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0001 // Created on: 1998-06-03
0002 // Created by: data exchange team
0003 // Copyright (c) 1998-1999 Matra Datavision
0004 // Copyright (c) 1999-2014 OPEN CASCADE SAS
0005 //
0006 // This file is part of Open CASCADE Technology software library.
0007 //
0008 // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
0009 // the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published
0010 // by the Free Software Foundation, with special exception defined in the file
0011 // OCCT_LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt. Consult the file LICENSE_LGPL_21.txt included in OCCT
0012 // distribution for complete text of the license and disclaimer of any warranty.
0013 //
0014 // Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of Open CASCADE
0015 // commercial license or contractual agreement.
0017 #ifndef _ShapeAnalysis_Wire_HeaderFile
0018 #define _ShapeAnalysis_Wire_HeaderFile
0020 #include <Standard.hxx>
0021 #include <Standard_Type.hxx>
0023 #include <TopoDS_Face.hxx>
0024 #include <Standard_Integer.hxx>
0025 #include <Standard_Transient.hxx>
0026 #include <IntRes2d_SequenceOfIntersectionPoint.hxx>
0027 #include <TColgp_SequenceOfPnt.hxx>
0028 #include <TColStd_SequenceOfReal.hxx>
0029 #include <TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape.hxx>
0030 #include <TopTools_DataMapOfShapeListOfShape.hxx>
0031 #include <TopTools_MapOfShape.hxx>
0032 #include <ShapeExtend_Status.hxx>
0033 class ShapeExtend_WireData;
0034 class ShapeAnalysis_Surface;
0035 class TopoDS_Wire;
0036 class Geom_Surface;
0037 class TopLoc_Location;
0038 class ShapeAnalysis_WireOrder;
0039 class Geom2d_Curve;
0040 class gp_Pnt2d;
0041 class TopoDS_Shape;
0042 class TopoDS_Edge;
0044 // resolve name collisions with X11 headers
0045 #ifdef Status
0046   #undef Status
0047 #endif
0049 class ShapeAnalysis_Wire;
0050 DEFINE_STANDARD_HANDLE(ShapeAnalysis_Wire, Standard_Transient)
0052 //! This class provides analysis of a wire to be compliant to
0053 //! CAS.CADE requirements.
0054 //!
0055 //! The functionalities provided are the following:
0056 //! 1. consistency of 2d and 3d edge curve senses
0057 //! 2. connection of adjacent edges regarding to:
0058 //! a. their vertices
0059 //! b. their pcurves
0060 //! c. their 3d curves
0061 //! 3. adjacency of the edge vertices to its pcurve and 3d curve
0062 //! 4. if a wire is closed or not (considering its 3d and 2d
0063 //! contour)
0064 //! 5. if a wire is outer on its face (considering pcurves)
0065 //!
0066 //! This class can be used in conjunction with class
0067 //! ShapeFix_Wire, which will fix the problems detected by this class.
0068 //!
0069 //! The methods of the given class match to ones of the class
0070 //! ShapeFix_Wire, e.g., CheckSmall and FixSmall.
0071 //! This class also includes some auxiliary methods
0072 //! (e.g., CheckOuterBound, etc.),
0073 //! which have no pair in ShapeFix_Wire.
0074 //!
0075 //! Like methods of ShapeFix_Wire the ones of this class are
0076 //! grouped into two levels:
0077 //! - Public which are recommended for use (the most global
0078 //! method is Perform),
0079 //! - Advanced, for optional use only
0080 //!
0081 //! For analyzing result of Public API checking methods use
0082 //! corresponding Status... method.
0083 //! The 'advanced' functions share the single status field which
0084 //! contains the result of the last performed 'advanced' method.
0085 //! It is queried by the method LastCheckStatus().
0086 //!
0087 //! In order to prepare an analyzer, it is necessary to load a wire,
0088 //! set face and precision.
