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0001 // Copyright (c) 2015 OPEN CASCADE SAS
0002 //
0003 // This file is part of Open CASCADE Technology software library.
0004 //
0005 // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
0006 // the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published
0007 // by the Free Software Foundation, with special exception defined in the file
0008 // OCCT_LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt. Consult the file LICENSE_LGPL_21.txt included in OCCT
0009 // distribution for complete text of the license and disclaimer of any warranty.
0010 //
0011 // Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of Open CASCADE
0012 // commercial license or contractual agreement.
0015 #ifndef _ShapePersistent_Geom_Curve_HeaderFile
0016 #define _ShapePersistent_Geom_Curve_HeaderFile
0018 #include <StdObjMgt_TransientPersistentMap.hxx>
0020 #include <ShapePersistent_Geom.hxx>
0021 #include <ShapePersistent_HArray1.hxx>
0022 #include <StdLPersistent_HArray1.hxx>
0024 #include <Geom_Line.hxx>
0025 #include <Geom_Circle.hxx>
0026 #include <Geom_Ellipse.hxx>
0027 #include <Geom_Hyperbola.hxx>
0028 #include <Geom_Parabola.hxx>
0029 #include <Geom_BezierCurve.hxx>
0030 #include <Geom_BSplineCurve.hxx>
0031 #include <Geom_TrimmedCurve.hxx>
0032 #include <Geom_OffsetCurve.hxx>
0034 #include <gp_Circ.hxx>
0035 #include <gp_Elips.hxx>
0036 #include <gp_Hypr.hxx>
0037 #include <gp_Parab.hxx>
0040 class ShapePersistent_Geom_Curve : private ShapePersistent_Geom
0041 {
0042   typedef Curve::PersistentBase pBase;
0044   typedef pBase pBounded;
0046   class pBezier : public pBounded
0047   {
0048     friend class ShapePersistent_Geom_Curve;
0050   public:
0051     pBezier()
0052     : myRational(Standard_False)
0053     {
0054     }
0055     inline void Read (StdObjMgt_ReadData& theReadData)
0056       { theReadData >> myRational >> myPoles >> myWeights; }
0057     inline void Write(StdObjMgt_WriteData& theWriteData)
0058       { theWriteData << myRational << myPoles << myWeights; }
0059     inline void PChildren(StdObjMgt_Persistent::SequenceOfPersistent& theChildren) const
0060     {
0061       theChildren.Append(myPoles);
0062       theChildren.Append(myWeights);
0063     }
0064     inline Standard_CString PName() const { return "PGeom_BezierCurve"; }
0066     virtual Handle(Geom_Curve) Import() const;
0068   private:
0069     Standard_Boolean                     myRational;
0070     Handle(ShapePersistent_HArray1::Pnt) myPoles;
0071     Handle(StdLPersistent_HArray1::Real) myWeights;
0072   };
0074   class pBSpline : public pBounded
0075   {
0076     friend class ShapePersistent_Geom_Curve;
0078   public:
0079     pBSpline()
0080     : myRational(Standard_False),
0081       myPeriodic(Standard_False),
0082       mySpineDegree(0)
0083     {
0084     }
0085     inline void Read (StdObjMgt_ReadData& theReadData)
0086     {
0087       theReadData >> myRational >> myPeriodic >> mySpineDegree;
0088       theReadData >> myPoles >> myWeights >> myKnots >> myMultiplicities;
0089     }
0090     inline void Write (StdObjMgt_WriteData& theWriteData) const
0091     {
0092       theWriteData << myRational << myPeriodic << mySpineDegree;
0093       theWriteData << myPoles << myWeights << myKnots << myMultiplicities;
0094     }
0095     inline void PChildren(StdObjMgt_Persistent::SequenceOfPersistent& theChildren) const
0096     {
0097       theChildren.Append(myPoles);
0098       theChildren.Append(myWeights);
0099       theChildren.Append(myKnots);
0100       theChildren.Append(myMultiplicities);
0101     }
0102     inline Standard_CString PName() const { return "PGeom_BSplineCurve"; }
0104     virtual Handle(Geom_Curve) Import() const;
0106   private:
0107     Standard_Boolean                        myRational;
0108     Standard_Boolean                        myPeriodic;
0109     Standard_Integer                        mySpineDegree;
0110     Handle(ShapePersistent_HArray1::Pnt)    myPoles;
0111     Handle(StdLPersistent_HArray1::Real)    myWeights;
0112     Handle(StdLPersistent_HArray1::Real)    myKnots;
0113     Handle(StdLPersistent_HArray1::Integer) myMultiplicities;
0114   };
0116   class pTrimmed : public pBounded
0117   {
