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0001 // Created on: 1998-06-03
0002 // Created by: data exchange team
0003 // Copyright (c) 1998-1999 Matra Datavision
0004 // Copyright (c) 1999-2014 OPEN CASCADE SAS
0005 //
0006 // This file is part of Open CASCADE Technology software library.
0007 //
0008 // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
0009 // the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published
0010 // by the Free Software Foundation, with special exception defined in the file
0011 // OCCT_LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt. Consult the file LICENSE_LGPL_21.txt included in OCCT
0012 // distribution for complete text of the license and disclaimer of any warranty.
0013 //
0014 // Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of Open CASCADE
0015 // commercial license or contractual agreement.
0017 #ifndef _ShapeAnalysis_Surface_HeaderFile
0018 #define _ShapeAnalysis_Surface_HeaderFile
0020 #include <Extrema_ExtPS.hxx>
0021 #include <GeomAdaptor_Surface.hxx>
0022 #include <gp_Pnt.hxx>
0023 #include <gp_Pnt2d.hxx>
0024 #include <Bnd_Box.hxx>
0025 #include <TColgp_SequenceOfPnt.hxx>
0026 #include <TColgp_SequenceOfPnt2d.hxx>
0028 class Geom_Surface;
0029 class Geom_Curve;
0031 DEFINE_STANDARD_HANDLE(ShapeAnalysis_Surface, Standard_Transient)
0033 //! Complements standard tool Geom_Surface by providing additional
0034 //! functionality for detection surface singularities, checking
0035 //! spatial surface closure and computing projections of 3D points
0036 //! onto a surface.
0037 //!
0038 //! * The singularities
0039 //! Each singularity stores the precision with which corresponding
0040 //! surface iso-line is considered as degenerated.
0041 //! The number of singularities is determined by specifying precision
0042 //! and always not greater than 4.
0043 //!
0044 //! * The spatial closure
0045 //! The check for spatial closure is performed with given precision
0046 //! (default value is Precision::Confusion).
0047 //! If Geom_Surface says that the surface is closed, this class
0048 //! also says this. Otherwise additional analysis is performed.
0049 //!
0050 //! * The parameters of 3D point on the surface
0051 //! The projection of the point is performed with given precision.
0052 //! This class tries to find a solution taking into account possible
0053 //! singularities.
0054 //! Additional method for searching the solution from already built
0055 //! one is also provided.
0056 //!
0057 //! This tool is optimised: computes most information only once
0058 class ShapeAnalysis_Surface : public Standard_Transient
0059 {
0061 public:
0064   //! Creates an analyzer object on the basis of existing surface
0065   Standard_EXPORT ShapeAnalysis_Surface(const Handle(Geom_Surface)& S);
0067   //! Loads existing surface
0068   Standard_EXPORT void Init (const Handle(Geom_Surface)& S);
0070   //! Reads all the data from another Surface, without recomputing
0071   Standard_EXPORT void Init (const Handle(ShapeAnalysis_Surface)& other);
0073   Standard_EXPORT void SetDomain (const Standard_Real U1, const Standard_Real U2,
0074                                   const Standard_Real V1, const Standard_Real V2);
0076   //! Returns a surface being analyzed
0077     const Handle(Geom_Surface)& Surface() const;
0079   //! Returns the Adaptor.
0080   //! Creates it if not yet done.
0081   Standard_EXPORT const Handle(GeomAdaptor_Surface)& Adaptor3d();
0083   //! Returns the Adaptor (may be Null if method Adaptor() was not called)
0084     const Handle(GeomAdaptor_Surface)& TrueAdaptor3d() const;
0086   //! Returns 3D distance found by one of the following methods.
0087   //! IsDegenerated, DegeneratedValues, ProjectDegenerated
0088   //! (distance between 3D point and found or last (if not found)
0089   //! singularity),
0090   //! IsUClosed, IsVClosed (minimum value of precision to consider
0091   //! the surface to be closed),
0092   //! ValueOfUV (distance between 3D point and found solution).
0093     Standard_Real Gap() const;
0095   //! Returns a 3D point specified by parameters in surface
0096   //! parametrical space
0097     gp_Pnt Value (const Standard_Real u, const Standard_Real v);
0099   //! Returns a 3d point specified by a point in surface
0100   //! parametrical space
0101     gp_Pnt Value (const gp_Pnt2d& p2d);
0103   //! Returns True if the surface has singularities for the given
0104   //! precision (i.e. if there are surface singularities with sizes
0105   //! not greater than precision).
