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0001 // Copyright (c) 2016 OPEN CASCADE SAS
0002 //
0003 // This file is part of Open CASCADE Technology software library.
0004 //
0005 // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
0006 // the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published
0007 // by the Free Software Foundation, with special exception defined in the file
0008 // OCCT_LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt. Consult the file LICENSE_LGPL_21.txt included in OCCT
0009 // distribution for complete text of the license and disclaimer of any warranty.
0010 //
0011 // Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of Open CASCADE
0012 // commercial license or contractual agreement.
0014 #ifndef _Standard_ArrayStreamBuffer_HeaderFile
0015 #define _Standard_ArrayStreamBuffer_HeaderFile
0017 #include <Standard_Type.hxx>
0019 #include <fstream>
0021 // Suppress VC9 warning on xsputn() function
0022 #ifdef _MSC_VER
0023 #pragma warning(push)
0024 #pragma warning(disable: 4996)
0025 #endif
0027 //! Custom buffer object implementing STL interface std::streambuf for streamed reading from allocated memory block.
0028 //! Implements minimal sub-set of methods for passing buffer to std::istream, including seek support.
0029 //!
0030 //! This class can be used for creating a seekable input stream in cases,
0031 //! when the source data does not satisfies Reader requirements (non-seekable stream, compressed data)
0032 //! or represents an in-memory resource.
0033 //!
0034 //! The memory itself is NOT managed by this class - it is up to the caller to ensure that passed memory pointer
0035 //! is not released during Standard_ArrayStreamBuffer lifetime.
0036 //!
0037 //! Usage example:
0038 //! @code
0039 //!   const char*  theBuffer;
0040 //!   const size_t theBufferLength;
0041 //!   Standard_ArrayStreamBuffer aStreamBuffer (theBuffer, theBufferLength);
0042 //!   std::istream aStream (&aStreamBuffer);
0043 //!   TopoDS_Shape aShape;
0044 //!   BRep_Builder aBuilder;
0045 //!   BRepTools::Read (aShape, aStream, aBuilder);
0046 //! @endcode
0047 class Standard_ArrayStreamBuffer : public std::streambuf
0048 {
0049 public:
0051   //! Main constructor.
0052   //! Passed pointer is stored as is (memory is NOT copied nor released with destructor).
0053   //! @param theBegin pointer to the beginning of pre-allocated buffer
0054   //! @param theSize  length of pre-allocated buffer
0055   Standard_EXPORT Standard_ArrayStreamBuffer (const char*  theBegin,
0056                                               const size_t theSize);
0058   //! Destructor.
0059   Standard_EXPORT virtual ~Standard_ArrayStreamBuffer();
0061   //! (Re)-initialize the stream.
0062   //! Passed pointer is stored as is (memory is NOT copied nor released with destructor).
0063   //! @param theBegin pointer to the beginning of pre-allocated buffer
0064   //! @param theSize  length of pre-allocated buffer
0065   Standard_EXPORT virtual void Init (const char*  theBegin,
0066                                      const size_t theSize);
0068 protected:
0070   //! Get character on underflow.
0071   //! Virtual function called by other member functions to get the current character
0072   //! in the controlled input sequence without changing the current position.
0073   Standard_EXPORT virtual int_type underflow() Standard_OVERRIDE;
0075   //! Get character on underflow and advance position.
0076   //! Virtual function called by other member functions to get the current character
0077   //! in the controlled input sequence and then advance the position indicator to the next character.
0078   Standard_EXPORT virtual int_type uflow() Standard_OVERRIDE;
0080   //! Put character back in the case of backup underflow.
0081   //! Virtual function called by other member functions to put a character back
0082   //! into the controlled input sequence and decrease the position indicator.
0083   Standard_EXPORT virtual int_type pbackfail (int_type ch) Standard_OVERRIDE;
0085   //! Get number of characters available.
0086   //! Virtual function (to be read s-how-many-c) called by other member functions
0087   //! to get an estimate on the number of characters available in the associated input sequence.
0088   Standard_EXPORT virtual std::streamsize showmanyc() Standard_OVERRIDE;
0090   //! Seek to specified position.
0091   Standard_EXPORT virtual pos_type seekoff (off_type theOff,
0092                                             std::ios_base::seekdir theWay,
0093                                             std::ios_base::openmode theWhich) Standard_OVERRIDE;
0095   //! Change to specified position, according to mode.
0096   Standard_EXPORT virtual pos_type seekpos (pos_type thePosition,
0097                                             std::ios_base::openmode theWhich) Standard_OVERRIDE;
0099 public:
0101   //! Read a bunch of bytes at once.
0102   Standard_EXPORT virtual std::streamsize xsgetn (char* thePtr,
0103                                                   std::streamsize theCount) Standard_OVERRIDE;
0105 private:
0107   // copying is not allowed
0108   Standard_ArrayStreamBuffer            (const Standard_ArrayStreamBuffer& );
0109   Standard_ArrayStreamBuffer& operator= (const Standard_ArrayStreamBuffer& );
0111 protected:
0113   const char* myBegin;
0114   const char* myEnd;
0115   const char* myCurrent;
0117 };
0119 #ifdef _MSC_VER
0120 #pragma warning(pop)
0121 #endif
0123 #endif // _Standard_ArrayStreamBuffer_HeaderFile