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0001 // Copyright (c) 2016 OPEN CASCADE SAS
0002 //
0003 // This file is part of Open CASCADE Technology software library.
0004 //
0005 // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
0006 // the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published
0007 // by the Free Software Foundation, with special exception defined in the file
0008 // OCCT_LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt. Consult the file LICENSE_LGPL_21.txt included in OCCT
0009 // distribution for complete text of the license and disclaimer of any warranty.
0010 //
0011 // Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of Open CASCADE
0012 // commercial license or contractual agreement.
0014 #ifndef _Quantity_ColorRGBA_HeaderFile
0015 #define _Quantity_ColorRGBA_HeaderFile
0017 #include <Quantity_Color.hxx>
0018 #include <Standard_Assert.hxx>
0020 //! The pair of Quantity_Color and Alpha component (1.0 opaque, 0.0 transparent).
0021 class Quantity_ColorRGBA
0022 {
0023 public:
0025   //! Creates a color with the default value.
0026   Quantity_ColorRGBA() : myAlpha (1.0f) {}
0028   //! Creates the color with specified RGB value.
0029   explicit Quantity_ColorRGBA (const Quantity_Color& theRgb)
0030   : myRgb (theRgb), myAlpha (1.0f)
0031   {}
0033   //! Creates the color with specified RGBA values.
0034   Quantity_ColorRGBA (const Quantity_Color& theRgb, float theAlpha)
0035   : myRgb (theRgb), myAlpha (theAlpha)
0036   {}
0038   //! Creates the color from RGBA vector.
0039   explicit Quantity_ColorRGBA (const NCollection_Vec4<float>& theRgba) 
0040   : myRgb (theRgba.rgb()), myAlpha (theRgba.a())
0041   {}
0043   //! Creates the color from RGBA values.
0044   Quantity_ColorRGBA (float theRed, float theGreen, float theBlue, float theAlpha)
0045   : myRgb (theRed, theGreen, theBlue, Quantity_TOC_RGB),
0046     myAlpha (theAlpha)
0047   {}
0049   //! Assign new values to the color.
0050   void SetValues (float theRed, float theGreen, float theBlue, float theAlpha)
0051   {
0052     myRgb.SetValues (theRed, theGreen, theBlue, Quantity_TOC_RGB);
0053     myAlpha = theAlpha;
0054   }
0056   //! Return RGB color value.
0057   const Quantity_Color& GetRGB() const { return myRgb; }
0059   //! Modify RGB color components without affecting alpha value.
0060   Quantity_Color& ChangeRGB() { return myRgb; }
0062   //! Assign RGB color components without affecting alpha value.
0063   void SetRGB (const Quantity_Color& theRgb) { myRgb = theRgb; }
0065   //! Return alpha value (1.0 means opaque, 0.0 means fully transparent).
0066   Standard_ShortReal Alpha() const { return myAlpha; }
0068   //! Assign the alpha value.
0069   void SetAlpha (const Standard_ShortReal theAlpha) { myAlpha = theAlpha; }
0071   //! Return the color as vector of 4 float elements.
0072   operator const NCollection_Vec4<float>&() const { return *(const NCollection_Vec4<float>* )this; }
0074   //! Returns true if the distance between colors is greater than Epsilon().
0075   bool IsDifferent (const Quantity_ColorRGBA& theOther) const
0076   {
0077     return myRgb.IsDifferent (theOther.GetRGB())
0078         || Abs(myAlpha - theOther.myAlpha) > (float )Quantity_Color::Epsilon();
0079   }
0081   //! Returns true if the distance between colors is greater than Epsilon().
0082   bool operator!= (const Quantity_ColorRGBA& theOther) const { return IsDifferent (theOther); }
0084   //! Two colors are considered to be equal if their distance is no greater than Epsilon().
0085   bool IsEqual (const Quantity_ColorRGBA& theOther) const
0086   {
0087     return myRgb.IsEqual (theOther.GetRGB())
0088         && Abs(myAlpha - theOther.myAlpha) <= (float )Quantity_Color::Epsilon();
0089   }
0091   //! Two colors are considered to be equal if their distance is no greater than Epsilon().
0092   bool operator== (const Quantity_ColorRGBA& theOther) const { return IsEqual (theOther); }
0094 public:
0096   //! Finds color from predefined names.
0097   //! For example, the name of the color which corresponds to "BLACK" is Quantity_NOC_BLACK.
0098   //! An alpha component is set to 1.0.
