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0001 // Created on: 1995-03-06
0002 // Created by: Laurent PAINNOT
0003 // Copyright (c) 1995-1999 Matra Datavision
0004 // Copyright (c) 1999-2014 OPEN CASCADE SAS
0005 //
0006 // This file is part of Open CASCADE Technology software library.
0007 //
0008 // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
0009 // the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published
0010 // by the Free Software Foundation, with special exception defined in the file
0011 // OCCT_LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt. Consult the file LICENSE_LGPL_21.txt included in OCCT
0012 // distribution for complete text of the license and disclaimer of any warranty.
0013 //
0014 // Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of Open CASCADE
0015 // commercial license or contractual agreement.
0017 #ifndef _Poly_HeaderFile
0018 #define _Poly_HeaderFile
0020 #include <Standard.hxx>
0021 #include <Standard_DefineAlloc.hxx>
0022 #include <Standard_Handle.hxx>
0023 #include <Poly_ListOfTriangulation.hxx>
0024 #include <Standard_OStream.hxx>
0025 #include <Standard_Boolean.hxx>
0026 #include <Standard_IStream.hxx>
0027 #include <Standard_Real.hxx>
0028 #include <TColgp_SequenceOfPnt2d.hxx>
0030 class Poly_Triangulation;
0031 class Poly_Polygon3D;
0032 class Poly_Polygon2D;
0033 class Poly_Triangle;
0036 //! This  package  provides  classes  and services  to
0037 //! handle :
0038 //!
0039 //! * 3D triangular polyhedrons.
0040 //!
0041 //! * 3D polygons.
0042 //!
0043 //! * 2D polygon.
0044 //!
0045 //! * Tools to dump, save and restore those objects.
0046 class Poly 
0047 {
0048 public:
0053   //! Computes and  stores  the    link from   nodes  to
0054   //! triangles     and from triangles to   neighbouring
0055   //! triangles.
0056   //! This tool is obsolete, replaced by Poly_CoherentTriangulation
0057   //! Algorithm to make minimal loops in a graph
0058   //! Join several triangulations to one new triangulation object.
0059   //! The new triangulation is just a mechanical sum of input
0060   //! triangulations, without node sharing. UV coordinates are
0061   //! dropped in the result.
0062   Standard_EXPORT static Handle(Poly_Triangulation) Catenate (const Poly_ListOfTriangulation& lstTri);
0064   //! Writes the content of the triangulation <T> on the
0065   //! stream <OS>. If <Compact> is true this is a "save"
0066   //! format  intended  to  be read back   with the Read
0067   //! method. If compact is False  it is a "Dump" format
0068   //! intended to be informative.
0069   Standard_EXPORT static void Write (const Handle(Poly_Triangulation)& T, Standard_OStream& OS, const Standard_Boolean Compact = Standard_True);
0071   //! Writes  the  content  of the 3D polygon <P> on the
0072   //! stream <OS>. If <Compact> is true this is a "save"
0073   //! format  intended  to  be read back   with the Read
0074   //! method. If compact is False  it is a "Dump" format
0075   //! intended to be informative.
0076   Standard_EXPORT static void Write (const Handle(Poly_Polygon3D)& P, Standard_OStream& OS, const Standard_Boolean Compact = Standard_True);
0078   //! Writes the  content  of the 2D polygon  <P> on the
0079   //! stream <OS>. If <Compact> is true this is a "save"
0080   //! format  intended  to  be read back   with the Read
0081   //! method. If compact is False  it is a "Dump" format
0082   //! intended to be informative.
0083   Standard_EXPORT static void Write (const Handle(Poly_Polygon2D)& P, Standard_OStream& OS, const Standard_Boolean Compact = Standard_True);
0085   //! Dumps  the triangulation.  This   is a call to  the
0086   //! previous method with Comapct set to False.
0087   Standard_EXPORT static void Dump (const Handle(Poly_Triangulation)& T, Standard_OStream& OS);
0089   //! Dumps  the  3D  polygon.  This   is a call to  the
0090   //! previous method with Comapct set to False.
0091   Standard_EXPORT static void Dump (const Handle(Poly_Polygon3D)& P, Standard_OStream& OS);
0093   //! Dumps  the  2D  polygon.  This   is a call to  the
0094   //! previous method with Comapct set to False.
0095   Standard_EXPORT static void Dump (const Handle(Poly_Polygon2D)& P, Standard_OStream& OS);
0097   //! Reads a triangulation from the stream <IS>.
0098   Standard_EXPORT static Handle(Poly_Triangulation) ReadTriangulation (Standard_IStream& IS);
0100   //! Reads a 3d polygon from the stream <IS>.
0101   Standard_EXPORT static Handle(Poly_Polygon3D) ReadPolygon3D (Standard_IStream& IS);
0103   //! Reads a 2D polygon from the stream <IS>.
