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0001 // Created on: 1998-06-03
0002 // Created by: data exchange team
0003 // Copyright (c) 1998-1999 Matra Datavision
0004 // Copyright (c) 1999-2014 OPEN CASCADE SAS
0005 //
0006 // This file is part of Open CASCADE Technology software library.
0007 //
0008 // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
0009 // the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published
0010 // by the Free Software Foundation, with special exception defined in the file
0011 // OCCT_LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt. Consult the file LICENSE_LGPL_21.txt included in OCCT
0012 // distribution for complete text of the license and disclaimer of any warranty.
0013 //
0014 // Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of Open CASCADE
0015 // commercial license or contractual agreement.
0017 #ifndef _ShapeExtend_WireData_HeaderFile
0018 #define _ShapeExtend_WireData_HeaderFile
0020 #include <Standard.hxx>
0021 #include <Standard_Type.hxx>
0023 #include <TopTools_HSequenceOfShape.hxx>
0024 #include <TColStd_HSequenceOfInteger.hxx>
0025 #include <Standard_Integer.hxx>
0026 #include <Standard_Transient.hxx>
0027 class TopoDS_Wire;
0028 class TopoDS_Edge;
0029 class TopoDS_Shape;
0030 class TopoDS_Face;
0033 class ShapeExtend_WireData;
0034 DEFINE_STANDARD_HANDLE(ShapeExtend_WireData, Standard_Transient)
0036 //! This class provides a data structure necessary for work with the wire as with
0037 //! ordered list of edges, what is required for many algorithms. The advantage of
0038 //! this class is that it allows to work with wires which are not correct.
0039 //! The object of the class ShapeExtend_WireData can be initialized by
0040 //! TopoDS_Wire, and converted back to TopoDS_Wire.
0041 //! An edge in the wire is defined by its rank number. Operations of accessing,
0042 //! adding and removing edge at the given rank number are provided. On the whole
0043 //! wire, operations of circular permutation and reversing (both orientations of
0044 //! all edges and order of edges) are provided as well.
0045 //! This class also provides a method to check if the edge in the wire is a seam
0046 //! (if the wire lies on a face).
0047 //! This class is handled by reference. Such an approach gives the following advantages:
0048 //! 1.    Sharing the object of this class strongly optimizes the processes of
0049 //! analysis and fixing performed in parallel on the wire stored in the form
0050 //! of this class. Fixing tool (e.g. ShapeFix_Wire) fixes problems one by
0051 //! one using analyzing tool (e.g. ShapeAnalysis_Wire). Sharing allows not
0052 //! to reinitialize each time the analyzing tool with modified
0053 //! ShapeExtend_WireData what consumes certain time.
0054 //! 2.    No copying of contents. The object of ShapeExtend_WireData class has
0055 //! quite big size, returning it as a result of the function would cause
0056 //! additional copying of contents if this class were one handled by value.
0057 //! Moreover, this class is stored as a field in other classes which are
0058 //! they returned as results of functions, storing only a handle to
0059 //! ShapeExtend_WireData saves time and memory.
0060 class ShapeExtend_WireData : public Standard_Transient
0061 {
0063 public:
0066   //! Empty constructor, creates empty wire with no edges
0067   Standard_EXPORT ShapeExtend_WireData();
0069   //! Constructor initializing the data from TopoDS_Wire. Calls Init(wire,chained).
0070   Standard_EXPORT ShapeExtend_WireData(const TopoDS_Wire& wire, const Standard_Boolean chained = Standard_True, const Standard_Boolean theManifoldMode = Standard_True);
0072   //! Copies data from another WireData
0073   Standard_EXPORT void Init (const Handle(ShapeExtend_WireData)& other);
0075   //! Loads an already existing wire
0076   //! If <chained> is True (default), edges are added in the
0077   //! sequence as they are explored by TopoDS_Iterator
0078   //! Else, if <chained> is False, wire is explored by
0079   //! BRepTools_WireExplorer and it is guaranteed that edges will
0080   //! be sequentially connected.
0081   //! Remark : In the latter case it can happen that not all edges
0082   //! will be found (because of limitations of
0083   //! BRepTools_WireExplorer for disconnected wires and wires
0084   //! with seam edges).
0085   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean Init (const TopoDS_Wire& wire, const Standard_Boolean chained = Standard_True, const Standard_Boolean theManifoldMode = Standard_True);
0087   //! Clears data about Wire.
0088   Standard_EXPORT void Clear();
0090   //! Computes the list of seam edges
0091   //! By default (direct call), computing is enforced
0092   //! For indirect call (from IsSeam) it is redone only if not yet
0093   //! already done or if the list of edges has changed
0094   //! Remark : A Seam Edge is an Edge present twice in the list, once as
0095   //! FORWARD and once as REVERSED
0096   //! Each sense has its own PCurve, the one for FORWARD
0097   //! must be set in first
0098   Standard_EXPORT void ComputeSeams (const Standard_Boolean enforce = Standard_True);
0100   //! Does a circular permutation in order to set <num>th edge last
0101   Standard_EXPORT void SetLast (const Standard_Integer num);
0103   //! When the wire contains at least one degenerated edge, sets it
0104   //! as last one
0105   //! Note   : It is useful to process pcurves, for instance, while the pcurve
0106   //! of a DGNR may not be computed from its 3D part (there is none)
0107   //! it is computed after the other edges have been computed and
0108   //! chained.
