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0001 // Copyright (c) 1999-2013 OPEN CASCADE SAS
0002 //
0003 // This file is part of Open CASCADE Technology software library.
0004 //
0005 // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
0006 // the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published
0007 // by the Free Software Foundation, with special exception defined in the file
0008 // OCCT_LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt. Consult the file LICENSE_LGPL_21.txt included in OCCT
0009 // distribution for complete text of the license and disclaimer of any warranty.
0010 //
0011 // Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of Open CASCADE
0012 // commercial license or contractual agreement.
0014 #ifndef _PrsDim_LengthDimension_HeaderFile
0015 #define _PrsDim_LengthDimension_HeaderFile
0017 #include <PrsDim_Dimension.hxx>
0018 #include <Geom_Plane.hxx>
0019 #include <gp_Pnt.hxx>
0020 #include <gp_Dir.hxx>
0021 #include <Prs3d_DimensionAspect.hxx>
0022 #include <TopoDS.hxx>
0024 DEFINE_STANDARD_HANDLE (PrsDim_LengthDimension, PrsDim_Dimension)
0026 //! Length dimension. Can be constructed:
0027 //! - Between two generic points.
0028 //! - Between two vertices.
0029 //! - Between two faces.
0030 //! - Between two parallel edges.
0031 //! - Between face and edge.
0032 //!
0033 //! In case of two points (vertices) or one linear edge the user-defined plane
0034 //! that includes this geometry is necessary to be set.
0035 //!
0036 //! In case of face-edge, edge-vertex or face-face lengths the automatic plane
0037 //! computing is allowed. For this plane the third point is found on the
0038 //! edge or on the face.
0039 //!
0040 //! Please note that if the inappropriate geometry is defined
0041 //! or the distance between measured points is less than
0042 //! Precision::Confusion(), the dimension is invalid and its
0043 //! presentation can not be computed.
0044 class PrsDim_LengthDimension : public PrsDim_Dimension
0045 {
0046   DEFINE_STANDARD_RTTIEXT(PrsDim_LengthDimension, PrsDim_Dimension)
0047 public:
0049   //! Construct an empty length dimension.
0050   //! @sa SetMeasuredGeometry(), SetMeasuredShapes() for initialization.
0051   Standard_EXPORT PrsDim_LengthDimension();
0053   //! Construct length dimension between face and edge.
0054   //! Here dimension can be built without user-defined plane.
0055   //! @param theFace [in] the face (first shape).
0056   //! @param theEdge [in] the edge (second shape).
0057   Standard_EXPORT PrsDim_LengthDimension (const TopoDS_Face& theFace,
0058                                           const TopoDS_Edge& theEdge);
0060   //! Construct length dimension between two faces.
0061   //! @param theFirstFace [in] the first face (first shape).
0062   //! @param theSecondFace [in] the second face (second shape).
0063   Standard_EXPORT PrsDim_LengthDimension (const TopoDS_Face& theFirstFace,
0064                                           const TopoDS_Face& theSecondFace);
0066   //! Construct length dimension between two points in
0067   //! the specified plane.
0068   //! @param theFirstPoint [in] the first point.
0069   //! @param theSecondPoint [in] the second point.
0070   //! @param thePlane [in] the plane to orient dimension.
0071   Standard_EXPORT PrsDim_LengthDimension (const gp_Pnt& theFirstPoint,
0072                                           const gp_Pnt& theSecondPoint,
0073                                           const gp_Pln& thePlane);
0075   //! Construct length dimension between two arbitrary shapes in
0076   //! the specified plane.
0077   //! @param theFirstShape [in] the first shape.
0078   //! @param theSecondShape [in] the second shape.
0079   //! @param thePlane [in] the plane to orient dimension.
0080   Standard_EXPORT PrsDim_LengthDimension (const TopoDS_Shape& theFirstShape,
0081                                           const TopoDS_Shape& theSecondShape,
0082                                           const gp_Pln& thePlane);
0084   //! Construct length dimension of linear edge.
0085   //! @param theEdge [in] the edge to measure.
0086   //! @param thePlane [in] the plane to orient dimension.
0087   Standard_EXPORT PrsDim_LengthDimension (const TopoDS_Edge& theEdge,
0088                                           const gp_Pln& thePlane);
0090 public:
0092   //! @return first attachment point.