0106   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean HasSingularities (const Standard_Real preci);
0108   //! Returns the number of singularities for the given precision
0109   //! (i.e. number of surface singularities with sizes not greater
0110   //! than precision).
0111   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer NbSingularities (const Standard_Real preci);
0113   //! Returns the characteristics of the singularity specified by
0114   //! its rank number <num>.
0115   //! That means, that it is not necessary for <num> to be in the
0116   //! range [1, NbSingularities] but must be not greater than
0117   //! possible (see ComputeSingularities).
0118   //! The returned characteristics are:
0119   //! preci: the smallest precision with which the iso-line is
0120   //! considered as degenerated,
0121   //! P3d: 3D point of singularity (middle point of the surface
0122   //! iso-line),
0123   //! firstP2d and lastP2d: first and last 2D points of the
0124   //! iso-line in parametrical surface,
0125   //! firstpar and lastpar: first and last parameters of the
0126   //! iso-line in parametrical surface,
0127   //! uisodeg: if the degenerated iso-line is U-iso (True) or
0128   //! V-iso (False).
0129   //! Returns False if <num> is out of range, else returns True.
0130   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean Singularity (const Standard_Integer num,
0131                                                 Standard_Real& preci,
0132                                                 gp_Pnt& P3d,
0133                                                 gp_Pnt2d& firstP2d,
0134                                                 gp_Pnt2d& lastP2d,
0135                                                 Standard_Real& firstpar,
0136                                                 Standard_Real& lastpar,
0137                                                 Standard_Boolean& uisodeg);
0139   //! Returns True if there is at least one surface boundary which
0140   //! is considered as degenerated with <preci> and distance
0141   //! between P3d and corresponding singular point is less than
0142   //! <preci>
0143   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean IsDegenerated (const gp_Pnt& P3d, const Standard_Real preci);
0145   //! Returns True if there is at least one surface iso-line which
0146   //! is considered as degenerated with <preci> and distance
0147   //! between P3d and corresponding singular point is less than
0148   //! <preci> (like IsDegenerated).
0149   //! Returns characteristics of the first found boundary matching
0150   //! those criteria.
0151   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean DegeneratedValues (const gp_Pnt& P3d,
0152                                                       const Standard_Real preci,
0153                                                       gp_Pnt2d& firstP2d,
0154                                                       gp_Pnt2d& lastP2d,
0155                                                       Standard_Real& firstpar,
0156                                                       Standard_Real& lastpar,
0157                                                       const Standard_Boolean forward = Standard_True);
0159   //! Projects a point <P3d> on a singularity by computing
0160   //! one of the coordinates of preliminary computed <result>.
0161   //!
0162   //! Finds the iso-line which is considered as degenerated with
0163   //! <preci> and
0164   //! a. distance between P3d and corresponding singular point is
0165   //! less than <preci> (like IsDegenerated) or
0166   //! b. difference between already computed <result>'s coordinate
0167   //! and iso-coordinate of the boundary is less than 2D
0168   //! resolution (computed from <preci> by Geom_Adaptor).
0169   //! Then sets not yet computed <result>'s coordinate taking it
0170   //! from <neighbour> and returns True.
0171   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean ProjectDegenerated (const gp_Pnt& P3d,
0172                                                        const Standard_Real preci,
0173                                                        const gp_Pnt2d& neighbour,
0174                                                        gp_Pnt2d& result);
0176   //! Checks points at the beginning (direct is True) or end
0177   //! (direct is False) of array <points> to lie in singularity of
0178   //! surface, and if yes, adjusts the indeterminate 2d coordinate
0179   //! of these points by nearest point which is not in singularity.
0180   //! Returns True if some points were adjusted.
0181   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean ProjectDegenerated (const Standard_Integer nbrPnt,
0182                                                        const TColgp_SequenceOfPnt& points,
0183                                                        TColgp_SequenceOfPnt2d& pnt2d,
0184                                                        const Standard_Real preci, const Standard_Boolean direct);
0186   //! Returns True if straight pcurve going from point p2d1 to p2d2
0187   //! is degenerate, i.e. lies in the singularity of the surface.
0188   //! NOTE: it uses another method of detecting singularity than
0189   //! used by ComputeSingularities() et al.!