0109   Standard_EXPORT void SetDegeneratedLast();
0111   //! Adds an edge to a wire, being defined (not yet ended)
0112   //! This is the plain, basic, function to add an edge
0113   //! <num> = 0 (D): Appends at end
0114   //! <num> = 1: Preprends at start
0115   //! else, Insert before <num>
0116   //! Remark : Null Edge is simply ignored
0117   Standard_EXPORT void Add (const TopoDS_Edge& edge, const Standard_Integer atnum = 0);
0119   //! Adds an entire wire, considered as a list of edges
0120   //! Remark : The wire is assumed to be ordered (TopoDS_Iterator
0121   //! is used)
0122   Standard_EXPORT void Add (const TopoDS_Wire& wire, const Standard_Integer atnum = 0);
0124   //! Adds a wire in the form of WireData
0125   Standard_EXPORT void Add (const Handle(ShapeExtend_WireData)& wire, const Standard_Integer atnum = 0);
0127   //! Adds an edge or a wire invoking corresponding method Add
0128   Standard_EXPORT void Add (const TopoDS_Shape& shape, const Standard_Integer atnum = 0);
0130   //! Adds an edge to start or end of <me>, according to <mode>
0131   //! 0: at end, as direct
0132   //! 1: at end, as reversed
0133   //! 2: at start, as direct
0134   //! 3: at start, as reversed
0135   //! < 0: no adding
0136   Standard_EXPORT void AddOriented (const TopoDS_Edge& edge, const Standard_Integer mode);
0138   //! Adds a wire to start or end of <me>, according to <mode>
0139   //! 0: at end, as direct
0140   //! 1: at end, as reversed
0141   //! 2: at start, as direct
0142   //! 3: at start, as reversed
0143   //! < 0: no adding
0144   Standard_EXPORT void AddOriented (const TopoDS_Wire& wire, const Standard_Integer mode);
0146   //! Adds an edge or a wire invoking corresponding method
0147   //! AddOriented
0148   Standard_EXPORT void AddOriented (const TopoDS_Shape& shape, const Standard_Integer mode);
0150   //! Removes an Edge, given its rank. By default removes the last edge.
0151   Standard_EXPORT void Remove (const Standard_Integer num = 0);
0153   //! Replaces an edge at the given
0154   //! rank number <num> with new one. Default is last edge (<num> = 0).
0155   Standard_EXPORT void Set (const TopoDS_Edge& edge, const Standard_Integer num = 0);
0157   //! Reverses the sense of the list and the orientation of each Edge
0158   //! This method should be called when either wire has no seam edges
0159   //! or face is not available
0160   Standard_EXPORT void Reverse();
0162   //! Reverses the sense of the list and the orientation of each Edge
0163   //! The face is necessary for swapping pcurves for seam edges
0164   //! (first pcurve corresponds to orientation FORWARD, and second to
0165   //! REVERSED; when edge is reversed, pcurves must be swapped)
0166   //! If face is NULL, no swapping is performed
0167   Standard_EXPORT void Reverse (const TopoDS_Face& face);
0169   //! Returns the count of currently recorded edges
0170   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer NbEdges() const;
0172   //! Returns the count of currently recorded non-manifold edges
0173   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer NbNonManifoldEdges() const;
0175   //! Returns <num>th nonmanifold Edge
0176   Standard_EXPORT TopoDS_Edge NonmanifoldEdge (const Standard_Integer num) const;
0178   //! Returns sequence of non-manifold edges
0179   //! This sequence can be not empty if wire data set in manifold mode but
0180   //! initial wire has INTERNAL orientation or contains INTERNAL edges
0181   Standard_EXPORT Handle(TopTools_HSequenceOfShape) NonmanifoldEdges() const;
0183   //! Returns mode defining manifold wire data or not.
0184   //! If manifold that nonmanifold edges will not be not
0185   //! consider during operations(previous behaviour)
0186   //! and they will be added only in result wire
0187   //! else non-manifold edges will consider during operations
0188   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean& ManifoldMode();
0190   //! Returns <num>th Edge
0191   Standard_EXPORT TopoDS_Edge Edge (const Standard_Integer num) const;
0193   //! Returns the index of the edge
0194   //! If the edge is a seam the orientation is also checked
0195   //! Returns 0 if the edge is not found in the list
0196   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer Index (const TopoDS_Edge& edge);
0198   //! Tells if an Edge is seam (see ComputeSeams)
0199   //! An edge is considered as seam if it presents twice in
0200   //! the edge list, once as FORWARD and once as REVERSED.
0201   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean IsSeam (const Standard_Integer num);
0203   //! Makes TopoDS_Wire using
0204   //! BRep_Builder (just creates the TopoDS_Wire object and adds
0205   //! all edges into it). This method should be called when
0206   //! the wire is correct (for example, after successful
0207   //! fixes by ShapeFix_Wire) and adjacent edges share common
0208   //! vertices. In case if adjacent edges do not share the same
0209   //! vertices the resulting TopoDS_Wire will be invalid.
0210   Standard_EXPORT TopoDS_Wire Wire() const;
0212   //! Makes TopoDS_Wire using
0213   //! BRepAPI_MakeWire. Class BRepAPI_MakeWire merges
0214   //! geometrically coincided vertices and can disturb
0215   //! correct order of edges in the wire. If this class fails,
0216   //! null shape is returned.
0217   Standard_EXPORT TopoDS_Wire WireAPIMake() const;
0222   DEFINE_STANDARD_RTTIEXT(ShapeExtend_WireData,Standard_Transient)
0224 protected:
0229 private:
0232   Handle(TopTools_HSequenceOfShape) myEdges;
0233   Handle(TopTools_HSequenceOfShape) myNonmanifoldEdges;
0234   Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfInteger) mySeams;
0235   Standard_Integer mySeamF;
0236   Standard_Integer mySeamR;
0237   Standard_Boolean myManifoldMode;
0240 };
0248 #endif // _ShapeExtend_WireData_HeaderFile