0093   const gp_Pnt& FirstPoint() const { return myFirstPoint; }
0095   //! @return second attachment point.
0096   const gp_Pnt& SecondPoint() const { return mySecondPoint; }
0098   //! @return first attachment shape.
0099   const TopoDS_Shape& FirstShape() const { return myFirstShape; }
0101   //! @return second attachment shape.
0102   const TopoDS_Shape& SecondShape() const { return mySecondShape; }
0104 public:
0106   //! Measure distance between two points.
0107   //! The dimension will become invalid if the new distance between
0108   //! attachment points is less than Precision::Confusion().
0109   //! @param theFirstPoint [in] the first point.
0110   //! @param theSecondPoint [in] the second point.
0111   //! @param thePlane [in] the user-defined plane
0112   Standard_EXPORT void SetMeasuredGeometry (const gp_Pnt& theFirstPoint,
0113                                             const gp_Pnt& theSecondPoint,
0114                                             const gp_Pln& thePlane);
0116   //! Measure length of edge.
0117   //! The dimension will become invalid if the new length of edge
0118   //! is less than Precision::Confusion().
0119   //! @param theEdge [in] the edge to measure.
0120   //! @param thePlane [in] the user-defined plane
0121   Standard_EXPORT void SetMeasuredGeometry (const TopoDS_Edge& theEdge,
0122                                             const gp_Pln& thePlane);
0124   //! Measure distance between two faces.
0125   //! The dimension will become invalid if the distance can not
0126   //! be measured or it is less than Precision::Confusion().
0127   //! @param theFirstFace [in] the first face (first shape).
0128   //! @param theSecondFace [in] the second face (second shape).
0129   Standard_EXPORT void SetMeasuredGeometry (const TopoDS_Face& theFirstFace,
0130                                             const TopoDS_Face& theSecondFace);
0132   //! Measure distance between face and edge.
0133   //! The dimension will become invalid if the distance can not
0134   //! be measured or it is less than Precision::Confusion().
0135   //! @param theFace [in] the face (first shape).
0136   //! @param theEdge [in] the edge (second shape).
0137   Standard_EXPORT void SetMeasuredGeometry (const TopoDS_Face& theFace,
0138                                             const TopoDS_Edge& theEdge);
0140   //! Measure distance between generic pair of shapes (edges, vertices, length),
0141   //! where measuring is applicable.
0142   //! @param theFirstShape [in] the first shape.
0143   //! @param theSecondShape [in] the second shape.
0144   Standard_EXPORT void SetMeasuredShapes (const TopoDS_Shape& theFirstShape,
0145                                           const TopoDS_Shape& theSecondShape);
0147   //! @return the display units string.
0148   Standard_EXPORT virtual const TCollection_AsciiString& GetDisplayUnits() const Standard_OVERRIDE;
0150   //! @return the model units string.
0151   Standard_EXPORT virtual const TCollection_AsciiString& GetModelUnits() const Standard_OVERRIDE;
0153   Standard_EXPORT virtual void SetDisplayUnits (const TCollection_AsciiString& theUnits) Standard_OVERRIDE;
0155   Standard_EXPORT virtual void SetModelUnits (const TCollection_AsciiString& theUnits) Standard_OVERRIDE;
0157   Standard_EXPORT virtual void SetTextPosition (const gp_Pnt& theTextPos) Standard_OVERRIDE;
0159   Standard_EXPORT virtual gp_Pnt GetTextPosition() const Standard_OVERRIDE;
0161   //! Set custom direction for dimension. If it is not set, the direction is obtained
0162   //! from the measured geometry (e.g. line between points of dimension)
0163   //! The direction does not change flyout direction of dimension.
0164   //! @param theDirection [in] the dimension direction.
0165   //! @param theUseDirection [in] boolean value if custom direction should be used.
0166   Standard_EXPORT void SetDirection (const gp_Dir& theDirection, const Standard_Boolean theUseDirection = Standard_True);
0168 protected:
0170   //! Checks if the plane includes first and second points to build dimension.