0089 class ShapeAnalysis_Wire : public Standard_Transient
0090 {
0092 public:
0095   //! Empty constructor
0096   Standard_EXPORT ShapeAnalysis_Wire();
0098   //! Creates object with standard TopoDS_Wire, face
0099   //! and precision
0100   Standard_EXPORT ShapeAnalysis_Wire(const TopoDS_Wire& wire, const TopoDS_Face& face, const Standard_Real precision);
0102   //! Creates the object with WireData object, face
0103   //! and precision
0104   Standard_EXPORT ShapeAnalysis_Wire(const Handle(ShapeExtend_WireData)& sbwd, const TopoDS_Face& face, const Standard_Real precision);
0106   //! Initializes the object with standard TopoDS_Wire, face
0107   //! and precision
0108   Standard_EXPORT void Init (const TopoDS_Wire& wire, const TopoDS_Face& face, const Standard_Real precision);
0110   //! Initializes the object with WireData object, face
0111   //! and precision
0112   Standard_EXPORT void Init (const Handle(ShapeExtend_WireData)& sbwd, const TopoDS_Face& face, const Standard_Real precision);
0114   //! Loads the object with standard TopoDS_Wire
0115   Standard_EXPORT void Load (const TopoDS_Wire& wire);
0117   //! Loads the object with WireData object
0118   Standard_EXPORT void Load (const Handle(ShapeExtend_WireData)& sbwd);
0120   //! Loads the face the wire lies on
0121   Standard_EXPORT void SetFace (const TopoDS_Face& face);
0123   //! Loads the surface the wire lies on
0124   Standard_EXPORT void SetSurface (const Handle(Geom_Surface)& surface);
0126   //! Loads the surface the wire lies on
0127   Standard_EXPORT void SetSurface (const Handle(Geom_Surface)& surface, const TopLoc_Location& location);
0129   Standard_EXPORT void SetPrecision (const Standard_Real precision);
0131   //! Unsets all the status and distance fields
0132   //! wire, face and precision are not cleared
0133   Standard_EXPORT void ClearStatuses();
0135   //! Returns True if wire is loaded and has number of edges >0
0136     Standard_Boolean IsLoaded() const;
0138   //! Returns True if IsLoaded and underlying face is not null
0139     Standard_Boolean IsReady() const;
0141   //! Returns the value of precision
0142     Standard_Real Precision() const;
0144   //! Returns wire object being analyzed
0145     const Handle(ShapeExtend_WireData)& WireData() const;
0147   //! Returns the number of edges in the wire, or 0 if it is not loaded
0148     Standard_Integer NbEdges() const;
0150   //! Returns the working face
0151     const TopoDS_Face& Face() const;
0153   //! Returns the working surface
0154     const Handle(ShapeAnalysis_Surface)& Surface() const;
0156   //! Performs all the checks in the following order :
0157   //! CheckOrder, CheckSmall, CheckConnected, CheckEdgeCurves,
0158   //! CheckDegenerated, CheckSelfIntersection, CheckLacking,
0159   //! CheckClosed
0160   //! Returns: True if at least one method returned True;
0161   //! For deeper analysis use Status...(status) methods
0162   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean Perform();
0164   //! Calls CheckOrder and returns False if wire is already
0165   //! ordered (tail-to-head), True otherwise
0166   //! Flag <isClosed> defines if the wire is closed or not
0167   //! Flag <mode3d> defines which mode is used (3d or 2d)
0168   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean CheckOrder (const Standard_Boolean isClosed = Standard_True, const Standard_Boolean mode3d = Standard_True);
0170   //! Calls to CheckConnected for each edge
0171   //! Returns: True if at least one pair of disconnected edges (not sharing the
0172   //! same vertex) was detected
0173   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean CheckConnected (const Standard_Real prec = 0.0);
0175   //! Calls to CheckSmall for each edge
0176   //! Returns: True if at least one small edge was detected
0177   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean CheckSmall (const Standard_Real precsmall = 0.0);
0179   //! Checks edges geometry (consistency of 2d and 3d senses, adjasment
0180   //! of curves to the vertices, etc.).
