDocStd_FormatVersion_VERSION_10,    //!< OCCT 7.2.0
0064                                        //!< * BIN: ReadTOC changed to handle 64-bit file length [#0028736]
0066   TDocStd_FormatVersion_VERSION_11,    //!< OCCT 7.6.0
0067                                        //!< * BIN, XML: TopTools_FormatVersion_CURRENT changed to 3 and 
0068                                        //!< BinTools_FormatVersion_CURRENT changed to 4 to preserve per-vertex normal 
0069                                        //!< information in case of triangulation-only Faces [#0031136]
0070   TDocStd_FormatVersion_VERSION_12,    //!< OCCT 7.6.0
0071                                        //!< * BIN: New binary format for fast reading of part of OCAF document [#0031918]
0073   TDocStd_FormatVersion_CURRENT = TDocStd_FormatVersion_VERSION_12 //!< Current version
0074 };
0076 enum
0077 {
0078   TDocStd_FormatVersion_LOWER   = TDocStd_FormatVersion_VERSION_2,
0079   TDocStd_FormatVersion_UPPER   = TDocStd_FormatVersion_VERSION_12
0080 };
0083 #endif // _TDocStdFormatVersion_HeaderFile