0118     friend class ShapePersistent_Geom_Curve;
0120   public:
0121     pTrimmed()
0122     : myFirstU(0.0),
0123       myLastU(0.0)
0124     {
0125     }
0126     inline void Read (StdObjMgt_ReadData& theReadData)
0127       { theReadData >> myBasisCurve >> myFirstU >> myLastU; }
0128     inline void Write (StdObjMgt_WriteData& theWriteData) const
0129       { theWriteData << myBasisCurve << myFirstU << myLastU; }
0130     inline void PChildren(StdObjMgt_Persistent::SequenceOfPersistent& theChildren) const
0131       { theChildren.Append(myBasisCurve); }
0132     inline Standard_CString PName() const { return "PGeom_TrimmedCurve"; }
0134     virtual Handle(Geom_Curve) Import() const;
0136   private:
0137     Handle(Curve) myBasisCurve;
0138     Standard_Real myFirstU;
0139     Standard_Real myLastU;
0140   };
0142   class pOffset : public pBase
0143   {
0144     friend class ShapePersistent_Geom_Curve;
0146   public:
0147     pOffset()
0148     : myOffsetValue(0.0)
0149     {
0150     }
0151     inline void Read (StdObjMgt_ReadData& theReadData)
0152       { theReadData >> myBasisCurve >> myOffsetDirection >> myOffsetValue; }
0153     inline void Write (StdObjMgt_WriteData& theWriteData) const
0154       { theWriteData << myBasisCurve << myOffsetDirection << myOffsetValue; }
0155     inline void PChildren(StdObjMgt_Persistent::SequenceOfPersistent& theChildren) const
0156       { theChildren.Append(myBasisCurve); }
0157     inline Standard_CString PName() const { return "PGeom_OffsetCurve"; }
0159     virtual Handle(Geom_Curve) Import() const;
0161   private:
0162     Handle(Curve) myBasisCurve;
0163     gp_Dir        myOffsetDirection;
0164     Standard_Real myOffsetValue;
0165   };
0167 public:
0168   typedef instance<Curve, Geom_Line, gp_Ax1>        Line;
0170   typedef subBase_gp<Curve, gp_Ax2>                 Conic;
0171   typedef instance<Conic, Geom_Circle   , gp_Circ > Circle;
0172   typedef instance<Conic, Geom_Ellipse  , gp_Elips> Ellipse;
0173   typedef instance<Conic, Geom_Hyperbola, gp_Hypr > Hyperbola;
0174   typedef instance<Conic, Geom_Parabola , gp_Parab> Parabola;
0176   typedef subBase_empty<Curve>                      Bounded;
0177   typedef Delayed<Bounded, pBezier>                 Bezier;
0178   typedef Delayed<Bounded, pBSpline>                BSpline;
0179   typedef Delayed<Bounded, pTrimmed>                Trimmed;
0181   typedef Delayed<Curve, pOffset>                   Offset;
0183 public:
0184   //! Create a persistent object for a line
0185   Standard_EXPORT static Handle(Curve) Translate (const Handle(Geom_Line)& theCurve,
0186                                                   StdObjMgt_TransientPersistentMap& theMap);
0187   //! Create a persistent object for a circle
0188   Standard_EXPORT static Handle(Curve) Translate (const Handle(Geom_Circle)& theCurve,
0189                                                   StdObjMgt_TransientPersistentMap& theMap);
0190   //! Create a persistent object for a ellipse
0191   Standard_EXPORT static Handle(Curve) Translate (const Handle(Geom_Ellipse)& theCurve,
0192                                                   StdObjMgt_TransientPersistentMap& theMap);
0193   //! Create a persistent object for a hyperbola
0194   Standard_EXPORT static Handle(Curve) Translate (const Handle(Geom_Hyperbola)& theCurve,
0195                                                   StdObjMgt_TransientPersistentMap& theMap);
0196   //! Create a persistent object for a parabola
0197   Standard_EXPORT static Handle(Curve) Translate (const Handle(Geom_Parabola)& theCurve,
0198                                                   StdObjMgt_TransientPersistentMap& theMap);
0199   //! Create a persistent object for a Bezier curve
0200   Standard_EXPORT static Handle(Curve) Translate (const Handle(Geom_BezierCurve)& theCurve,
0201                                                   StdObjMgt_TransientPersistentMap& theMap);
0202   //! Create a persistent object for a BSpline curve
0203   Standard_EXPORT static Handle(Curve) Translate (const Handle(Geom_BSplineCurve)& theCurve,
0204                                                   StdObjMgt_TransientPersistentMap& theMap);
0205   //! Create a persistent object for a trimmed curve
