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File indexing completed on 2025-01-18 10:05:09

0001 /* 
0002  Copyright (c) 1999-2020 OPEN CASCADE SAS
0004  This file is part of Open CASCADE Technology software library.
0006  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
0007  the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published
0008  by the Free Software Foundation, with special exception defined in the file
0009  OCCT_LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt. Consult the file LICENSE_LGPL_21.txt included in OCCT
0010  distribution for complete text of the license and disclaimer of any warranty.
0012  Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of Open CASCADE
0013  commercial license or contractual agreement.
0014 */ 
0016 #ifndef _StepFile_ReadData_HeaderFile
0017 #define _StepFile_ReadData_HeaderFile
0019 #include <Standard.hxx>
0020 #include <Standard_Handle.hxx>
0021 #include <Standard_DefineAlloc.hxx>
0022 #include <NCollection_IncAllocator.hxx>
0024 #include <Interface_ParamType.hxx>
0026 //! Provides data structures and tools to collect and store the data
0027 //! read from the STEP file. 
0028 //! This class is designed to work in collaboration with STEP parser
0029 //! built using flex and bison (receives the data generated by the parser).
0030 //!
0031 //! All text (sequence of characters) received in the parsing process
0032 //! is stored in the CharacterPage, but the last received text value is
0033 //! stored in a pointer to an own page position.
0034 //!
0035 //! This value is used to initialize a new record (representation of the
0036 //! STEP entity) and its arguments (parameters of the STEP entity).
0037 //! All created arguments are stored in the ArgumentsPage, records in the RecordsPage.
0038 //!
0039 //! NOTE:
0040 //! - Arguments used in the record are pointers to the element of the page,
0041 //! - All records are pointers to the element of the record page.
0042 //!
0043 //! EXAMPLE of parsing STEP file (flex & bison):
0044 //!
0045 //! 1. Initial state:
0046 //!     - Input stream to the Flex is "#123=ADVANCED_FACE('',(#124),#125,.F.)"
0047 //!     - State of Flex is "INITIAL"
0048 //!     - Stack of Bison states : STEP HEADER ENDSEC endhead model block
0049 //! 2. Flex rule detected "#123" - call CreateNewText("#123", 4)
0050 //!    and sends a token "ENTITY". 
0051 //!    Now class contains "#123", as current text value.
0052 //! 3. Bison receive a token and call RecordIdent (), it
0053 //!    creates a new record in the records page with "#123" identifier.
0054 //!    Now current record has ident, but args and types are empty.
0055 //! 4. Flex rule detected "ADVANCED_FACE" call CreateNewText and send a token "TYPE".
0056 //!    Now class contains "ADVANCED_FACE", as current text value.
0057 //! 5. Bison receive  a token and call RecordType (), it
0058 //!    set "ADVANCED_FACE" to the current record as a type.
0059 //!    Now current record has ident and type, but args are empty.
0060 //! 6. Flex rule detected "(" send token "(".
0061 //!    Now class continues to contain "ADVANCED_FACE", as current text value.
0062 //! 7. Bison receive  a token and call RecordListStart (),
0063 //!    it does nothing via the current state.
0064 //!    Now current record is not update.
0065 //! 8. Flex rule detected ('') call CreateNewText and SetTypeArg and
0066 //!    send token TEXT. 
0067 //!    Now class contains empty current text value.
0068 //! 9. Bison receive  a token and call CreateNewArg (), it
0069 //!    creates a new argument with empty text value and 'Text' type.
0070 //!    Now current record has ident, type and one argument.
0071 //! 10. Flex rule detected "," call PrepareNewArg(",",1), it
0072 //!     controls arguments count to protect from a skip or double creating a new argument.
0073 //!     Bison does nothing and the current text value and record are not updated.
0074 //! 11. Flex rule detected "(" send token "(".
0075 //!     Now class continues to contain empty current text value.
0076 //! 12. Bison receive  a token and call RecordListStart (), it
0077 //!     creates a new record with "$1" ident and "ADVANCED_FACE" type
0078 //!     old record is the next of the new record.
0079 //!     Now current record has ident, type, but args are empty.
0080 //! 13. Flex  rule detected "#124" call CreateNewText("#124",4) and send token "IDENT",
0081 //!     Now class contains "#124", as current text value.
0082 //! 14. Bison receive  a token and call CreateNewArg (), it
0083 //!     creates a new argument with "#124" text value and 'Ident' type.
0084 //!     Now current record has ident, type and one argument.
0085 //! 15. Flex rule detected ")" send token ")".
0086 //!     Now class continues to contain "#124", as a current text value.
0087 //! 16. Bison receive  a token and call RecordNewEntity (), it
0088 //!     contain record to the records page, prepare to the new record
0089 //!     and get next record as a current record and set a new arg as a sub_record.
0090 //!     Now current record is a old record, it has ident, type and two args.
0091 //! 17. Flex rule detected "#125" call CreateNewText, SetTypeArg and send token IDEND. 
0092 //!     Now class contains "#125", as a current text value.
0093 //! 18. Bison receive  a token and call CreateNewArg (), it
0094 //!     creates a new argument with "#125" text value and 'Ident' type.
0095 //!     Now current record has ident, type and three argument.
0096 //! 19. Flex rule detected "#125" call CreateNewText, SetTypeArg and send token IDEND. 
0097 //!     Now class contains "#125", as a current text value.
0098 //! 20. Bison receive  a token and call CreateNewArg (), it
0099 //!     creates a new argument with "#125" text value and 'Ident' type.
0100 //!     Now current record has ident, type and three argument.
0101 //! ...
0102 //!
0103 //! Reading of several STEP files simultaneously is possible (e.g. in multiple
0104 //! threads) provided that each file is read using its own instances of Flex, Bison
0105 //! and StepFile_ReadData tools.