0190   //! For that, maximums of distances between points p2d1, p2d2
0191   //! and 0.5*(p2d1+p2d2) and between corresponding 3d points are
0192   //! computed.
0193   //! The pcurve (p2d1, p2d2) is considered as degenerate if:
0194   //! - max distance in 3d is less than <tol>
0195   //! - max distance in 2d is at least <ratio> times greater than
0196   //! the Resolution computed from max distance in 3d
0197   //! (max3d < tol && max2d > ratio * Resolution(max3d))
0198   //! NOTE: <ratio> should be >1 (e.g. 10)
0199   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean IsDegenerated (const gp_Pnt2d& p2d1,
0200                                                   const gp_Pnt2d& p2d2,
0201                                                   const Standard_Real tol,
0202                                                   const Standard_Real ratio);
0204   //! Returns the bounds of the surface
0205   //! (from Bounds from Surface, but buffered)
0206     void Bounds (Standard_Real& ufirst, Standard_Real& ulast,
0207                  Standard_Real& vfirst, Standard_Real& vlast) const;
0209   //! Computes bound isos (protected against exceptions)
0210   Standard_EXPORT void ComputeBoundIsos();
0212   //! Returns a U-Iso. Null if not possible or failed
0213   //! Remark : bound isos are buffered
0214   Standard_EXPORT Handle(Geom_Curve) UIso (const Standard_Real U);
0216   //! Returns a V-Iso. Null if not possible or failed
0217   //! Remark : bound isos are buffered
0218   Standard_EXPORT Handle(Geom_Curve) VIso (const Standard_Real V);
0220   //! Tells if the Surface is spatially closed in U with given
0221   //! precision. If <preci> < 0 then Precision::Confusion is used.
0222   //! If Geom_Surface says that the surface is U-closed, this method
0223   //! also says this. Otherwise additional analysis is performed,
0224   //! comparing given precision with the following distances:
0225   //! - periodic B-Splines are closed,
0226   //! - polinomial B-Spline with boundary multiplicities degree+1
0227   //! and Bezier - maximum distance between poles,
0228   //! - rational B-Spline or one with boundary multiplicities not
0229   //! degree+1 - maximum distance computed at knots and their
0230   //! middles,
0231   //! - surface of extrusion - distance between ends of basis
0232   //! curve,
0233   //! - other (RectangularTrimmed and Offset) - maximum distance
0234   //! computed at 100 equi-distanted points.
0235   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean IsUClosed (const Standard_Real preci = -1);
0237   //! Tells if the Surface is spatially closed in V with given
0238   //! precision. If <preci> < 0 then Precision::Confusion is used.
0239   //! If Geom_Surface says that the surface is V-closed, this method
0240   //! also says this. Otherwise additional analysis is performed,
0241   //! comparing given precision with the following distances:
0242   //! - periodic B-Splines are closed,
0243   //! - polinomial B-Spline with boundary multiplicities degree+1
0244   //! and Bezier - maximum distance between poles,
0245   //! - rational B-Spline or one with boundary multiplicities not
0246   //! degree+1 - maximum distance computed at knots and their
0247   //! middles,
0248   //! - surface of revolution - distance between ends of basis
0249   //! curve,
0250   //! - other (RectangularTrimmed and Offset) - maximum distance
0251   //! computed at 100 equi-distanted points.
0252   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean IsVClosed (const Standard_Real preci = -1);
0254   //! Computes the parameters in the surface parametrical space of
0255   //! 3D point.
0256   //! The result is parameters of the point projected onto the
0257   //! surface.
0258   //! This method enhances functionality provided by the standard
0259   //! tool GeomAPI_ProjectPointOnSurface by treatment of cases when
0260   //! the projected point is near to the surface boundaries and
0261   //! when this standard tool fails.
0262   Standard_EXPORT gp_Pnt2d ValueOfUV (const gp_Pnt& P3D, const Standard_Real preci);
0264   //! Projects a point P3D on the surface.
0265   //! Does the same thing as ValueOfUV but tries to optimize
0266   //! computations by taking into account previous point <p2dPrev>:
0267   //! makes a step by UV and tries Newton algorithm.
0268   //! If <maxpreci> >0. and distance between solution and
0269   //! P3D is greater than <maxpreci>, that solution is considered
0270   //! as bad, and ValueOfUV() is used.