0181   //! The order of the checks :
0182   //! Call ShapeAnalysis_Wire to check:
0183   //! ShapeAnalysis_Edge::CheckCurve3dWithPCurve  (1),
0184   //! ShapeAnalysis_Edge::CheckVertcesWithPCurve  (2),
0185   //! ShapeAnalysis_Edge::CheckVertcesWithCurve3d (3),
0186   //! CheckSeam                                   (4)
0187   //! Additional:
0188   //! CheckGap3d                                  (5),
0189   //! CheckGap2d                                  (6),
0190   //! ShapeAnalysis_Edge::CheckSameParameter      (7)
0191   //! Returns: True if at least one check returned True
0192   //! Remark:  The numbers in brackets show with what DONEi or FAILi
0193   //! the status can be queried
0194   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean CheckEdgeCurves();
0196   //! Calls to CheckDegenerated for each edge
0197   //! Returns: True if at least one incorrect degenerated edge was detected
0198   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean CheckDegenerated();
0200   //! Checks if wire is closed, performs CheckConnected,
0201   //! CheckDegenerated and CheckLacking for the first and the last edges
0202   //! Returns: True if at least one check returned True
0203   //! Status:
0204   //! FAIL1 or DONE1: see CheckConnected
0205   //! FAIL2 or DONE2: see CheckDegenerated
0206   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean CheckClosed (const Standard_Real prec = 0.0);
0208   //! Checks self-intersection of the wire (considering pcurves)
0209   //! Looks for self-intersecting edges and each pair of intersecting
0210   //! edges.
0211   //! Warning: It does not check each edge with any other one (only each two
0212   //! adjacent edges)
0213   //! The order of the checks :
0214   //! CheckSelfIntersectingEdge, CheckIntersectingEdges
0215   //! Returns: True if at least one check returned True
0216   //! Status:  FAIL1 or DONE1 - see CheckSelfIntersectingEdge
0217   //! FAIL2 or DONE2 - see CheckIntersectingEdges
0218   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean CheckSelfIntersection();
0220   //! Calls to CheckLacking for each edge
0221   //! Returns: True if at least one lacking edge was detected
0222   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean CheckLacking();
0224   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean CheckGaps3d();
0226   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean CheckGaps2d();
0228   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean CheckCurveGaps();
0230   //! Analyzes the order of the edges in the wire,
0231   //! uses class WireOrder for that purpose.
0232   //! Flag <isClosed> defines if the wire is closed or not
0233   //! Flag <theMode3D> defines 3D or 2d mode.
0234   //! Flag <theModeBoth> defines miscible mode and the flag <theMode3D> is ignored.
0235   //! Returns False if wire is already ordered (tail-to-head),
0236   //! True otherwise.
0237   //! Use returned WireOrder object for deeper analysis.
0238   //! Status:
0239   //! OK   : the same edges orientation, the same edges sequence
0240   //! DONE1: the same edges orientation, not the same edges sequence
0241   //! DONE2: as DONE1 and gaps more than myPrecision
0242   //! DONE3: not the same edges orientation (some need to be reversed)
0243   //! DONE4: as DONE3 and gaps more than myPrecision
0244   //! FAIL : algorithm failed (could not detect order)
0245   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean CheckOrder(ShapeAnalysis_WireOrder &sawo,
0246                                               Standard_Boolean isClosed = Standard_True,
0247                                               Standard_Boolean theMode3D = Standard_True,
0248                                               Standard_Boolean theModeBoth = Standard_False);
0250   //! Checks connected edges (num-th and preceding).
0251   //! Tests with starting preci from <SBWD> or  with <prec> if
0252   //! it is greater.
0253   //! Considers Vertices.