0104   Standard_EXPORT static Handle(Poly_Polygon2D) ReadPolygon2D (Standard_IStream& IS);
0106   //! Compute node normals for face triangulation
0107   //! as mean normal of surrounding triangles
0108   Standard_EXPORT static void ComputeNormals (const Handle(Poly_Triangulation)& Tri);
0110   //! Computes parameters of the point P on triangle
0111   //! defined by points P1, P2, and P3, in 2d.
0112   //! The parameters U and V are defined so that
0113   //! P = P1 + U * (P2 - P1) + V * (P3 - P1),
0114   //! with U >= 0, V >= 0, U + V <= 1.
0115   //! If P is located outside of triangle, or triangle
0116   //! is degenerated, the returned parameters correspond
0117   //! to closest point, and returned value is square of
0118   //! the distance from original point to triangle (0 if
0119   //! point is inside).
0120   Standard_EXPORT static Standard_Real PointOnTriangle (const gp_XY& P1, const gp_XY& P2, const gp_XY& P3, const gp_XY& P, gp_XY& UV);
0122   //! Computes the intersection between axis and triangulation.
0123   //! @param theTri  [in] input triangulation
0124   //! @param theAxis [in] intersecting ray
0125   //! @param theIsClosest [in] finds the closest intersection when TRUE, finds the farthest otherwise
0126   //! @param theTriangle [out] intersected triangle
0127   //! @param theDistance [out] distance along ray to intersection point
0128   //! @return TRUE if intersection takes place, FALSE otherwise.
0129   Standard_EXPORT static Standard_Boolean Intersect (const Handle(Poly_Triangulation)& theTri,
0130                                                      const gp_Ax1& theAxis,
0131                                                      const Standard_Boolean theIsClosest,
0132                                                      Poly_Triangle& theTriangle,
0133                                                      Standard_Real& theDistance);
0135   //! Computes the intersection between a triangle defined by three vertexes and a line.
0136   //! @param theStart [in] picking ray origin
0137   //! @param theDir   [in] picking ray direction
0138   //! @param theV0    [in] first triangle node
0139   //! @param theV1    [in] second triangle node
0140   //! @param theV2    [in] third triangle node
0141   //! @param theParam [out] param on line of the intersection point
0142   //! @return 1 if intersection was found, 0 otherwise.
0143   Standard_EXPORT static Standard_Integer IntersectTriLine  (const gp_XYZ& theStart,
0144                                                              const gp_Dir& theDir,
0145                                                              const gp_XYZ& theV0,
0146                                                              const gp_XYZ& theV1,
0147                                                              const gp_XYZ& theV2,
0148                                                              Standard_Real& theParam);
0150   //! Returns area and perimeter of 2D-polygon given by its vertices.
0151   //! theArea will be negative if the polygon is bypassed clockwise
0152   //! and will be positive, otherwise. thePerimeter will always be positive.
0153   //!
0154   //! ATTENTION!!!
0155   //! The container theSeqPnts of 2D-points gp_Pnt2d must have definition
0156   //! for following methods: Length(), Lower(), Upper() and Value(Standard_Integer)
0157   //! (e.g. it can be either NCollection_Sequence<gp_Pnt2d> or
0158   //! NCollection_Array1<gp_Pnt2d>).
0159   template <class TypeSequencePnts>
0160   Standard_EXPORT static
0161     Standard_Boolean PolygonProperties(const TypeSequencePnts& theSeqPnts,
0162                                        Standard_Real& theArea,
0163                                        Standard_Real& thePerimeter)
0164   {
0165     if (theSeqPnts.Length() < 2)
0166     {
0167       theArea = thePerimeter = 0.0;
0168       return Standard_True;
0169     }
0171     Standard_Integer aStartIndex = theSeqPnts.Lower();
0172     const gp_XY &aRefPnt = theSeqPnts.Value(aStartIndex++).XY();
0173     gp_XY aPrevPt = theSeqPnts.Value(aStartIndex++).XY() - aRefPnt, aCurrPt;
0175     theArea = 0.0;
0176     thePerimeter = aPrevPt.Modulus();
0178     for (Standard_Integer i = aStartIndex; i <= theSeqPnts.Upper(); i++)
0179     {
0180       aCurrPt = theSeqPnts.Value(i).XY() - aRefPnt;
0181       const Standard_Real aDelta = aPrevPt.Crossed(aCurrPt);
0183       theArea += aDelta;
0184       thePerimeter += (aPrevPt - aCurrPt).Modulus();
0185       aPrevPt = aCurrPt;
0186     }
0188     thePerimeter += aPrevPt.Modulus();
0189     theArea *= 0.5;
0190     return Standard_True;
0191   }
0193 };
0195 #endif // _Poly_HeaderFile