0107 class Interface_Check;
0109 class StepFile_ReadData
0110 {
0111 public:
0112   // Standard OCCT memory allocation stuff
0115 private:
0117   class Record;         //!< List of records, contains all text processed by Bison
0118   class Argument;       //!< List of arguments, contains all argument descriptions
0119   class Scope;          //!< List of scopes pages, contains all records for external processing
0120   class ErrorsPage;     //!< List of errors messages, contains all errors
0122 public:
0124   //! Constructs an uninitialized tool
0125   StepFile_ReadData();
0127   //! Destructor cleans allocated memory of all fields
0128   ~StepFile_ReadData() { ClearRecorder(3); }
0130   //! Preperes the text value for analysis.
0131   //! It is the main tool for transferring data from flex to bison
0132   //! If characters page is full, allocates a new page.
0133   void CreateNewText(const char* theNewText, int theLenText);
0135   //! Adds the current record to the list
0136   void RecordNewEntity();
0138   //! Creates a new record and sets Ident from myResText
0139   void RecordIdent();
0141   //! Starts reading of the type (entity)
0142   void RecordType();
0144   //! Prepares and saves a record or sub-record
0145   void RecordListStart();
0147   //! Prepares new arguments.
0148   //! Type and value already known.
0149   //! If arguments page is full, allocates a new page
0150   void CreateNewArg();
0152   //! Prepares error arguments, controls count of error arguments.
0153   //! If bison handles a sequence of error types,
0154   //! creates only one argument and updates text value
0155   void CreateErrorArg();
0157   //! Creates a new scope, containing the current record
0158   void AddNewScope();
0160   //! Ends the scope
0161   void FinalOfScope();
0163   //! Releases memory.
0164   //! @param theMode
0165   //! * 1 - clear pages of records and arguments
0166   //! * 2 - clear pages of characters
0167   //! * 3 - clear all data
0168   void ClearRecorder(const Standard_Integer theMode);
0170   //! Returns a value of fields of current argument
0171   Standard_Boolean GetArgDescription(Interface_ParamType* theType, char** theValue);
0173   //! Returns a value of all file counters
0174   void GetFileNbR(Standard_Integer* theNbHead, Standard_Integer* theNbRec, Standard_Integer* theNbPage);
0176   //! Returns a value of fields of current record
0177   Standard_Boolean GetRecordDescription(char** theIdent, char** theType, int* theNbArg);
0179   //! Initializes the record type with myResText
0180   void RecordTypeText();
0182   //! Skips to next record
0183   void NextRecord();
0185   //! Prints data of current record according to the modeprint
0186   void PrintCurrentRecord();
0188   //! Controls the correct argument count for the record.
0189   //! Resets error argyment mode
0190   void PrepareNewArg();
0192   //! Prepares the end of the head section
0193   void FinalOfHead();
0195   //! Sets type of the current argument
0196   void SetTypeArg(const Interface_ParamType theArgType);
0198   //! Initializes the print mode
0199   //! 0 - don't print descriptions
0200   //! 1 - print only descriptions  of record
0201   //! 2 - print descriptions of records and its arguments
0202   void SetModePrint(const Standard_Integer theMode);
0204   //! Returns mode print
0205   Standard_Integer GetModePrint() const;
0207   //! Returns number of records
0208   Standard_Integer GetNbRecord() const;
0210   //! Adds an error message
0211   void AddError(Standard_CString theErrorMessage);
0213   //! Transfers error messages to checker
0214   Standard_Boolean ErrorHandle(const Handle(Interface_Check)& theCheck) const;
0216   //! Returns the message of the last error
0217   Standard_CString GetLastError() const;
0219 private:
0221   //! Prepare text to analyze
0222   char* RecordNewText(char* theText);
0224   //! Get current text value
0225   void GetResultText(char** theText);
0227   //! Add a record to the current records page
0228   void AddNewRecord(Record* theNewRecord);
0230   //! Create new empty record
0231   //! If records page is fill, add a new page
0232   Record* CreateNewRecord();
0234   //! Print data of the record according to the modeprint
0235   void PrintRecord(Record* theRecord);
0237 private:
0238   NCollection_IncAllocator myTextAlloc;  //!< Allocator for store text
0239   NCollection_IncAllocator myOtherAlloc; //!< Allocator for internal tools
0240   Standard_Integer myModePrint;  //!< Control print output (for call from yacc)
0241   Standard_Integer myNbRec;      //!< Total number of data records read
0242   Standard_Integer myNbHead;     //!< Number of records taken by the Header
0243   Standard_Integer myNbPar;      //!< Total number of parameters read
0244   Standard_Integer myYaRec;      //!< Presence record already created (after 1 Ident)
0245   Standard_Integer myNumSub;     //!< Number of current sublist
0246   Standard_Boolean myErrorArg;   //!< Control of error argument (true - error argument was created)
0247   char* myResText;               //!< Text value written by Flex and passed to Bison to create record
0248   char* myCurrType;              //!< Type of last record read
0249   char* mySubArg;                //!< Ident last record (possible sub-list)
0250   Interface_ParamType myTypeArg; //!< Type of last argument read
0251   Argument* myCurrArg;           //!< Current node of the arguments list
0252   Record* myFirstRec;            //!< First node of the records list
0253   Record* myCurRec;              //!< Current node of the records list
0254   Record* myLastRec;             //!< Last node of the records list
0255   Scope* myCurScope;             //!< Current node of the scopes list
0256   ErrorsPage* myFirstError;      //!< First node of the errors pages list
0257   ErrorsPage* myCurError;        //!< Current node of the errors pages list
0258 };
0260 #endif // _StepFile_ReadData_HeaderFile