0254   //! Returns: False if edges are connected by the common vertex, else True
0255   //! Status  :
0256   //! OK    : Vertices (end of num-1 th edge and start on num-th one)
0257   //! are already the same
0258   //! DONE1 : Absolutely confused (gp::Resolution)
0259   //! DONE2 : Confused at starting <preci> from <SBWD>
0260   //! DONE3 : Confused at <prec> but not <preci>
0261   //! FAIL1 : Not confused
0262   //! FAIL2 : Not confused but confused with <preci> if reverse num-th edge
0263   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean CheckConnected (const Standard_Integer num, const Standard_Real prec = 0.0);
0265   //! Checks if an edge has a length not greater than myPreci or
0266   //! precsmall (if it is smaller)
0267   //! Returns: False if its length is greater than precision
0268   //! Status:
0269   //! OK   : edge is not small or degenerated
0270   //! DONE1: edge is small, vertices are the same
0271   //! DONE2: edge is small, vertices are not the same
0272   //! FAIL : no 3d curve and pcurve
0273   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean CheckSmall (const Standard_Integer num, const Standard_Real precsmall = 0.0);
0275   //! Checks if a seam pcurves are correct oriented
0276   //! Returns: False (status OK) if given edge is not a seam or if it is OK
0277   //! C1 - current pcurve for FORWARD edge,
0278   //! C2 - current pcurve for REVERSED edge (if returns True they
0279   //! should be swapped for the seam),
0280   //! cf, cl - first and last parameters on curves
0281   //! Status:
0282   //! OK   : Pcurves are correct or edge is not seam
0283   //! DONE : Seam pcurves should be swapped
0284   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean CheckSeam (const Standard_Integer num, Handle(Geom2d_Curve)& C1, Handle(Geom2d_Curve)& C2, Standard_Real& cf, Standard_Real& cl);
0286   //! Checks if a seam pcurves are correct oriented
0287   //! See previous functions for details
0288   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean CheckSeam (const Standard_Integer num);
0290   //! Checks for degenerated edge between two adjacent ones.
0291   //! Fills parameters dgnr1 and dgnr2 with points in parametric
0292   //! space that correspond to the singularity (either gap that
0293   //! needs to be filled by degenerated edge or that already filled)
0294   //! Returns: False if no singularity or edge is already degenerated,
0295   //! otherwise True
0296   //! Status:
0297   //! OK   : No surface singularity, or edge is already degenerated
0298   //! DONE1: Degenerated edge should be inserted (gap in 2D)
0299   //! DONE2: Edge <num> should be made degenerated (recompute pcurve
0300   //! and set the flag)
0301   //! FAIL1: One of edges neighbouring to degenerated one has
0302   //! no pcurve
0303   //! FAIL2: Edge marked as degenerated and has no pcurve
0304   //! but singularity is not detected
0305   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean CheckDegenerated (const Standard_Integer num, gp_Pnt2d& dgnr1, gp_Pnt2d& dgnr2);
0307   //! Checks for degenerated edge between two adjacent ones.
0308   //! Remark : Calls previous function
0309   //! Status : See the function above for details
0310   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean CheckDegenerated (const Standard_Integer num);
0312   //! Checks gap between edges in 3D (3d curves).
0313   //! Checks the distance between ends of 3d curves of the num-th
0314   //! and preceding edge.
0315   //! The distance can be queried by MinDistance3d.
0316   //!
0317   //! Returns: True if status is DONE
0318   //! Status:
0319   //! OK   : Gap is less than myPrecision
0320   //! DONE : Gap is greater than myPrecision
0321   //! FAIL : No 3d curve(s) on the edge(s)
0322   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean CheckGap3d (const Standard_Integer num = 0);
0324   //! Checks gap between edges in 2D (pcurves).
0325   //! Checks the distance between ends of pcurves of the num-th
0326   //! and preceding edge.
0327   //! The distance can be queried by MinDistance2d.
0328   //!
0329   //! Returns: True if status is DONE
0330   //! Status:
0331   //! OK   : Gap is less than parametric precision out of myPrecision
0332   //! DONE : Gap is greater than parametric precision out of myPrecision
0333   //! FAIL : No pcurve(s) on the edge(s)
0334   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean CheckGap2d (const Standard_Integer num = 0);
0336   //! Checks gap between points on 3D curve and points on surface
0337   //! generated by pcurve of the num-th edge.