0271   //! If not succeeded, calls ValueOfUV()
0272   Standard_EXPORT gp_Pnt2d NextValueOfUV (const gp_Pnt2d& p2dPrev,
0273                                           const gp_Pnt& P3D,
0274                                           const Standard_Real preci,
0275                                           const Standard_Real maxpreci = -1.0);
0277   //! Tries a refinement of an already computed couple (U,V) by
0278   //! using projecting 3D point on iso-lines:
0279   //! 1. boundaries of the surface,
0280   //! 2. iso-lines passing through (U,V)
0281   //! 3. iteratively received iso-lines passing through new U and
0282   //! new V (number of iterations is limited by 5 in each
0283   //! direction)
0284   //! Returns the best resulting distance between P3D and Value(U,V)
0285   //! in the case of success. Else, returns a very great value
0286   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Real UVFromIso (const gp_Pnt& P3D,
0287                                            const Standard_Real preci,
0288                                            Standard_Real& U,
0289                                            Standard_Real& V);
0291   //! Returns minimum value to consider the surface as U-closed
0292     Standard_Real UCloseVal() const;
0294   //! Returns minimum value to consider the surface as V-closed
0295     Standard_Real VCloseVal() const;
0297   Standard_EXPORT const Bnd_Box& GetBoxUF();
0299   Standard_EXPORT const Bnd_Box& GetBoxUL();
0301   Standard_EXPORT const Bnd_Box& GetBoxVF();
0303   Standard_EXPORT const Bnd_Box& GetBoxVL();
0308   DEFINE_STANDARD_RTTIEXT(ShapeAnalysis_Surface,Standard_Transient)
0310 protected:
0313   Handle(Geom_Surface) mySurf;
0314   Handle(GeomAdaptor_Surface) myAdSur;
0315   Extrema_ExtPS myExtPS;
0316   Standard_Boolean myExtOK;
0317   Standard_Integer myNbDeg;
0318   Standard_Real myPreci[4];
0319   gp_Pnt myP3d[4];
0320   gp_Pnt2d myFirstP2d[4];
0321   gp_Pnt2d myLastP2d[4];
0322   Standard_Real myFirstPar[4];
0323   Standard_Real myLastPar[4];
0324   Standard_Boolean myUIsoDeg[4];
0325   Standard_Boolean myIsos;
0326   Standard_Real myUF;
0327   Standard_Real myUL;
0328   Standard_Real myVF;
0329   Standard_Real myVL;
0330   Handle(Geom_Curve) myIsoUF;
0331   Handle(Geom_Curve) myIsoUL;
0332   Handle(Geom_Curve) myIsoVF;
0333   Handle(Geom_Curve) myIsoVL;
0334   Standard_Boolean myIsoBoxes;
0335   Bnd_Box myBndUF;
0336   Bnd_Box myBndUL;
0337   Bnd_Box myBndVF;
0338   Bnd_Box myBndVL;
0339   Standard_Real myGap;
0340   Standard_Real myUDelt;
0341   Standard_Real myVDelt;
0342   Standard_Real myUCloseVal;
0343   Standard_Real myVCloseVal;
0346 private:
0349   //! Computes singularities on the surface.
0350   //! Computes the sizes of boundaries or singular ares of the
0351   //! surface. Then each boundary or area is considered as
0352   //! degenerated with precision not less than its size.
0353   //!
0354   //! The singularities and corresponding precisions are the
0355   //! following:
0356   //! - ConicalSurface -  one degenerated point (apex of the cone),
0357   //! precision is 0.,
0358   //! - ToroidalSurface - two degenerated points, precision is
0359   //! Max (0, majorR-minorR),
0360   //! - SphericalSurface - two degenerated points (poles),
0361   //! precision is 0.
0362   //! - Bounded, Surface Of Revolution, Offset - four degenerated
0363   //! points, precisions are maximum distance between corners
0364   //! and middle point on the boundary
0365   Standard_EXPORT void ComputeSingularities();
0367   Standard_EXPORT void ComputeBoxes();
0369   //! @return 0, 1 or 2.
0370   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer SurfaceNewton (const gp_Pnt2d& p2dPrev,
0371                                                   const gp_Pnt& P3D,
0372                                                   const Standard_Real preci,
0373                                                   gp_Pnt2d& sol);
0375   Standard_EXPORT void SortSingularities();
0379 };
0382 #include <ShapeAnalysis_Surface.lxx>
0388 #endif // _ShapeAnalysis_Surface_HeaderFile