0099   //! @param theColorNameString the color name
0100   //! @param theColor a found color
0101   //! @return false if the color name is unknown, or true if the search by color name was successful
0102   static Standard_Boolean ColorFromName (const Standard_CString theColorNameString, Quantity_ColorRGBA& theColor)
0103   {
0104     Quantity_ColorRGBA aColor;
0105     if (!Quantity_Color::ColorFromName (theColorNameString, aColor.ChangeRGB()))
0106     {
0107       return false;
0108     }
0109     theColor = aColor;
0110     return true;
0111   }
0113   //! Parses the string as a hex color (like "#FF0" for short sRGB color, "#FF0F" for short sRGBA color,
0114   //! "#FFFF00" for RGB color, or "#FFFF00FF" for RGBA color)
0115   //! @param theHexColorString the string to be parsed
0116   //! @param theColor a color that is a result of parsing
0117   //! @param theAlphaComponentIsOff the flag that indicates if a color alpha component is presented
0118   //! in the input string (false) or not (true)
0119   //! @return true if parsing was successful, or false otherwise
0120   Standard_EXPORT static bool ColorFromHex (const char* const   theHexColorString,
0121                                             Quantity_ColorRGBA& theColor,
0122                                             const bool          theAlphaComponentIsOff = false);
0124   //! Returns hex sRGBA string in format "#RRGGBBAA".
0125   static TCollection_AsciiString ColorToHex (const Quantity_ColorRGBA& theColor,
0126                                              const bool theToPrefixHash = true)
0127   {
0128     NCollection_Vec4<Standard_ShortReal> anSRgb = Convert_LinearRGB_To_sRGB ((NCollection_Vec4<Standard_ShortReal> )theColor);
0129     NCollection_Vec4<Standard_Integer> anSRgbInt (anSRgb * 255.0f + NCollection_Vec4<Standard_ShortReal> (0.5f));
0130     char aBuff[12];
0131     Sprintf (aBuff, theToPrefixHash ? "#%02X%02X%02X%02X" : "%02X%02X%02X%02X",
0132              anSRgbInt.r(), anSRgbInt.g(), anSRgbInt.b(), anSRgbInt.a());
0133     return aBuff;
0134   }
0136 public:
0138   //! Convert linear RGB components into sRGB using OpenGL specs formula.
0139   static NCollection_Vec4<float> Convert_LinearRGB_To_sRGB (const NCollection_Vec4<float>& theRGB)
0140   {
0141     return NCollection_Vec4<float> (Quantity_Color::Convert_LinearRGB_To_sRGB (theRGB.r()),
0142                                     Quantity_Color::Convert_LinearRGB_To_sRGB (theRGB.g()),
0143                                     Quantity_Color::Convert_LinearRGB_To_sRGB (theRGB.b()),
0144                                     theRGB.a());
0145   }
0147   //! Convert sRGB components into linear RGB using OpenGL specs formula.
0148   static NCollection_Vec4<float> Convert_sRGB_To_LinearRGB (const NCollection_Vec4<float>& theRGB)
0149   {
0150     return NCollection_Vec4<float> (Quantity_Color::Convert_sRGB_To_LinearRGB (theRGB.r()),
0151                                     Quantity_Color::Convert_sRGB_To_LinearRGB (theRGB.g()),
0152                                     Quantity_Color::Convert_sRGB_To_LinearRGB (theRGB.b()),
0153                                     theRGB.a());
0154   }
0156 public:
0158   //! Dumps the content of me into the stream
0159   Standard_EXPORT void DumpJson (Standard_OStream& theOStream, Standard_Integer theDepth = -1) const;
0161   //! Inits the content of me from the stream
0162   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean InitFromJson (const Standard_SStream& theSStream, Standard_Integer& theStreamPos);
0164 private:
0166   static void myTestSize3() { Standard_STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof(float) * 3 == sizeof(Quantity_Color)); }
0167   static void myTestSize4() { Standard_STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof(float) * 4 == sizeof(Quantity_ColorRGBA)); }
0169 private:
0171   Quantity_Color     myRgb;
0172   Standard_ShortReal myAlpha;
0174 };
0176 namespace std
0177 {
0178   template <>
0179   struct hash<Quantity_ColorRGBA>
0180   {
0181     std::size_t operator()(const Quantity_ColorRGBA& theColor) const noexcept
0182     {
0183       const Quantity_Color& anRGB = theColor.GetRGB();
0184       unsigned char aByteArr[4] = { static_cast<unsigned char>(100 * theColor.Alpha()),
0185                                     static_cast<unsigned char>(255 * anRGB.Red()),
0186                                     static_cast<unsigned char>(255 * anRGB.Green()),
0187                                     static_cast<unsigned char>(255 * anRGB.Blue()) };
0188       return opencascade::hashBytes(aByteArr, sizeof(aByteArr));
0189     }
0190   };
0191 }
0192 #endif // _Quantity_ColorRGBA_HeaderFile