0206   Standard_EXPORT static Handle(Curve) Translate (const Handle(Geom_TrimmedCurve)& theCurve,
0207                                                   StdObjMgt_TransientPersistentMap& theMap);
0208   //! Create a persistent object for an offset curve 
0209   Standard_EXPORT static Handle(Curve) Translate (const Handle(Geom_OffsetCurve)& theCurve,
0210                                                   StdObjMgt_TransientPersistentMap& theMap);
0211 };
0213 //=======================================================================
0214 // Line
0215 //=======================================================================
0216 template<>
0217 Standard_CString ShapePersistent_Geom::instance<ShapePersistent_Geom::Curve, 
0218                                                 Geom_Line, 
0219                                                 gp_Ax1>
0220   ::PName() const;
0222 template<>
0223 void ShapePersistent_Geom::instance<ShapePersistent_Geom::Curve,
0224                                     Geom_Line,
0225                                     gp_Ax1>
0226   ::Write(StdObjMgt_WriteData& theWriteData) const;
0228 //=======================================================================
0229 // Conic
0230 //=======================================================================
0231 template<>
0232 Standard_CString ShapePersistent_Geom::subBase_gp<ShapePersistent_Geom::Curve, 
0233                                                   gp_Ax2>
0234   ::PName() const;
0236 //=======================================================================
0237 // Circle
0238 //=======================================================================
0239 template<>
0240 Standard_CString ShapePersistent_Geom::instance<ShapePersistent_Geom_Curve::Conic, 
0241                                                 Geom_Circle, 
0242                                                 gp_Circ>
0243   ::PName() const;
0245 template<>
0246 void ShapePersistent_Geom::instance<ShapePersistent_Geom_Curve::Conic,
0247                                     Geom_Circle,
0248                                     gp_Circ>
0249   ::Write(StdObjMgt_WriteData& theWriteData) const;
0251 //=======================================================================
0252 // Ellipse
0253 //=======================================================================
0254 template<>
0255 Standard_CString ShapePersistent_Geom::instance<ShapePersistent_Geom_Curve::Conic,
0256                                                 Geom_Ellipse,
0257                                                 gp_Elips>
0258   ::PName() const;
0260 template<>
0261 void ShapePersistent_Geom::instance<ShapePersistent_Geom_Curve::Conic,
0262                                     Geom_Ellipse,
0263                                     gp_Elips>
0264   ::Write(StdObjMgt_WriteData& theWriteData) const;
0266 //=======================================================================
0267 // Hyperbola
0268 //=======================================================================
0269 template<>
0270 Standard_CString ShapePersistent_Geom::instance<ShapePersistent_Geom_Curve::Conic,
0271                                                 Geom_Hyperbola,
0272                                                 gp_Hypr>
0273   ::PName() const;
0275 template<>
0276 void ShapePersistent_Geom::instance<ShapePersistent_Geom_Curve::Conic,
0277                                     Geom_Hyperbola,
0278                                     gp_Hypr>
0279   ::Write(StdObjMgt_WriteData& theWriteData) const;
0281 //=======================================================================
0282 // Parabola
0283 //=======================================================================
0284 template<>
0285 Standard_CString ShapePersistent_Geom::instance<ShapePersistent_Geom_Curve::Conic,
0286                                                 Geom_Parabola,
0287                                                 gp_Parab>
0288   ::PName() const;
0290 template<>
0291 void ShapePersistent_Geom::instance<ShapePersistent_Geom_Curve::Conic,
0292                                     Geom_Parabola,
0293                                     gp_Parab>
0294   ::Write(StdObjMgt_WriteData& theWriteData) const;
0296 #endif