0338   //! The distance can be queried by MinDistance3d.
0339   //!
0340   //! Returns: True if status is DONE
0341   //! Status:
0342   //! OK   : Gap is less than myPrecision
0343   //! DONE : Gap is greater than myPrecision
0344   //! FAIL : No 3d curve(s) on the edge(s)
0345   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean CheckCurveGap (const Standard_Integer num = 0);
0347   //! Checks if num-th edge is self-intersecting.
0348   //! Self-intersection is reported only if intersection point lies outside
0349   //! of both end vertices of the edge.
0350   //! Returns: True if edge is self-intersecting.
0351   //! If returns True it also fills the sequences of intersection points
0352   //! and corresponding 3d points (only that are not enclosed by a vertices)
0353   //! Status:
0354   //! FAIL1 : No pcurve
0355   //! FAIL2 : No vertices
0356   //! DONE1 : Self-intersection found
0357   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean CheckSelfIntersectingEdge (const Standard_Integer num, IntRes2d_SequenceOfIntersectionPoint& points2d, TColgp_SequenceOfPnt& points3d);
0359   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean CheckSelfIntersectingEdge (const Standard_Integer num);
0361   //! Checks two adjacent edges for intersecting.
0362   //! Intersection is reported only if intersection point is not enclosed
0363   //! by the common end vertex of the edges.
0364   //! Returns: True if intersection is found.
0365   //! If returns True it also fills the sequences of intersection points,
0366   //! corresponding 3d points, and errors for them (half-distances between
0367   //! intersection points in 3d calculated from one and from another edge)
0368   //! Status:
0369   //! FAIL1 : No pcurve
0370   //! FAIL2 : No vertices
0371   //! DONE1 : Self-intersection found
0372   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean CheckIntersectingEdges (const Standard_Integer num, IntRes2d_SequenceOfIntersectionPoint& points2d, TColgp_SequenceOfPnt& points3d, TColStd_SequenceOfReal& errors);
0374   //! Checks two adjacent edges for intersecting.
0375   //! Remark : Calls the previous method
0376   //! Status : See the function above for details
0377   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean CheckIntersectingEdges (const Standard_Integer num);
0379   //! Checks i-th and j-th edges for intersecting.
0380   //! Remark : See the previous method for details
0381   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean CheckIntersectingEdges (const Standard_Integer num1, const Standard_Integer num2, IntRes2d_SequenceOfIntersectionPoint& points2d, TColgp_SequenceOfPnt& points3d, TColStd_SequenceOfReal& errors);
0383   //! Checks i-th and j-th edges for intersecting.
0384   //! Remark : Calls  previous method.
0385   //! Status : See the function above for details
0386   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean CheckIntersectingEdges (const Standard_Integer num1, const Standard_Integer num2);
0388   //! Checks if there is a gap in 2d between edges, not comprised by
0389   //! the tolerance of their common vertex.
0390   //! If <Tolerance> is greater than 0. and less than tolerance of
0391   //! the vertex, then this value is used for check.
0392   //! Returns: True if not closed gap was detected
0393   //! p2d1 and p2d2 are the endpoint of <num-1>th edge and start of
0394   //! the <num>th edge in 2d.
0395   //! Status:
0396   //! OK: No edge is lacking (3d and 2d connection)
0397   //! FAIL1: edges have no vertices (at least one of them)
0398   //! FAIL2: edges are neither connected by common vertex, nor have
0399   //! coincided vertices
0400   //! FAIL1: edges have no pcurves
0401   //! DONE1: the gap is detected which cannot be closed by the tolerance
0402   //! of the common vertex (or with value of <Tolerance>)
0403   //! DONE2: is set (together with DONE1) if gap is detected and the
0404   //! vector (p2d2 - p2d1) goes in direction opposite to the pcurves
0405   //! of the edges (if angle is more than 0.9*PI).
