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0001 // Created on: 1995-10-25
0002 // Created by: Christian CAILLET
0003 // Copyright (c) 1995-1999 Matra Datavision
0004 // Copyright (c) 1999-2014 OPEN CASCADE SAS
0005 //
0006 // This file is part of Open CASCADE Technology software library.
0007 //
0008 // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
0009 // the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published
0010 // by the Free Software Foundation, with special exception defined in the file
0011 // OCCT_LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt. Consult the file LICENSE_LGPL_21.txt included in OCCT
0012 // distribution for complete text of the license and disclaimer of any warranty.
0013 //
0014 // Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of Open CASCADE
0015 // commercial license or contractual agreement.
0017 #ifndef _StepData_EnumTool_HeaderFile
0018 #define _StepData_EnumTool_HeaderFile
0020 #include <Standard.hxx>
0021 #include <Standard_DefineAlloc.hxx>
0022 #include <Standard_Handle.hxx>
0024 #include <TColStd_SequenceOfAsciiString.hxx>
0025 #include <Standard_CString.hxx>
0026 class TCollection_AsciiString;
0029 //! This class gives a way of conversion between the value of an
0030 //! enumeration and its representation in STEP
0031 //! An enumeration corresponds to an integer with reserved values,
0032 //! which begin to 0
0033 //! In STEP, it is represented by a name in capital letter and
0034 //! limited by two dots, e.g. .UNKNOWN.
0035 //!
0036 //! EnumTool works with integers, it is just required to cast
0037 //! between an integer and an enumeration of required type.
0038 //!
0039 //! Its definition is intended to allow static creation in once,
0040 //! without having to recreate once for each use.
0041 //!
0042 //! It is possible to define subclasses on it, which directly give
0043 //! the good list of definition texts, and accepts a enumeration
0044 //! of the good type instead of an integer
0045 class StepData_EnumTool 
0046 {
0047 public:
0052   //! Creates an EnumTool with definitions given by e0 .. e<max>
0053   //! Each definition string can bring one term, or several
0054   //! separated by blanks. Each term corresponds to one value of the
0055   //! enumeration, if dots are not presents they are added
0056   //!
0057   //! Such a static constructor allows to build a static description
0058   //! as : static StepData_EnumTool myenumtool("e0","e1"...);
0059   //! then use it without having to initialise it
0060   //!
0061   //! A null definition can be input by given "$" :the corresponding
0062   //! position is attached to "null/undefined" value (as one
0063   //! particular item of the enumeration list)
0064   Standard_EXPORT StepData_EnumTool(const Standard_CString e0 = "", const Standard_CString e1 = "", const Standard_CString e2 = "", const Standard_CString e3 = "", const Standard_CString e4 = "", const Standard_CString e5 = "", const Standard_CString e6 = "", const Standard_CString e7 = "", const Standard_CString e8 = "", const Standard_CString e9 = "", const Standard_CString e10 = "", const Standard_CString e11 = "", const Standard_CString e12 = "", const Standard_CString e13 = "", const Standard_CString e14 = "", const Standard_CString e15 = "", const Standard_CString e16 = "", const Standard_CString e17 = "", const Standard_CString e18 = "", const Standard_CString e19 = "", const Standard_CString e20 = "", const Standard_CString e21 = "", const Standard_CString e22 = "", const Standard_CString e23 = "", const Standard_CString e24 = "", const Standard_CString e25 = "", const Standard_CString e26 = "", const Standard_CString e27 = "", const Standard_CString e28 = "", const Standard_CString e29 = "", const Standard_CString e30 = "", const Standard_CString e31 = "", const Standard_CString e32 = "", const Standard_CString e33 = "", const Standard_CString e34 = "", const Standard_CString e35 = "", const Standard_CString e36 = "", const Standard_CString e37 = "", const Standard_CString e38 = "", const Standard_CString e39 = "");
0066   //! Processes a definition, splits it according blanks if any
0067   //! empty definitions are ignored
0068   //! A null definition can be input by given "$" :the corresponding
0069   //! position is attached to "null/undefined" value (as one
0070   //! particular item of the enumeration list)
0071   //! See also IsSet
0072   Standard_EXPORT void AddDefinition (const Standard_CString term);
0074   //! Returns True if at least one definition has been entered after
0075   //! creation time (i.e. by AddDefinition only)
0076   //!
0077   //! This allows to build a static description by a first pass :
0078   //! static StepData_EnumTool myenumtool("e0" ...);
0079   //! ...
0080   //! if (!myenumtool.IsSet()) {             for further inits
0081   //! myenumtool.AddDefinition("e21");
0082   //! ...
0083   //! }
0084   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean IsSet() const;
0086   //! Returns the maximum integer for a suitable value
0087   //! Remark : while values begin at zero, MaxValue is the count of
0088   //! recorded values minus one
0089   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer MaxValue() const;
0091   //! Sets or Unsets the EnumTool to accept undefined value (for
0092   //! optional field). Ignored if no null value is defined (by "$")
0093   //! Can be changed during execution (to read each field),
0094   //! Default is True (if a null value is defined)
0095   Standard_EXPORT void Optional (const Standard_Boolean mode);
0097   //! Returns the value attached to "null/undefined value"
0098   //! If none is specified or if Optional has been set to False,
0099   //! returns -1
0100   //! Null Value has been specified by definition "$"
0101   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer NullValue() const;
0103   //! Returns the text which corresponds to a given numeric value
0104   //! It is limited by dots
0105   //! If num is out of range, returns an empty string
0106   Standard_EXPORT const TCollection_AsciiString& Text (const Standard_Integer num) const;
0108   //! Returns the numeric value found for a text
0109   //! The text must be in capitals and limited by dots
0110   //! A non-suitable text gives a negative value to be returned
0111   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer Value (const Standard_CString txt) const;
0113   //! Same as above but works on an AsciiString
0114   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer Value (const TCollection_AsciiString& txt) const;
0119 protected:
0125 private:
0129   TColStd_SequenceOfAsciiString thetexts;
0130   Standard_Integer theinit;
0131   Standard_Boolean theopt;
0134 };
0142 #endif // _StepData_EnumTool_HeaderFile