0171   Standard_EXPORT virtual Standard_Boolean CheckPlane (const gp_Pln& thePlane) const Standard_OVERRIDE;
0173   Standard_EXPORT virtual gp_Pln ComputePlane(const gp_Dir& theAttachDir) const;
0175   //! Computes distance between dimension points. If custom direction is defined, the distance
0176   //! is a projection value of the distance between points to this direction
0177   //! @return dimension value
0178   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Real ComputeValue() const Standard_OVERRIDE;
0180   Standard_EXPORT virtual void Compute (const Handle(PrsMgr_PresentationManager)& thePresentationManager,
0181                                         const Handle(Prs3d_Presentation)& thePresentation,
0182                                         const Standard_Integer theMode = 0) Standard_OVERRIDE;
0184   //! Computes points bounded the flyout line for linear dimension.
0185   //! Direction of flyout line equal to the custom direction of dimension if defined or
0186   //! parallel to the main direction line
0187   //! @param theFirstPoint [in] the first attach point of linear dimension.
0188   //! @param theSecondPoint [in] the second attach point of linear dimension.
0189   //! @param theLineBegPoint [out] the first attach point of linear dimension.
0190   //! @param theLineEndPoint [out] the second attach point of linear dimension.
0191   Standard_EXPORT virtual void ComputeFlyoutLinePoints (const gp_Pnt& theFirstPoint, const gp_Pnt& theSecondPoint,
0192                                                         gp_Pnt& theLineBegPoint, gp_Pnt& theLineEndPoint) Standard_OVERRIDE;
0194   Standard_EXPORT virtual void ComputeFlyoutSelection (const Handle(SelectMgr_Selection)& theSelection,
0195                                                        const Handle(SelectMgr_EntityOwner)& theEntityOwner) Standard_OVERRIDE;
0197 protected:
0199   //! Checks that distance between two points is valid.
0200   //! @param theFirstPoint [in] the first point.
0201   //! @param theSecondPoint [in] the second point.
0202   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean IsValidPoints (const gp_Pnt& theFirstPoint,
0203                                                   const gp_Pnt& theSecondPoint) const;
0205   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean InitTwoEdgesLength (const TopoDS_Edge & theFirstEdge,
0206                                                        const TopoDS_Edge& theSecondEdge,
0207                                                        gp_Dir& theEdgeDir);
0209   //! Auxiliary method for InitTwoShapesPoints()
0210   //! in case of the distance between edge and vertex.
0211   //! Finds the point on the edge that is the closest one to <theVertex>.
0212   //! @param theEdgeDir [out] is the direction on the edge to build automatic plane.
0213   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean InitEdgeVertexLength (const TopoDS_Edge& theEdge,
0214                                                          const TopoDS_Vertex& theVertex,
0215                                                          gp_Dir& theEdgeDir,
0216                                                          Standard_Boolean isInfinite);
0218   //! Auxiliary method for InitTwoShapesPoints()
0219   //! in case of the distance between face and edge.
0220   //! The first attachment point is first parameter point from <theEdge>.
0221   //! Find the second attachment point which belongs to <theFace>
0222   //! Iterate over the edges of the face and find the closest point according
0223   //! to found point on edge.
0224   //! @param theEdgeDir [out] is the direction on the edge to build automatic plane.
0225   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean InitEdgeFaceLength (const TopoDS_Edge& theEdge,
0226                                                        const TopoDS_Face& theFace,
0227                                                        gp_Dir& theEdgeDir);
0229   //! Initialization of two attach points in case of two owner shapes.
0230   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean InitTwoShapesPoints (const TopoDS_Shape& theFirstShape,
0231                                                         const TopoDS_Shape& theSecondShape,
0232                                                         gp_Pln& theComputedPlane,
0233                                                         Standard_Boolean& theIsPlaneComputed);
0235   //! Initialization of two attach points in case of one owner shape.
0236   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean InitOneShapePoints (const TopoDS_Shape& theShape);
0238 protected:
0240   gp_Pnt myFirstPoint;
0241   gp_Pnt mySecondPoint;
0242   TopoDS_Shape myFirstShape;
0243   TopoDS_Shape mySecondShape;
0244   gp_Dir myDirection;
0245   Standard_Boolean myHasCustomDirection;
0246 };
0248 #endif // _PrsDim_LengthDimension_HeaderFile