0406   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean CheckLacking (const Standard_Integer num, const Standard_Real Tolerance, gp_Pnt2d& p2d1, gp_Pnt2d& p2d2);
0408   //! Checks if there is a gap in 2D between edges and not comprised by vertex tolerance
0409   //! The value of SBWD.thepreci is used.
0410   //! Returns: False if no edge should be inserted
0411   //! Status:
0412   //! OK    : No edge is lacking (3d and 2d connection)
0413   //! DONE1 : The vertex tolerance should be increased only (2d gap is
0414   //! small)
0415   //! DONE2 : Edge can be inserted (3d and 2d gaps are large enough)
0416   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean CheckLacking (const Standard_Integer num, const Standard_Real Tolerance = 0.0);
0418   //! Checks if wire defines an outer bound on the face
0419   //! Uses ShapeAnalysis::IsOuterBound for analysis
0420   //! If <APIMake> is True uses BRepAPI_MakeWire to build the
0421   //! wire, if False (to be used only when edges share common
0422   //! vertices) uses BRep_Builder to build the wire
0423   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean CheckOuterBound (const Standard_Boolean APIMake = Standard_True);
0425   //! Detects a notch
0426   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean CheckNotchedEdges (const Standard_Integer num, Standard_Integer& shortNum, Standard_Real& param, const Standard_Real Tolerance = 0.0);
0428   //! Checks if wire has parametric area less than precision.
0429   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean CheckSmallArea (const TopoDS_Wire& theWire);
0431   //! Checks with what orientation <shape> (wire or edge) can be
0432   //! connected to the wire.
0433   //! Tests distances with starting <preci> from <SBWD> (close confusion),
0434   //! but if given <prec> is greater, tests with <prec> (coarse confusion).
0435   //! The smallest found distance can be returned by MinDistance3d
0436   //!
0437   //! Returns: False if status is FAIL (see below)
0438   //! Status:
0439   //! DONE1 : If <shape> follows <SBWD>, direct sense (normal)
0440   //! DONE2 : If <shape> follows <SBWD>, but if reversed
0441   //! DONE3 : If <shape> precedes <SBWD>, direct sense
0442   //! DONE4 : If <shape> precedes <SBWD>, but if reversed
0443   //! FAIL1 : If <shape> is neither an edge nor a wire
0444   //! FAIL2 : If <shape> cannot be connected to <SBWD>
0445   //!
0446   //! DONE5 : To the tail of <SBWD> the <shape> is closer with
0447   //! direct sense
0448   //! DONE6 : To the head of <SBWD> the <shape> is closer with
0449   //! direct sense
0450   //!
0451   //! Remark:   Statuses DONE1 - DONE4, FAIL1 - FAIL2 are basic and
0452   //! describe the nearest connection of the <shape> to <SBWD>.
0453   //! Statuses DONE5 and DONE6 are advanced and are to be used when
0454   //! analyzing with what sense (direct or reversed) the <shape>
0455   //! should be connected to <SBWD>:
0456   //! For tail of <SBWD> if DONE4 is True <shape> should be direct,
0457   //! otherwise reversed.
0458   //! For head of <SBWD> if DONE5 is True <shape> should be direct,
0459   //! otherwise reversed.
0460   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean CheckShapeConnect (const TopoDS_Shape& shape, const Standard_Real prec = 0.0);
0462   //! The same as previous CheckShapeConnect but is more advanced.
0463   //! It returns the distances between each end of <sbwd> and each
0464   //! end of <shape>. For example, <tailhead> stores distance
0465   //! between tail of <sbwd> and head of <shape>
0466   //! Remark:  First method CheckShapeConnect calls this one
0467   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean CheckShapeConnect (Standard_Real& tailhead, Standard_Real& tailtail, Standard_Real& headtail, Standard_Real& headhead, const TopoDS_Shape& shape, const Standard_Real prec = 0.0);
0469   //! Checks existence of loop on wire and return vertices which are loop vertices
0470   //! (vertices belonging to a few pairs of edges)
0471   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean CheckLoop (TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape& aMapLoopVertices, TopTools_DataMapOfShapeListOfShape& aMapVertexEdges, TopTools_MapOfShape& aMapSmallEdges, TopTools_MapOfShape& aMapSeemEdges);
0473   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean CheckTail (const TopoDS_Edge& theEdge1, const TopoDS_Edge& theEdge2, const Standard_Real theMaxSine, const Standard_Real theMaxWidth, const Standard_Real theMaxTolerance, TopoDS_Edge& theEdge11, TopoDS_Edge& theEdge12, TopoDS_Edge& theEdge21, TopoDS_Edge& theEdge22);
0475     Standard_Boolean StatusOrder (const ShapeExtend_Status Status) const;
0477     Standard_Boolean StatusConnected (const ShapeExtend_Status Status) const;
0479     Standard_Boolean StatusEdgeCurves (const ShapeExtend_Status Status) const;
0481     Standard_Boolean StatusDegenerated (const ShapeExtend_Status Status) const;
0483     Standard_Boolean StatusClosed (const ShapeExtend_Status Status) const;
0485     Standard_Boolean StatusSmall (const ShapeExtend_Status Status) const;
0487     Standard_Boolean StatusSelfIntersection (const ShapeExtend_Status Status) const;
0489     Standard_Boolean StatusLacking (const ShapeExtend_Status Status) const;
0491     Standard_Boolean StatusGaps3d (const ShapeExtend_Status Status) const;
0493     Standard_Boolean StatusGaps2d (const ShapeExtend_Status Status) const;
0495     Standard_Boolean StatusCurveGaps (const ShapeExtend_Status Status) const;
0497     Standard_Boolean StatusLoop (const ShapeExtend_Status Status) const;
0499   //! Querying the status of the LAST performed 'Advanced' checking procedure
0500     Standard_Boolean LastCheckStatus (const ShapeExtend_Status Status) const;
0502   //! Returns the last lowest distance in 3D computed by
0503   //! CheckOrientation, CheckConnected, CheckContinuity3d,
0504   //! CheckVertex, CheckNewVertex
0505     Standard_Real MinDistance3d() const;
0507   //! Returns the last lowest distance in 2D-UV computed by
0508   //! CheckContinuity2d
0509     Standard_Real MinDistance2d() const;
0511   //! Returns the last maximal distance in 3D computed by
0512   //! CheckOrientation, CheckConnected, CheckContinuity3d,
0513   //! CheckVertex, CheckNewVertex, CheckSameParameter
0514     Standard_Real MaxDistance3d() const;
0516   //! Returns the last maximal distance in 2D-UV computed by
0517   //! CheckContinuity2d
0518     Standard_Real MaxDistance2d() const;
0523   DEFINE_STANDARD_RTTIEXT(ShapeAnalysis_Wire,Standard_Transient)
0525 protected:
0528   Handle(ShapeExtend_WireData) myWire;
0529   TopoDS_Face myFace;
0530   Handle(ShapeAnalysis_Surface) mySurf;
0531   Standard_Real myPrecision;
0532   Standard_Real myMin3d;
0533   Standard_Real myMin2d;
0534   Standard_Real myMax3d;
0535   Standard_Real myMax2d;
0536   Standard_Integer myStatusOrder;
0537   Standard_Integer myStatusConnected;
0538   Standard_Integer myStatusEdgeCurves;
0539   Standard_Integer myStatusDegenerated;
0540   Standard_Integer myStatusClosed;
0541   Standard_Integer myStatusSmall;
0542   Standard_Integer myStatusSelfIntersection;
0543   Standard_Integer myStatusLacking;
0544   Standard_Integer myStatusGaps3d;
0545   Standard_Integer myStatusGaps2d;
0546   Standard_Integer myStatusCurveGaps;
0547   Standard_Integer myStatusLoop;
0548   Standard_Integer myStatus;
0551 private:
0556 };
0559 #include <ShapeAnalysis_Wire.lxx>
0565 #endif // _ShapeAnalysis_Wire_HeaderFile